Chapter 7
Dark felt kinda bad about tying up his ex (ex? Didn't they just fuck?), but he felt like he owed it to Die. His boyfriend had been through a lot, so he figured it would only be fair to tie Anti up and leave him ripe for Die to torture him. He knew it was a shitty reason to betray Anti a second time, but he had no choice. At least, that's what he told himself as he dragged the Irishman's limp body through the deserted halls of the League towards Die's office.
He had planned this whole thing, right from the start, but he didn't expect it all to feel so invasive. Die had instructed him to take down Anti after he killed one of the League's prized targets, so naturally Dark had no reservations. Killing was his job, and he was good at it. He took the mission, expecting it to go smoothly. He cursed himself for being so cocky. His reliance on his knowledge and his pride destroyed him. Dark supposed he deserved it, but he had no intention of bringing Anti in. He really was going to let the green head live, but it was too late for that. Die wanted him dead, and dead he would be. That was the way everything worked in the League ever since Die won that fight and drove Anti out. If Die wanted it, he got it, no questions asked.
Though, as Dark knocked on the door to the Swede's office, he supposed the fight wasn't the real reason the young parasite deserted him. He not only supposed it, he knew it after hearing how bitter Anti was about his "cheating" and how he left Anti to his own devices during the battle. In Dark's defense, they were never dating in the first place, so it wasn't technically cheating, but he knew that was simply his weak self-justification talking. He hurt Anti, hurt him deeply, and here he was, doing it again.
"God," he whispered, "I hate myself."
Suddenly, the door swung open and Dark was face to face with his lover. He sucked in his breath and his heart rate increased drastically. Despite the fact Die was almost heartless and extremely possessive, he still loved those beautiful blue eyes and blond tipped hair. Funny. No matter how much Dark tried to convince himself that he still had feelings for Die, every single thing they did together reminded him of Anti.
Die smiled and enveloped Dark in a hug. "I missed you, babe!"
He dropped Anti and wrapped his arms around his lover. "Missed you, too."
Die let go and sized his boyfriend up. He put his hands on his hips and leaned on the door frame. "God, you look awful. Did he give you one helluva fight?"
Dark was in a daze. He shook his head, disoriented as the Swede talked and talked, ushering him into his lavishly furnished office. Die grabbed Anti's limp form and threw him in a corner. They could tie him up later. He didn't want Dark focusing on his old lover. Now, there was no distraction. There was only them.
Die took Dark's face in his hands and kissed him passionately. Dark gasped as a tiny spark of blue fire struck his chest, the soft touch sending a jolt through his body. The flame was a product of Die's magic, a feeling enhancer. He used it for angering crowds to start fights, making his associates more agreeable, and, well, as a pleasure steroid. Though, that last part of him was reserved for Dark and Dark alone. The enhancement worked, if not a little too well. Dark hoisted Die onto his desk and pressed their lips together once more. Suddenly, Dark could feel Die's tongue begging for entrance, and he was happy to oblige.
The Swede pushed the back of Dark's head closer, practically suffocating him. But, he knew the risks of making out with Die. He knew the vivacious appetites Die required to be satisfied, but he also knew the price he'd pay tomorrow morning when he was too sore to stand. Dark was feeling incredibly aroused, but he wasn't sure who to blame, Die or the stimulation? That thought was quickly cast from his mind when he felt Die's hands slowly make their way to his hips. Dark sighed, because he knew what was coming next.
They did this often. Die would call Dark up to his office for "meetings" and Dark would always work overtime. Lots and lots of overtime. It always ended the same, with their bodies on top of each other, pulled together like magnets. It used to be that way with Anti, quipped a little voice in the back of his head.
Dark tried to force the thought to disappear. Anti was as good as dead, and he should just forget about anything they may or may not have had. It was in the past now. Die was his future now, no matter how much he disebelieved it.
The thought was reinforced as the blue eyed charmer peeled off Dark's shirt and spread his legs slightly. "Do a succubus a favor," Die smiled seductively and waved his index finger. Another blue spark flew from his fingertip and landed right on Dark's heart.
He shuddered as the magic entered his system. The thrill was shocking, terrifying and horribly pleasing. His nerves were on fire. He suddenly wanted Die, really and truly wanted everything he had and everything he was. His essence, his figure, his psyche. He wanted it all, right then and there. He was a little surprised that Die had put that much magic into one tiny burst, but he was too horny to care. He helped Die get out of his skinny jeans and before he knew it, they were both stripped down to their boxers and on top of each other.
Dark started by planting kisses on his neck and chest. Every touch of his lips caused Die to release a small moan. Dark knew his lover was holding back. Die was a succubus, and they were trained in the arts of sexual pleasure. Dark knew that this was their only way of finding sustenance, and that was part of the reason he put up with the Swede's antics. He knew that Die, quite literally, could not live without him.
Die leaned his head back and let Dark do the work for him. Dark could tell he was liking it, but more than enjoying it. The look on his pale face was practically unnatural. It was a look of pure ecstacy, whole and untainted relish. It was as if he were higher than high. Dark undid Die's boxers and paused to take in his lover's cock. It was lengthy to say the least. Skinny, but long. He'd sucked it a dozen times before, and he wasn't about to stop now.
Die's moans couldn't be contained. He yelped and squealed and sighed in undying satisfaction. It was too late for anyone to be in the school, and even the janitors had gone home. It was just Die and Dark and the delicacy of sex.
Die finally came, all over his lover and the desk. They were panting like dogs, each one too tired to speak. That...session....had been particularly eventful and he knew Die would need to rest before torturing Anti.
They put their clothes back on, and said their goodbyes. At the door, Dark turned around. "You won' won't touch him till morning, will you?"
Die's smile came too easily. "Relax lover boy, I'll restrain myself for tonight. Besides, I need all night to dream up new tortures."
Dark nodded, but his eyes still showed uncertainty. "Okay...well, goodnight then."
Die hugged Dark and kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight, my devil. Try not to miss me too much."
Dark accepted the hug and glanced at Anti's passed out form. A knot of worry grew in his chest. Anti wasn't used to Die's version of torture. He'd need all night to prepare for it. Dark himself was scarcely familiar with all the Swede's methods of extracting information, but he did know that Die would get whatever he wanted from Anti. Whatever the cost.
The seed of doubt that was planted refused to vanish. In fact, it followed Dark down the dismal alleys, across rooftops, and all the way back to Mark's apartment. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to shake the feeling of guilt. It was his fault, he knew that as sure as he knew that his name was Darkiplier, but the gravity of his actions hadn't really set in until now.
The seed budded and festered inside him as he climbed into bed, and the screams of his lover haunted his dreams.
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