Chapter 2
Luckypaw eventually gave up after a moon of living in the same den as Fogpaw. Fogpaw was insufferable. Now that she thought about it, Goldenpaw had been acting irritable and fussy the whole moon as well. She shook herself, grooming her pelt quickly.
"Hello, Ivypool and Dovewing," she greeted the warriors as she stepped out of the apprentices' den. "What are we learning today?"
Dovewing replied, "We will work on battle training. StarClan knows that you'll need it."
"Great!" Luckypaw meowed, although she was thinking hard. What did Dovewing mean by StarClan knows that you'll need it?
"Where's Goldenpaw," Ivypool asked, worried.
"I don't know, she left the den earlier." Luckypaw informed. My sister is always up to no good. "I think she went after some other warriors," she added, trying to get Goldenpaw in even more trouble.
She deserves it. She doesn't act like a sister to me anymore.
"Well, she better hurry up. The weather doesn't look good; we won't be able to do much training tomorrow." Dovewing hissed.
A yowl cut through the air.
"Squirrelflight?" Luckypaw spotted her ginger fur. The warrior was dragged into the camp by Goldenpaw and Whitewing. Squirrelflight was unconscious. Her eyes had rolled back into her head and she barely breathed.
"Oh, this is all my fault," fretted Goldenpaw, who had come into the camp after Squirrelflight. "I should've warned her," she said under her breath miserably.
Luckypaw's sharp hearing picked the words up. "Meaning?" she demanded. Tell me!
"Meaning none of your business!" Goldenpaw bristled, her neck fur standing up.
"Calm down," Firestar leaped down from the Highledge. "It can't possibly be your fault, Goldenpaw."
"What's going on?" Jayfeather had come back from the medicine den, where he had been sorting herbs.
"Squirrelflight is injured," Firestar growled. "When I find out who did this..." he muttered darkly, casting worried glances at her. "Whitewing, come to my den, I need to know what happened."
Of course! Squirrelflight is Firestar's daughter. That's why he's so worried. Luckypaw realized with a jolt. It must be hard for him.
"All these injuries to tend to, can't even have some peace!" Jayfeather grumbled.
Luckypaw thought that Jayfeather was even pricklier than the elders sometimes. He grumbled and moaned a lot, but she knew that he was a useful asset to the clan. He was brave as well, in his own way, as the medicine cat was blind. However, his sense of smell was better than any other cats', and he could sometimes sense people's feelings and thoughts as well.
"Please help her, Jayfeather." Goldenpaw begged.
Luckypaw knew something was wrong. Discreetly, she nudged her littermate. Goldenpaw gave her a questioning look that was mixed with annoyance but followed Luckypaw to the apprentices' den. Graystripe saw them sneaking away but didn't question them.
"Goldenpaw, what did you do?" Luckypaw hissed sharply.
"I-I can't tell you." She replied, ears flattening.
"We've never kept secrets before," Luckypaw grunted. "We shouldn't start now. We're littermates, for StarClan's sake!"
"Fine. But you must swear not to tell anyone." Goldenpaw recounted her dream to her sister.
"Wow. That's...a big secret. Are you sure we shouldn't tell Firestar and Brambleclaw? We should at least tell Cinderheart and Lionblaze shouldn't we?" Luckypaw mewed.
"No! We can't tell anyone! They'll accuse me of murder," Goldenpaw dug her claws into the ground. "Trust me, please. I was trying to warn her. I wasn't fast enough. That's my fault, I know it. No, don't look at me like that. I'll fight you! I can't let you tell." The words rushed out, faster and faster.
"Alright alright. Keep your fur on, mouse-brain. But if something like this happens again, and you receive a prophetic dream from StarClan, you must go tell someone. It doesn't have to be Firestar or Brambleclaw, Ivypool will be fine too." Luckypaw warned. "If you don't, I'll tell them all about this dream."
Luckypaw left the den, but she didn't see Goldenpaw's glance filled with hatred.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" Firestar summoned from on top of the Highledge.
"Today, Squirrelflight has fallen ill to an unknown illness. It was from a herb. Brackenfur, Cloudtail, Goldenpaw and Luckypaw, Whitewing will lead you the mushrooms. Use vines, ivy, anything, just make sure every cat knows the mushrooms are there. They will give you whitecough symptoms which might turn into greencough or even yellowcough if not treated fast. Please don't fret, but we will mention this at the Gathering in a moon's time. The rest of the Clans deserve to know about this threat. For now, Squirrelflight isn't awake, and will reside in the medicine cats' den for a while." Firestar finished, then bounded off the ledge.
Luckypaw spied him deep in conversation with Jayfeather.
"Luckypaw!" Dovewing called out. "Meet me at the thorn entrance at sunhigh."
Luckypaw nodded back. She wondered what they would be learning. Perhaps battle training, like the had originally planned. Or tree climbing and fighting. Or maybe they would just be going hunting. Any lesson would be great to distract her mind from Goldenpaw's dilemma and her sudden resentment to her sister.
Dipping her head to Firestar and Sandstorm, who were at the prey pile selecting some prey that a hunting patrol had just brought back, she surveyed the Clan in the clearing. She hadn't been born that long ago, almost eight moons now, and the whole Clan was like her family. Spiderleg was bounding about the trees, climbing up and down to stretch his muscles. Goldenpaw and Ivypool were leaving camp, heading towards the training hollow. Firestar and Sandstorm had finished sharing a plump rabbit together and were heading back to the Highledge. Brambleclaw, Brackenfur, Dustpelt, Dovewing, Lionblaze and Cinderheart were in the middle of a heated discussion. Whitewing, Hollyleaf and Leafpool were preparing to go on a hunting patrol. Jayfeather was tending to Briarlight; she had a cough. Ferncloud and Daisy were in the nursery entertaining Snowkit, Lovekit, Heartkit and Larkkit, Dovewing and Bumblestripe's first litter of kits. They were 5 moons, almost 6 to be apprenticed. Many cats had been surprised when Dovewing was to be Luckypaw's mentor, but then again, her kits were weaned already.
Graystripe was lounging in the sun with his mate, Millie. Birchfall, Blossomfall and Cherryheart were pushing past the thorn barrier to head out on a border patrol. Cloudtail and Brightheart were sharing tongues in the warriors' den. Poppyfrost, Rosepetal, Toadstep, Molewhisker and Hazeltail were returning from a hunting patrol. Life in the camp was content and peaceful.
"Dovewing!" Luckypaw saw her mentor at the thorn entrance.
"Let's go," Dovewing purred.
At the training hollow, Dovewing taught Luckypaw the basic attack and defense moves. As she learned how to block a strike from a bigger opponent, Luckypaw noticed Dovewing limping slightly.
"Attack me," Dovewing rasped, licking her chest fur.
Luckypaw scanned her mentor. She batted her paw at Dovewing, then slithered below her legs, using her hind foot to push Dovewing's injured leg. It collapsed under her, and she howled in pain. Luckypaw realized it wasn't the leg injury that was bothering her. Her stomach was rather swollen.
"I'll get Jayfeather...?" Luckypaw mewed anxiously.
She dashed off back towards the camp.
"Jayfeather! Dovewing's injured!" she yowled.
The blind medicine cat emerged from the medicine cat den. He smelled of herbs. Luckypaw led him to the training hollow, where she anxiously watched him feel and sniff his patient.
"Luckypaw. Fetch Leafpool." Jayfeather ordered roughly.
Luckypaw spun on her paws and dashed back to the camp.
"Leafpool! Jayfeather wanted you." She panted.
Leafpool's eyes flashed with panic. Jayfeather's mother charged out of the camp, nodding to Firestar on her way.
"We were at the training hollow," puffed Luckypaw.
"Brackenfur, Cloudtail, Brightheart, go with them just in case." Firestar commanded.
At the hollow, Dovewing was unconscious on a quickly gathered moss bedding. Jayfeather was licking her neck to keep her cool.
"Good. Backup." Jayfeather sniffed. "Cloudtail fetch wet moss. Leafpool bring me some borage, lamb's ear and raspberry leaf. Brackenfur, find moss for bedding. We can't move Dovewing, she's delivering kits." He added. "Luckypaw, stay with me and Dovewing."
"Unexpected kits, I presume?" Firestar strode over.
"Correct." Jayfeather grunted. "Very, very unexpected. It shouldn't have happened. She's just had a litter of kits."
The medicine cat dug his claws into the ground. "Luckypaw, put your paws on her flank. She needs to stay still." He instructed. Luckypaw obeyed immediately.
"Push, Dovewing!" he muttered anxiously.
Dovewing scrunched her eyes shut and flopped down on the bedding that Brackenfur had placed down. Cloudtail returned with wet moss for her to drink. Leafpool came back with the herbs and she lapped them up gratefully. Now that her pain was eased a little, she pushed harder than ever, and finally a little wet bundle of fur came out.
"Congrats, Dovewing!" Luckypaw meowed excitedly.
Dovewing squirmed on the temporary bedding. The air stank of exhaustion and pain. Soon another two bundles of fur tumbled onto the moss. Dovewing collapsed on the ground, her kitting over.
"Two toms and one she-cat, good job Dovewing!" Bumblestripe had finally arrived. He rested his head on Dovewing's flank affectionately.
Dovewing stirred and the queen began to lick her kits. They squealed and snuggled closer to their mother for milk.
"Eat the borage. It'll help." Leafpool murmured.
"Excuse me, but I'm the medicine cat here!" Jayfeather snapped.
Leafpool snarled. "I was your mentor! Show some more respect!"
Jayfeather bristled. "You broke the medicine cat code!" he retorted. "I shouldn't have been born!"
Leafpool stalked away, flicking her tail at Jayfeather as she left. Luckypaw watched with dismay. The Clan had been so perfect, but now there were little arguments everywhere. How did this happen?
"Let's get you back to camp," Jayfeather told Dovewing in a gentler tone.
At camp, Dovewing's three kits were mewling for milk while Dovewing rested. Millie was making milk for them while Ferncloud was keeping an eye on them.
"Hello, Dovewing," Luckypaw greeted her mentor. "Have you and Bumblestripe decided on names?"
"The female is called Flowerkit, the larger male Swiftkit and the smaller male kit is called Thunderkit." Dovewing replied.
"A kit named after a Clan? Let's hope he grows powerful then!" Luckypaw mewed.
"Luckypaw! Goldenpaw! You're going on your assessments today, please get ready, we're going out at sunhigh." Dovewing called to the apprentices.
Goldenpaw yowled in delight. "That means being advanced apprentices soon!"
Luckypaw rolled her eyes at her sister. Couldn't she control herself?
"Brambleclaw!" Luckypaw called to the deputy; he was organizing a border patrol. "Can me and Goldenpaw join the border patrol?"
"Sure, Ivypool, Hollyleaf and Graystripe are also going." Brambleclaw replied.
"Let's go!" Goldenpaw bounced next to the older warriors.
Luckypaw followed, enthusiastic as well but more dignified. She certainly wasn't going to be seen as a kit! Graystripe, as the most experienced warrior, was leading the patrol.
"Come on, we're checking the ShadowClan border and you can be sure that they won't be playing fairly. They'll definitely have stepped at least a paw into our side." Graystripe snorted, his gaze darkening.
As the patrol headed towards the ShadowClan border, the trees around them gradually changed from oak to pine, and the grass darkened as the trees shut out all the light. Finally, they reached the border. Mingled ShadowClan and ThunderClan scents lay, some stale and some fresh. The fresh ones were from the dawn patrol, Luckypaw realized.
"Halt!" Luckypaw scented a ShadowClan warrior. "What do you think you're doing here?" he barked.
These ShadowClan warriors were even more grumpy than Jayfeather! Luckypaw recognized Shadowpaw, an apprentice, with his mentor, Rustfur. She had met Shadowpaw at the last gathering. The first warrior who had spoken was still unknown to her.
"Marking the border. Like you, I presume." Graystripe answered coldly.
"Or are you?" Ivypool snarled. Luckypaw blinked. Since when was Ivypool so aggressive?
"Are we what? Going to chase you off our territory?" Rustfur shot back.
"It's not your territory!" Goldenpaw yowled. "It's ours!"
"Goldenpaw's right. We didn't cross the border line. We're not on your territory!" Graystripe took a menacing step forward, eyes flashing. Goldenpaw flushed with pride from the compliment. She stuck out her tongue at Luckypaw, who retaliated by swiping Goldenpaw over the head with a paw.
The first ShadowClan warrior snorted. "ThunderClan cats always thought that they could go anywhere they like. That includes you, you crow-food eating, mange-pelts!"
"Mouse-brain! Do you want to start a war with ThunderClan, Darkpelt?" Rustfur turned on his Clanmate.
With an ear-piercing shriek, Hollyleaf and Goldenpaw leaped as one and crossed the border, claws unsheathed. They advanced on the warrior, which Luckypaw now knew was named Darkpelt.
You silly mouse-brain! Luckypaw thought angrily at her sister. Always starting fights.
"Fetch more warriors, there's going to be a fight!" Darkpelt grabbed Shadowpaw's scruff and thrust him deeper into the pines.
"Stop!" Graystripe commanded, but his warriors didn't stop. Neither did Rustfur and Darkpelt.
Drool dripped from Darkpelt's mouth as he let his vicious fangs show. He suddenly leaped at Goldenpaw, bowling her over. He scratched at her ears and she retaliated by kicking his belly with her hind paws. Luckypaw hesitated. Should she help? It would be disobeying the warrior code if she crossed the border, but it would also be disobeying the warrior code if she didn't help her Clanmates. She glanced at Ivypool for help.
"Leave my apprentice alone!" Ivypool yowled, charging over the border, and tugged Darkpelt off her. He rolled in the dust, spitting with fury.
Ivypool sized up against Darkpelt, Goldenpaw at her side. Luckypaw reluctantly crossed the border, hovering near Goldenpaw.
"Stop it NOW!" Graystripe had found his tongue at last. But he was too late. A line of ShadowClan warriors strode forwards. Luckypaw recognized ShadowClan's vicious leader, Blackstar with them. He had been very cruel at the last gathering.
"So ThunderClan dares enter our territory again!" he snarled.
"Goldenpaw, get help!" Ivypool yelped, dodging a ShadowClan's strikes neatly.
"Be careful!" Luckypaw told her sister, before engaging in the battle. The ThunderClan warriors were outnumbered, but they stood together as one. Luckypaw stared in horror as she saw Graystripe disappear under ShadowClan pelts; brown, grey and black. She leaped back into the battle, smashing a powerful paw on a ShadowClan warrior's head; he let go of Graystripe. Beside her, Ivypool and Hollyleaf were fighting Rustfur, Darkpelt and Blackstar together.
Blackstar dodged Hollyleaf's jaws and feinted to her left but slashed his claws down her right side. Hollyleaf howled in pain and slumped to the ground. Suddenly, ThunderClan scents filled Luckypaw's jaws and she sighed in relief. The warriors had arrived! Luckypaw ducked a ShadowClan apprentice's blow and as he pressed in on her, she kicked out with her hind legs. The apprentice flinched and ran back to the older ShadowClan warriors. Good!
Two full grown warriors surrounded Luckypaw; she was outnumbered! Then, Brambleclaw and Dustpelt came to her rescue. Brambleclaw slashed at one of the warrior's face and gave him a good bite before he fled. The three ThunderClan cats surrounded the other warrior; he was the one outnumbered now. Luckypaw darted in to nip him on his hind leg, drawing blood. While he was distracted by Luckypaw, Dustpelt knocked him with a forepaw onto the ground. Brambleclaw then gave the final blow, a scratch down the side, and he screamed in fury before fleeing with the other ShadowClan warriors.
"Any serious injuries?" Firestar howled. Luckypaw had not noticed him arrive.
"Whitewing's unconscious, and Cinderheart has a nasty leg wound," Spiderleg piped up.
"Squirrelflight was knocked down by Blackstar, and Cloudtail has an eye injury," Goldenpaw added.
"Very well. Brackenfur, choose a patrol to find some fresh kill. We'll need prey. Brambleclaw, make a patrol that can assist the wounded warriors back to the camp. Ivypool, I'd like a word with you and Dovewing back at camp. Please meet me in my den." Firestar ordered.
Brackenfur dipped his head, and he, Spiderleg, Brightheart and Graystripe sped off into the forest to find prey. Brambleclaw began to issue orders with the remaining cats. Jayfeather rushed here and there, followed by Leafpool whom he had begrudgingly asked for help with the wounded warriors. Cinderheart was the most severely injured, with blood trickling down too many scratches to count, and a gash running down her belly.
Goldenpaw and Luckypaw huddled together, staring at their injured mother. However, any cat could see the distance between them, and how they didn't exchange words.
"Jayfeather! Will she be okay?" Goldenpaw called out to the blind medicine cat anxiously.
"Of course, she will!" Jayfeather snapped. Goldenpaw shrank back, Luckypaw flicking her tail at her teasingly. But Goldenpaw took it too far, nipping Luckypaw on the ear, drawing a little blood. Luckypaw shrank back with a hiss to see Jayfeather standing over them sternly. "Enough."
"I'm sorry. But please go back to camp and make yourselves useful." Jayfeather added.
"Yes, Jayfeather," the sisters chorused, neither of them looking at each other.
Luckypaw had just set a foot in the thorn barrier when she heard a yowl. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" It was Firestar. She quickly ran over to him, abandoning Goldenpaw.
"Today, we've had a big skirmish on the border. Many ShadowClan and ThunderClan warriors were injured. I take it that ShadowClan were provoking us, but our warriors crossed the border first." He aimed a stern glance at Hollyleaf and Goldenpaw. Ha! "Nonetheless, I have good news to announce. Fogpaw has been training with Lionblaze for many moons now. Lionblaze, is Fogpaw ready to become a warrior?"
Lionblaze grunted with amusement. "Every time I take him out to train, he tells me that he's been training all night. This apprentice of mine has been very hard working and noble. Yes, Firestar. He's ready."
"Hard working? He stinks of other cats every time he sneaks back into the den," Luckypaw muttered. Beside her, Goldenpaw moved her head in agreement.
"I, Firestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of the noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Fogpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
For once, Fogpaw's eyes were not murky brown with resentment, but sparkling with excitement.
"I do." He breathed.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Fogpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Fogwhisker. StarClan honors your independence and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan. Even though we found you as an abandoned kit, you have grown from a loner to a warrior. We respect that."
Firestar licked Fogwhisker's ears as the Clan erupted into cheers.
"Fogwhisker! Fogwhisker!" They caterwauled.
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