Chapter Ten
The days that followed my return passed by relatively quickly, most of my time was spent watching my troops as I healed from my recent attack. The feeling of being watched made me grumble a few things under my breath, turning my head slightly I felt my blood begin to boil.
"So you've finally come back," I sneered turning my gaze back to my troops below, in a sense I felt bad for greeting him this way but in another sense he had abandoned me.
"I heard of what happened, Jacob and Karina are safe for the time being but I can tell you won't be returning to them, Arkain has informed me of your plans for the attack on the city, as your loyal friend I will stand beside you no matter what happens, after all, that is what you promised me," he sighed coming up beside me, gritting my teeth I forced myself not to give in to that stupid sense of forgiveness Jacob and Karina had taught me to feel.
"I'm going to make sure this Realm suffers Herobrine, the council told me a while ago that the Endstar contains the only means of creating another Ender Dragon, and so, thats exactly what I'm going to do," I stated before focusing my magic on a particular spot, ever so slowly a large dragon egg began to form. When it had formed I didn't stop there as I forced its growth to speed up, after almost an hour of using my magic the egg had turned into a fully grown Ender Dragon. Although I had been weakened from using so much magic I felt proud, lifting my hand the large beast rested his muzzle in it his large purple eyes staring into mine.
"You may hate me as much as you wish Aria but do know that I will always love you," he sighed, tensing up I turned to face him shocked by his words. For a few moments we stood in silence before I began to approach him, despite my instincts telling me to get away from him I found myself pulling him into a hug like I had done the day he left.
"I can't hate you, without you I would have lost sight of my own mind, when you left I felt betrayed and alone, when I was attacked I thought I was going to die, you and Arkain are the most important things to me, without either of you I would not be where I am today, for the first time in my life I'm sorry, I'm sorry for losing faith in your word and letting my anger shove you away," I rasped closing my eyes, for a few more moments we stood there before we pulled away from each other.
"Thank you, I swear by my life I shall protect you until my dying breath," he vowed, giving him a slight smile I nodded.
"When the time for battle finally comes I want you to make sure that if I am to lose my life that no one aside from you absorbs the Witherstar and the Endstar," I ordered, looking down he nodded.
"Of course my Queen," he promised, turning my head I gave a silent order for Ender (new dragon) to take flight and scout the area. With a mighty beat of his wings he took to the skies, turning back to Herobrine I sighed.
"I am going to personally send word to the Nether King, I plan to attack as soon as possible and our only chance of winning relies on our numbers and power," I stated, from the look in his eyes I could tell he wanted to come as well. Throwing down a ball of magic I summoned the portal needed to take us to our desired location, making my way through it I almost found myself wincing from the amount of heat that sat within this Realm. Looking around I quickly began making my way towards the large blood red brick castle before us, approaching the doors the guards were quick to open them which told me their King had informed them of our alliance. Turning a few more corners we finally arrived in the throne room, out of respect for him I did a short bow to acknowledge his rank and power.
"Ahhh if I had known you were coming I would have prepared a welcome party, but seeing as this is the first time you have come to the Nether I do assume you have come to request something?" He greeted a smile plastered on his face, glancing at Herobrine I nodded.
"Indeed I have, the Main Realm is attempting to stand up to us, it has a city filled with mages and witches and alone myarmy and I stand little chance of victory, with your army and mine combined however, victory is most definitely ours," I suggested, from the way his smile grew to a smirk I knew he liked this idea.
"Your offer intrigues me your highness, however I must ask on behalf of my own soldiers, what will we benefit from should we assist you in battle?" He pressed leaning forwards in his seat, taking a step forwards I gave my own smirk.
"You would rule half of the realm and I the other half," I stated as if it were obvious, sitting back in his throne Rasak was silent as he thought over the offer.
"You have yourself a deal, my soldiers and I shall arrive tomorrow after we have prepared ourselves," he agreed, giving a final bow I summoned another portal and we returned home. Despite our guarenteed victory I couldn't help but get a feeling of dread about the upcoming battle, shaking it off I made my way towards my tent to get some rest for tomorrow.
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