Guide to Foreign Words
These foreign words are either made up or Russian. Many of the names are made up as well. They are ALL phonetic. This list will be updated as the story progresses.
Anzhelika- Anne-ze-lick-ah
Cristobella- Chris-toh-bell-ah
Dyvoark- Deh-voar-kuh
Ekaterlina- Ee-cat-er-lee-nah
Estilda- Eh-still-dah
Gregori- Greh-goar-ee
Jurauk- Jur (think jury)-rock
Marx- Marks
Nefari- Neh-fa-ree (plural of Nefaru)
Nefaru- Neh-fa-roo
Pyter- Pee-tur
Vladislav- Vuh-lah-dis-lah-vuh
Zaalkoe- Zal-co-ee
Zaalkorvsh- Zal-core-vuh-sh
Zhoya- Zoi-yah
Zora- Zoar-ah
Dorogaya- my darling
Moya doch'- my daughter
Sestra- sister
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