The moments
I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late! I run into the large expensive building Ackerman's co I get in the elevator "your late y/n." carmen says "yeah I know." I say the elevator opens I run out and to Levi's office I open the doors "hi I'm so sorry I slept in I went to a birthday and I-" "Wait!" He says i forget about the next step and fall only to be caught "y/n how many times do I need to tell you to look at the damn ground." He says and stands me up "r-right sorry." I say he sighs I fix my shirt "it dosnt matter that your late anyway." He says "huh." "I canceled the meeting" he says "oh?" "I don't need another assistant your enough of a hassle as it is.." "oh!..." I say to his rude comment "but you do the moats work around here." He says i smile "don't let that go to your head hmm." He says "speaking of which do you need anything" I say he sighs looking out the large window wall "um......l-Levi? Are you alright." I ask "I'm fine." He says I fix my glasses "are you sure." "Tell Erwin to come see me." He says i nod and walk up tripping on the stairs "y/n!" He says I stop "Look at the fucking ground!" He says i giggle and walk off
Out of his office I wait for the elevator "y/n." I hear I turn to see Levi "yes." I say "I need to ask you something" "hmm?" "What do you think of me." I say "is this because that article..." "no...just answer the question." He says "well your smart...." "no me what do you think of me." He says i stop "this might get me fired but....your an ass sometimes. a bit demanding your quiet cold and you don't like strawberries, coffee or the the beach which is absurd you've never been to a theme park let alone Disney land ugh......but your a good boss and better friend you watch out for me so thank you." I say he puts his hands in his pocket he nods "why was that the wrong thing to say I'm sorry I can-" "no don't be sorry" he says I nod the elevator opens "I'll uh I'll just get carmen." I say he nods I get in the door closes.
I pack up my stuff and sigh "y/n." I hear I turn to see Levi "do you need anything before I leave." "What are you still doing here" he says "oh well I was just getting the things I missed today done before I left.." I say "don't do that next time just have Conmie do it." He says "oh um..." "Tomorrow morning go out to coffee with me." He says and begins to walk off "what?" I say "I'll pick you up at 6 am." He says "coffee.....he dosnt even like coffee."
"AH ITS A DATE!" Petra says "no pet. its not plus he hates me." I say "he dosnt he asked you on a date." She says "god I hate you" I say "no you don't." She says "he dosnt even like coffe." I say
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