Jimmy picked up the cremated remains of Lana as agreed upon. His emotions hit him hard as he returned to the SUV. Stephen said nothing knowing the loss for his new friend is tremendous.
Several minutes had passed and Jimmy raised his head from the urn. And looked at Stephen. "Is this how a hunter is supposed to act?"
"Who am I to judge how you feel losing someone you loved."
"It is more than that." Jimmy looked at him with red swollen eyes. "She loved me and I will never feel that love again."
Stephen nodded and continued the drive to Dulles International Airport. Jimmy broke the silence with a question. "You and your wife have any children?"
It took time for Stephen to answer. He did not look to Jimmy when he spoke. "Way back. Really, a long time ago we both thought we wanted a child. Maybe even two." He half laughed. "Crazy as it sounds we thought we could do both hunt traders and raise a family."
"What happened, Stephen?"
"We started a new search for Hazel's cousin in Mexico when she began to have menstrual cycles every couple of weeks. We knew something wasn't right and when we returned to the States all the tests confirmed our worst fears. She would not be able to have children."
"Yeah, damn. So we would treat many of the young people we helped as our own. The really special ones stay in contact and that's a really good thing for Hazel and me. It would have been great to have our own but not everyone gets to have the life many get to live."
"I hear you." Jimmy gripped Lana's urn just a little tighter. "I may not have that option either. I've been racing through life burning precious time with no real direction."
"Hey, you never know. You and Windy may find that spark again."
"I think we are long past that mile marker. She tossed the engagement ring into the Pacific Ocean. Is the picture coming into focus for you?"
Stephen laughed. "Sorry, I'm sorry, but she tossed the ring into the ocean? Seriously?"
Jimmy nodded and gave a half-smile. "Uh-huh."
"Okay, but you're still young. Hey, you met Lana!"
"Maybe, but I am not going to think about another when I am holding onto her."
"Right. Change the subject. Do you like hockey?"
"What the hell? Why do you ask?"
"Jimmy, we are heading to Russia."
"Yeah, so?"
"In February."
"You are thick, Jimmy. We can catch a hockey game."
"There are times when I am thick. You're right, you get the tickets and I will take Lana to her parents."
"Right. Her parents. Any idea what you are gonna say to them?"
"I have to tell them the truth. To lie would be to dishonor Lana and I will not lie to her parents or her siblings."
"Two brothers and an older sister. They may be harder to win over than the parents. That is why I set up an interpreter for you."
"Really? Thanks, Stephen."
"I will drop you off and park the car. Check-in, go through security, we will talk again on the plane. When we land I will go site seeing until you finish with the family."
"We will be in the same hotel but the family will likely offer you a place to stay. Accept the offer. Take your time."
"They may want to kill me."
"We need you alive, Jimmy." Stephen pointed to the departure entrance. "Grab your bags. I'll see you in a bit."
Jimmy entered the airport, booked in, and passed through airport security without incident. The paperwork for Lana's remains was cleared and he found himself waiting at gate thirty-two.
Jimmy's call went directly to Stephen's cellphone. "Where are you, Stephen? The flight leaves in ten minutes!"
For a Canadian living in Vancouver and vacationing in New Orleans, Jimmy had little to protect him from the February cold of Moscow. Shorts, a swimming suit, and light clothing filled his bags.
He only had a light sport coat for a special dinner he and Lana planned at a fancy restaurant. But Jimmy's thoughts were elsewhere trying to figure out what he would tell Lana's family. Sweat began to build on his brow.
"Now boarding flight 734 to Moscow. Rows one through ten and anyone needing assistance may board at this time."
Jimmy looked around for Stephen but with people standing and lining up to board he could not see if he was there. Even as more passengers boarded the aircraft his friend could not be seen. "Well, I may be going to Russia alone."
Jimmy boarded the plane holding Lana on his lap and would not put her down for the entire flight. He even took her to the washroom with him. There was no way he would leave her anywhere.
He looked for Stephen on the way back to his seat but there were no signs of him. And to ask a flight attendant if she had seen a gray-haired white man on the flight would have been met with laughter. So Jimmy sat back down and waited out the flight.
He landed at Domodedovo International Airport, he waded through customs, security and finally collected his luggage. Jimmy felt drained from the flight with his mind keeping him so jacked up he could not sleep.
Jimmy needed coffee if he were to stay awake any longer. In search of a cafe, he missed the sign being held high above the translator's head for James Carrick.
Jimmy found a cafe and fumbled his way through an order for a large black coffee. The translator waited until the last person exited the receiving area. The person walked towards the exit only to notice a man sitting at a small table.
Without a word spoken, she raised the sign for Jimmy to read.
"Yes, I am James Carrick. Why do you have my name?"
"I am your translator and guide, Annika. You did not know this?"
"I think someone said something. I was expecting a man."
"Would you like me to get you a man?"
Jimmy laughed. "No. You will do."
"Then where would you like to go first, Mr. Carrick?"
"If you are translating for me all week, then it is James or Jimmy and never Mr. Carrick. Okay?"
"Okay, Mr. Jimmy, where to?"
"I really need to sleep. How about you get me to this hotel." Jimmy handed Annika the reservation sheet and they headed for the hotel.
Annika broke the silence. "The man who set this up said you needed someone to help with a sensitive matter." She pointed to the urn. "Is this the sensitive matter?"
Jimmy nodded. "Yeah, she is."
"May I ask who this is?"
Jimmy paused.
"This will help me in the translating later, I think."
"Okay, you may know her by a different name. To me, she was Lana George. Here in Russia, her name was Svetlana Georgichov."
"The Russian model? No!" Annika appeared shaken by the news of the model's death. "But how?"
"You will find out when we see the family."
"No, now! I want to know what you plan on saying so I can translate precisely. I was a big fan of Svetlana! This is important to me!"
Jimmy relented. "Okay, okay. Help me check-in and we will go to a restaurant."
"Yes, yes. Okay. To your hotel."
Annika helped Jimmy get settled into his hotel and the two headed to a restaurant with Lana.
"You could have left the urn in your hotel room."
"I will not leave her behind until she is in her parent's hands. She left my sight for a moment and now I am here and Lana is ashes."
"You blame yourself for Lana dying?"
"Lana just didn't die. She was taken, abused then left to die in a cage. Not even animals deserve to die like that!"
"Were you there? Were you there when she died?"
"My friends and I located the warehouse on the docks only to find Lana laying on the floor with a cover over her body."
"My God! Those monsters!" Annika became emotional.
"She weakly spoke my name but when I finally opened the lock and knelt at her side, life escaped her body."
"I tried to bring her back but the drugs in her system were too much. And by the time the ambulances arrive, too much time had passed."
"How many? How many women were in the cages, Jimmy?"
"Just over three hundred young women."
Annika did not say a word and continued driving. Jimmy noticed they had passed several restaurants but said nothing.
"You were a big fan of Lana?"
Annika nodded.
"I never knew that part of her life. It took someone from New Orleans to figure it out and tell me. I wonder why she kept it from me?"
"Svetlana wanted a new life. She chose Canada because she knew she would be able to live the life she wanted."
"How would you know that?"
"Because I am her older sister."
"What the hell?"
"I am the only one she told about her move to Vancouver. She trusted only me."
"Then you already know about me?"
"She sent me photos. Told me how you two met."
"Can I ask you a question, Annika?"
"Maybe. Depends."
"I will ask it anyway. Did she ever tell you that she loved me? Did Lana love me?"
Annika paused as if to think about her answer. "She did not say, Jimmy."
Jimmy sat back into the passenger seat and looked out the window. To Jimmy, it looked like they were in a residential area. "Where is the restaurant we are going to? Will we be there soon?"
"Close your eyes, Jimmy. We will be there soon." She looked over and watched him close his eyes. The next time she glanced over, he was sleeping.
Annika finally reached over and touched her sister's urn. "Welcome home, Svetlana." She continued driving with tears in her eyes until she reached her parent's home deep in a suburbs of Moscow.
Her parents, two brothers, and the family dog walked out to the car. Annika's mother came to her and kissed her before getting out of the car. Her father and brothers opened the passenger door.
The cool air woke Jimmy. He clutched Lana's urn as three faces came into focus. The brothers spoke Russian with each other causing Annika to turn and scold the two.
Her brothers backed away. "Jimmy, this is my father, Dima."
Jimmy spoke with respect. "Sir. Annika, I will give Lana to your parents inside."
"No need for Anni to translate, young man. We all speak English." Dima nodded. "Come inside, you look like you could sleep for a week. Come. Dimitri, Sacha get inside. The neighbors are watching."
Jimmy staggered with his first few steps. Dima stepped in to steady the Canadian.
"Irina will make you something to eat. You look weak." Dima looked to his wife who hurried ahead to prepare food for their visitor.
Everyone stood in the tiny living room at the entrance of the modest home. The furniture appeared to be old but tasteful. Annika introduced Jimmy to the rest of the family.
"Jimmy, these are my brothers, Dimitri and Sacha."
Jimmy reached out offering his hand but the brothers were tentative in their response until the father leered at his sons.
"Jimmy, this is our mother, Irina."
Jimmy stepped forward. "What a beautiful name." In the softly lit room, their eyes met for the first time. Lana had Irina's eyes that seemed to sparkle, even in the low light.
Irina met Jimmy in the middle of the floor. With tears beginning to flow from her eyes she hugged Jimmy tight, long enough to feel the warmth of her body. When she released him and saw the tears on his cheeks the mother gently used her thumbs to wipe away his tears.
"Irina, Dima. I really do not know what to say or how to say this." Jimmy took Lana's urn in both hands and lowered his head then held his hands out.
The two looked at each other and took the purple urn adorned with a single white dove in flight. Dima reached out and gently touched Jimmy's shoulder.
Jimmy raised his head to the family. "I wish this meeting could be with Lana laughing and smiling. Instead am embarrassed to stand here without your daughter standing next to me."
Dima invited Jimmy. "Come. We will eat, remember and celebrate Svetlana's life. Come." He spread his arms persuading all to gather in the kitchen.
A weight seems to have lifted from Jimmy's shoulders as the brothers smiled for the first time. He looked to Annika who gently pushed Jimmy towards the kitchen.
"There is much we want to know of her life in Vancouver." Annika's voice felt uplifting to Jimmy.
"Yes, are there many beautiful women there?" The youngest sibling, Sacha excitedly enquired.
"As far as your eyes can see!" Jimmy exaggerated.
"No, not really." Jimmy laughed then added. "Your sister was the most beautiful woman I ever knew, Sacha."
Annika stopped behind the others and gasped. The two brothers and Jimmy turned.
"What is it, Anni?" Dimitri walked back to her. "Are you okay?"
"Jimmy, I am sorry I lied to you."
"What are you talking about, Annika?"
"When you asked if Lana said she loved you. I said she did not say but every time we talked after she met you..." Annika rolled her eyes. "She loved you, Jimmy. You were everything to her!"
Jimmy was speechless for the first time in his life he knew someone loved him as much as he loved her. Annika embraced Jimmy as her brothers looked on. Dima stopped his wife to show her Annika hugging Jimmy.
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