Chapter Six
The first few days of my supposed 'training' were spent getting me back into shape, for the most part I was kept in enchanted chains but sometimes I was allowed to move about so long as I was being supervised. I had also been given my own room within the small house we were staying in and on occassion I was allowed to recieve a visitor, Arkain had come to visit at one point and he had seemed sad by the fact he had failed me which I assured him he had not and it was I who had failed him and the others. Most of the time my visitors were Arkain, Herobrine and the rare council mage, the sound of someone knocking on my door snapped me from my thoughts.
"Foods ready, and you might want to eat it since today we have to start trying to as the council says 'fix' you," the stranger informed, with a sigh I followed him from the room. Despite the time spent here I had not bothered to learn their names, sitting down in the corner of the room like usual I began to eat the bacon and eggs they had so kindly cooked.
"I still don't understand why you are trying to help me, who's to say that I won't turn around and stab you in the back later?" I grumbled half heartedly chewing on a strip of bacon, for a few moments both the stranger and the witch were silent.
"It's clear that you have a good heart behind your wall of doubt and fear, trust me, I've been there before, I still can't hate Herobrine for doing what he did, as much as he believes that we hate him we don't, you might have killed our friend but you did that out of self defence, we attacked you first which to be completely honest was our fault, usually when we see Herobrine he's after something and when we attacked we had no clue who you were, when she died I hated you for it but after a while I realised it was unfair of me to do so, and when you lashed out after we attempted to cease your attacks on the Realm I couldn't bring myself to attack you, not properly anyways, when your dragon fell to the ground I never thought I could see so much anger in one person, when you tried to kill me I didn't even try to fight back because I had no clue how much he had meant to you, in the end Karina managed to subdue you enough to move you safely, your albino Enderman was furious but before we took you Herobrine himself told him off since when you aren't around they follow him like lost souls," he explained, glancing towards the witch I assumed she was Karina, with a sigh I pushed my plate of half eaten food aside.
"You want to know why I'm this way? Well since I'm stuck here for a while you might as well know, when I was younger I was a simple girl, my family were poor so I was limited in what I could do in the city, every day at school I was bullied due to my inability to attend the bigger events since most of my families money went on keeping us alive, one day we were invited into the council's halls to learn about our past when I found myself wandering away from the main group and in a room that held a dragon egg, when I got home I told my parents about the egg and how it felt like it was trying to speak to me and they told the council but they only got laughed at, later that year they stole the egg and that night while I slept with it hidden under my bed it hatched, after a thousand years the egg hatched, the council found out about this and sent guards to fetch us all, however they only managed to get my parents since I had locked myself in a hidden room in my walls until they left, eventually I managed to find out what happened to my parents and I fled the city, when Obsidian my dragon, and I were on our last legs an outcasted mage found us, he raised us and taught me how to use magic, once Obsidian was big enough to carry me I packed my things and headed for the city, seeing a dragon caused them to panic, I tried to tell them what happened so long ago but they didn't listen so I burned them all in a fit of rage, being young and angry I made a foolish choice and during my attack on the city a Wither Skeleton by the name of Surgos came with his followers and banished me to the End in hopes of my demise, however, seeing their ancient dragon return with a rider they allowed me to stay without too much trouble, after a while the End King Arthrax saw a potential in me and challenged me to combat, he must have feared my future for he tried to kill me, during our battle he fell to one of my spells and knowing the customs amongst my new people I slayed him and absorbed the Endstar, after this I made my closest friend during this time Arkain general knowing I could trust him over everyone else, after years of planning I finally achieved the full knowledge and strength of the Endstar and vowed my revenge on the council, once my portals were ready I attacked, and well, you know the rest," I sighed recalling the memories as if they were events occurring in front of me, a hand on my shoulder made me jump.
"I'm sorry for what you've been through, I can't say I've experienced a life like that, but all we can do now is fix our future by learning from the past," he sighed, I'm not sure why but his words angered me.
"Stop feeling sorry for me! I don't need your sympathy or your guilt!" I snarled shoving his hand away and standing up my eyes narrowed, to my own surprise tears had begun to fall from my eyes.
"Easy Aria, I never meant any harm by it," he soothed, wiping the tears from my eyes I headed outside and onto the front porch where I sat looking out into the forest wishing to be anywhere but here. I hated being felt sorry for, I hated being treated like something fragile. The longer I sat there the calmer I felt, rubbing my eyes again I heard the familiar sound of teleportation that signalled Herobrine's arrival.
"Don't you start with the sorries," I warned him as he came up beside me, from the sound of things he had sat down beside me.
"I won't, I was coming to see what sort of training they would be doing since it doesn't hurt to try and learn what things they do," he sighed, with a huff of defeat I half consciously leant against his shoulder and stared off into the distance trying to make sense of everything that was going on.
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