*~ My Characters ~*
Dahlia Hoffman
Nickname: None
Age: 21 years old
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Romantic Partner*: Nope
Crush*: Nope
Weapon(s): Small, Damascus steel push knife with ridged edges that she keeps in her boots. She also has a wicked looking Bowie-style machete that hangs on a belt around her waist.
Appearance: Dahlia is a small, yet lean, woman with a slight muscular build. She has sharp features and she has too many scars too count. Her scars are scattered on her back, arms, lower legs, and a few on her stomach as well as her face. Her eyes are a deep grey-green color where the color can change from a dark grey to a bright green depending on the lighting and her mood. Her hair is a dark blonde, almost light brown color and falls to the small of her back. It's usually put into a ponytail and if she could find someone she'd have them cut it off for her since she doesn't want to do it herself. Her skin is a tan color and usually is smudged with ash and blood. She wears a black tank top under a ripped up blue long sleeved shirt and carries around a heavy, black jacket along with a smaller, gray knitted sweater. She has a pair of thick blue jeans that a ripped near the bottom and at her right knee. She has a pair of army-style black boots and heavy wool socks as well.
Personality: Dahlia, despite looking mean, isn't too bad. She's a little rough around the edges but she's kind enough once you get to know her. She does, however, keep her distance from personal topics and for good reason. She has severe PTSD to shouting, thunder, and any other excessively loud noise. She doesn't like being alone constantly in fear of losing herself in the silence. Though she doesn't always want to be around people 24/7. She isn't exactly soft-spoken and she's stubborn as a donkey. Once she has a plan, she's going with it whether or not people agree with it or not.
Backstory: Dahlia grew up with a loving mother and an older brother. She also owned a dog. When the apocalypse first started, her mother took the siblings and dog to a bunker along with a few other neighborhood kids. Eventually, someone had to go scavenge for food. That someone was Dahlia's older brother. He left the bunker with the dog and never came back, which tore her mother and herself up inside. However, the dog returned shortly after. They each blamed themselves and everyone in the bunker watched them fall apart. About a week later, her mother grew weak. The oldest of the kids in the bunker would beat her mother to take her food ration and when Dahlia intervened someone would hold her down against the floor. Her mother died soon after one of the beatings and the ruthless kid threw the body out, much to Dahlia's protest. Dahlia stayed with the group for a while before their violence turned on her and she decided she'd had enough. She took her dog and up n' left without a look. Now it's just her and her dog, searching for a new life.
Other: Her dog is an oversized Catahoula Leopard dog she got from her dad before he left. His name is Duke.
Isaac Bowen
Nickname: None
Age: 17 years old
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Romantic Partner*: No
Crush*: No
Weapon(s): He owns a composite bow which is a dark brown color and has a leather wrap around it in the middle. He has about ten arrows around carries them in a large, but short, pbc pipe "quiver" with a cap on it. He made the strap out of a scrap piece of black leather. He has a small Bowie knife as well that he keeps hidden in the waist of his jeans.
Appearance: Isaac is a pretty tall guy with a fair amount of muscle on him. His legs are long and well-toned. His skin is a dark tan color due to sun exposure before the apocalypse happened. His hair is black and curls up wildly despite his best efforts. His eyes are a very dark brown with a hint of green in them. He has a square jaw and will sometimes grind his teeth. He has two scars, one long and jagged across his chin and the left part of his lips as it curves up to the bridge of his nose. The other one is on his right leg, on the side of his thigh and up to his hip where it comes to a jagged stop above the waist line of his jeans.
Personality: Isaac is a "high-functioning" sociopath with a high IQ and some ridiculous charm. He's rather not understanding of human emotions and doesn't always understand why people love others and care for them even if they know they'll get hurt. He is extremely driven to get what he wants and isn't afraid to manipulate people to get it. He's calculating as well, always ready to take note of a situation and act as best to help him. He is extremely patient and will wait for weeks, or months, to work a person or situation to get what he wants as well. He's very narcissistic and isn't afraid to brag on himself though he usually doesn't if he's working someone. He can get a little bit close to people and care for them but he's constantly aware of if a situation turns and he needs to get out quickly.
Backstory: Isaac comes from a wealthy family though his parents weren't ever truly around for him. He eventually turned to relationships in which he would break hearts constantly. He was constantly in trouble in school because the lessons just weren't up to his level, he dropped out at age fourteen and left home to find somewhere else to go. He eventually found an old man who didn't mind his company and stayed with him until the apocalypse when the man inevitably died. Isaac felt nothing as he left that house and went to wander around the streets with one goal in mind: survive.
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