36 - I Trust Her!
Sonakshi walked into her room and sat at a corner. She was so moody that she didn't want to do anything for the rest of the day. She dreamt her engagement to be a dreamy one like they showed in the fairy tales. But hers' just turned to be the exact opposite.
Her eyes shifted to the side and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As she blinked, they dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks miserably. She bit her lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from her mouth.
She realised her mistakes she made in her past. But what's the point of this late realisation? It was just too late.
If only she had been open with Dev in the past, he would have trusted her with all his life. But now, it had become all on her. She was not angry with Dev at all because she knew that he was trying. He was trying his best to trust her. How can a person just suspect his family members in a day because of her? Especially a person who had betrayed him in the past!
She needed to gain his trust which would take some time.
As she was in deep thoughts, Jatin called her.
"Sonakshi, are you okay?" he asked the minute she picked up the phone.
"Yeah, why?" she asked, confused with his sudden call.
"Actually, Pooja told me everything that happened in Dev's house. The way his mum was treating you and all...... Do you want me to talk to Dev? You should tell him everything before it's too late Sona. We need to-" before he could complete, Sona cut him.
"No Jatin. Now problem is not just Ishwari aunty. Its...."
"Nisha...." She spoke softly, not believing her own voice.
"What? Nisha? You mean Dev's cousin? Why, what's wrong?" he questioned impatiently.
Sonakshi slowly poured all her emotions and told him whatever that happened in Dev's house after the engagement. She narrated each and every word that Nisha told her. Jatin could feel her fear and sorrow through her voice. There was no place for doubt in his mind. He believed every word she said instantly. The more she told him, the more he got worried.
"Sona....listen. This is really crazy... I can't believe that it's Nisha whom did all this. She is a crazy lady. Do you really want to fight with her? If she had the guts to lie to you as Dev's sister and do such psychotic stuff, then I am sure that she will go any extent to stop this marriage! You have to reveal everything to Dev as soon as possible." He said with panic.
"Jatin..... Don't you know your friend well enough? Do you think he will believe me if I tell him the truth, now? He will probably think that I am coming up with another fake story. Anything we do from now on, have to be carefully planned. Most importantly, I want Dev to know the truth fully with proofs and when that time comes, I will stand strongly in proving my point." She told confidently.
"Sonakshi! What if she tries to harm you or something... From the way she talked to you today, I can already guess that she has some plans up her sleeves. Without knowing what plans she has, we can't do anything!" he said.
"I know Jatin! But what can we do now? A single wrong move, could cause damage in the wedding. And that is exactly what Nisha wants now. I don't want to take a decision in haste then regret later....we have to be patient, Jatin....."
Jatin was still not convinced yet he as consoled Sona to be strong and that he would be there for her when she needed help. Also, he promised that he would kick Dev's ass if he dared to trouble Sonakshi anymore.
Sona on the other hand felt much more relieved when she talked to her friend. She somehow wished that Dev shared the same level of comfort zone with her like Jatin. But too bad.... Dev wasn't there with her for so many years and they have somehow lost a deep friendship that existed between them. 'Thanks to Nisha' she thought as she rolled her eyes.
On the other hand, at Dev's house all the family members, except Neha and Jay were not happy with the wedding plans. They were all seated around the table trying to brainwash Dev while he stood strong on his point.
"Dev beta.... Sonakshi doesn't look happy with the engagement... Did you even see her face once during the entire function? She was behaving so moody and not talking to any of our relatives properly. Is she always like that? She didn't even respect your mami properly!" Ishwari said pointing at Radharani.
"Yes yes... I don't know why...even I am having some bad vibes towards Sonakshi. I don't think she might be a good daughter in law for our family, Dev. Please think through your decision once more. Your one decision can affect your whole life...." Radharani supported.
Dev who was listening to all this got irritated and snapped.
"Maa.... Will you stop it... Just stop it!" he exploded his frustrations. He was done with all of them talking against Sonakshi all the time.
He couldn't understand why they just couldn't try and look at Sonakshi in a good way. She was after all a girl who he loved crazily, immensely and deeply. They were all blinded with too much of negativity that they did not even notice any good things that she or her family did.
"I have taken this decision of marrying a girl who I want to live my life with. I love her. That's it! I don't care what others say or think. I am sure she will be a good wife for me and a good daughter in law soon! For god's sake you have only met her a few times maa... and you are already judging her?" Dev asked in disbelief as he turned towards his mami.
"Mami....you too? You have met her only once and you are saying that you are having bad vibes? Are you for real?" he screamed making Radharani nervous. She just stumbled and looked helplessly at her fuming daughter.
Nisha who was witnessing all this, came and stood in front Dev.
"So, can you explain to me about her behaviour towards me today Dev? She freaking pushed me.... That too, in front of you!" she asked with a shocked expression.
"Nisha...look. I know Sonakshi too well. Really too well..." he paused as he walked towards Nisha. Nisha gulped as she didn't know what to expect from him.
"You may think that over these years I would have forgotten a few things about her. But the answer is no! First thing, she would never physically or verbally hurt anyone without a strong reason. Whatever happened today, sure had some reasons behind and I am sure you would know what it is..." he said drilling his eyes angrily into Nisha.
For once, Nisha felt intimidated. She felt accused. She never thought that Dev would side Sonakshi this time but unfortunately that happened. The amount of trust Dev had on Sonakshi was more than what she had predicted. Now she knew, she couldn't fool Dev that easily anymore. Any plan which needed to be executed had to be done extra carefully.
Dev knew that Sonakshi wouldn't push anyone without any valid reason. If she did, then it had to be accidental. Knowing this, he didn't want to make this matter worse and hence quickly walked to his room leaving the rest of his family members in shock.
The next day, Sonakshi rushed to her workplace to meet Jatin before starting her work. When she entered, the receptionist informed her that Dev had already called her to his cabin. When she was about to leave, the receptionist immediately stopped her.
"Ms Sonakshi, your post has been changed again under the Finance Department." She said making Sona stop in her tracks. She was so confused. She knew Dev needed to have his own reasons to do that. But why now? Sighing, she quickly rushed to the second level when she met with another shock of her life.
Sona's POV
Nisha was standing there, holding hands with Dev and laughing with him outside the room. Somewhere in my heart, I didn't like them being close although they were just cousins. Dev had never been possessive when it came to me bonding with male friends. But the idea of him being with another female, totally irked me. Especially Nisha.
I know it was kind of unfair but it was too difficult to control my emotions especially after knowing that Nisha loves Dev. Just the thought of it made my blood boil. I quickly walked towards them and found that Jatin was also present there. He looked nervous for the first time in his life. Looking at him, I knew something was wrong.
When Dev saw me, he quickly gave me a polite nod and spoke in a professional tone.
"Hi Sonakshi, I have decided to give you back your Accounting manager role as Ms Nisha would be taking over as my PA from now on." He said as I ignored the tug in my heart and gulped the pain which was rising up in my throat.
"Oh...ok..." I managed to voice out. There were too many things running on my mind at that moment that I had failed to even notice Dev discussing about shifting my place somewhere else.
Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I turned towards Jatin and noticed his distressed look. He nodded at me conveying that everything was alright. But how could I relax after knowing that someone else was taking over my place? My damn place! That too, in his room! No way. I could already feel insecure of myself. It hasn't been a day since we were engaged and now, someone was already taking my place in his office.
Moreover, her bloody hands were still on his shoulders making me want to chop them off.
I don't know what came over me at that moment, but the next thing I did shocked everyone there.
I quickly grabbed his arm harshly away from Nisha and dragged him a few centimetre away from her. Dev was startled by my sudden gesture but before he could say anything, I gripped his arms tightly and pulled him so that he was facing only me.
"Dev, I have something very important to tell you and it's urgent." I stated as he looked at me with wide eyes.
"I said its urgent.." I snapped without giving him a chance to speak. He nodded after taking a deep breath. I wasted no time in dragging him towards his cabin when I suddenly remembered something. I quickly turned and gave my most sarcastic smile to Nisha. About being professional.....
"I am sorry Nisha...This is very urgent. I am sure Jatin can show you around the office for some time... Right Jatin?" I asked as Jatin was trying so hard to control his laughter. I just glared at him because I knew that his expressions were being so obvious that even Nisha could sense something wrong.
"Yeap sure...why not?" Jatin giggled before showing the way to Nisha. I could sense her face turning red before she left my view completely.
Once I went inside the room, I threw my bag in the couch and sat down while Dev glared at me with his arms crossed, waiting for a proper explanation. I knew he was angry at me for behaving like that infront of his cousin but I don't give a damn. Because he had no rights to throw me away from my position like that.
Whatever reason it was, he had to tell me before taking this decision. Because honestly, I felt so insulted at that moment. I felt so disrespected and humiliated. If it was few months ago, his actions would have been justified. But now, we were going to get married in a few weeks and here, he was still behaving like an arrogant CEO instead of a boyfriend!
He at least had to inform me beforehand and not take decisions like he owned the company.... Wait actually he did own the company but still he had no rights!
I had all rights to be angry! I was his PA. How could he just throw me away from my post? Why was he doing this? I felt so irritated! Did that Nisha brainwash him again? Too many things were running on my mind as I heard him clear his throat.
"That was rude of you..." he trailed before interrupted him again!
"It was RUDE of YOU MR DIXIT!" I said in a louder tone. A tone which I never knew existed in me. A tone which meant warning. Pure warning!
For a moment I saw confusion on his face. I regretted using a harsh tone, but I had to do it! He needed to know whatever he was doing was hurting me. I needed to know my place in the office and in his life. Why was he using me like a second choice? Did he thought that it was unnecessary to inform me about important decisions?
"You should have discussed with me about changing my post back, Dev! You know how hurt I felt, when I had to know it from the receptionist..." I paused as I closed my eyes, trying to absorb the pain and anger while his lips parted to explain. But I raised my hands to stop him from saying anything.
"Did I do anything wrong? Why was I thrown away from the position like I don't mean anything or let me put it..... more like a criminal? Wait do I even mean anything in your company?" I asked him without taking a breath as he came near me and pulled me by my waist.
"Sonakshi..... Breathe.... Please just listen!" he said while he looked at my eyes with guilt.
"I am sorry... I know I should have discussed with you. You mean a lot to me Sonakshi. I didn't know you would take this so seriously. Actually, Nisha is planning to settle down in India, so she expressed her desire to work with me again. Since she knew most of my work plans and stuff, I..........urm decided to resume her position as my PA in this company." He told me with a pleading look.
I wriggled off from his hold and looked away. He slowly pulled me to face him again.
"You know there is a rule that husband and wife can't work in the same department right?" he paused while looking intently at me. I didn't reply and let him continue his lecture.
"Since we are already engaged.......we shouldn't work closely anymore. That's why I had to do this" he said softly while his fingers played with my long curls. I quickly turned away from him. I knew that freaking rule. But one part of me just did not want to accept his reasons.
How do I explain to him that I wasn't worried about me shifting place but I was jealous at the fact that he would be closer to Nisha now? Now she had to follow him to every meeting, every discussion and every freaking lunch! It was my right...only mine. I sighed as I buried my face in hands and sat down on the sofa with a thud.
He needed to know. He needs to know that I am unhappy. He came near me and gently hugged me from behind as I unconsciously leaned on his shoulder for support.
"Hey...." he hummed.
"Don't talk to me!" I whined as he chuckled heartily.
"Fine...I am sorry! It was not my intention to make you feel so low. I didn't know why the receptionist told you. I didn't instruct her to inform you anything. But never mind, I will deal with that later... I will not be careless again..... Now will you please forgive me sweetheart" he coaxed as he pressed a small kiss on my nape.
"You should still have discussed...." I breathed as his touches became so intoxicating. I knew I was losing myself and I had no intentions of stopping him today. I realised that I have started acting clingy around him. I didn't know what this feeling was called. Maybe insecure?
"I know.... Still I am sorry again. I should have told you before.......But the decision was so sudden.....Nisha just told me in the morning. I had no choice, baby" he breathed as my heartbeat increased. I loved it when he called me names like 'baby' or 'sweetheart'. It just made me feel so special.
I was still leaning on him as his hands were secured around me. I felt so safe and protected. I wanted to be like this forever. I wanted to tell him how insecure I felt about shifting my place in the office. I wasn't going to hide anything this time. I wanted him to know how I felt. So, I quickly turned around and looked at him with a pout. I slowly traced his face with my fingers while he looked at me with awe.
"I don't like it when she touches you..." I told him honestly while his eyes widened.
Hahahaha what will be Dev's answer?
Precap : Sona sharing her thoughts with Dev...
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