Chpt 5: Outside
Your Prov:
I woke on a cold floor, water dripping from the ceiling. Mark was cuddled next to me. I could feel his chest rising up and down. I smiled. I love having him here. My stomach growled. Welp maybe there's food in the kitchen. I quietly tiptoed to the kitchen. I found some Cheez-it's.
"Well that's not a proper breakfast (y/n)"
Dark.Alright don't speak. I shrugged. He growled and snatched the box away. I sneered.
"No food for the mute.."
My eye twitched. I've been called that too many times. That's it. I laughed and sat on the couch. I could tell that's not what he expected. My stomach growled again.Shit..
"Hungry mute?" I shook my head.
I smirked. While he was distracted, I stole them and scurried back to Mark. He had already woken up by then. I handed him some Cheez-it's.
"Morning love" I chuckled and munched on the crackers.
After an hour Dark decided/or finally remembered that we could leave. He led Mark to the bathroom. For what. Who knows. Dark then led me to the back door of the house. I realized I haven't really seen that much of the house. Mostly grey walls and some photo's. Blood spatters.Rotten floorboards. A door with an green eyeball on it.Must be Anti's. And a giant staircase leading to the back yard. The outside wasn't much better. The sky was dark and damp. Dead roses bushes every where. They had turned black from dehydration.
"Ok we're gonna play some dodge ball."
"Well I'm gonna need some clothes Dark."
"Why. The one's you're wearing are fine." I raised my eyebrows. I looked down. My clothes were tattered and torn. Mostly from that whip.
"Ok here."
He snapped his fingers.A black crop top with a pixelated D(The letter), cut off shorts, and sneakers with studs.
"Not bad I'll be right back."
I walked to the back door to the rest room. Mark had changed too.
^3^Time skip to when you're done ^3^
"Dark?" I called out for him.
"Over here by the bushes."
I walked out to see Anti and Dark talking to someone.
"Hi Anti."
"Hey Gorgeous..." He grabbed my waist and kissed my cheeck. His spit is acid so it stung like hell. He was holding on so tightly. I flinched at his touch. I pushed him off of me. Some slime was dripping from his eye and it got on my face.
"Eww..Fuck off Anti" I wiped it off.
"(Y/n) I want you to meet some friends of mine."
His hand gestured towards to two girls. One was a bit paler and taller than the other.The girl on the left was the first one I noticed. She had black hair in a ponytail, leather jacket, lip piercings. The most noticeable feature was her eyes. They were blue but the irises weren't black. One had stars and the other had a moon.
"Hey.What's up. I'm Mazia" She didn't speak normal. It was distorted and she spoke in bits and pieces.
"Hey." The girl on the right was much different than Mazia. She had dark brown hair but in the faintest light we had it shimmered red. She was a short flowery dress and white flats. Hers eyes were different too. One was kinda normal. White on the edges but instead of color it was completely black. The other was white and lilac. Her irises were also white. She had a red flower crown and red lipstick.
"Hey." I waved. She shyly waved back.
"Why isn't she talking."I asked Mazia who was staring at Anti.
"Huh..Oh. She's. A. Mute.."
"By choice or by force?"Anger bubbled inside
"By.choice. She. Was. Always. Shy."
"What's her name?"
"InsAsezi. "InsAsezi was gripping tightly on Mazia's jacket.
"Ugh. Let. Go. InsAsezi. You're. Pestering. Me." She scowled and let go. Then she walked up to me and held on the me. I didn't mind. She's alright in my book.
"Alright, is everbody here?" Dark asked interrupting us.
"One more." Mark jogged over to where we were. Dark rolled his eyes.
"Dark, I'm going to tell you I told Mark. Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll find a brain back there." InsAsezi laughed? It was kinda like cough but she smiled.Dark glared at me. I gave him a big goofy smile and stuck out my tongue.
"Okay well anyways , Can we start now? Is everyone ready?" We all nodded our heads.
"Finally let's go."He said exasperated. We all started walking toward the giant yard near the forest close to the house.
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