xviii. haesten and company
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Later that day, the group rode their horses through the woods when Finan whistled to alert Uhtred of the Danes. Nilsa was perched on Finan's horse as his strong arm encircled her waist protectively. Uhtred had wanted her safe as he feared losing her and their unborn child.
"Is it Hæsten?" Uhtred questioned and she smiled when Finan caressed her stomach with his thumb.
"Where is he going?" Sihtric questioned.
"He's with his kinfolk, he'll not want to fight." Finan informed them and sent her a playful grin. Nilsa blushed under his flirty smile and glanced at Sihtric and Osferth.
She had yet to kiss them both but Finan told her they wouldn't reject anything she would give freely.
"Uhtred Ragnarsson." Hæsten spoke, "I thought I could smell something rotten in the air."
"We should kill him now, lord, while we have the chance." Sihtric claimed as he moved his horse closer to Nilsa to shield her.
"I've had enough of fighting Danes, even weasels like Hæsten." Uhtred replied and tensed the muscles in his jaw when he noticed the leers directed at his wife.
"Uhtred and his pretty boys. Looking so sad and far from home. Why?" Hæsten taunted. "And a beautiful woman? Is she your—"
"I swear to my God and yours, if you call me a whore, I will gouge out your eyes and feed them to your men!" She hissed out angrily. She would not be called a whore again. She sent Sihtric a look of judgment when she noticed him adjusting his cock. "That is what gets your cock up?" She spoke bluntly but quietly. Sihtric grew flustered and Osferth snorted behind them.
"It's none of your concern, let us pass and I will not cut off your head." Uhtred threatened. Hæsten chuckled at the man before speaking.
"I suppose once more, you ride out to save the Lady Aethelflæd? Continue if you like, Uhtred. It seems fate had brought us together again. Your men look like ragged dogs in need of meat and we have plenty. We camp here tonight. Join us." Hæsten announced.
Much to her dismay, they do.
"Hæsten's men say Cnut and Brida have attacked Mercia." Osferth approached them later that day when they stayed at the camp. She propped her chin on his shoulder as she looked at him, the monk shivered under her affection and cleared his throat.
"I knew they did not sail for Irland." Finan exhaled.
"Edward and Aethelred will need us now." Finan spoke making Uhtred scoff, she reached out to rub Uhtred's arm and smiled when her husband leaned into her touch.
"I owe them nothing." Uhtred snapped.
"And Aethelflæd?" Finan questioned and shot her a look. They all knew she was a little insecure when it came to the Lady of Mercia.
"It is true, I fear for her." Uhtred spoke softly as he lifted her hand to kiss it. He was always so in tune with her emotions, that it made her heart flutter.
"Uhtred! Join me!" Hæsten shouts and signals for his men to leave.
"There was a rumor you had gone north to regain your lands. Are you here with your tail between your legs?" Hæsten taunted as the Dane sat, she moved behind Uhtred to rub his stiff shoulders.
"Your men say the Danes have gone to war, yet you are here, playing nursemaid." Uhtred claimed as Hæsten turned to look at two little redheaded boys.
"What happened, Hæsten? Have they cut off your balls?" Uhtred taunted.
"What can I say? I'm a family man." Hæsten spoke with a chuckle and let his gaze linger on her for far too long.
"I do not see your fat wife." Uhtred replied.
"She died."
"Oh, did she?" Uhtred spoke and tilted his head a bit when she leaned down to kiss his cheek. A silent but powerful claiming, she was showing Hæsten who she belonged to in terms of marriage.
"Mm. As you know, I once had the desire to claim Wessex and Mercia for my own but that did not go well for me. And how, like you, Uhtred, I only want a woman to hump and a piece of land to call my own. I had both, in Skade and Beamfleot until you took them from me." She felt Uhtred tense and looked behind her at Finan for help, her pleading eyes led to him giving a subtle nod.
He would make sure Uhtred didn't do anything too reckless.
"I have a woman." Uhtred corrected as he raised his hand to rest on her elbow.
"How is Aethelflæd? In my experience, the bitch has never known when to lie down. No doubt she'll be riding into battle with Cnut...with her silly husband and her pretty brother. And you have always been there to save her, Uhtred. But not now."
"She does not need me." Uhtred spoke again his grip tightening enough for her to sense his frustration.
"Mm. That's not what I heard. How is she? Or rather, how is your wife? To bed? I imagine she is a sight to see." Hæsten taunted as Uhtred stood and kicked the log from under Hæsten as he fell to the ground. Sihtric looped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him and the boys, none of them would let her be harmed.
"Stop it!" Finan shouted. Uhtred ignored him and hit Hæsten as he cackled, Uhtred placed his boot on Hæsten's throat.
"Come on, Uhtred! We were having a nice dinner." Uhtred released him. "Of course, I would slit both of their throats after they had been ridden." Uhtred turned sharply at the threat against his wife.
"Wait, Uhtred! She's too well used to fighting over." Hæsten cackled as he motioned to her and his men, Nilsa frowned at the comment and felt her insecurities rise.
"Now, I will kill you." The two began to fight.
"Wait, wait, wait! There is something I can give you. The name of the man that killed Ragnar."
"Huh? Aethelwold!" Uhtred shoved the Dane against a tree and held a sword to his throat. Osferth had managed to slip his hand into hers when he noticed her expression, she turned to him with a small smile and squeezed his palm.
"No! He held the dagger, but another whispered poison into his ear. Let me live...and I'll tell you who gave the command."
"Speak!" Uhtred shouted.
"Cnut! He wanted to lead the Danes...and he wanted Ragnar's woman who used to be yours. He told Aethelwold that Ragnar would kill him. He guided the blade into Ragnar's heart." Uhtred looks over at the redheaded boys.
"These are Cnut's sons, hm? You can go. You will leave Cnut's bastards behind." Uhtred ordered as Hæsten chuckled.
"I'm tired of the redheaded runts. You can take them." Uhtred shoved Hæsten.
"Of course, Cnut will hear of this."
"I said go." Hæsten backs up and bumps into Sihtric who glares at him."Finan."
"Tie them up." Sihtric and Finan move to grab the children. Sihtric chased after the runaway boy as the other tried to stab Finan. She stayed by Osferth's side as they watched the men grab the two boys.
"Come on. Jesus! No, no, no. Where are you going? Where are you going?" The boys grunt as they were tied up. She fought back a laugh as she watched Finan struggle.
"Cnut's sons? I thought you did not want to be a part of this war." Osferth walks away with her following behind as Uhtred glares at him. She rolls her eyes and sends her husband a flying kiss that has him softening immediately.
Nilsa still wasn't happy that they had to ride to Aethelflæd's estate.
"Uhtred! What are you doing here?" Aethelflæd shouted as she ran to them.
"You two, get those boys off the horses." Uhtred ordered as they dismounted the horses. She smirked when Uhtred helped her off the horse and let his hand linger on her stomach with a smile, she kissed Uhtred softly as Sihtric tugged her hair gently in passing.
"Why are you not at Bebbanburg? What happened?" Aethelflæd questioned softly and ignored Nilsa. Nilsa almost wanted to beg Uhtred to get on his knees for her at that moment, to show Aethelflæd who Uhtred's body and soul belonged to, and how it was her body that fell apart under his skilled tongue.
"Where are the guards?" Uhtred asked as he ignored her questions and the princess sighed.
"You see what we have. Uhtred, who are those boys?"
"You should not be here without a guard." Uhtred claimed.
"Where should I be? Parading Edward's palace? My place is in Mercia. What have you done, Uhtred?" Aethelflæd wondered. Nilsa glared at the princess when she felt her husband tremble under the rapid fire of personal questions.
"They are Cnut's heirs."
"Then Cnut will hear of this and he will come for you." The princess mumbled.
"Well, yeah. Why else would my husband take them hostage?" Nilsa replied and slid her hand up Uhtred's chest possessively.
"So, you must get the boys to your armies. Where are they?" Uhtred spoke as he watched his wife in amusement.
As if he would bed another, Nilsa was it for him. No other woman mattered. And he knew his men felt the same.
"Aethelred is in East Anglia with his men. I have ordered the Mercian fyrd to Tettenhall. And I believe Edward will need us there, then we will summon Cnut to fight."
"So, you've put yourself in danger?" Uhtred deadpanned.
"I do not know if Aethelred is coming and I had to force Edward's hand."
"You should not be here undefended. Finan!" Uhtred shouted.
"We leave at first light." Uhtred ordered as his men nodded in understanding. Nilsa watched Finan as he unconsciously flexed his biceps, she felt herself grow flustered at the sight. She ignored Aethelflæd's questioning look as she glanced between the two.
"Aldhelm, prepare the survivors. We march to Tettenhall at dawn. Every man must be put to watch." Aethelflæd commanded.
"Positions! Every man to the ramparts!" The man in question ordered as he walked away.
"Uhtred, what happened at Bebbanburg?" Aethelflæd questioned again. Nilsa's eyes glistened in sadness when Uhtred released a choked sob, he buried his face into her hair as she held him close. Uhtred fisted her dress tightly as he cried, she was his anchor, his heart, and above all, his home.
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