Chapter 5
Fun. Their definitions of fun were definitely different. Anti sucked on his presence like a leech, joining him on missions and requesting that they even share a room. For a while, Dark was okay with it. He didn't really enjoy it, but he didn't mind the new kid tagging along. He was good at ignoring distractions, so good, in fact, that he didn't even recognize his own feelings. It shocked him when he woke up one day and realized, Anti is the person I want next to me for the rest of my life.
That realization changed everything.
From that day forward, Dark started looking out for his Irish buddy more and more, and noticed just how naive he'd been. How could he have been so blissfully unaware of the ruthless teasing the other students put the pair through? People called them all sorts of names, but their taunts were mainly directed at the green haired boy.
"Faggot! Irish pussy! Bitch!" a blonde boy with a slight beard and a Swedish accent shouted from across the hallway. The boy's name was Pewdiepie or Die for short. He was a loudmouth, arrogant, self-centered whore who couldn't stand being defeated. He and Anti had recently become rivals and had sworn to beat each other at everything. Personally, Darkiplier didn't care for their silly games and foolish contests. He knew he was better than Die, and that was all that mattered.
Still, the way the Swedish boy's eyes glinted hungrily when he looked at Anti made him suspicious. Though he'd made it clear Anti was not to be messed with, he still wasn't quite sure Die took him seriously. To the blonde, the Irish youth was just one more helpless boy toy at his disposal. That bitch doesn't believe I'll defend Anti. He doesn't think I care.
The green haired boy turned slowly. Dark grabbed his short sleeved hoodie's collar. "Don't get invested! You know he only wants a reaction!"
Anti squinted at him. In an instant, Darkiplier regretted showing his emotions so strongly. He'd been keeping them in check for so long, and to have his barricades tumble like building blocks by this, this ameture?!? The notion was unthinkable. The raven haired boy didn't give two shits about what happened to him...did he? "Relax, I'll be fine." Anti shrugged out of Dark's grip. "After all," he gestured to the mob of students gathered quietly around them. They had ravenous undertones to their normally sharp eyes. They desired a fight. They thirsted for blood. "Give the people what they want, eh?"
Darkiplier was sucked out of his memories. He shoved Antisepticeye away from him and tumbled onto the floor. His head was pounding and he could see spots. "What the hell did you DO to me?!?" Blood roared in his ears and he had a fierce headache.
The Irishman hit the wall and fell beside his captor-turned-victim in a crumpled heap. "Fuuuuuuuuuck," he moaned in pain, clutching his forehead. "That hurt me more than you, buddy."
When Dark finally stopped the world from spinning, he cursed his weak willed mind and then his cunning partner. "You...y-you can' did you..." he choked, his breath coming in short, painful gasps.
"Simple trick I picked up when I left." the green head rasped, trying to get to his feet but miserably failing. "I guess you learn more when you're all alone."
The raven haired parasite nodded, but was too tired and angry to respond. He could not believe the innocent Irish boy he'd met and fucked so long ago had turned into...this. A powerful demon capable of intricate memory-inducing spells. For the first time in his life, Dark felt something he'd never experienced before. He wasn't amazed or awed by Anti's abilities. He was freaking terrified! He started to wonder if letting Anti escape the league all those years ago had really been the best idea.
"Freedom wasn't why I left, you know." Anti staggered to his feet, putting all his weight on the kitchen counter.
Darkiplier turned to the side and cocked his head. "Then what did you want that the league and I couldn't provide?" he spat. Why would anyone leave? The league wasn't really home to Dark, but he never imagined leaving. It seemed foreign that anyone would take up the notion. He ran a dozen scenarios through his mind, trying to figure out his partner's reasoning. "Jesus, was it because of Die's promotion? God, I always knew you were a jealous bitch, but this, this is-"
The Anti-Sean snarled and toppled Darkiplier. He pinned him down and bared his teeth angrily. "That's not the reason I left, genius! If you took one stinking minute to look around and pay attention to what's going on instead of thinking you're fucking better than everyone, then maybe you'd see that I loved you, Dark! I loved you then and even when I caught you and Die making out I still love you so don't you fucking DARE tell me what I'm jealous of, you BACKSTABBING WHORE!!!"
The Anti-Mark stared wide-eyed up at his former lover. They didn't say anything. His mind was still reeling from the mind manipulation, but this was a whole 'nother level of shocking. Everything seemed to slow drastically. He could feel Anti's hot breath on his face, ruffling his dark brown hair. The Irishman's black eyes seemed to radiate pure hatred, but also something else. A sort of strange, soft sadness that rolled off of him like ripples in a pond. Darkiplier felt despicable. He knew Anti was right. Of course he was, but he never thought Anti knew about him and Die. Oh, god, it was supposed to be a secret. And, they didn't even have a full blown relationship, it was a one-night fling of pure passion! They didn't even love each other, it was just for the feeling. It was just for the ecstacy, the thrill of doing it.
Still, as he gazed into the pained eyes of Antisepticeye, he couldn't legitimize any of his excuses. He had deeply wounded someone, and somehow he felt worse about this than any of his assassinations. His killings were all long-distance squeezes of a trigger, this...well, this felt personal.
He wanted to apologize, to patch it up, to say something.
But, he didn't have to.
The green haired man cupped his left hand around Dark's chin and they kissed fervently, just like they used to. Their mouths collided, and Dark's eyes widened in surprise at first. In no time, though, he got the hang of it. He pulled Anti's face deeper into the kiss, his right hand moving down the younger man's neck and back. Suddenly, he felt Anti's tongue on his lips, begging for entrance. He was happy to oblige. The embrace grew more and more affectionate as they remembered each others soft and sensitive spots. Partners on kill missions were required to know the other's weakness in case they went rogue.
This information also proved to be quite useful during a make-out session.
A dozen senses crowded his mind, releasing a flood of emotions Dark had almost forgotten how to feel. With Pewdiepie, their sex wasn't emotionally stimulating. Sure, it felt good for a while, but it never lasted long. It was like going to a dominatrix or smoking. The initial high was deeply pleasant, but the after effects were worse than death.
This, this was more than a temporary fix. It was beautiful. It was amazing.
Anti rubbed Dark's bulge. He gasped in alarm and tried to sit up, but Anti forced him back down with surprising strength. "We're not finished here, daddy Darky. You wanted this, so get back here and take it." he grinned and kissed Darkiplier's neck. Soon, his kisses moved lower and lower until they stopped at his collar bone.
"Fuccccck," Dark moaned loudly, "W-w-why'd you stop?"
"You're gonna have to do a little something for me," Anti smiled devilishly, his fangs glistening. "Don't get me wrong, I like your shirt, but I'd like you a lot better if you weren't in it."
Dark smirked at his partner's foolishness and lifted his arms without hesitation. Was he worried Anti would stab him in the stomach or chop his dick off? The idea didn't surprise him, but this was definitely worth it.
The green parasite ripped of his lover's shirt and threw it across the room. His gaze flitted over Darkiplier's exposed chest. He had good-sized nipples, a wonderfully muscular chest and stomach, and...he caught himself staring at Dark's cock. It was thick and already fully erect. Probably the hottest thing he'd seen in four years on the streets. "The league don't breed em' like this anymore," he muttered in amazement, making Dark blush profusely. Darkiplier was more than a man in intellect, but only slightly less than a god in figure.
"S-shut up, Anti." he murmured, looking away in embarrassment. "Just fuck me already."
Anti shook his head and went to work unzipping and buttoning his prey's pants. Dark's thick cock sprang out of his jeans like a wound up Jack-in-the-Box, hitting Anti in his own crotch.
The motion was enough to instigate another moan of pleasure from Dark. "Jesus christ, you're covered in precum." Anti frowned. "How the fuck are you already horny? I'm just getting started."
Dark didn't respond. His eyes were squeezed shut in an attempt to hold in yet another sigh of ecstacy.
Anti shrugged and licked the tip of Dark's cock. His partner bucked slightly, biting his lip in anticipation. Dark's dick was so big he could barely wrap his lips around it. His mouth almost slipped once or twice, but he made sure to make up for any lost time by increasing his speed.
Darkiplier attempted to contain his deep, guttural moans, but somehow, his male Irish concubine remembered every single soft spot on his body like they'd fucked yesterday. Dark felt himself guiltily wishing they had. Shut up, he gritted his teeth as Anti sucked his dick, he's fucked as many as he's killed. That's probably how he stayed sane all those years. The Anti-Mark tried to pretend like he was above becoming a stripper to earn rent, but he couldn't blame the green haired man. Starving, betrayed by the only person he'd counted on and all alone aside for discombobulated body parts? That kind of isolation would drive a person to do desperate things. Dark hated himself for shagging with Die. He hated himself for being unfaithful to the one person who needed him most.
It was when Anti knew his partner was lost in regret that he reached his arm behind him. He kept both black eyes locked onto Dark's figure, reading his body language like a book. This is low, he thought as his fingers closed around the knife in his back pocket. This is an all time low, but then again, I've been lower. He tried to be "okay" with it, tried to play this off just like the countless other crimes he'd committed. This was nothing. But, this wasn't nothing, and no matter how many times he told himself that when he lay in bed at night thinking about Dark, it never would be.
I have to get rid of him. It's the only way, it's the only way I can get him out of my head. If I don't do this I'll go insane. Kill him.
Do it.
I c-can't.
The human and inhuman sides of his brain conflicted, giving him a splitting headache. It was difficult to have this internal argument while pleasing his daddy Darky, so he squeezed his eyes shut to clear his mind. The darkness that greeted him didn't make his brain tighten any less. If anything, it worsened his condition. The sane and insane became one angry, boiling mass in his mind. When his powers started manifesting at the league, Dark sometimes mistook his fidgeting for bad dreams and climbed in bed with him. They would cuddle for hours, Dark rubbing his back and running his fingers through his soft green hair.
Those were moments Anti would do anything to get back. He cut Sean when he thought of those times. Simply to ease the pain and drown in Sean's screams of suffering. At least he had something back then to help him cope.
Then it all went to shit.
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