Few people remained in the warehouse. The Special Victims Unit gave Jimmy time to say goodbye to the woman he loved before they left the warehouse.
He made his way to the cage and helped the coroner gently place Lana into the body bag with a final kiss on both eyes. Not a word was spoken as the broken man sat against the cage and reflected on the worst week of his life. As a grown man, he had only shed tears on two occasions. This day proved to be the most emotional for him.
He felt a loss like none he had ever felt before. An unrivaled loss of the love of his life. The only tangible that remained were his memories of Lana. Jimmy felt the anger boil inside and he released this anger by elbowing the cage several times.
Windy paced the front of the warehouse looking to the heavens. She could not bear to see her friend in so much pain, though kept her distance to give him time to grieve. Tears formed in her eyes for Jimmy as she sat heavily into a chair.
"Miss Windy?"
She half laughed. "Just Windy, Detective."
"You know, I really hoped for a better ending for everyone. Too many people have died and so many more scarred for life. I don't know how to make sense of it all."
"People use people. It's in our nature."
"There are some of us that want something better. Something that doesn't hurt...others. Even some of us that want to protect others from this."
Windy looked up at Gennery. "You mean like Death and Destruction?"
"I mean like you and Jimmy. From where I stand, it's a no-brainer."
"Yeah, well I am not so sure I want to be shooting people. It seems, once you're in, you're in. No halfway, if I am feeling queasy about this I will not be able to just walk away."
It was the detective's turn to half-laugh. "I guess you're right about that. But Jimmy...he goes forward when most would retreat. Pistol whipped, shot, and still put himself on the line for his girlfriend and these girls."
"It's not bravery, Gennery."
"Then what is it?"
"This is love." The emotion got to Windy and to hide it she yelled for her friend. "Jimmy!"
The two heard Jimmy's feet rattle the cage. A few moments later he appeared at the front of the warehouse. "Hey." He spoke quietly.
"Alex is on a stretcher. He's ready to go to the hospital." Windy wiped the tears from her cheek. "Let's see him off."
Alex chose to be the last to be taken away. The women were in a life and death struggle and he had a flesh wound to his lower leg.
"Windy, Jimmy." Alex looked up from the stretcher. "It was quite a ride."
"You are not through with us yet." Jimmy looked at his new friend.
"I am really sorry we didn't find Lana before...before it was too late."
"Yeah, that's on me, Alex. I owe you big for helping me, breaking the law, and for taking one for me."
"Windy said you will be sticking around for a bit. You are welcome to stay with Marie and me."
"Thanks but I wouldn't be very good company."
"Jimmy, take the offer." Windy elbowed him and smiled when he nodded. "Marie and I can make plans for California."
"Shit, California! Really?" Alex rolled his eyes.
"Gotcha!" Windy pointed at Alex who just shook his head as the paramedics wheeled him to the ambulance.
Gennery approached and the three turned to look on with a sickening feeling. The empty warehouse lined with cages once filled with humans awaiting transportation had an odor of death hanging in the air.
Captain Chambered walked into the warehouse with several of his men. Their handguns, drawn. He appeared to be doubling down by using Jimmy as his way out. "Gennery step back from Mr. Dunn."
"You are too late, Captain." Gennery looked at the arrogance of his superior. "The dirt of the Nine is the thickest right here."
The Captain laughed. "You can not prove my involvement with any of this."
"The Nine is corrupt! And it's coming down like a house of cards."
"Gennery, You are going down for aiding and abetting Mr. Dunn in all his activities."
Gennery half-heartedly laughed. "You piece of crap! You are a disgrace to the shield!"
"Sir! Always address your Commander with Sir!"
"Fuck you, Sir!"
"Jeffries, your bataan. Hold him. Mr. Dunn, stand by your friend. We will deal with you two very soon."
"Wow, you are original."
"Smartass, you will see how the Nine works, Mr. Dunn."
Jeffries pulled Gennery's arms behind his back to secure him then spoke into his right ear. "No one will even know."
Captain Chambered lunged forward and plunged the bataan into the detective's ribs. "Remember Gennery, you chose this."
Gennery screamed. "Arghhhhhh!" Then tried to spit out a couple of words. "Di......"
The Captain leaned in to hear what Gennery had to say. "What was that?"
Captain Chambered swung the bataan striking Gennery above the left eye then again across his right cheek. The detective's eye filled with blood and a lump began to grow on his right cheek.
"So, you decide what is right or wrong? In my Precinct? Not at the Nine, Gennery. The Nine is mine!"
The Captain walked back to his officers and yelled. "Who runs the Nine?"
With overlapping voices the officers replied. "You do, Sir!"
"Jeffries! Hold his head up for Christ's sakes!"
Gennery's body was now lifeless in Jeffries' grasp. He pulled the detective's head back and could hear labored breathing. "I think he is out, Sir."
"Jeffries take Molden and put him in a car. Take him to the quarry. Make it look like a mob hit." The Captain looked at his loyal officer pointed between his eyes. "Right here."
"Everyone just keep your hands where we can see them. All of you!" Death and Destruction did not see compliance. "Don't do it, officer. It is not worth it." The Special Victims Unit agents streamed back into the warehouse surrounding the Captain and his men.
One officer raised his weapon to the agents. Then looked to Captain Chambered.
"Officer, lower your weapon or we will fire upon you." Agent Crowley stared at Molden.
"Jesus Christ, agent, we are cops. You are not going to kill a cop in my jurisdiction." Captain Chambered raised his voice.
"Captain, order your officer to holster his weapon or he will be fired upon!" The agent barked back. "We are not negotiating! Now do it!" The situation escalated to a new high.
"Molden, lower your sidearm. That's an order." The Captain walked over to his officer, placed a hand on his shoulder. "Give your weapon to me."
Agent Crowley thought it was an odd request to ask of his officer. He watched Molden hand his Captain the firearm. Chambered patted his loyal follower then quickly raised the firearm to his temple.
The scene unfolded quickly with the officers pleading with their Captain not to pull the trigger. Special agent Crowley echoing the same sentiment.
But Captain Chambered knew it was over. There would be no surrender. No trial. Just a quick end.
"Sir, no!"
"Don't do it, Sir!"
"Captain, don't...."
Captain Chambered pulled the trigger and his body dropped to the floor. His officers were initially stopped from mourning their leader but one of the older officers made a gesture of peace.
Officer Haccaw unfastened his police belt and slowly lowered it to the floor. Raised his hands and Special agent Crowley nodded to him. The other officers followed his example and proceeded to grieve their fallen Captain.
Not exactly standard procedure but better a peaceful resolution than more bloodshed. The officers involved were dirty and were about to pay the price of freedom for all the lives they affected over the past five years.
The Captain's officers were complicit in the illegal activities of a human trafficking ring. Over the next few months, seventy people were arrested from two states, precinct Nine officers, longshoremen, and two port authority officers.
Jimmy rapped on the door while Death looked at Jimmy with concern. "Remember these people are not your goal. They are only to be used to find the one responsible."
"They need to be held accountable!"
"Jimmy, keep it together."
"Hello. And you are?" Mrs. Appleton held the door open. "Well?"
"Your husband..." Jimmy's voice trailed off.
"My husband, what?"
"What my friend is trying to say is, we need a little of his time. I am D. Hamilton and this is James Dunn." Death was a quick thinker and knew enough not to shake the tree too hard. "It is about the Governor's plans for the dock."
Windy waited in the SUV with Destruction and would be the backup plan should there be the need. Anything over ten minutes and the women will get them out.
She frowned. "At this time of night? Jonathan! Jonathan!"
Jonathan entered the living room checking over Jimmy and Death. "Heidi, who are these men?"
"They said..." Death interrupted Mrs. Appleton.
"We are from the docks. May we have a few minutes of your time?"
Mr. Appleton bristled at those words. "I know nothing of the docks."
"We are all intelligent people here, Mr. Appleton." Death sized up the younger man. "We just came from a warehouse at the docks. I am sure you understand now."
The two men stared at each other. Appleton looked to be agitated at the mere mentioning of the docks. "I only know what I have seen on the news reports."
"Now that is not true and everyone here knows this." Death looked at Mrs. Appleton. "There were three young women who attended your party Friday night. Ring any bells?"
"Even if they were here, it means nothing." She spat.
Death simply shook his head slowly. "You two are up to your necks in this and time will tell how 'innocent' you are. But we are not here for you."
"What? They are just as responsible as the guy who killed her!" Jimmy grabbed Death's arm.
"Killed who? We don't kill people!" Appleton barked.
"No? Well, my girlfriend is dead!"
Death stepped in front of Jimmy. "Focus! Remember why we are here. Their involvement will come to light soon enough."
"Fuck me!" Jimmy's heartbeat increased and his left hand closed into a fist.
Death turned his attention back to the couple. "One name and we will leave. You do know which name we are after?"
Appleton nodded. "But we do not have a name. He never gives his name. That is the deal."
"Bull shit!"
"Jimmy!" Death reeled his new friend in again. "Mr Appleton, you will have to give us something."
"The only thing I can give you." He looked at his wife when she grabbed his shirt but continued. "He is European."
"You know that is not going to be enough."
"There is more. But it will cost us our lives."
"Seems fair." Jimmy raised his nose.
"You don't get it. When I say this, we will all be dead."
"Fuck me! You deal with those people?" Death's demeanor seemed to change when he put it all together.
"What people?" Jimmy pulled at Death. "Who the fuck are they?"
Death looked at the couple who were shaking their heads almost begging him not to say it. "The Network."
"Who the fuck are the Network?" Jimmy yelled.
"We have to leave. Now! Come on!" Death screamed as he pulled Jimmy to the front door.
The Appleton's followed them through the door as their house began to explode behind them. Windy and Destruction witnessed the carnage and rushed to check on the men.
"Jimmy! Jimmy!" Windy yelled as she converged on the scene of destruction hoping the best for her friend.
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