Good morning Carol🙂
As Windy waited for her program to crunch numbers she began to think of ways to help Alex and Marie get away from Nick, the loan shark.
"Okay Nick, let's see what your game is. Even loan sharks answer to someone. Who let you get away with this, hey?"
"Who is your connection to the law? No wait, politics. Scratching someone's back? I'll put money on that being a yes." Windy began the assault on Nick's email account. With her skill, it did not take long to find her way in.
"Hey Windy." Both Alex and Marie greeted her.
Windy looked up to see the two holding hands. "Isn't that sweet?"
"Have you got anything, Windy?"
"Nothing yet. Hey Alex, any idea who Nick answers to? Mobb boss or maybe a politician?"
"No idea. I just know his muscle on a first name basis. They keep visiting Marie and me whenever I am late with a payment."
"Who are they?"
"Reno and Chug."
"I never asked for their actual names. You know that is not really on my mind when they pay a visit."
"I get it, Alex. Anyone else in Nick's inner circle?"
"Ahhh!" Alex sat beside Windy.
"Maybe a quiet person or a name you rarely heard."
"I've got nothing." Alex paused before a light bulb went off. "Shit!"
"That reminds me! I have another friggin payment tomorrow."
"Right. There's still time, Alex. Focus." Windy reminded him. "Anyone else you can think of other than the thugs?"
"Wait a minute. Wait just a damn minute." Alex stood. "Yeah! Three weeks ago there was someone I didn't recognize at Nick's. He just stared at me."
"Did he say anything?"
"No...he just sat there smugly as he smoked his Cuban cigar. As if he was ready to laugh at me." Alex looked as though he was remembering something.
"What is it, Alex?"
"It's weird." He recalled. "Nick hates smoke."
"Like, he hates it a bit or hates when someone is smoking?"
"Why would it matter? He doesn't like smoke, Windy. I think the weasel has asthma."
"Interesting. Thanks, Alex!"
"For what? I had nothing but the guy smokes Cuban's."
"Alex, if Nick hates smoke then this guy may be important. Let's see."
"See what, Windy?" Marie sat down beside her new friend.
"Well, I have been thinking about how a loan shark operates and it's likely Nick answers to someone. Someone he pays off to stay...under the radar."
"What type of person? This guy didn't say a thing and Nick didn't talk to him."
"Either a mob boss or a politician. Someone who has connections."
Just then the computer program Windy ran for the abductions had just finished crunching her data. "Sit down, Alex. My program has finished analyzing the data."
"Meaning, I want you to take a look at the frickin map to see if you recognize any of the areas."
"Oh...okay." Alex sat on the other side of Windy. "Show me."
After a few clicks and the map appeared with three shaded areas.
"What are the different colored sections, there and there?"
"The probability of the person or persons who abducted the women are rated by each color. The blue is the least likely, the purple is more likely and the red is the highest probability the serial abductor lives there."
"Interesting. Is this accurate? I mean, like accurate?"
"Alex, what is it?"
"The red zone is the industrial park. The purple is low-income housing for the very poor and the blue is right around our apartment."
"You mean a serial abductor might live in our neighborhood?" Marie seemed very concerned. "Alex, I am not raising a family here!"
"Marie, California is no better." Alex looked defeated.
"This happens everywhere, Marie. Alex is right, unfortunately." Windy knew the numbers.
"But I still want out of here."
"Okay Honey, one thing at a time. Windy, I think I have something. The docks are controlled by a guy named, Fromanger. I have never met the guy. Never even seen a picture of the man."
"Fromanger, eh? Let's see what we can find." Windy worked quickly. The man may be a recluse but she found a photo. "Hey, Alex. Is this the guy at Nick's that day?"
Alex looked at the photo. "Can you zoom in on his face?"
"Yeah, yeah. What do you think?"
"I don't believe it. I was in the same room as the most powerful man in the city?"
"The city, and the south. Fromanger is bigger than you think. He controls most of the Florida docks as well through the longshoremen."
Alex stood. "Geesus! I never knew. How could I not know?"
"Sit down, Alex. Now if this guy is involved, it would be very easy to transport the victims. Anywhere."
"So Lana could be anywhere by now?" Marie looked at Windy.
"It's possible, Marie. But I have a feeling she may still be in the city."
"Why's that? Why not get her out of the city right away?" Alex questioned Windy's logic.
"It's Carnival, the parade. I think the person whoever had her abducted is in the city for a party."
"And Lana is the entertainment?"
"Yeah. Maybe." Windy shrugged.
"That's sick!" Marie raised her voice but Windy pulled her back down.
Alex looked at his wife. "Settle down, Honey. We'll find Lana."
"Alex." Windy quickly looked at Alex.
"You can't promise that. No one can. We are only three people and we are dealing with more than one person."
"Like how many? Windy? How many?"
"Look, human trafficking takes many people deciding to be in on something. It's a hush hush, brush it under the carpet, hide it behind a door industry."
Windy packed her laptop away. "Marie, I'd like you to go up and wait outside the ICU. Any word on Jimmy and...Alex, give me your cellphone."
She typed her name and number. "Anything and I mean anything happens here, you contact Alex and I."
"Where are you going?" Marie looked confused.
"We are going to try to get some answers. Jimmy was targeted before and the longer he is here the more chance they will find him again."
"What should I do." Marie needed reassurance. "I...I...uh."
"Just call and we will come running." Windy smiled. "I was on varsity track."
Marie laughed nervously, took her husband's phone, shook her head as Alex hugged her.
Jimmy returned to dreaming of his past again.
"Take the blonde to Appleton's he is waiting for her. We're already late because of this guy. Would you move it, Ray?"
"Don't fucking use my name, Carol!"
"You know I hate that name! When you get her in the car, bring the hooker in and place her over here, next to this idiot."
Jimmy tried to open his eyes. He could not move his hands or feet. 'Hey, why can't I move? What the hell is happening? Move goddamn it! Why can you not move your hands?'
Ray returned to the storage shed with Sharon Templer, the prostitute. The two arranged the scene to incriminate Jimmy.
'What the hell are you doing? Why can't you hear me?' Jimmy could not open his eyes nor could he speak or move his body but he could hear.
"That's good. Let's get out of here while it is still dark." Carol spoke to Ray quietly.
Jimmy heard the storage shed door close before he lost consciousness.
Jimmy woke up angry and his pulse rate spiked. He had more answers to the time between being knocked out and waking up in Precinct Nine. The monitor began a loud steady alarm signaling trouble with the patient.
Dr. Kline entered the room. Alarms go off all the time in the ICU. She approached Jimmy's bed, checked the monitor, and began to speak. "Mr. Dunn." She looked at her patient's face. "You appear agitated. What seems to be the issue?"
The intensity on Jimmy's face did not waiver. "I am beginning to remember more."
Just then Dr. Moore entered the ICU and made her way to Jimmy's bedside. "Elevated blood pressure. Earlier it was low. You are an enigma, Mr. Dunn."
"He says he remembers more. What do you make of it, Doctor?"
"The elevation in blood pressure suggests the blood vessels are mending. Don't get me wrong, you are not out of the woods yet, Mr. Dunn but things are looking brighter."
"I still feel like crap."
"How much do you really remember?" Dr. Moore looked at the monitor printout.
"Almost everything from my vacation here. And the middle parts have really, really sucked!"
"Well, lay back, relax and you will continue to improve. Dr. Kline and I will go over the monitor printout."
"Is Windy outside? I would like a quick word with her."
"I believe they will be down in the cafeteria. I will send a nurse to locate her." Dr. Kline then turned and followed the other doctor to the hall.
Marie met the two doctors at the entrance to the ICU. "Any news on Jimmy? His girlfriend had to leave to get some sleep."
"He appears to be improving."
"May I see him for a minute?"
"Dr. Moore?"
"One minute only. He needs his rest."
Marie pushed the door open and made her way to Jimmy's bed. "Hey." She spoke softly.
"Marie! Come for my clothes?"
"I think they already have them." She stood shaking her head. "Do you always joke around?"
"It helps with the tension. You look a little tired, Marie."
"I'm good. I only have a minute and Windy wanted me to check in on you. What should I say?"
"I have my memory back."
"You what?"
"I believe I have all my memory back."
"Okay, I will tell her."
"Tell her to look for two goons named Carol and Ray. They were delivering Lana to a Mr. Appleton. I hope there's still time to save her."
"I hope so too. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, Jimmy."
"Excuse me, miss!"
"I've gotta go, Jimmy. I will let Windy know. See ya." Marie exited the ICU. "Thank you, doctor. He does look a little better!" She smiled and sat across the hall in the waiting area.
Marie called Windy as soon as the doctors were out of sight and busy.
"Hey, Marie. Any news on Jimmy?"
"He is looking better and he says he has his memory back." She kept her voice low trying not to be heard.
"He says he remembers everything?"
"That's what he says. And he has a lead for you two."
"Great! I am ready, Marie!"
"Two guys. Carol and Ray. He says they delivered Lana to a Mr. Appleton. That's everything."
"Thanks, Marie!"
"Tell her, I love her!" Alex yelled.
"I got it, Windy. See ya!" Marie sat back and closed her eyes. She needed a nap as well. Soon she was asleep in the waiting area as the elevator doors opened.
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