53 - Madly in Love!
"Shhh....stop crying. If that's what happened, I am going to talk to my mum about this right now! This is absolutely unacceptable Sonakshi. No one has the rights to treat you this way...Not even my mum. She has no rights to question what happened between us!" he said and stormed off.
Dev stormed inside his mother's room. There was two kind of emotions running inside him when he came back home. He was angry and hurt. No one had the right to insult or hurt his wife. He couldn't allow that to happen. He tried to maintain his cool, but he lost it after listening to those cruel words his mother uttered to Sonakshi.
He saw those pain in her eyes after so long.
"Maa!! What's all this?" he yelled once he stormed inside her room.
Ishwari who was getting ready for dinner was now taken aback over the sudden change in her son's tone.
"What's wrong beta? What happened?" she asked confused.
Immediately the door opened again, revealing a panicked Sonakshi on the doorstep. She came rushing towards Dev, requesting him to come back but Dev held her hands and stood firm in his position. He was not going to back off today.
"Maa, did you speak rudely to Sonakshi today? Did you abuse her for breaking her fast?" he asked as the anger in his tone was scaring the shit out of both Sonakshi and Ishwari.
"Yes, I did. What's wrong in that?" Ishwari spoke bravely as Sonakshi closed her eyes in shame and defeat. Somehow she just prayed for the conversation to end there as the topic too embarrassing and sensitive.
"What's not wrong? Maa! You are not supposed to insult my wife like that? You get that? I have already told you.....this matter is between me and Sonakshi. I would like it if no one gets involved. And by the way, may I ask you.... How do you know whether she broke the fast or not?" he asked making Ishwari numb on her spot.
"Dev! Remember you are talking to your mother! And it doesn't take rocket science to find out whether a girl has broken her fast or not..... I might not be well educated but I have this much of knowledge to know when a girl has broken her fast...." She stammered as Sonakshi narrowed her eyes accusingly at her. She was totally impossible!
"Oh so, that was just a guess! Right??? Let me make this clear again maa..... This also applies to everyone else in the family! As a daughter in law, you have all rights to teach her, scold her or pamper her. But when I am not around, insulting her or talking bad about her character is totally not allowed! Whatever happens between us, is private and I would appreciate if everyone don't interfere in this! Tell this to Mami as well.... I do not want to repeat myself again" he said holding Sonakshi's hands tighter.
Those words were enough for Sonakshi to fall in love with him again. She felt so special at the moment. She felt so overwhelmed and tears of joy made way down her cheeks. She had been so wrong in judging him. How was he so perfect? Being born to such a cruel mother, how was he so pure?
"Dev, I can't believe you are talking to your mother like this. Instead of correcting your wife, you are threatening me? She broke the rules and she is the culprit here! Don't you dare correct me!" she fumed as the atmosphere got tensed.
"Ouh really? Maa why can't you understand one little thing? If she has broken the rules, don't you think I am a part of it too? If she had really broken the fast, then I had a bigger hand at it than her! If you want to show your displeasure, show it when I am around too because I deserve that. Not just her!" he spat back making Ishwari speechless.
After all he was right, and she didn't know what she could reply back. This time Sonakshi decided to interfere to avoid further embarrassments.
"Dev...just calm down. It's ok. I have forgotten it. Let's go back..." she whispered as Dev's eyes softened after seeing her.
He felt that it was entirely his fault that this was happening. Ishwari was still fuming in anger as Dev walked back to the door. He just decided to go back when Radharani barged in.
"Areeeey beta... What are you doing here?" she asked in her fake tone while Dev staunched an angry glare at her.
"Oh, I was just telling my mum that if anyone dares to open their mouth against my wife, I won't mind throwing them out of my house!" he said casually and pulled a stunned Sonakshi by her waist before walking back to his room.
Next morning, breakfast was a silent one. Jay was aware of all the happenings in the family but since he was busy in his business, he decided not to interfere much. He decided to let the ladies in the house solve the problems themselves. He knew that Ishwari was mistreating Sonakshi much to his displeasure. But now, he felt proud that Dev defended his wife and spoke back against his mother during a crucial situation. This was really impressive because Dev had never spoke against his mother on anything..... even when she was on the wrong.
After finishing his breakfast Dev got up and went towards his mum who still looked unsettled due to their tiff last night. He bent down and took her blessings as usual which formed a smile at Ishwari's face.
"Sorry if I spoke too rudely mum..... But that doesn't change the fact that I love you!" he said kissing her forehead and Ishwari just smiled at her son. All her worries were gone by his small gesture.
After collecting his things, he rushed out to his car and saw that Nisha was already stationed in the seat next to him. He smiled at her as she lowered her window frame and called him.
"Dev!! Come on... We are getting late!" she said as Dev lowered his face down and looked at her through the window. Suddenly Nisha felt her heartbeat increasing due to his intense stare. His face was so close to hers as she fumbled with her words.
"Devvv.." she whispered as Dev gave her a wide smile.
"Nisha..... Umm, would you mind doing me a favour?" he asked as Nisha immediately grinned and nodded at him.
"Ermm... Sona would be joining us in a while.......So, can you move behind because I want her to sit here with me?" he asked as Nisha's smile instantly faded and replaced with a frown.
"Dev.... I am tired. Can't she just sit behind for today? I don't feel like moving plus I hurt my leg yesterday. So, I can't really move around...." She told him as his face dropped. He immediately nodded and moved out to call Sonakshi down.
Meantime Nisha grinned happily as how her plan was successful. Now Sonakshi would be sitting behind and burning in jealousy!!!
When Sonakshi came down, she was shocked to see Nisha already seated in the car. Dev brought her down and opened the back door for her. Without uttering a word, she got seated in her place and closed the door with a smile. But what happened next was the most unexpected thing!
Dev came towards the other size and opened the back door and got seated right next to Sonakshi, making both the women gasp in shock. Nisha could not understand what was going on until their personal driver took a seat in the driver's place.
Nisha was seething in anger as she just avoided eye contact with Sonakshi and clenched her fists.
Sona's POV
Dev taking the seat beside me was really a shock for me. I was still recovering from the shock yesterday he gave to his mum. That was so unexpected of him. After that, we went back to our room, I just slept hugging him the whole day. There was not much conversation between us. I just felt so secured when I was with him. I hope he will support me the day when he comes to know the truth as well....
While I was admiring him, his hands gently held mine and he brought them to his lips. Before I could stop him, he was already kissing my knuckles. His grip was so strong that I couldn't even pull away. I could feel Nisha's burning stares from the mirror in front, through my peripheral vision. But how could I stop Dev?
"Dev, please stop it. Nisha is looking at us!" I whispered as he nodded and left my hand only to place it back on my thighs. GOD men!
Thank god the drive was a short one. Dev tried to engage in normal conversations with Nisha to not make her feel lonely. But at the same time, his fingers intertwined with mine, making me smile widely.
Once we reached the office, I resumed to my place and I saw Jatin standing there with a coffee mug.
"Hey beautiful!!!" he yelled making me so happy. I didn't know why but just seeing Jatin made me feel so happy. I felt like I was back home.... His presence just made my day so bright. I ran up to him and hugged him as he laughed, gently patting my head.
"Woah!! Hahaha cool Sonakshi. If your husband comes here, he will bury me alive in the office!" he chuckled as I left him and smacked his arms.
"OMG Jatin! Why didn't you come to work yesterday? It's been so long since I saw you.... Not even a call! Damn, I hate you!" I yelled as he smiled again.
"Oh, come on! Don't lie that you missed us... You have been so busy in your married life that you haven't even switched on your phone for days... Pooja tried calling you last night but no reply! And here, you are blaming me huh?" he asked as I rolled my eyes.
"Last night I was busy Jatin... Anyways, I loved your gifts." I told him as he sat opposite on my desk.
We started chatting and laughing for a while until Jatin started getting serious. He started enquiring about things that was happening in my life.
"So, what's with Nisha? I saw her being so grumpy early in the morning. What's wrong?" he questioned curiously as I just shook my head.
"Oh god! That woman was jealous because Dev took a seat beside me in the car and she had to sit alone in the front with our driver! Can you believe it Jatin? I mean seriously...I can't believe she still have her hopes high... I mean after seeing how much Dev loves me, I thought maybe she would give up and move on.....but neither she is moving on nor Dev's family!" I sighed as Jatin's face held a bit of seriousness.
"Oh...and urm.... day before yesterday, Ishwari aunty called us. She asked me whether you and Dev came to our house... I told them no. Where did you guys go?" he asked me as I quickly straightened my posture!
I hate you Dev!
"Urmm...we were stuck in the rain so we went to his penthouse. Actually, even that day we were fighting....about Nisha. It's always her who is interrupting our life Jatin!" I told him as he sipped his coffee from his mug.
"Sonakshi, I think you should start being open to Dev... I can see the same love and trust back in his eyes... whenever he speaks about you, his eyes hold so much of love. He won't be able to bear the pain if he knows that you kept so many things from him. It might not end up well.....you at least have to disclose about Nisha first. From what I can see, situations are not going to get better in your in laws house....but before they get worse, you have to secure your marriage!" he spoke as I stared as him with fear.
"Jatin, what do you mean? This is scaring me..." I told him as he sighed and held my palm in an assuring grip.
"Yes Sonakshi.... I don't want to lie to you but I have a feeling that they are planning something big. If you need me to talk to Dev, I can do that for you Sona. But now you have to act fast! We don't have enough time Sona. Tell him before it's too late!" He said as I just nodded at him.
Before I could ask him more questions, someone knocked the door. When the door opened, I realized that it was our HR, Nikita.
"Hi mam... Sir wants to see you now. He called you to his cabin. I guess it's something urgent..." she spoke as I nodded to her and glanced at Jatin who had his eyebrows raised.
"Wow not bad... It isn't even 10 minutes and your husband had started missing you huh?" Jatin giggled while I glared at him and walked away after mouthing a quick bye.
Jatin's POV
I should have told Sonakshi about the mangalsutra incident, but I didn't. Well, what could I say? She was so happy when she came inside the office. I hadn't seen her this happy for a long time. When I came inside the office, I had seen Nisha talking to the IT guy about something.
I walked closer to them to hear what they were speaking and the only word which I heard clearly was 'hacking'. Shit...what do they want to do now? Why can't this Nisha rest in peace for once? I wanted to go there and confront her. But seeing Sonakshi walking behind, I couldn't stop myself. So, I just ran towards my BFF's cabin instead.
Now all I had to do is to keep an eye on that evil Nisha!
Nisha's POV
I was so pissed off today. How dare Dev insult me like that? I won't spare Sonakshi ever for this! Before she came into our lives, he was so caring and loving towards me. But now, he had turned so ignorant and rude. What is wrong with him? Did she change him? How can a one-night change a man like this? If one-night was what he wanted, I could have given him the same pleasure or maybe...even more!
I had made many sexual advances towards Dev when we were in Australia, but he never even gave me a look. He always drowned himself with too much of work till sleep invaded his eyes. I didn't understand what was so special about her that he couldn't see in me!
I walked to the office feeling low until I saw the IT guy Michael. He was always giving me flirty looks for the past few weeks. I smiled at him slyly and motioned him to come towards me. Last week, I expressed my interest in him just to make him my scapegoat. After all, I could use him for my own benefit!
I decided to use him as my partner in crime by flirting with him as well. I talked to him about how I needed his help to hack the security cameras in the office next week and after a long talk, he finally agreed! Thank god!
After talking to him, I happily walked towards Dev's cabin but the receptionist below suddenly stopped me. Her answers shocked me even more.
"Sorry mam, Dev sir had strongly instructed to not let anyone in his room for the next one hour." She said.
"Huh... But why? As far as I remember, I knew that his meeting has already ended, right?" I asked suspiciously.
"Yes mam, but sir told me that he is busy doing some personal stuff..." she said before continuing her work.
Personal stuff?
Curiosity got the best out of me and I walked towards Dev's cabin, not listening to the receptionist words. While walking, I stopped at the corridors when I heard the sound of heavy breathing. I froze!
I walked closer to his cabin door and notice that it was locked. I strengthened my heart and brought my ears close to the door to hear what was happening. But the next moment I did that, I regretted my actions.
I heard Sonakshi's heavy breathing and that was enough for my heart to crash again.
"Dev...." I heard Sonakshi's voice in a pleading done. Even a blind man could figure out what they were doing. But my mind was unable to accept anything.
"I love you Sonakshi...." Dev's voice came out breathless. His voice was so deep and strained. I have never heard this tone of his. I could hear the sound of them kissing madly and immediately removed my ears from the door.
I bite my tongue, trying to hold the tears that threatened to leave my eyes. And that's when I realised that I couldn't hold them back. This was the most horrible feeling. I felt sick to my stomach.
'Come on! They are husband and wife dude' my inner mind taunted me.
But I wasn't able to accept that. My mind was not able to digest that fact and it would never be able to do so in future! I immediately wiped off my face and thought with a strong mind. Anger consumed me.
I quickly knocked the door as hard as I could. There was silence. I could barely hear anything. When I decided to knock again, Dev's voice boomed across the room.
"It's me....Nisha...I have something important to tell you, Dev..."
"Not now Nisha.............I will meet you after lunch.."
"But-" he cut me before I could finish.
"PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" his voice came out harsher than I expected. I flinched at that tone and moved away slowly.
I will ruin you Sonakshi....
PRECAP : Devakshi Office Romance🔥🔥
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