Underground 🔞
I added 🔞 not cause of smut but quite unpleasant content
I'm standing in front of her and my whole body trembles, this moment was truly something I feared to even think about, what should I do now? what should I tell to her? how to explain? like only remaining pure thing in my life was Yang Zi until now, I don't want her to be dirtied like me, far, she has to be far from me.
"So... why did you come?" I ask again and she awakes from the daze
"I was going to talk to Yibo, about our so called engagement. It's bothering me, felt like I had no right anymore to contact or meet you but..." She stops and eyes us "seems like I was the only one feeling like this, you two... what are you? I mean..."
"Let's talk outside, alone" I hold her hand and look back before leaving, Yibo stays quiet, just tightens his fist and removes stare from our entwined fingers.
we sit in the garden facing each-other and both hesitate to say something, Yang Zi nervously rubs her fingers and i feel so sorry, during those years we're together it was never hard to find talking subject, although we had nothing common, our life was totally different still we could understand each-other so well. but now... I feel so hurt for our ruined relationship
"Zhan" at the end she lowly says and looks at me "don't gonna lie, I have too much conclusions, doubts running in my mind, all of them seems totally nonsense but... sure i knew it was something wrong with you since that day you cried in my arms, I waited patiently for you to open and share your worries but... guess too much things changed and most importantly it's you. I won't believe any of them until you say it yourself, I'll just listen to you cause I know you never lie, at least you can't lie to me" yes right and this is the worst part, how am I going to explain without lying? if I tell the all truth she is going to feel too sorry for me, try to protect and keep me apart from Yibo, but what she can do? someone totally naive and innocent for this world, she will be dragged in like me and I can't let this to happen
"I'm sleeping with him" I know she thought about this possibility but hearing from me causes too strong pain and disappointment, Yang Zi turns her face away and breaths out to stop her trembling chin, please don't, please don't cry "it's been quite long time since we're having this kind of relationship"
"no, it's impossible. you couldn't treat me like this"
"still, I did"
"I can... I can understand if you explain, I know it couldn't happen without reason, you couldn't... just cheat on me, I know you very well, was you forced? did someone threaten you?"
"you don't well enough Yang Zi, no one does"
"I know you value yourself and please don't change cause of someone like me. I don't deserve..."
"then, what am I supposed to do? this is too sudden, I can't even... breath properly, tell me just let you to go? just erase everything like this? you know how much I love you, I really do, I can forgive if you still..." she leans closer and cups my face, unable to handle her teary eyes I lower my stare "no, look at me, you told me before it was impossible for you to have sex with someone you don't have feelings for, did you change or... what Yibo means for you?" isn't this what I'm asking myself too? "you just hesitated, this means much" she moves back again and painfully smiles
"it's totally different, from what I feel for you, Yang Zi I can't explain it but..."
"Different or not, you still feel. but... I wonder which is real one? the look in your eyes changed too, it was always carrying sadness but not this much, sorry if I was too late to notice it and help you" the more good she is, the more my heart hurts for her, the more she cries the more I want to kill him and myself too. Yang Zi did nothing wrong, yet she has to suffer like us
"I can say only one thing, I won't let you to come in this family. me staying next to Yibo can protect both of us" I stand up and hold her hands "I always had doubt about our future, never yours, it was only my fault. maybe my love was enough but not my abilities to be worth husband for you. entering this world I realize, everyone needs someone alike next to them, same class, same ideology. what is the reason of rich and poor sometimes being friends? only using each-other, they can never be equal. even your family let us to get married, I'll never be accepted as real part of it"
"then you and him... aren't you very different too?"
"we're like... two sides of the same coin" I lean down and kiss her hair, maybe we're going to meet each-other again but still this feels like forever goodbye "I'm very sorry, please don't cry cause of me, don't dirt your heart with hate towards me, just be very happy, this will be best punishment for me"
She doesn't says anything but I hear sobbing sounds after I'm already quite afar from her, I lean at the tree and start loudly crying too, mourning not only lost love but only moments from the past, when I thought life is still beautiful...
"You cried" Yibo whispers when I walk through him, raising my head I look into his eyes and he can't take my stare "again... hate"
"Every time I try to accept my new life, to understand and come closer to you, let you own me, always something happens that pulls me back again, it's long since I gave up on myself but...your acts before, caused mom and her to cry too, I can't... I can't forgive their tears
I walk into kitchen at the next morning and Huai Sang greets me with smile but kind of different, forced one. I nod slightly and sit down, good he is here too, I really don't want to stay alone with Yibo now. Maid brings the dishes and Huai Sang mockingly stares at him "since then did you start loving spicy food? Trying to please your wife?"
"Shut up" Yibo says thought his teeth and avoids my stare
"you don't need to adopt to my taste, you don't need to do anything for me"
"seems like you had fight, I was willing to see happy family atmosphere but it's even worse then at my..." he pauses and Yibo asks with worrying tone
"there is something wrong with you no? what happened?" it's easy to notice even for me, his funny aura is almost gone
"nothing serious" he just shakes head and looks at Yibo "let's go to that place today, I need to relieve my stress
"that place?"
"he means the underground club..." Yibo turns to me "where I first met barbie, my dad and his some friends are investing money in, but don't think it's suitable for you"
"why? wasn't he willing to see our dirty world?" Huai Sang stands up and leans closer to me "you aren't only fucking victim in this world, I'm leaving now, see you later"
"you don't need to..."
"still, I'll go with you"
we enter very usual little cafe and I look at them feeling too surprised, Huai Sang smirks and leads us to the exit door, nicely dressed muscular guard takes something similar to id card from Yibo and gives us permission to come in. after leaving our phones with him, we walk down on the stairs and slowly music sound reaches my ears, Yibo holds my hand not to fall in darkness and suddenly bright light hurts my eyes, as huge door opens in front of us. Huai Sang immediately leaves us and joins the others while I'm trying to stop myself from throwing up. not only visual view but smell is totally disgusting and unbearable too, mix of the sweat, drug, sex and cum, there are people of both gender and almost any age, separated in little groups, wrapped and entwined into each-other, everything you can imagine in your sexual fantasies, see in your wet dreams or watch in porno videos happens in front of me right now, all nudity and filthiness, feeling my grip tightening around his wrist Yibo turns to me "we can leave if you want"
"no" curiosity wins over disgust and i walk forward, I could never expect meeting elegant, decent looking men from our office at this kind if place, noticing many faces from the TV I realize why our phones was taken, all are so deeply lost in orgies no way they can even recognize me. old men, already reached the age to be their grandpas fucking and getting blowjob from very young boys, the disgust is too visible on their faces I get the chills. my legs starts shaking when suddenly hear screaming sounds from the closed rooms and Yibo quickly drags me to the corner of the hall, noticing I'm willing to get in
"Zhan stop, you can't save someone here"
"what the hell is even happening?"
"this is the secret "heaven" of people who plays angel but shows true colors here, like my dad gives promises of happy future but instead of this ruins it. among this young boys, almost none of them comes here on their own will, they're usually cheated or sold by their parents, with very good price. we all have heard about this but can't or don't want to believe"
"but...this is terrible, if someone calls" Yibo shakes his head and hesitates a little before asking
"why didn't you sue me after that night?"
"cause knew.. I couldn't prove my truth"
"right, this place is protected by police too, cause they profit much, righteous, kind detectives usually only exist in the books and movies. those old men from my dad's circle, who has too much money and is able to buy anything, they get bored and want something new and usually it always ends up at the sexual fantasies, this club is where they can free and feed any desires, some of them only gets turn on when is watching or is being watched by someone while fucking or... is forcing someone. sometimes they record everything and just save or upload it on the private sites, they not only enjoy but sell too. and plus, not every rape videos are made up, some enjoys watching it real. you can check, how much it's searched on the porn sites. Zhan you can't even imagine what amount of money runs in the sex industry and what are these people able to do"
"What about you?"
"Me? First time I came here, the main reason was to upset my parents, I started foolishly doing worse and worse things thinking they should worry about me and try to save their kid" Yibo laughs and scratches his nape "that night I had fight, can't even remember about what but it almost caused my death, barbie who was selling his body here saved me. That day I realized finally, they just didn't care and kept coming here after becoming stronger, already able to protect myself. and reason was... to watch... maybe someone is having harder time than me"
"I want to leave" i whisper and get out with him, Yibo catches my waist noticing I have hard time to walk
"are you still sure about fighting against my father? when even can't handle watching those scenes? are you able to change? sure we can't win over all of them but still... if I decide to free myself, will you help?"
I'm not sure about last part, if it was well written, maybe not detailed enough but I truly struggled 😅 think it was necessary cause this story isn't called "Dark society" for nothing 😬
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