Find you
I get dressed and put my shoes on when I hear the knock on my door I take a breath and walk over to it and open it "let's go." He says "good morning to you too." I say and close my door locking it
"So what's the occasion for this." I say as we walk down the street "you work to hard." He says "oh" "it's not a good thing." He says "oh...." we walk into a little shop and sit . A waiter comes over and we order "what is this really about." I say he sighs "I'm going to be leaving for a while and I need you to run the office when I'm gone." He says our drinks come "m-me no i-" "okay then you'll just go with me and I'll have mikasa do it" he says "no I never said I couldn't just why me." I ask "your around me 24/7 day and night your literally on an invisible leash you you come when I call and you go when I want you too. Plus when I give you half the company you need to be prepared." He says sipping his tea. I almost choke "g-give me half the company Levi what the hell!" I say "what's wrong do you not want it." He says "I like being your assistant I don't want to be married to you through business." "I don't do relationships" he says "then." "You can ache or so much more wi-" "if your gonna give half your life away to some low class unattractive assistant that you've only had for 7 years then you must be really bored. I meant come on Levi do you really think I could run your company I barley fit in Look at me..." i say scoffing looking down swirling my spoon in my cappuccino "I am." He says i look back up at him his dark hard blue eyes seems to soften for a few seconds before returning to their natural state. "You don't have to fit in becuase you'll be the boss of it you'll choose who fits it." He says and begins to get up "come on" he says "what?" I get up
"Why did you all of a sudden want to leave are you going to see your girlfriend." I say "I dont do love y/n." "Then why did you just gi-" "Watch it!" He says pulling me into him Saving me from a car I gasp I look back at him he's eyes are soft again he look at me with pure consern his hand moves up to my cheek caressing it with his thumb "im leaving for while becuase I can't be around you." He says "what?-" "I need to give you freedom." He says and walks off
I walk into my office and stop looking at everything if he wants to give me freedom then I quit. I close the door and walk out "y/n" I hear Levi I keep walking "Hey!" He says I walk into the elevator he follows "I quit Levi. I'll pick up my stuff tomarrow and-" he pushes me agonist the wall and presses his lips against mine I kiss him back he takes my hand pulling them above my head the elevator dings we pull away the doors open and people walk in "your not aloud to quit." He says I look down and then at him "damn elevators." He mumbles
We walk into my apartment uas I see Eren and mikassa basically naked on the couch "Jesus" I say "hey y/n!" Eren says "here for a visit " I ask he chuckles the both put their clothes in "I'll see you tomarrow." Mikasa says "later babe" eren kisss her she walks out "well then I better see tomarrow morning understand" Levi says I nod "well...later. Babe?" He says pecking my lips and then walking out closing the door behind him. "Uh what was that?!" "Nothing" "uh huh." "Really!...where's Petra." "She's getting your dress for girls night or whatever." He says "oh damn yeah we're going to the new bar across from rexe." I say "ah have fun he says I sigh
I sit at my at home desk and go over things my phone rings it's 11 "y/n?" "Yep hi it's me." She says giggling "are you alright.where are you?!" "I'm in line Becuase I have to pee badly but I'm fine" "y/n are you drunk?!" I ask she giggles "yeah! Mr fancy pants I hit the hell heair with the nail I-i mean head on the nail." "I want you to go hone right now." "Your so bossy y/n get me those papers y/n I'm taking you to coffee no stay away from me y/n no wait come back plan my meting now leave wait come back don't be so clumsy." She says imitating me "that's it tell me where you are!" I say getting up "I'm no where near you mr Ackerman" "which bar what's it called" "I don't know I gottA go okay ok-" she cuts off I sigh and dial mikasa "hey little broskee." She says "are you with y/n" "I mean not right now but yeah." "Where are you." "That like new bar across from rexe." She says "y/n is calling thanks," I hang up answering y/n. "Hey look I'm s-" "I'm coming to get you stay where you are." I say hanging up and grabbing my Keys
I walk out side it's freezing "y/n." I look over to see Armin my brothers best friend he rubs my arms "I'll warn you up." "No armin in okay really." I say "no really y/n let me" "no armin." "Come on y/n you know this is us I like you." "Oh no" I say "yes don't deny it" he says pullling me into him "no please let me go armin Stop No Let me go NO!" "SHE SAID NO!" He's pushed off me by Levi "Levi?" I say but then throw up he pulls my hair back "no ew don't look at me." I say standing back up straight he hands me a handkerchief "nice touch." I giggle. "I will treasure this item." I say "let's go wait what about Petra." I say "she's with mikasa." "Just tell her I'm going with you then." I say he sigh we walk back in as he goes to them he comes back "what did she say?" "She warned me to be in my best behavior more like threaten." He says i giggle but feel dizzy he begins to spin and go out of focus "your spinning I'm gonna pass out." I say "wait what?" He says i black out
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