Chpt 13: Dimesions
Eternity's Prov:
"Time to get out of here."
I grumbled walking down the hall walking outside. I had a large leather backpack with various appendages and such stuffed with food and medical supplies. And of course my blade. But I don't mean a normal blade. No. A razor blade. See there are thousands upon thousands of voices that repeatedly telling (y/n) to hurt herself so the pain would fade again. That this world would cease to exist. That she could go home.. but it doesn't work that way. But she doesn't believe me. And those voices won't stop. Unless I paint a pretty picture on her wrists or thighs. This time she asks for the deepest cut I could do on her wrist. I didn't mind. Hell. If she dies I leave. I pulled out the death wish in disguise and slowly dragged it against her wrist already bruised and scarred. Blood dripped gently down (y/n)'s arm falling to the floor. Oh shit... I feel dizy. Black and white spot filled my vision as darkness took over.
Your Prov:
YES I DID IT!! I better clean my arms. I can't believe it worked. I found a rusty old water hole and rised off.
"Eternity? It's like five in the morning. Come back inside."
"(Y/n)?" I nodded. Dark came running up to me hugging me.
"I can't believe it.. How?"
"Ok so I figured out the only reason Eternity took over was because I was unconscious. All I had to do was make her unconscious then Boom! I'm back. And it worked."
"I'm so happy you're back. I missed you.." Dark held my hand and whispered, " Check this out." Wings made of dark smoke sprouted from his back, sprinkling ash behind him.
"Wanna fly with me?"
"I don't have wings Dark." He smirked hold a small blue glowing ball in his hand and gently tapped my back.
Dark's Prov:
(Y/n)'s eyes glowed a baby blue with her (h/c) (h/l) hair flowing loosely behind her. The wings I gave her the ability to mend water since they themselves are water. (Y/n) leaned her head back closing her eyes the opened them again. She blinked, her eyes returning back to (e/c). The wings lifted her on the ground and she quickly grabbed my hand so she doesn't fly away.
"Ready?" She nodded.
I braced myself then jumped making us soar through the early sky. The sun was barely rising, it was beatiful. I held both of (y/n)'s hands making us spin around, leaving a trail of ash and water behind us.
"This is amazing Dark! HaHa!!" I laughed a bit too. It was absolutely adorable. She let go spinning around by herself. The sun reflected off her wings making them look golden. I smiled.
"Let's go wake the others" I nodded. We walked back inside the house after I took back the water wings I gave to (y/n). I walked to InsAsezi's room. It was a small room with flowers falling for the roof and the room painted a soft pastel pink. She had white carpet and a small stack of book piled on a worn down dresser. I walked over to her tapping her lightly. After a minute of tapping she finally woke up.
"Yeah Dark?"
"Come on we have to get ready to go to the other dimension." She rubbed her sleepy eyes, grabbed her flower crown and laided it on her messy hair.
"Fine, now shoo. I have to dressed" I walked out closing the door behind me. Then I walked up to the attic to Anti's room. Then roof was tilted at angle. One table against the wall was covered in Cd and in the center was the Cd player. His bed was pressed against the wall, green and black comforters. Clothes scattered and beer cups. And a small round window letting in some light. I rubbed the brigde of nose. What a mess. I walked up to Anti, carefully avoiding all his dirty clothes violently shaking him awake.
"What Dark?"
"Get up we're leaving."
"All of us. Come on." He groaned rolling off the bed. I rolled my eyes walking out. " And hurry up Anti. Don't take forever."
Last but not least, Google. He technically didn't have a room he had a large tube-like thing where he recharged. I pressed a button on side making Google lift his head, with the loading circle in his eyes.
"Yes Dark?"
"Are you fully charged? "
"100% charged."
"Ok follow me."
Me and Google walked back to kitchen where we saw InsAsezi, Mazia, Jack, and Mark. (Y/n) was there too but she was cooking.
"Where's Anti?" Anti walked in with a white tanktop and his boxers.
"*burp* Top of the morning to ya~" InsAsezi growled as Anti sat next to her.
"Anti, Can you put on some clothes please?"
InsAsezi asked politely. Anti glared and went back to drinking his orange juice. InsAsezi's eyes glowed lilac. She stood up lifting Anti in air and with a flicked of her wrists threw him up through the ceiling to attic. You could hear his groans from down here.
"Sorry. I can't stand his stubborness." Google sat down next to InsAsezi. She went bright red as he scooted closer.
"Are you alright InsAsezi? You're heartrate went up as well as your body temperature." He pressed his hand against her forehead. She swatted him away.
"P-please stop Google..."
"Would a hug make you feel better?"
"Um Google I don't think-" He got out of his seat lifting InsAsezi up which is funny cause she's a bit taller than him. And a year older. She returned the hug after a moment.
"Alright while these two cuddle their problems away, How about we talk about how were gonna all of you into One portal?"
"Well how about some of us stay behind?" (Y/n) suggested as she placed a large plate of eggs and bacon on the table.
"Well I can make myself pocketsize." Google spoke up. After a few moments Google wasn't much bigger than my pinkie. InsAsezi held her hand out and Google walked on. She lifted him to her shoulder and he sat down kicking his legs slightly.
Mazia kicked her feet up chugging orange juice. Mark and Jack were devouring the breakfast (y/n) made and I was tapping my finger on the table waiting for anwer. Anti came back down dressed in a hoodie and some ripped jeans.
"InsAsezi you're fixing my room" He growled in deep voice. "And give me back my eye." He wiped some ooze from his missing eyes. She scoffed tossing the septic tank at Anti. He stumbled but he caught. He took it out and popped it back in place. Mark and Jack squirmed around.
"Anti can't ya see we're foockin eating?" Jack asked disgusted. Anti grinned, walking around the table flicking Jack's nose. He slumped next to Mazia who scooted over when Anti sat down. Anti smirked, picked up Mazia, and placed her in his lap.
"Anti. Put. Me. Down."
"Come on. My lap is much comfortier than that seat."
"Fine." She crossed her arms but she was smiling.
"Come Dark. Eat before we go." (Y/n) lead to my seat and gave me a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. She gave me a light kiss on the cheeck.
Your Prov:
"Everybody ready?" I asked looking around. Everybody nodded. I saw InsAsezi with Google on her shoulder, Anti giving Mazia a piggy back ride, Mark and Jack standing by each other, and Dark next to me. Dark waved his hand creating a blue, purple, and red vortex. We all stepped in sending us to an alternative universe.
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