Chapter 26
Inside the meeting room, Theodore placed four photographs on the table. "These are the people you will be disguising as. They are all well-known figures in this world. They wouldn't be attending due to a family matter, but that message never reached the BM."
Shu studied the photograph Theodore placed right in front of him. A girl about his age with raven locks and vibrant blue eyes was smiling at the camera. Shu frowned, "She looks young to be a serial killer mastermind."
"She's the daughter of one," He answered. "And she's really familiar with everything in this world. You are going in as her. We had to add her name in a haste since you're going. She's a skilled blader."
"I've never seen her in tournaments, though," Shu countered.
"I like how he's arguing about every other fact except the fact that he'd have to dress as a girl," Jean said, "You really want to go in, don't you?"
Shu sunk in his chair, staring at the picture. Of course he did mind, but arguing wouldn't get him anywhere. "What's her name?"
Theodore smiled, placing a thick file on the table, brimming with tabbed edges. "Well, we're going to speedrun through her family, just in case. Welcome to your first lesson.
Shu learned her name was Amy, she had two younger brothers. Also, she never attended tournaments because they didn't interest her. Her bey was a balance type just like his. "Okay," Shu said, frowning. "I get all that, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to blade with her bey."
Theodore slipped a bey identical to the ones in the pictures. Shu raised his brow, picking it up. It had the same design as Spriggan, just different colours. He frowned when he explained. "That's Spryzen but with the design of the other bey. You won't have any problem handling this one."
"Wow," Leo leaned back, "You guys really went out with this one."
Lucas sighed, "We had to. This is our last chance to gather intel."
Pam stood, clapping her hands together. "Well, it's almost time. You guys get ready and meet us by the tech room in an hour." She ushered Shu out of the room towards a small dressing area with numerous outfits. He blinked as Jean and her breezed through several and settled on a green dotted summer dress with black tights. "Go ahead."
Shu flushed, never in his life did he think he'd crossdress to quench his own curiosity and well... for a mission. He stepped into the curtained area and dressed, pulling at the long sleeved dress that covered his bandages. When he stepped out, Jean was ready with the wig, Pam adjusted blue contacts in his eyes and started painting his lips deep red. Shu watched himself transform in the mirror, he was pretty sure if Valt sees him now, he'd never recognize him. "I look..." He started, frowning.
"Gorgeous," Pam commented, dusting his cheeks with a faint blush pink. "No one can tell you're not a girl."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Jean asked with a chuckle, adjusting the silky locks of the wig around his face. "I guess it is though. You're looking really pretty."
Shu flushed, "Thank you, I guess... This is weird."
"I bet it is," Lucas said, walking in. He was looking groomed in a velvet blue tuxedo, his curls hidden by a blonde wig, hair smoothed to the back of his head. Shu blinked.
"Blonde looks ugly on you," Shu said, "Really nasty."
Pam laughed, "Couldn't agree more."
"Let me walk into that courage with at least a little confidence, alright? You look gorgeous by the way," He commented, taking Shu's hand. "A well groomed young lady."
"Now I feel bad for insulting you," Shu smiled. "I wasn't lying though."
Lucas rolled his eyes, leading them towards the tech room where Norman and Leo waited. Leo was bouncing around the room wearing a dress shirt and tight pants. His blonde hair was replaced by a raven mess of curls and black eyes. Norman's ever present eyebags were gone and his green hair was replaced to a fine blonde cut with a black tuxedo. "You look stunning, my lady," Leo walked over. He took Shu's arm playfully and kissed it. "Pleasure to be at your service."
Shu snatched it back, flushing darker. "Shut up. It's embarrassing as it is."
Leo chuckled, "But I look like one fine young man in the wild of his youth, aren't I?"
Theodore cleared his throat before Shu could answer. He gestured at the screen which displayed a map of the venue. He went through it, letting them study every entrance and emergency exit. After studying it thoroughly, they were ushered into a black limo. Lucas handed him a long black coat which Shu nervously wrapped around himself, practising the personality he needed to be in when he got down in the BM. He pocketed the new bey and left Spriggan by the base for extra precaution.
The darkened glasses of the limo concealed the path and Shu didn't mind. He leaned back on the seat, tapping his foot on the car. Their ride was in silence, the playful banter replaced with utter seriousness. Leo grabbed his hand and gave a comforting squeeze. Shu smiled at his silent comfort. When the car stopped, everyone took a minute to compose themselves, slipping into their characters.
"Wait," Lucas said, before they could step out. He handed Shu a gun, "I know you don't like using them. But just in case. Keep it, okay?"
Shu hesitantly accepted and stepped out to the glaring evening sun. Lucas walked in front of them, Norman behind them. Shu let his shoulders relax and fell into a confident stride as they reached a back alley leading to a rackety chained gate. There were two men in black with dark shades covering their eyes. "Invitation?" One of the men asked as Lucas slipped it out of his pocket. The two men studied it and led them towards a black door.
"Welcome," A receptionist dressed in a light blue tuxedo welcomed them, his charming smile blinding against the professional faces in the small lobby area. It was dark, the room lit with a single translucent light, but it was enough to let them see the bey stadium in the middle and two judges with computers analysing the moves. "Miss Amy, I believe it's our first meeting."
Shu raised his brow, disinterested. "Is that the stadium, Aron?"
Lucas nodded, "Yes, young lady."
He shrugged off his coat and tossed it towards Lucas and walked towards the stadium. Taking his stance, he listened to the countdown before launching his bey. It went exactly as he planned, circling perfectly with a gliding win for Shu. "Marvellous!" The receptionist clapped his hands. "The rumours about you do not lie."
Leo smirked, "Of course they don't," He went over to Shu and offered his hand, "May we?"
Shu gave him a flirtatious smile as they practised. Leo's supposed to be the potential lover of the girl. "My pleasure."
The receptionist gestured at one of the guards, "He will show you around. Have a great time!"
Shu internally sighed, how was he supposed to have a great time in a black market that supposedly sells all the illegal stuff in the underworld? Well, to these criminals this might be something pleasurable. Shu was surprised when he walked in. For starters, he knew this wasn't supposed to look like a sunday market, organs here, drugs there, but a small part of him still expected something akin to that.
Inside was a wide hall, scattered with tables. People sat around them talking. Laptops rested in front of them, tablets passed around. Shu felt Leo's grip tighten on his arm. He looked at Lucas and Norman, "You two go find something to eat," He waved dismissively, "We'll look around with him." He said to the guard assigned to them. The man looked conflicted but agreed. He followed them like a shadow around the hall where waiters stood with wine glasses and soft beverages.
There were three doors leading to other rooms, Shu noticed. He studied the chandeliers, finally focusing on the men and women, dressed exquisitely, talking among themselves when a girl threw herself into him. Shu stumbled a few steps back, as she gave him a hearty embrace. "Amy! You made it. How was the flight?"
Shu grinned, "As comfortable as they come! Wow Meg, you've gotten taller. It's going to be hard to find a boyfriend if you keep growing like that." Shu winked.
Meghan Blaire, a daughter of one of the shareholders in the many stocks Boss owned in dark web. Meghan held a deep jealousy towards Amy for her high position and capabilities. Meg laughed out loud, "What about you? Heard you have a special someone now, yeah?" She eyed Leo seductively, "That's one fine guy."
Shu smiled, taking his elbow and leaning against him, "Right!? He's a genius blader. You should see him in the ring." He pouted his lips, "Adorbs."
"I bet," Meg said, her smile dimming. "Well, I have to run. Duty calls," She said, "Unlike some people, we have to work for success."
Shu watched her sauntering away, "Wow, she's a bitch."
Leo snorted, ""Let's go check one of the doors."
"There's guards there," Shu whispered as Leo led them not-so-discreetly towards one of the less obvious doors. The guard behind them stopped them before they could reach further.
"I'm sorry sir, but that path is confidential."
Shu's bluetooth earpiece buzzed, "We entered from the first door, proceeding," Lucas's voice said through a mess of static. "There's no guards here inside. Over."
"Feels like a dead end," Norman grumbled, "Over."
Shu smiled sweetly at the guard, "I'm looking for the washrooms, that way then?" He pointed at the third door.
The guard blinked. Leo clicked his tongue, dismayed. "Don't tell me this place doesn't have a room when nature calls."
Shu shushed him, "Jesus, mind your language will you!"
"That wasn't what you said last night," Leo grinned, winking at him.
Shu flushed, "Aha! You're killing me, sweetheart."
The guard seemed to be convinced of their little act. He cleared his throat loudly, displaying his discomfort, leading them towards the door Shu pointed at. He talked in hushed voices with the guards by the door and led them inside to a semi-dark hallway. Shu kept his eyes on the dull grey walls as they reached the signs to the washroom. He instinctively turned to the men's washroom when Leo discreetly guided him towards the other one. "See you soon, honeybun."
Shu ducked his head with a chuckle slipping in. "I'm inside the washroom," He reported, looking around the cubicles to make sure it was empty. He entered the first one and found a square window over the opposite wall. "I'm going to search through the opposite building, over."
"Alright," Lucas answered, "Be careful."
"Alright, you too." He stepped to the tank and hauled himself out of the window. He skipped towards the other side where there was a small withering garden right opposite another imposing building. Shu could hear the faint sound of cars on the main road. The back alley should be in front of the building he just escaped. He took quick steps across the garden and slipped into the shadow of the building.
According to the maps, there had to be a door nearby. Shu discovered the door easily, there were two guards by the door, carrying guns, talking among each other. "Leo, now." He said. A second later, a loud crash deafened the area. The guards ran towards the opposite building allowing Shu to sneak into through the door. He took a metal staircase down to another identical hallway.
The lights flickered around him as he walked quietly, listening to any disrupting footsteps. This building didn't seem to be as crowded as the other one. He stopped, hearing heels clicking on the floor.
Shu slipped into a narrow space between a metal cupboard that smelled faintly of cleaning supplies and the wall. A woman's voice interrupted the silence. "Are you sure about it?" She asked, her thick accent slurring the words together.
"Yes ma'am, Amy Alejandro is not supposed to be here it seems. But we welcomed them an hour ago."
A chill ran down his spine, shit.
"Get them into a red room for questioning. I need everyone guarding every entrance and exit. Do not let anyone enter or exit without checking with me, do you hear?" When she passed the cupboards, Shu got a glimpse of the lady who was accompanied by a young girl around Leo's age. Her bright pink hair adjusted to two pigtails. He watched them walking away. "Lucas," he whispered, 'We need to fall back. They know we're here."
"Shit," Lucas was running, Shu could hear his footsteps. "Get out of there, now. We're meeting at the spot we discussed in five. Everyone, fall back, get going. Hur-" He was cut off abruptly. Shu blinked.
"Lucas?" Shu asked, "Norman?" There was no answer. His heart thudded against his chest as he slipped out of his hiding place and started calling Leo's name. "Leo-"
"I'm here, where are you?"
"I'm-" Shu started but was cut off as static overtook the voices and the earpiece buzzed against his ear painfully. Shu hissed, picking it out. "Well," He muttered, quickening his pace to reach their meeting spot when a door to his right took his interest. It was slightly ajar, light pouring out of the gap.
Shu looked both sides of the hallway and stepped towards the door. He pressed himself against the wall and peered in. It was empty, and the glowing was from the numerous monitors displaying his face, wearing the snakepit uniform. He walked over to the main monitor with a quick glance at the door.
The room was eerily quiet except for the low buzzing of the computer. He tried to read the words on the monitor. It was a general description of his performance. He took the mouse and clicked the next page option.
He took a step back as another boy's details opened in a new window. He started skimming through the paragraphs, half incomprehensive. He searched through the desks next, unable to find anything useful in the mounds of files. He had no idea which was useful or not, there were numbers and numbers of raw data printed on paper.
Shu paused, listening intently as they closed down. He rushed towards the door when something glinted in the corner of his eye. Shu paused, listening to the footsteps, heels clicking on the floor. Turning back he ran towards the desk and snatched the pen drive hidden among a box of more paper. Pocketing it, he reached out to open the door.
He didn't have to. Someone opened the door from the other side. The girl from before, bright pink hair adjusted in pigtails. A matching party dress adorned with glitter that shone every time she moved. A black eyepatch over her right eye concealed her vision. "Fuck," Shu muttered as he backed down towards the far end of the room.
The girl licked her lips, "They told me to look for a pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes. You're plenty pretty." Her nasally voice answered. Shu looked at the doll she was clutching to her chest, a haunting thing of buttons and rags. "What do you say Mimi, should we capture this little doll too?"
"Great, she's crazy," She thought with a grimace as he looked around for a weapon. He stayed still as she closed the distance on him, a bright kitchen knife in her hands.
When she got closer, he tugged at the plug in the main power socket. The whole room went into a deep darkness. The girl yelped, jumping back as Shu took his chance to flee the room.
He burst into the hallway and started sprinting down it. He picked at the earpiece, trying to contact anyone to no avail when the footsteps closed on him from behind. Shu risked a glance behind him. The girl was there on his toes, laughing maniacally as they were engaged in a friendly game of tag.
"You're really good at running away!" She cheered, accelerating her speed.
"Please," Shu grimaced, "Lucas? Norman? Are you there?"
The girl jumped forward, grabbing Shu's leg, sending them both tumbling to the floor. She climbed him up, pinning his body under her and tugged at his wig. "Wow! It's true, you're not our Amy!"
Shu raised his brow, "Thought you already knew that," He elbowed her, rolling to his side. Jumping to his feet, Shu grabbed one of her arms and slammed her against the wall.
She grinned, "Are we going to kiss now?"
Shu didn't have the time to be baffled. He pressed against her tighter, "Who are you?"
She licked her lips with a pout, "Awh, I thought I was pretty popular," She smiled, "For the record, I'm good with knives."
Shu narrowly dodged as she slashed it against his abdomen. She flicked them in her hands dangerously. Shu broke into a run, he passed two identical hallways. Analysing the map in his head, he knew he was closer to the exit but this-
His thoughts were graciously cut off when she grabbed his hair and slammed him against a janitor closet. He grunted, finding himself in her close hold, a knife against his throat. Shu smiled, "You're good."
She chuckled, "Am I? Thank you!"
"But your poor doll, though. She's going to need serious stitching after that."
She frowned, "Mimi?" She hurriedly searched for her doll, "But she's just-" Shu kicked her shin and sent her tumbling to the floor. The knife scattered across the hallway.
"You little bit-" She started lunging at the knife. But Shu was quicker. He grabbed the blade and aimed at her.
"Don't come near me,"
She flashed her teeth at him like a feral animal. The doll clutched at her hand.
She lunged forward. Shu ducked and swept his legs under her. She jumped, dodging his attack and made a grab at the knife. Shu moved his right hand and backhanded her across the face using the handle. She spit out blood from her split lips. "You're not quite bad yourself, cutie."
When she started to laugh again, Shu was surprised. She pulled out a jewelled gun. "You're cute," She winked, "I can break you, but I can't kill you. Those were the orders."
Shu stiffened his shoulders. "Well, fuck."
"Drop the knife," She ordered, her voice dropping an octave. "Hands on the air."
Shu hesitated, feeling the gun Lucas gave sitting hot in his waistband. He dropped the knife and slowly started raising his hands. She smiled, satisfied. With one fluid motion, Shu grabbed the gun, and aimed at her. Real bullets, his minds replayed. This had real bullets. "I'm afraid I cannot go down that easily."
But Shu knew she could see the faint tremble in his hands. He had never shot a human being, and he knew he would never be- "Hold it still, Shu," A familiar voice interrupted from the opposite side. Leo appeared behind the girl, his gun right on her head. "Pretty pretty lady, why don't you put that down?"
Her grip tightened. "Why don't I shoot your friend's brains out, then?"
"You won't," Leo grinned, "You need him alive."
Shu put the gun down when Norman's voice buzzed through his earpiece. "To the exit. Now."
Shu shared a look with Leo who nodded. Without giving her time to process, he shot a clean bullet to her shin. She screamed falling to her knees as Leo lunged forward. He backhanded her using the gun. A gruesome cracking sound echoing through the hallway. Shu winced, allowing Leo to grab his hand as they sprinted towards the spot.
Guards started barking orders behind them as they narrowly escaped the onslaught of their approach, almost crashing into the limo. Norman opened the door and ushered them in, screaming at the driver to keep going. Shu let out a relieved breath, looking to see Norman's ashened face.
Shu frowned, "Norman, what's-" But he didn't have to finish the sentence. There Lucas was, crumpled on the seat, bleeding through the white dress shirt from a bullet wound right to his heart.
"To the hospital," Norman ordered the driver as Shu stared, dumb with shock. Somewhere Leo fumbled for his phone, calling Theodore. But Shu could just stare. How could everything go so wrong? How did they find everything out? He stumbled to Lucas and held his hand.
"Lucas," He whispered, praying to all the gods he knew. He cannot lose another one. No, not again.
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