Velvetstar — silver senior molly with round honey-colored eyes, thick fur like a lion's mane and a long scar across her shoulder.
Warrior Name : Velvet'ice
Swarmegg — cinnamon spotted tabby tom.
Flamedapple — brown ginger and white tortoiseshell senior tom.
Cobaltice — icy white jack with only a single whisker and a cream-colored tail tip.
Flutterstripe — silver rosetted tabby senior molly.
Wheezewillow — black-and-white sphynx tom.
Gloomrunner — fluffy, freckled pale blue-gray tom.
Asphaltweed — mottled flame-colored molly with a wide gremlin-like face.
Lokijay — beige tom.
Cocoafur — young, seal point tom with snakeberries tucked into his tail and chest fur.
Russetseeker — young, golden marbled tabby molly.
Inkpuddle — young, silver molly with black toes
Curljay — brindled chocolate molly with odd cyan eyes.
Weedgrin — long-haired, honey-colored tabby molly.
Whiskerspeckles — white tom with wintergreen berries tucked behind his ear.
Heatherfeathers — lilac senior molly with a matted pelt, paralyzed hind legs and unusually mouse-like ears.
Silverhowl — pinkish-gray tabby senior molly with coltsfoot flowers tucked into her tail fur.
Crookedpaw — russet-and-white tabby tom with a cream-colored throat.
Warrior Name : Crooked'tooth.
Weedpaw — young, chocolate-and-white tabby molly with lemon-shaped amber eyes.
Warrior Name : Weed'prod.
Woolypaw — caramel-and-white ticked tabby tom with a white paw.
Warrior Name : Wooly'stalk.
Wavepaw — creamy gray-and-white tom with blueberries tucked into his tail and chest fur.
Warrior Name : Wave'bite.
Eelapple — tan molly.
currently nursing:
Yolkkit — red tabby molly with dull golden eyes, missing claws and thick fur like a lion's mane.
Warrior Name : Yolk'beak
Velvetstar look at leaders
Currently nursing:
Maplekit a black she with orange patches
Warrior Name Mapledapple
Otterkit a short brown tom with a white underbelly
Warrior name Ottertooth
Palekit- a silver she with orange patches
Warrior name Palelight
Twigkit- a silver she cat
Warrior Name Twigmoon
Snapegg — dappled lilac jack with yew berries decorating their fur.
Mumblingstar — silver tabby molly with a long tuft of fur on her chin and lavenders decorating her fur.
Warrior Name : Mumbling'chaser.
Smallbush — beige tabby senior tom with a sagging pelt.
Tumbleberry — yellow senior tom with one hooked tooth.
Frecklehollow — freckled cinnamon jack with a short tail, very dark tabby markings and cream-colored toes.
Moltpetal — solid ashy gray molly with black toes.
Littlefootfox — freckled light blue-gray-and-white senior jack.
Shedslash — black-and-white rosetted tabby jack.
Seasun — nimble, yellow-and-white jack with narrow amber eyes.
Mothflight — young, dark gray-and-white ticked tabby tom.
Quillhoof — chocolate tom.
Cedarspots — solid creamy gray senior molly.
Larchleg — silver molly with half-lidded green eyes
Nickspeckle — mottled creamy white senior tom.
Flyingpaw — coltish, black-and-white molly with a long tuft of fur on her chin.
Warrior Name : Flying'patch.
Cometpaw — newly-apprenticed, chocolate torbie point molly with magpie feathers tucked into her chest fur.
Warrior Name : Comet'growl.
Wasppaw — coltish, solid dark gray jack with orange legs.
Warrior Name : Wasp'dust.
Stumppaw — black-and-white tabby tom.
Warrior Name : Stump'goose.
Vulturepaw — lynx point tom.
Warrior Name : Vulture'chaser.
Fallenpaw — fawn tabby molly.
Warrior Name : Fallen'hollow.
Whitespring — mottled lilac-cream caliby molly with teal eyes.
currently caring for:
Ivykit — black broken mackerel tabby molly with scattered petals tucked into her chest fur.
Warrior Name : Ivy'tooth
Frogkit — russet tom.
Warrior Name : Frog'tuft
Skykit — dappled caliby jack with strawberries tucked behind their ear.
Warrior Name : Sky'hollow
Roosterkit — cinnamon calico molly with lemon-shaped honey-colored eyes.
Warrior Name : Rooster'foot
Shrimpivy — lilac-caramel torbie tom.
Drizzlebramble — speckled dilute tortoiseshell tom.
Knotstar — light orange tabby tom.
Warrior Name : Knot'fern
Chasinggleam — bark brown molly with watermint leaves tucked into her fur.
Jaggedhare — silvery white senior molly with dainty, weak paws.
Foxtrapper — gorgeous, freckled tan molly.
Gardenbranch — red senior tom with a sagging pelt, a white paw and a white chin and paw.
Frondglimmer — silver rosetted tabby jack with a twisted tail.
Meteormoth — light blue-gray-and-white senior tom with light orange eyes.
Fleecewail — handsome, brindled lilac tom.
Pumpkinshine — golden ticked tabby molly.
Gullfang — young, russet tabby tom with holly leaves tucked behind his ear.
Buzzardrise — mottled caliby senior jack.
Nickpaw — young, solid sandy-gray tom with fresh flowers tucked into his tail and chest fur.
Warrior Name : Nick'hackle.
Garpaw — silver ticked tabby jack with thick fur like a lion's mane.
Warrior Name : Gar'leaf.
Cobaltpaw — flame-colored classic tabby tom.
Warrior Name : Cobalt'splash.
Ringpaw — golden tabby molly.
Warrior Name : Ring'mist.
Shootingpaw — chestnut jack.
Warrior Name : Shooting'petal.
Thunderpaw — chocolate tom with an underbite and darker-colored legs.
Warrior Name : Thunder'jay.
Eagleray — dusky brown tabby molly with round honey-colored eyes and falcon feathers decorating her fur.
currently nursing:
Heatherkit — lynx point jack with almond-shaped brown eyes
Warrior Name : Heather'curl
Foamkit — gangy, caramel tom.
Warrior Name : Foam'willow
Lilykit — reddish-brown-and-white molly with unusually mouse-like ears.
Warrior Name : Lily'bark
Seafoamkit — stout, bark brown tabby molly with tiny teal eyes.
Warrior Name : Seafoam'stalk
Milkbramble — freckled tan-and-white molly.
currently nursing:
Graykit — bony, mottled tawny tom.
Warrior Name : Gray'adder
Lacykit — tawny tom.
Warrior Name : Lacy'sky
Opossumkit — freckled beige molly.
Warrior Name : Opossum'trap
Ramkit — brindled tan tom.
Warrior Name : Ram'rapid
Martenbird — black-and-white ticked tabby jack.
currently nursing:
Yellowkit — scrawny, black tabby molly with faint tabby markings.
Warrior Name : Yellow'dapple
Nettlekit — black-and-white tabby molly with a missing tail.
Warrior name : Nettle'nettle
Meltingkit — black-and-white tabby tom.
Warrior Name : Melting'ear
Goldkit — black-and-white molly.
Warrior Name : Gold'loom
Chasingstreak — lilly white tom with a matted pelt, completely blind.
Glimmeringgrowl — beige tom with drooping teal eyes.
Oleanderstar — lavender tabby senior tom.
Warrior Name : Oleander'jaw
Wheezestripe — red molly with tiny green eyes.
Growlrush — mottled silver molly.
Gladeapple — dark blue-gray ticked tabby jack.
Mistbelly — light blue-gray-and-white tom with darker-colored ears.
Antlerivy — mottled black-and-white senior jack.
Tanglegust — small, golden brown tabby tom.
Nettlewhisper — chocolate-cream torbie senior molly.
Parsnipchirp — mottled torbie molly with pretty blue eyes.
Chivebud — amber tom with half-lidded honey-colored eyes and a white chest.
Fallendrop — pale gray jack with strange emerald eyes and missing claws
Mistrunner — mottled cinnamon-and-white senior jack with silver-tipped hairs.
Brightgrowl — blue-gray sphynx jack.
Windyrush — yellow marbled tabby molly.
Partridgemoth — dusky brown tabby tom.
Risingpaw — dark blue-gray tabby molly with tiny turqoise eyes.
Warrior Name : Rising'drop.
Pheasantpaw — neatly-groomed, lilac ticked tabby tom.
Warrior Name : Pheasant'runner.
Rainpaw — young, lilac molly.
Warrior Name : Rain'nettle.
Starlingpaw — silver tom with beautiful emerald eyes.
Warrior Name : Starling'leg.
Pumpkinspeck — freckled ashy gray molly with strange white spotting.
currently caring for:
Shiverkit — dark blue-gray molly with tiny paws.
Warrior Name : Shiver'storm
Lilykit — silver tom.
Warrior Name : Lily'root
Flappingkit — puny, speckled pale blue-gray tom.
Warrior Name : Flapping'teeth
Sootkit — dark gray molly with pale brown eyes.
Warrior Name : Soot'curl
Cottonripple — sleek, creamy brown tabby molly.
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