In Your Arms
I enter my parents' mansion and search for them, sitting in the living room they're both busy with their so called housework, mom humiliates maid while dad looking himself in the TV with proud expression, disgusting
"What a surprise my son" he eyes me with doubt and offers to sit down "are you here to ask for money? Did you already get bore by poorness?"
"I have enough things to sell my dad" I answer with the same tone "I'm here to take some documents about your new project, is it in your cabinet?" I tighten fist in the pocket, holding micro camera. building up plans is always too easy, but mostly... man plans, god laughs
"on the table, but important ones in the safe, you need this to open it" he shows his thumb and smirks "I'll bring by myself later, it isn't like I trust you this much"
"ok, I'll take it and leave"
"oh right did you hear the news?"
"What news?"
"Here" he raises volume of the TV and Huai Sang's mom appears on the screen, there is nothing surprising about it cause she is one of the most famous actresses in the china but...
"Being idolized and favorite actress thanks to her always perfect reputation, Nie Hualing suddenly gets into huge scandal, surprising everyone all over the world. It turned out that she just used his husband for creating her pure image and hid her dirty past. She got married while already carrying her son, fooling everyone. videos and images which was confidentially sent to media proves that she still keeps relationship with old partner or maybe partners. Right after this information came out she was immediately removed from every project and commercials, due to countless hating comments about her in the social media. her career as maybe her marriage too is over"
"This can't be, no way this is true" I lean on the table, feeling my whole body trembling. finally I understand why was Huai Sang acting this weirdly, why that sadness suddenly took home in his eyes. He knew or maybe was guessing, while I dream to escape from my family, he always adored them, especially dad who meant everything for him. It must feel like his whole life was just a lie... how strong pain he must feel now
"That slutty woman, being too proud of her fake family. Showing her beauty off, well done finally everyone can see her true colors" mom loudly laughs and grins with satisfaction "Lusy did great job"
"Did you know the informant?"
"Sure, she is from our women club. What Yibo? Should she hide it? Come on isn't this funny? She god deserved punishment"
"What kind of people are you? Are you even human? Weren't you two long time friends? Just cause of... she is prettier or more famous than you? Just like that you all stabbed her at the very first chance"
"Yibo stop it" dad gets up and grabs my arm "how do you dare..."
"how come, you can still surprise me? make me feel like angel compared to you? wish I can change place to Huai Sang, wish I have other parents. You you're better than that woman, like any of you are loyal towards each-other, like you..."
"Shut up, so? No one is surprised about this, who cares how many men she slept with, it's fine to do anything you want until someone finds out about it. Here, this was her mistake"
"I'm done with your fucking philosophy" I pull my hand back and walk towards door when his voice stops me
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Sure to see my friend"
"Which friend? Think that boy Huai Sang doesn't exist anymore"
"What the hell are you talking about?" I turn back and hardly hold my anger "I'm not going to lose him cause of this silly matter, he needs me now"
"You aren't? I just won election and you're going to appear with him in this situation? It isn't like this is first time something like this happens around us, sometimes it takes only one second to be thrown out from this society. Look you silly brat" he yells and drags me to the window "everything you see here and outside, guess you know very well what it took from me to own and keep, not to be looked down but run others. I wasn't born rich like you, but I had ambitions from the beginning, this is what you lack. I already had enough cause of your weak personality. If you cause trouble again..."
"I can't...just leave him like this, only a few hours before..." I stop, trying to control my emotions "I won't, this time I won't obey" I free myself and going to leave but
"What about him? your Zhan?" He says and my legs weakens "don't you think last time I'm going too easy on you? Instead of controlling, that man keeps softening you. But at the same time maybe it's better for me, you having someone precious? your weakest point"
"Don't...don't touch him"
"I'm not willing too trust me, that boy has more potential to be my son than you, but such a pity we can't choose, you have to live as my son...forever. next time it won't be only his hand, what do you think about ruining his pretty face?"
"Stop, please stop" I fall down on my knees and touch his feet with my forehead "my fault, only my fault"
"Guess you already made your choice no? throw Huai Sang away no matter what it takes, will you?"
"I'll, I'll do anything you want, just stay away from Zhan please"
"Such a loyal friend you are Yibo, giving up on him, cause of just sex toy?"
"Maybe one day..." I get up with difficulty and tighten my fist "you gonna regret trying to make me evil like you, if life gives me the chance to return back all the "kindness" to you, I'll surely hold into it"
"You only wish" I hopelessly move my stare to mom, who doesn't care as expected and leave with heavy heart and mind. Slowly I'm losing everyone who cared about me even only a bit and suddenly indescribable fear fully envelopes me, am I going to ... die alone too?
Walking through Zhan's room his giggling sounds stops me and smile feeling warmth filling my heart. Not yet, until he is here you aren't alone Yibo. He looks up at me when I enter and shows me book with excited expression.
"Yibo, didn't know you had library room here. Ok maybe just for visual effect cause I'm sure you aren't interested in books, but I truly enjoyed reading this one, it's so funny and entertaining"
"Mn" I walk closer and pet his head "call me more often"
"What do you mean?"
"By my name, it sounds too beautiful heard from you"
"You're weirdly overacting today, why such a long face?" he pouts and gets startled when suddenly I jump on him and Zhan falls back on the bed, me topping him "hey I was reading, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"be quiet" I caress his lips with my thumb and bring my face closer to his, our eyelashes touches and I wish to drown in his shiny eyes, Zhan closes them and I use chance planting soft kisses, he shivers and catches my nape, pulling me closer. I rub my nose on his whole face, while my hands takes him in tighter embrace "Zhan... Zhan you're my everything, I don't know if later I'll get chance to have you in my arms like this again, that is why I'm going to be honest with you. just... no matter what I do, please don't hate me more, that is all I need"
"hating you?...when you act like this, when you talk like this, it becomes more and more impossible for me. let's imagine there is two Wang Yibo, the evil one from the past and you...who I have in my arms now. as long as you don't show me your old self, I'll try my best to forget it, to forgive you"
"you're...unbelievable, truly angel, do it what I asked you before, please"
"Yibo, Yibo?" he calls with the softest voice and hardly held tears of mine drops on his face, I cling into his neck and start sobbing silently, today I don't care about being soft and weak, with him it's ok, everything is ok "from where are you coming?" he asks worryingly and quickly starts checking my body "was it your dad? did he hurt you again? where? where it hurts Yibo?"
"can your ointment heal my heart too?"
"what? do you have one?" I raise my head and look at him again, this time he isn't trying to hurt me by his words but is just scared about our talk, he knows there is something wrong with me, his eyes...his face is like open book for me, same as mine for him
"seems like...while I was breaking made me find mine again, but now we both are broken. hurts too much but you know what is the most painful? I can't even complain Zhan, cause I have no right. today I could fully understand what you're feeling when I forced you to give up on your love, made you lose mom. doesn't life treats me too fairly? Taking revenge on me instead of you"
"can't you just tell me what is happening?"
"please don't ask, just..." I sit up and place him on my lap, Zhan wraps his legs around my waist and just silently stares at me "be close like this, pet me, pet my hair"
"gosh Yibo stop being baby, makes me unable to deny you" he wipes my tears and gently moves fingers on my head, I bury face into his chest and sigh from pleasure
"so you don't like when I call you, what about" I search for the word which should sound softest "gege? can I call you gege?"
"don't you dare" Zhan moves in my arms and tries to push me back, but I catch his wrists and hungrily kiss his palms, with fast movement I remove his shirt and pull him in bone crushing hug
"do you want me?" Zhan's warm lips nibbles on my neck "do you need me?"
"always, but now I don't want to have sex with you, I just need to feel you, your soul, your body, your scent, simply your existence... with all my being. hug me like there is no tomorrow gege, become one with me, I'm going to put and save all memories with you in my heart, none of them can be called happy one, all is full of pain or guilty but still... it was with you" very slowly, full of desire, I kiss every inch of his skin, hungrily sniff on him, everything, remembering everything...
"you're scaring me Yibo" he whispers and stays still until I get enough by cuddling, in his arms, in the safest place for me, I fall asleep slowly feeling scared too...of tomorrow
Think we had enough sweet moments no? Had we really? 🤨 😅 Now let's get ready for tragedies 😓 I have to too 🥺
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