vi. edward
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Uhtred and Nilsa walk through the palace's entrance when Pyrlig greets them with a wide grin and Uhtred laughs happily. She hoped her father was here, she missed him.
"Walking like a fat man, friend." Uhtred said as they hugged. Nilsa rolled her eyes at their interaction and fiddled with her necklace nervously.
"It is my massive balls, Uhtred. Ah, Lady Nilsa! It is good to see you again." Nilsa smiled as Pyrlig pulled her into a hug, Uhtred chuckled at their mutual friend.
"Too much palace food and sitting on your backside." Uhtred teased as he placed his hand on her waist and pulled her to his side.
"Perhaps. I fight less than I did."
"There will be fighting yet." Nilsa noticed Edward and must have tensed unconsciously as Uhtred looked down at her in worry. She quickly reached for her husband's hand and relaxed when he didn't deny her the small comfort.
"Do you know something we do not, lord Uhtred?" Edward spoke as they saw he was accompanied by Aethelhelm and her father. Steapa glanced down at her and Uhtred's intertwined hands with a frown.
"Lord king, Steapa. I only know that Danes do not like peace." When Edward's eyes trail down her body she placed her free hand on Uhtred's arm as she hugged it close to her chest, attempting to appear smaller than she was. Steapa, having seen her uncomfortableness, moved to her side. Nilsa sighed in relief when she felt her father's hand on her back released her grasp on her husband and let herself be pulled into her father's arms.
"I am glad you are back, Nilly." Steapa muttered as he cradled his daughter's face, Uhtred frowned before his face grew pale with a realization.
"I am not here to stay, father. I will return with Uhtred and his men." Steapa didn't have time to ask why when Edward interrupted.
"Did you hear Cnut is now heading to Ireland to rescue a cousin?" She shivered when Edward glared at her, if she leaned into her father's chest for comfort, no one mentioned it.
"No. I heard he has brought his sons over from his homeland, which means he has ambition here." Uhtred stated and glanced at his wife who was cowering under Edward's intense glare. Uhtred knew that the king had propositioned her but he had an inkling that the bruises on her neck were left by the boy. And that was something he would never support.
"Lady Nilsa, you left so suddenly during the night, we feared the worst." Nilsa flinched away from the king when he walked closer and she grabbed Uhtred's arm as her husband moved in front of her protectively. "And what brings you to Winchester?"
"I'm here to make you an offer. I can help you fulfill your father's dream of a united land...if you give me men to retake Bebbanburg." Uhtred said proudly and watched as Steapa kissed Nilsa's head before returning to Edward's side. Uhtred felt her hand slide down his arm until her fingers met his, he didn't hesitate to intertwine them once more.
"Is Uhtred Ragnarsson trying to negotiate?" Pyrlig claimed teasingly. They were led into the throne room to speak, Steapa stood by the doors while they sat in the chairs. Nilsa preferred to stand behind Uhtred, she could at least pretend to be somewhere else that way.
"It is a good idea. If the bastard Scots are making incursions, they will return in number. He takes the fortress, it becomes your foothold in Northumbria."
"I take Northumbria and I unite the four kingdoms." Edward says in interest, Nilsa moves her hands to Uhtred's shoulders as she avoids the king's eyes.
"Small matter of conquering East Anglia, but that is mainly cattle and people that look like cattle." Aethelhelm snorted and Nilsa giggled quietly.
"Your father knew it could be done, one country, one king." Uhtred said and leaned back into the chair and closer to her.
"Since when have you cared for my father's vision, Uhtred?"
"Since it coincided with what he wants, by the sound of it." Aethelhelm said with distaste.
"Did you not do the same, lord?" Nilsa snapped as she felt Uhtred grow more frustrated, Uhtred hid his smile against her hand and then leaned over to kiss it gently.
"It works for the both of us. Unless you want the Scots to gain a stronghold to attack you from. Aelfric cannot hold them off like I can. I control the fortress, you control the country. Give me one hundred men, it will take a week. Two hundred, I can take it in a day."
"It would certainly fulfill an ambition. But given the ongoing threat from the Danes here in the south, is it wise to distract ourselves? Gallop to the frozen north to what is, in essence, a family feud." Aethelhelm said with fake concern. Nilsa bit back a remark and instead tightened her grip on Uhtred's shoulders as she glared at Aethelhelm.
"Uhtred had done much to distract the Danes from Wessex." Pyrlig stated.
"Yes, and we are all very grateful for his service. But surely his oath was to see the king on the throne. A duty that is now performed." Uhtred scoffed in disbelief. Steapa narrowed his eyes when Uhtred placed his hand on top of hers to ground himself.
"What is the point you are making, lord Aethelhelm?" Edward questioned and scowled at Nilsa and Uhtred's display of affection.
"I'm merely saying that there is no debt on either side."
"No debt?" Uhtred shouted in anger.
"Lord Uhtred is take what he wants. You need to defend what you have, which is the innocent people of Wessex from the marauding heathen."
"By cowering behind walls and waiting for Danes to attack?" Uhtred questioned.
"No, by not being forced to fight before we are certain to win." Edward corrected. Nilsa looked to the window where three crows perched looking in, Nilsa hid her smile in Uhtred's hair, under the guise that she was kissing his head.
"Uhtred." She whispered and her husband looked at her with a questioning look, she leaned down to whisper in his ear.
"Three crows, Edward will have the same fate as Alfred. Sickness." Uhtred smiled and knocked his forehead against hers gently, Steapa clicked his tongue in disapproval while Edward gripped the arms of his chair in jealousy.
"Care to speak to the rest of us?" Aethelhelm said with annoyance, he had always hated the girl. She was...odd. "I do hope it isn't one of your delusions." Uhtred snapped his head to the lord and clenched his jaw in anger.
"My wife is not delusional, lord. Do not speak of her in such a manner ever again." The room went silent at his claim.
"Wife? She was untouched a week ago." Edward said with poorly concealed envy. She scoffed at the king and wished she could leave this village once and for all.
"He is my husband and he has touched me quite a lot, lord king. And not once did he have to use force." She said with a smirk. Edward glared at the woman as the men glanced around in confusion. "And if his Gods deem us worthy, all that time in bed will result in a child."
Steapa was not happy and she could feel his disappointment from across the room. She will explain it to him later. He will understand but he certainly won't like it.
"It is a shame, truly. Your wife is ill, her mind is lost and she is unable to be helped." Aethelhelm spoke with far too much freedom and Uhtred snarled in anger. Steapa did not bother to stop the Dane. He too, wanted to harm the man for his insults.
"Uhtred, no. He is not worth it. My mind grows strong while his withers away." She says softly as she urges her husband to calm down.
"There are good reasons to go softly and strategically."
"Yes, that is how you got where you are, lord Aethelhelm." Uhtred hissed sharply as he stood, Nilsa smiled at the venom in his voice. "Lord, take this moment your God is offering you. Your father had a dream—"
"And my father also knew when to say no to Uhtred Ragnarsson. I am no longer the boy who can be bent to your will. This is not saying never, but now is not the time." Edward says sharply. Just as Uhtred and Nilsa begin to leave Edward calls for her. "Nilsa, I must speak with you in private." She froze and looked up at Uhtred.
"We will only do what you want, Nil." Uhtred whispered and she breathed shakily with a nod.
"Only if my husband and father are present, lord king. My husband and I have no secrets, he knows everything." Edward paled at her claim.
"Only that which he asks." She answered and grew smug when Edward glanced at her father and husband in fear.
"You are free to go, it is quite late." He says through gritted teeth. Uhtred slipped his hand into hers as a silent reinforcement for her.
"Yes, if you need me I will always be with my husband or with his men. It is not safe for a woman, you understand that, right?" She continued to jab the verbal remark deeper. "I would hate to be violated by those who claim to be good men." And with that, she pulled Uhtred out of the throne room.
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