Chapter 1: The Dark Rabbid Strikes
Here is the first chapter.
Also, I'll be changing the intro to sparks of Hope quite a bit.
Also, the Sparks will be called Rabbid Lumas until they are given the name Sparks.
We open up on the Mushroom Kingdom, more specifically Peach's castle where we could see various Rabbids working or playing around in the Courtyard.
It had been a while since the Megabug incident and the Rabbids have integrated nicely into Mushroom Kingdom society which was surprising considering how Rabbids usually were.
However for now things were quite peaceful which was rare for this kingdom as there was usually some big problem going on which usually involved their Princess getting captured by a giant dragon turtle.
Speaking of which, said Princess named Peach was currently enjoying a nice tea party with her Rabbid counterpart under a shady tree.
Princess Peach:
Rabbid Peach:
While Peach was politely drinking tea, Rabbid Peach was busy attempting to take a selfie with her phone.
She had her back turned to the table while standing on her chair.
"Oh come on, the lighting here sucks." Rabbid Peach complained.
"Rabbid Peach, maybe you should put your phone down for a few minutes and..." Peach attempted to say.
"NEVER!" Rabbid Peach yelled while gripping her phone protectively while giving Peach a death glare.
The Mushroom Kingdom Princess sweatdropped but decided it was best not to raise Rabbid Peach's ire and just silently went back to sipping her tea.
Meanwhile Luigi was busy having a conversation with his own Rabbid counterpart near the Courtyard fountain.
Rabbid Luigi:
"So what do you think?" Rabbid Luigi asked showing off his new overalls.
Luigi just stared on with a bit of confusion.
No offense to his counterpart, but those overalls looked pretty shoddy, it was even missing a button.
"Um...uh" The younger Mario brother stuttered attempting to think of something to say .
"I look good right?" Rabbid Luigi asked with hope in his eyes which made it all the harder for Luigi to tell his counterpart the truth.
"Ha, trying to be more like ol Rabbid Mario aye?" Came a voice catching both their attention.
Approaching them was none other than Rabbid Mario.
Rabbid Mario:
Rabbid Mario gave Rabbid Luigi a slap on the back nearly making him fall forward.
"Nice try little bro, but only one Rabbid around here can look good in alternatives to pants." Rabbid Mario boasted making Rabbid Luigi groan and glare at him after he managed to straighten his balance.
Luigi let out a sigh of relief having been spared the fate of giving an honest opinion.
Meanwhile Luigi's older brother Mario was currently sitting atop a hill simply enjoying the day.
Hovering beside him was a little robot named Beep-0.
For Mario, the peace was a very welcomed break.
Usually him and his brother would be bouncing around the entire kingdom, usually trying to save the princess from the dragon turtle that always kidnapped her.
It was nice to just have a peaceful day where nothing eventful happened.
"This is quite a wonderful day." Beep-0 stated happily in his British accent. "No threats, no chaos, it is quite lovely."
Mario nodded in agreement with a smile.
"And we can all rest assured that absolutely nothing will go wrong or ruin it for us." The floating Roomba stated.
Once again the Italian Plumber nodded in agreement before laying on his back and taking a deep breath to relaxe.
After a good minute, Beep-0 suddenly saw something in the sky plummeting towards them.
"Oh dear, incoming!" He yelled out gaining everyone's attention.
Mario jolted up upon hearing their floating roomba's warning and looked up to see the incoming object.
He attempted to move out of the way but it was too late as the incoming object struck him knocking his hat off and him to the ground.
Upon seeing this, everyone rushed to the plumber to see if he was alright.
"Mario, are you okay?" Peach asked helping him stand back up.
Mario looked to be quite dazed from the impact as Blue winged shells were circling his head.
Mario immediately shook it off and gave the princess a thumbs up.
"OOH, what's that!?" Rabbid Peach asked suddenly knocking Mario to the ground once again as she ran past him to inspect what had caught her interest.
Mario tried to get up once again only for Rabbid Luigi to run past him making him spin once again.
The process repeated with with the others until Mario could finally stand up again.
He saw that the others were surrounding a little creature which was obscured by Mario's hat.
It was obvious this little creature had crashed into him.
Mario approached it and removed his hat from it's head and all could finally get a good look at it.
What they saw shocked and surprised them.
The creature at first glance appeared to be a Luma, a creature Mario grew familiar with during his galaxy hopping adventures.
However, this Luma was very odd, it's normally small innocent black eyes were now wide and blue, it had a mouth and a pair of long floppy ears.
This Luma had the face and ears of a Rabbid.
It was a little unnerving for everyone to say the least, at least for Mario, Peach and Luigi.
Their Rabbid counterparts seemed to be enthralled by the little creature, fawning over it.
"Aww, you're so cute little guy." Rabbid Luigi squealed only for Rabbid Peach to to push him aside and go up to the creature.
"Like seriously!" She agreed giving it a tight hug which it did not seem to enjoy as it struggled to breathe.
"Hey, you're gonna crush it's bones." Rabbid Mario stated. "If it has bones."
The Rabbid Luma hybrid managed to squirm out of her grip and took a deep breath to introduce air back into it's lungs.
A sudden flash blinded it a bit, said flash having come from Rabbid Peach who had taken a selfie with it.
The Rabbid Luma shook it's head to regain it's vision and looked around with a worried expression.
"What a curious creature." Beep-0 stated hovering close to examin it.
"I-is he here?" The Rabbid Luma asked fear evident in it's voice.
"Is who here?" Peach asked curiously.
Before anyone could answer, a cutting sound suddenly pierced the air catching everyone's attention.
They all turned to where the sound had come from and much to their shock and the Rabbid Luma's horror, a red portal suddenly burst open in the center of the garden.
"What the?" Rabbid Mario asked raising a brow.
Luigi and Rabbid Luigi both jumped at the sudden loud sound the portal produced and held each other in fear.
While everyone else was mostly confused by the sudden portal, the Rabbid Luma seemed absolutely terrified.
"Oh no oh no oh no oh no!" The Rabbid Luma kept repeating fear in his voice.
Everyone stared at the terrified creature then back at the portal and got ready.
If there was a portal, usually someone either gets sucked in or something comes out...usually something that wasn't friendly.
This time it was the latter as a figure slowly emerged from the portal.
The figure was short and had long ears indicating it was some sort of Rabbid.
Though, when they finally got a good look at it, there were a few traits that helped this particular Rabbid stand out.
(Y/N) the Dark Rabbid:
Unlike most Rabbids, your fur was grey with various black markings on them, you wore a black scarf and had a pair of glowing blood red eyes.
The Rabbid Luma let out a terrified scream and hid behind Mario.
"Who is this guy?" Rabbid Mario asked.
"I do not know but he certainly has an air of menace." Beep-0 stated cautiously.
Suddenly, Rabbid Peach upon seeing you gained large pink hearts in her eyes.
"I don't know who is, but I know what he is!" She stated. "HE'S A HOTTIE!"
The Lovestruck Rabbid Peach immediately ran towards you, arms outstretched to give you a hug.
She completely ignored the others who told her to come back and upon seeing her approaching you, you slowly raised your hand and the moment she got close enough you delivered a hard slap to her face.
You slapped her so hard she flew back across the floor and hit a small rock formation a good distance away.
While most of the group gasped in shock and worry Rabbid Mario couldn't help but let out a laugh at what he just witness.
You weren't in the mood to deal with anyone's stupidity today.
You glared at Mario who noticed and immediately got into a defensive stance.
"Excuse me good sir..." Beep-0 stated getting your attention.
The moment your eyes shifted over to the floating Roomba it flinched back, finding your glare quite intimidating.
Beep-0 however, managed to regain his composure and made a sound similar to clearing one's throat.
"Um...who are you and why are you here?" He asked firmly.
To answer you pointed directly at Mario and the plumber felt the Rabbid Luma behind him shake even more.
"P-please...d-don't l-let him take me." It pleaded looking at the plumber with Sad eyes.
Mario may not have understood the situation, but it was clear you wanted this creature and it did not want to go with you.
The Plumber turned to you and shook his head.
"Forgive us sir, but it would appear this creature does not wish to go with you." Beep-0 stated and you narrowed your eyes in annoyance.
"Yeah, so scram!" Rabbid Mario ordered.
"I-if y-you...d-don't mind..." Rabbid Luigi added terrified still holding his counterpart.
"Please." Luigi begged as you held your menacing glare.
"WAIT!" Rabbid Peach yelled picking herself up and running up to the group. "He doesn't have to go yet does he?"
Everyone stared at Peach's Rabbid counterpart oddly for a bit.
Meanwhile you decided you have had enough and when Mario turned to look back at you he only now noticed the katana at your hip.
You removed the sheath and then the katana with your thumb.
Like this:
It was clear you were about to attack and in response Mario pulled out his dual pistols.
Everyone else saw what was going on as you completely unsheathed your weapon.
They all pulled out their own weapons as Mario open fired on you, however you easily deflected the shot with your blade.
The Rabbid Luma grew even more fearful as you glared at the group with murderous intent.
"Why are the hot ones always evil!?" Rabbid Peach asked with a groan aiming her missile launcher at you.
3 missiles were sent your way and you swiftly jumped up and with extreme precision you cut them to pieces.
Then you seemingly vanished out of sight.
"Where'd he..." Rabbid Mario tried to say only for you to suddenly appear in front of them and slam your sword onto the ground.
Like this but the energy is red:
The slam released a red energy from your blade and was so strong it destroyed the ground beneath the heroes feet.
It also resulted in a shockwave that sent the heroes flying.
As they all flew back, with your speed you grabbed the Rabbid Luma as the shockwave flung it back and jumped back a good distance before every hero hit the ground.
"That speed..." Beep-0 groaned groaned shaking his...head/body?
"I couldn't even see him." Luigi groaned as stars flew around his head.
Mario shook his head and glared at you as you held the squirming Rabbid Luma in your free hand.
You glared at the heroes and raised your katana high which was surging with red and black energy.
"I suggest we move." Beep-0 stated as you performed a slashing motion with your sword which released a powerful wave of dark energy straight at the heroes.
Thanks to Beep-0's warning though the heroes narrowly avoided being disintegrated by your attack.
Rabbid Mario armed with his gauntlets charged at you and attempted to deliver a hard punch to your face.
However, you immediately held up the Rabbid Luma using it as a shield.
Rabbid Mario stopped his fist inches from the poor creature and in return for his compassion he received a harsh kick to the gut from you which launched him back.
You then quickly noticed several arrows flying at you which were shot at you by Luigi and you did this in response.
Luigi flinched as his own arrows were flung back at him.
Luckily he was quick enough to dodge them but in his panic he dropped his crossbow.
You raised your katana ready to send a powerful wave of energy at him only for you to halt and slash at a disc which was flung at you by Rabbid Luigi.
You would have dealt with him if it weren't for for you needing to jump back out of range from a spreadshot blast from Peach's umbrella.
The Rabbid Luma in your grip struggled harder making you tighten your grip around it's head causing it pain.
It let out a scream in response to this.
You were giving it a message:
"Stop squirming or you get pain."
Was the message and it seemed to comply as it did eventually stop it's struggle.
Suddenly, Mario dropped down in front of you having flown with Beep-0's and attempted to slide into you.
However being as fast as you were you managed to jump in time only to be struck with missiles from Rabbid Peach which sent you flying back.
"Bye-bye handsome!" Rabbid Peach giggled as your body hit the ground with a thud.
This caused you to let go of the Rabbid Luma and it immediately flew over to the heroes once more hugging Mario as thanks.
As you slowly got up every hero immediately aimed their weapons at you preparing to fire.
When you got back on your feet and could finally stand up you took a look at everyone and simply let out a sigh.
You raised your katana up high and slammed it into the ground which resulted in dust getting knocked up.
All Heroes with long range weapons open fired immediately only to hit nothing but air as you had seemingly vanished.
Before they could even wonder where you were, you reappeared near the Rabbid Luma and once again grabbed it by the head before vanishing in a puff of smoke.
You reappeared a good distance away from them.
You had had enough now and decided to just leave.
You turned around and slashed at the air with your blade which created a portal.
Like this, except the portal is red and black:
You suddenly heard the sound of running footsteps, turned and saw the heroes running after you.
You rolled your eyes and send a wave of dark energy at them.
Most of the heroes dodged to the side to avoid the wave, but Mario being the amazing jumper he was jumped over the wave.
Above him Beep-0 could be seen and materialized a hoop below him which Mario grabbed onto.
You glared up at him, ready to send another wave at him.
However, your ears picked up the sound of footsteps running towards you.
You saw that Rabbid Peach was about to tackle into you, however you easily sidestepped her tackle and roundhouse kicked her into the portal.
This gave Mario the opportunity to jump let go of Beep-0 and plummet towards you.
He had planned to jump on your head to disorient you, but you were smarter and faster than the enemies he faced and jumped back to let him land in front of you.
The moment his feet touched the ground you jumped up and used both your feet to kick him directly in the gut.
Your kick was powerful enough to send the Plumber into the portal just like Rabbid Peach.
You sighed and with the Rabbid Luma in hand entered the portal.
You'd take care of them on the other side and before any other hero could follow you through the portal closed shut.
Peach, Luigi, Rabbid Luigi, Rabbid Mario and Beep-0 stood there stunned unsure of what to do after witnessing that.
All they could was hope those 2 would be alright wherever they were...with you.
They were not gonna be alright.
Next chapter: Vs (Y/N) the Dark Rabbid (First Bout).
There we go, the first chapter.
Now this wasn't your first official battle hints the name of the next chapter.
See ya'll later.
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