x. the signs of dragonflies
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Nilsa sat on her knees when she placed her arm on the edge of the boat, she propped her chin on that arm as the other reached out to skim her fingertips along the dark and gloomy sea. She giggled softly when a pod of colorful fish stopped to watch her curiously, they would swim to the surface to gently nip at her fingers.
"What do they tell you, Lady Nilsa?" Sihtric questioned as he moved to sit next to her, she sent him a small smile as he turned to her.
"Nothing, they are just curious little creatures," She then motioned to his hand as she hovered hers over it. "May I?" Sihtric nodded. He nearly scoffed, as if he would say no to her. Especially, not if she was offering to touch him.
She moved his hand to the sea with her own, he moved closer to the edge of the boat to be able to follow her lead and unintentionally moved so close that his chest armor rested on her arm, had it been anyone else Uhtred would have said something.
Sihtric inhaled sharply when she intertwined their fingers and dipped them in the ocean, only the tips of their fingers were immersed in the cold water, he watched in awe as the fish popped up to nibble their fingers lightly.
"It feels like tiny little kisses." She said with a quiet giggle and Sihtric couldn't help but turn to watch her rather than the fish. She looked so ethereal like this, he thought, her eyes twinkling with happiness and her smile so big it could have shone in the darkness.
When the wind picked up and blew her hair out of place he instinctively moved to brush it behind her ear, she didn't make any move to stop him or acknowledge it. Sihtric moved his free arm around her to rest on the boat, trapping her against his chest and between his arms, not that she minded.
"Why are you crying?" He questioned in worry as he noticed the fresh tears, she squeezed their intertwined fingers as she watched a green dragonfly hover by their fingers and look straight at her before jetting away. She blinked some tears away as she realized the meaning, death was not the end but rather a transformation into life.
Someone must die for new life to be born.
"I was given a sign, Sihtric. And not a good one." She turned to him then, their faces so close that the Bible might not have enough space between them. Sihtric wiped away the tears as her eyes darkened in her sadness, he wished he knew how to comfort her better.
"What did nature say?"
"If it is right, then that means I am pregnant. I suppose it's not a surprise after..." She trailed off with a blush and Sihtric chuckled at her embarrassment.
He couldn't help but think she was precious.
"Do you not want a child?" He asked softly as he failed to understand why she was crying, she leaned into his palm when he caressed her cheekbone.
"There is a balance in nature, Sihtric. And it has told me something grave. Someone must die today for my child to live." Sihtric hummed softly at that. He hoped it was Aelfric, personally. She must have picked up on his line of thinking because she smiled sadly. "The reason I am crying is because the death must be someone with us, on this boat. If none of us dies, my child will not live long enough to meet their father." She choked out a quiet sob and melted into his chest, he hesitantly raised a hand to stroke her hair as she nuzzled her face into his throat.
He managed to move their clasped hands from the water but she refused to let him go. He wasn't sure how long they sat there against one another, tangled to the point he didn't even know where he started and she ended.
"Nil? What is it?" Uhtred questioned once he noticed his wife crying as his friend comforted her, he kneeled next to them and caressed her face gently. Sihtric was worried he would be angry at him but his friend only sent the fellow Dane a thankful smile.
Nilsa wiped away the tears and she pulled away from Sihtric's warmth, she still held his hand for support. She sniffled softly and reached for Uhtred's hand, the Dane quickly gave it to her in concern.
"The signs tell me I am with child." She says quietly and Uhtred lights up as he kisses her sweetly.
"That is wonderful! Do you not think so?" Uhtred then asked once he remembered her reaction. She tensed and looked to Sihtric who gave her a subtle nod, he would support her choice no matter what.
"I will not say a word, lady. It is your choice." He whispered so only she could hear.
"I am just worried and tired, Uhtred." The Dane frowned and kissed her forehead.
"Get some rest, sweetheart." Uhtred said just as Beocca called for him, he looked at her for permission to go as he didn't want to leave her if she needed him, and she gave him a playful shove and smile.
"I feel awful, Sihtric. I lied to him, I have tainted our marriage." She said dejected and Sihtric refused to see anything other than happiness in her.
"No, you did not. You spoke the truth, he did not ask for more. By all rights, you did not lie. You just withheld some of the truth, Nilsa. If you had told him, he would have dwelled on it and could get himself killed. Things will be fine, beautiful. Now, go sit with Finan and sleep." She sighed but trusted his opinion.
She allowed the Dane to gently nudge her in the direction of the Irishman, upon seeing her approaching Finan quickly tossed all the furs in one place for her to sit, he had experienced the uncomfortableness of a wooden bench from his time on the slaver ship. He refused to let her experience it too, he didn't mind giving up his furs for her to be comfortable.
"Finan." She said politely and he smiled at her before frowning.
"Are you alright, lady? You look a little pale." He said in concern as she sat on the cushioned bench.
"Yes, I...I have learned something from the signs," She paused and looked at him for a reaction. "I know you must think I am crazy or delusional for trusting nature's signs."
"That is not true. I must admit, I do not understand it. But I do think there is some truth in these signs, you have yet to stir us wrong." She relaxed a little knowing that Finan didn't find her crazy, she sighed when the man reached out to squeeze her shoulder lightly. "What did it say?"
"I was told I am pregnant," She looked at Finan who smiled happily at the news. "But someone here will have to die." Finan winced at the news and noticed that she was looking more exhausted by the minute. He grabbed his fur blanket and formed it into a bundle on his lap, he gently guided her to lie on it as he covered her.
"Sleep, for now, Nil. We will worry about that later." Finan whispered as he played with her hair, she lost all tension as he put her to sleep with his gentle hands and the soft humming.
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