83 - Karma!
I dipped my hands in my pocket and pulled out my mobile.
"Hello..." my PA, Nikitha replied.
"Nikitha, I will send you the details of a few medicines. I need you to get them for me tomorrow."
"Ok sure sir" she replied immediately as I hung up.
'Now, it's time for some game!' I thought as I heard a soft sound near me.
"Knoosbhsghh" she mumbled in her sleep as I sighed and hugged her closer.
"I got you love..... I got you!"
Sona's POV
My eyes fluttered open as I took in a deep breath and looked at my side. An arm was wrapped securely around my waist.
Dev was sleeping peacefully but I felt really terrible for him. He didn't get to sleep properly the whole night, thanks to me! The ache in my chest returned, when I recalled how he took care of me last night. No one would have done that, except my parents. Gulping the sudden lump and ignoring the sadness, I raised his hands slowly from my waist and slipped out of the bed.
My wounds were getting better the past few days. Ever since the bathroom incident happened, I had started wearing clothes that would be easier to take off.
I stripped down slowly, turning the water on and letting it beat over my head in steamy rivulets. Closing my eyes to the water as the heat soaked into my skin. I leaned against the cool tiles and my weak legs threaten to buckle. The sensation of the steamy water calmed me as it took my mind off things. Honestly, I felt much better after a warm shower.
Yesterday, I was really mad at Dev for shouting at his mother. It was really scary to see him blast out like that. I was frightened to stay with him in the same room after that incident. So, I moved back to Neha's room last night.
He looked calm and composed whenever he was with me. But I never knew that he had such a temper issue. Guess I still don't know anything about him...
I was so drowsy and dizzy last night, that I couldn't do anything when he was carrying me back to his room. I badly wanted to deny him. But now, I am really thankful that I was with him. Without him, last night would have been hell. Yesterday he confessed that he would try and not get angry again. Hope that is not just to convince me.
I walked to the dressing table and checked my temperature. Finally, it was back to normal. I sighed and sat near the table.
Suddenly the doorbell rang, making me jump from my place. Jeez...what kind of tune was that? I quickly turned around and saw Dev stirring in his sleep. His hands roamed around my side of the bed and once he realised that I wasn't there, he woke up with a jolt. His eyes searched around the room, and once he saw me, he relaxed.
"Come here..." he signalled to the place in the bed next to him and my legs automatically moved according to his instructions. As I sat down next to him, he leaned forward and hugged me by my waist. Moving himself up, he rested his head on my lap.
What if I say something and he gets angry again?
"Dev..." I called and he hummed in response.
"I love you...." I said softly as his eyes shot open. His lips curved into a small smile as he looked at me in awe.
"I love you too my babydoll" he squealed and I laughed silently. He was really a child at times and this is the side of Dev, which I love. I love it when he looked carefree and happy.
"Okay....It's time to wake up!" I said caressing his hair. His hair was so soft and lovely that I would never get tired of caressing it, even for the whole day.
"Five more minutes!" he said burying his face on my lap.
"Dev.... If I ask you something, would you get mad at me?" I asked as he looked at me.
"I promise you... I won't get angry. Just ask" he said.
"Dev.... You shouldn't have showed your anger like that to your mum yesterday.... You know, she was so upset..... She didn't even eat properly...... I think you should go and talk to her." I said while he looked at me. His fingers were playing with my hair and it looked like he wasn't even listening to me.
"Dev..... Are you listening? I am talking to you!!" I said as he looked at me and nodded.
"Yea I am listening. I don't like her Sona and she is not a good person. Sorry I won't go and talk to her. I hope we can end this conversation right here. I don't want you to talk to her also." He said while playing with my hair. I could see his face void of any expressions. I could see that he was trying to hide his anger but what could I do? I was a curious person after all.
"Dev.... Everyone do make mistakes.... We can forgive them na?" I told him.
"Everyone do mistakes baby....but certain mistakes can't be forgiven. Like....betrayal, back-stabbing, cheating and hurting loved ones. They are really painful..." he said as I saw his eyes softening and face falling.
"Okay....fine I am sorry. Don't be sad now." I pouted as he smiled. The smile that just seems so genuinely sweet, which created the right touch of shyness and warmth rushing through me.
We sat there and stared at each other for a good five minutes. His stares were something I couldn't get used to. It was filled with love and undying passion. Although he doesn't express it to me, I could sense the sexual tension running between us and it was really unbearable.
His eyes darkened as he moved closer to me. The next moment, I was on his lap. I didn't know how he managed to close the distance between us. I shivered slightly at how close our bodies were. His large arms were wrapped around my waist, dangerously close to my hips as his palms wandered around my back.
"Breathe Mrs Dixit..." he whispered huskily as my mind suddenly went blank. I gasped as flashes of images ran through my mind.
"Sona..."my name escaped his lips in a low groan. I was trembling under the intensity of his dark and hungry gaze. "You shouldn't be saying things like that to me, love"
"Why not? It's my birthday today.... You can't do this to me." I said trying to keep a straight face but the minute he walked towards me, my face lost its colours.
We were in a private resort booked by Dev. It was actually the best surprise Dev had done over these years. He always managed to impress me by different means. But this one was truly unexpected. We had a delectable meal and a romantic dance but that wasn't all. Dev had more plans than what I had expected. He had booked the resort for a whole day!
That wasn't the worst part yet.
The lingerie was!
"Remove your robe." he said sternly as his hands were folded and while his eyes travelled down my body in a lustful gaze.
Gulping my fear, I clenched my eyes and slowly worked on the knot. Once the robe was fully removed, I slowly lifted my eyes to look at him. His eyes drank my entire figure as he watched the revealing lingerie sticking to my curves. I wonder where he bought this from... it made me feel so uncomfortable but sexy at the same time.
"Beautiful.." I heard him whisper.
He stepped inside and strolled down, slowly closing the distance, aware of the electricity in the air the moment he stepped inside the room. It's like a crackling in the air. I don't remember feeling this way with any other man. Perhaps this is what it's like when people say, they feel fireworks going on.
"Don't give me that wild look Dev..." I pleaded but nothing fell in his ears. His hands slowly wounded around me while his eyes darkened in desire.
"We can take this slowly.....because I don't want to hurt you..." he said tilting my chin upwards, forcing me to look into his eyes. "Do you trust me?" he asked and I nodded in a daze. I felt hypnotized by him.
I heard him intake a harsh breath before he lowered his head and claimed my lips in a teasing, slow pace. His tongue thrusted between my lips, setting my senses on fire, making me cling on him, deepening the kiss harder until the atmosphere became erotic.
"You are perfect baby...." He murmured trailing his kisses down my jawline which sooner turned into bites.
He took me in his arms and quickly strode to the bed and tossed me like a doll. Before I could protest, he cupped my breasts in his palm and started massaging them in a sensual way. He smiled as I arched my back in response. He slowly removed the lingerie and took my nipples in his mouth. My whimpering somehow motivated him further to torture my other mound. I noticed a surge of high male satisfaction in him when my hips twisted in pleasure.
He knew what I wanted and with a forceful grip, he pulled my legs apart, trailing his fingers through the apex of my thighs.
"My Jaanu..." he whispered as I smiled.
"You are betraying your wife this soon..... I didn't expect this from you, Mr Dixit!" I said playfully as he drew me closer in his arms.
"A man has his needs......and I am sure my wife will understand" he spoke against the base of my throat, making me smile.
"Why? Don't your wife satisfy your needs?" I asked him, acting to be offended.
"Nah....I can't betray my wife for such trivial issues... She is an angel. When I first met her, she removed the bad boy in me and made me a better person. I felt the need to protect her..........and I still feel protective about her. She is everything to me......She became my wife even before she was married to me. She is my best friend.....and I hate to hurt her" he spoke as he removed himself from me and slowly took a rope from the side table.
Holding it expertly, he grabbed my hands and tied it with the headboard of the bed.
"Uhuh.... So, indirectly you are saying that you don't bed her?"
"Not that.... I only make love to my wife. But with you, everything is erotic and exotic" he paused before continuing.
"As much as Sonakshi Dixit is a devoted wife to me, as a wife she always restricts herself. She would never wear a lingerie for me, she hates to be tied up in bed, she doesn't approve of different positions and any kinky stuff. She always prioritises to be an ideal daughter-in-law and has very little time for me. With her, there is always strings attached. With you, I can unleash my beast and innermost desires. I can play rough and hard...." He paused as I looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"That's so mean of you Mr Dixit..." I pouted as he kissed my pout.
"You are the reason I don't cheat on my wife... you are a forbidden fruit which I would love to have." he said slowly removing his shirt. I gulped as I saw his muscles flexing under his shirt.
"What if you fall in love with me, instead of.....aaaah" I squealed as he bit my earlobes and slipped my hands inside my bottoms.
"You are my trip to heaven....My exotic adventure and a wild feast. You let me live my fantasies... You warm up my bed and satisfy my cravings. You seduce me like no other women has.....but I still desire my wife. That innocent soul who captivated my heart and soul. So, I love you both...." He said kissing me and successfully shutting me up with his lips.
His hands slowly plunged into me and started pumping hardly and vigorously. I started whimpering loudly with desire.
"Am I hurting you?" he asked with intense emotions.
"Not at all...." I breathed as his grip on my last piece of cloth tightened. He fully ripped my clothes off and hovered me.
Gosh....when did he remove his pants?
He paused for a fraction of second and in one single thrust, he buried himself deeply inside me. I gasped as I pulled the restraints to get my hands freed. But all my efforts were in vain. A wrenching sob released from my throat as he dipped his head lower and took my nipple in his mouth.
"Oh my god....Dev" I gasped.
"Breathe...Mrs Dixit!"
*End of flashback*
"Sona!!! What's wrong? What happened? Are you ok?" Dev jerked my shoulders as I was pulled away from my thoughts.
My chest became a little tighter and breathing became more difficult. I didn't know that his three words had the power to trigger my memories. Although it was just a small portion, it was something so embarrassing and huge. It was a chaos in my head. The more I tried to recall, the more my head throbbed.
"I had a memory....." I whispered looking at the wall behind Dev.
"What memory?" he asked. Dev looked paranoid as he cupped my face and made me face him.
"I remembered...............your...........your....." I stumbled.
Dev's POV
A loud crash sound broke our conversation as Sonakshi quickly got up from my lap. I was so disturbed and tensed by her expressions. She looked lost and exhausted. While I was talking to her, she was totally stuck in a different world. Her eyes were staring at a blank space and she zoned out for a good five minutes. The minute she expressed that she recalled a memory, my brain froze.
What did she even remember? I hope it's something good. I didn't want this to happen.... Not right now at least. I looked at her and she immediately wiped her sweat beads near her eye brows.
"I will just be back..." she said and walked away to the washroom.
What must she have seen, that she doesn't even want to meet my eyes now?
I quickly brushed away my thoughts and walked out of my room. As expected, Nisha was there with mami and my dad was blasting at them. I walked down calmly, to know what the new drama was about.
"How did you even think of betraying my family like that Radha?" my dad roared as I walked towards him and tried to silence him.
"Dad.... This is not the time for all this. Let them be here for as long as they want to. I have called mama ji.... He will soon be coming back here too. Until then, let's just deal with this." I spoke as my father looked at me in shock.
When I turned, Neha looked at me with a smirk. I guess my sister knew me too well. I have not forgiven these people at all. But with Sonakshi in the house, it wasn't the best time to start an argument. Just when I was about to walk away the, I saw Nikitha standing at the entrance of my house.
"Sir...." She paused as I nodded and asked her to come in.
"I have gotten the medicines you have asked me to get... There is something I need to tell-" she started but I immediately cut her off.
"Your job is done Nikitha. You may go now! I will meet you in our office." I said, and she nodded and left the place.
My father looked at me curiously while I clutched the bag and eyed everyone. "Medicines for Sona" I mouthed to my dad and tried to sneak away. But to my bad luck, I already saw Sonakshi walking down. Shit!
The minute her eyes landed on us, she froze. She was startled and her eyes were just focused on one person particularly this time. Nisha.....
Gosh I didn't want this to happen but now it was too late. Her face lost all it's colours as she started losing her balance. Before she could fall completely, I rushed towards her side and held her by her waist. I tried to steady her but she just couldn't stand.
Her skin went as pale as her eyes. She stumbled forward before completely becoming unconscious in my arms. There was no sound in the house, yet everyone was moving. My dad quickly dialled our family doctor's number while I carried Sona to my room. Somehow, I knew the reason behind her unconscious state, but I just kept myself calm.
After all, I have faced the worst times in my life....and this was nothing compared to that! Soon the doctor arrived and Sonakshi was thoroughly checked. The doctor informed that it was nothing serious and was just a mild shock. I sighed in relief and sat near Sonakshi in the bed.
Soon everyone retired to their rooms, leaving me alone with my only love. Her unconscious state somehow reminded me of the times when she was in coma. The paralyzing hurt spread through my body like icy, liquid metal. My heart throbbing in fear as I stood up against the cold tile.
I walked outside with the medicines that Nikitha gave me. I called Kichu bhaiya and gave him the pack of medicines and instructed him on what to do. Once the instructions was given, he gave me a stunned look.
"Dev bhaiya......Are you sure about this?" he asked as I glared at him.
"Do as I say Kichu....or else you may leave your job!" I warned as he immediately nodded as walked away.
This was something I had always wanted to do and now, it was the right time. Since the witch and her mother were both present in my house now, I could do anything I want. Did they think that they could easily escape after torturing my wife? They are dumb to even have a thought like that. They made Sona suffer during my absence... But now they will have to suffer in her presence. At least that was something I could do to reduce my guilt. Punish the criminals in my own way. Dev Dixit's way!
After finishing some of the unfinished business, I walked back to my room to check on Sonakshi. Once I opened the door, my eyes widened to find the bed empty. I quickly scanned across the room only to find her near the wardrobe. Once my eyes landed on Sonakshi, my entire form became rigid.
She wasn't in her normal clothes....Fuck she wasn't even in her night dress. Her hair was drenched, which meant that she took a shower while I was out. Her hands clutched the towel that was the only thing that was wrapped around her body!
Damn....she is such a tease.
I clenched my fists and tried to walk away. But my eyes just refused to move away from her frame. Her tall frame and slender body were like a Victoria secret model. I couldn't deny how hot she looked at that moment. My eyes scanned through her body which added up to my pulse rate. I shouldn't be turned on but what could I do? If only Sonakshi wasn't feeling unwell....
Embarrassment was etched on her face as she tried to bury herself inside the cupboard. She started breathing harder as I mentally face-palmed myself. I turned away and dragged my legs out of the place. But once I reached the door, my mind changed. I smirked and locked the door.
When I turned around her face was completely covered with shock. On seeing me, her legs started trembling and her fists tightened around the towel. I walked towards her and with every move, I could sense the nervousness through her expressions. She was standing like a statue, waiting to be devoured.
Once I closed the distance between us, her eyes slowly lifted upwards and gazed at me. I quickly closed the cupboard doors and rested my arms there, caging herself between me and the cupboard. She leaned back on the cupboard door as I brushed her hair from her neck, which gave me a sinful view of her naked shoulders.
"W-what are you doing?" her voice came barely in a whisper as I smirked, and kept my fingers lingering on her shoulder.
"You said you had a memory just now, right? What was it?" I asked as she inhaled sharply.
"I..............remembered what..........you...." she paused.
"What I what?"
"I remembered what you gifted me for my birthday..."
Precap : Dining table romance🔥🔥🔥
I just see something so irresistible in you....
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