100 - Epilogue
The most awaited Epilogue!!! 100 chapters Yayyyyyy!
"Jatin!!!! Get lost!" Dev said while he was focused on doing his task.
"Areey come on yaar! This is not your cup of tea. Let me do this!" Jatin replied and took the handkerchief from Dev.
"No no.....wait hold this! Is this how you do this Jatin?" Dev looked as Jatin examined the socks and placed it the wrong way.
"Oh no it's not that way-" Asha interrupted but her voice was unheard in that chaotic situation as both Dev and Jatin were fighting with each other.
Asha and Ishwari gave them a worried look while Jatin and Dev were busy with changing clothes for Dev's child. It had been almost 2 months since Sonakshi gave birth to a baby boy and 3 months since Pooja gave birth to a girl baby. Both Dev and Jatin had a tough time dealing with both the work at home and office.
After completing a big project, Dev and Jatin finally decided to celebrate this happiness by having a get together. Hence Jatin decided to spend his weekends at Dev's house with his family.
The house was now crowded with lots of people. Jay, Ishwari, Neha, Asha, Bejoy, Elena, Jatin, Pooja and their two small kids were all running around Dev's house. As for Ishwari and Asha, they had shifted to Dev's place for the past one month to spend their time with their grandchild and also to take care of Sonakshi.
Ishwari and Sonakshi's relationship had improved gradually after the child birth. Nevertheless, there was still a small line between them. As said, a mother in-law could never become a mother and both of them accepted that sportively. Dev had also started to forgive Ishwari and slowly turned into the carefree person he always was.
Sonakshi's delivery was surprisingly a normal one. It was morning 1am when Sona started to have her labour pain. Dev managed to drive her quickly to the hospital and get her admitted on time. It wasn't even an hour, Sonakshi gave birth to their 2.5kg bundle of happiness. Since Sonakshi was an active person, she managed to give birth to the child quickly after she faced the labour pain.
Dev and Sona decided to name their child Daksh. Daksh was everything like his father which made Sonakshi really jealous. Daksh really loved to be fed and carried by Dev most of the time. Since Asha and Ishwari were in the house, they took care of Sonakshi's diet like strict nutritionists. Most of the times, Sonakshi would be annoyed as she couldn't take any junk food and she couldn't even deny the elders if she wanted to.
However, due to their help, she was able to get some rest at home after taking care of Daksh. She felt really happy seeing everyone at their house after a long time. After all, the elders presence made the house feel complete.
"Dev, please give that to me. I am a more experienced man when it comes to babies" Jatin spoke proudly while lifting up his invisible collars.
"No Jatin! You just teach me while I will do it for my baby!" Dev spoke as Jatin guided Dev slowly.
"Look maa! He is not letting me do anything" Jatin complained to Asha who was looking at both of them with the head resting on her palms. She thought that she could even handle ten kids instead of Dev and Jatin.
"DEVVV what the hell? Who cleaned this milk bottle-" Sonakshi dashed into the room only to be stunned by another scene unfolding infront of her.
"Oh my god! Dev...... Is this how you change diapers?" she asked glaring at Dev while Jatin gulped next to him.
"What? Is this wrong? But Jatin was the one who told me this is right way..."he said throwing daggers at Jatin while Asha gave Sonakshi a worried look.
"Ok enough both of you! Dev......and Jatin, Stop troubling my daughter..." Asha scolded the both of them. Ishwari who just came out from the washroom, gasped looking at poor Daksh who was crying continuously.
"Dev..... What are you doing?" Ishwari asked as Dev just blinked his eye lashes, giving an apologetic stare at his mother and wife. Asha couldn't control her laughter and burst out laughing.
"Oh my god.... And Jatin, you call yourself experienced? Seriously? Now I have to double check with Pooja!" Sonakshi said slapping his hands playfully. Jatin was shocked that Sonakshi wasn't angry with him. Instead she was controlling her smile.
"Now Sonakshi, you finally know....how much I would have suffered all these months!" Pooja said coming inside the room with her small baby girl, Ananya.
"I need to ask you a serious question Pooja! How do you even manage Jatin at home?" Sonakshi asked as she glared at him.
"Pooja! I am depending on you....You are supposed to support me okay?" Jatin said while grabbing his princess from Pooja's arms.
"Me? Manage Jatin? The most I do is keep quiet....and give him a silent treatment" Pooja said punching Jatin's stomach slightly.
"You know what's the funny thing Dev? Woman think that they are punishing us by keeping quiet!" Jatin joked as Dev tried his best to suppress his laughter.
"One more time I see you misleading my hubby, I will kill you!" Sonakshi said as she walked towards the bed.
"I am sorry" Dev pouted as Sonakshi sat next to him and tried to fix Daksh's diapers properly.
"It's okay! You tried..." Sonakshi said kissing Dev on his cheeks. Dev's eyes widened but he managed to cover the expression in a few minutes.
"AWWWWWWWW" Jatin, Pooja and Asha said together as Dev rolled his eyes.
"Ok everyone.... I have prepared lunch downstairs. Please come and eat before the food turns cold. Sona beta.... Join us too after feeding Daksh. I will put some food in the oven for you..." Ishwari smiled as Sonakshi nodded and scooped the crying Daksh in her arms.
"Aww my baby.... Did you miss mummy? Did Jatin uncle bully you?" Sonakshi said as Daksh cocooned in her arms and sucked his thumb, staring at his mother quietly.
"WHAT? Did you just call me uncle? Now that's not cool!" Jatin whined and Sonakshi giggled.
Meanwhile, Ayaan walked inside the room with his toy and stood infront of Dev.
"Can we go to the beach again today?" he asked as Dev smiled at him.
"Later maybe.... It's still raining today" Dev cupped the 3 year old's face. Ayaan pouted as Dev immediately picked him up. Ayaan wrapped his small arms around Dev's neck and laid his head on Dev's shoulders.
"Ayaan baby...."
"Okay..." he whined in a babyish voice which made everyone giggle.
"You are really spoiling him Dev!" Pooja said while Dev continued pampering Ayaan.
"You should make Ayaan do some fun sports Pooja. Anyway Jatin, do you do any dangerous sport?" Dev asked, still cradling Ayaan.
"Hmmm......sometimes I talk to Pooja..."
The sun sank lower in the sky, light of day draining away and giving way to the velvety darkness of the night. Everyone was fast asleep after a heavy dinner. Sonakshi had a tiring day serving everyone. Jatin and Dev had a long conversation and it was 12am when Dev returned to his room.
The moment Dev opened his room, his gaze fell on Daksh who was sleeping soundly on the cot, sucking his thumb. He had this habit of sucking his thumb all the time. Dev smiled remembering how his mother used to tell him that he used to suck his thumb while sleeping too. Daksh was everything to Dev. Everytime he saw Daksh, all his worries and sorrows flew away. Dev could spend his lifetime just watching his baby sleeping cutely.
However soon his eyes started searching for the reason of his happiness. His Sonakshi. When his eyes landed on her, he immediately inhaled sharply. He was deeply mesmerized by the beauty of his wife whose back was facing towards him. She still managed to affect him the same way she used to before their marriage.
Sonakshi was standing quietly in the balcony while her eyes were glued to the moon which was shining brightly in the sky. She looked so disturbed and confused. Dev walked up to her and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. She instantly stiffened but relaxed the minute she sensed Dev's familiar grip. Dev sighed as he knew what was going on in her mind.
"What's wrong wifey? Not sleepy yet?" he asked as Sonakshi held his wrists on her stomach and pulled him closer to her.
"Missing my hubby" she said kissing his stumbled cheek while Dev savoured the feeling of her kisses.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" he asked as he could feel her shivering under his hold.
"Its been three months Dev....." she said as a tear slide down her cheek.
"Shhhhhhh I know....... I know baby" Dev said as he felt his heart squeezing painfully. He gripped her arms and turned her round.
"How long are you going to keep thinking about that day and spoil our days?" Dev asked as Sonakshi's eyes widened.
"Teach me how to move on Dev......." she asked as Dev clenched his eyes shut painfully.
"Mr Dixit, I am sorry.... We really would like to apologize for the inconvenience we caused. We are trying our best to find Nisha but we are worried that it would take some time.... Until then, we will make sure we provide Mrs Dixit and her family with proper security..." Inspector Ronny spoke as Dev gave him an irritated look.
The news of Nisha fleeing away created a huge mess in Sonakshi's life. Sona started to fear everyone around her. Wherever she went, Nisha's face haunted her. No matter how much everyone tried to assure her, she would panic and start to break down.
Dev left Sonakshi in her parent's place and permanently decided to shift there till Sonakshi was stable. He would always tend to her needs and never allowed her to leave the house. Even after two months, the police were unable to track where Nisha was. They were not even able to find a clue about her whereabouts. Everyone started to get restless while Sonakshi's health was deteriorating.
Sonakshi's doctor advised her to reduce her stress level and stay happy but Sonakshi's worries only increased. She wasn't worried about herself anymore. Now she was carrying another life inside of her and she was responsible of it. Fear engulfed her as she prayed that Nisha would be captured as soon as possible.
It was during the third trimester, while Sonakshi was heavily pregnant....
It was raining heavily and everyone at the Bose house were sleeping soundly. Dev returned late from work and walked inside Sonakshi's room. Sonakshi was in deep sleep. He opened his laptop and decided to finish his leftover work before joining her to sleep.
"Dev.........I am thirsty!" she mumbled in her sleep as Dev quickly jerked from his seat and gave her the water bottle which was next to his chair.
"The water has finished. Let me go and fill this up..." Sona said and slowly woke up but Dev was quick enough to pull the bottle away.
"No Sona! Lie down. I will go and take for you."
"No Dev.... You are already doing so much of work! Let me go and fill this up. Plus, I am feeling a little hungry. I will grab something from the kitchen..." Sonakshi smiled as Dev nodded reluctantly.
"Okay...careful. Call me if you need anything. This will just take five minutes..."
Sonakshi slowly walked to the sink and washed the bottle before filling up the water. That's when she heard a weird noise at the back of the kitchen. However she brushed away that noise as she knew that there were police always patrolling around her house.
When she was about to turn and walk towards her room, she sensed a person's presence behind her. Her breathing hitched beneath the thunder that roared in the middle of the night. When she took a step forward, she heard it again.
Every muscle felt tight, sprung for action and she couldn't even walk. It was the same voice which had been the reason behind her every nightmare. Her palms started sweating as her heart dropped to her stomach. Before she could even scream or do anything, she heard a loud noise. It was the loudest ear drum rattling noise she had ever heard.
The gunshots cracked into the air as loud as thunder as Sonakshi stood rooted at her place. There was an explosion, noise, destruction and chaos. A few policemen barged inside the house and surrounded the kitchen area. Sonakshi's head started spinning and she couldn't see much in the dark. Before her legs gave away, Dev ran and caught her. But Sonakshi's eyes were still focused at the bloodshot eyes that were piercing accusingly at hers.
Nisha was shot right infront of her......
"You snatched away my happiness.....You will never live happily Sonakshi! Your child will never..........." Nisha breathed as her body gave away and fell on the floor with a thud. Nisha's hands fell on Sonakshi's feet and Sonakshi screamed in terror.
Sonakshi felt her stomach churn painfully as bile rose through her esophagus. She tried to look away from the pale body covered with blood but her eyes caught Nisha's. Her big black eyes were wide open with vengeance. The anger and betrayal still burning even like a hot fire. They still looked the same as they did when she was alive.
That was the last image Sonakshi saw before darkness consumed her.
**Flashback ends**
"I haven't forgotten anything Sonakshi........ I know this is difficult for you but trust me. She is gone for good! Nisha is dead.... There is no more bad times for us.... See.... Look there" Dev said as he moved her towards their room and pointed at the sleeping image of Daksh.
"Daksh is now everything to us Sona..... look at him. How peacefully he is sleeping just like me! There is no more Nisha in our lives..... just forget her. The more you think about her, the more traumatic it is for you! I hate seeing you suffer like this baby....please don't do this to yourself sweetheart." Dev said cupping her face as she closed her eyes and tried to push back her memories.
But those memories were so painful and it was so difficult to move on for her. When Nisha died, Sonakshi's health weakened and she was on the edge of having a miscarriage but thankfully, she managed to survive it.
After that incident, she refused to stay at her parent's place as that kitchen always reminded her of Nisha and her blood covered face. Thinking of her death, gave her shivers. Even after the birth of Daksh, Sonakshi feared to walk out of her room at late nights. She feared that someone was standing at her kitchen or doorway. Sometimes her mind would imagine a person standing near the balcony or doorstep, scaring the shit out of her.
"I am trying Dev... I really am. I am sorry that I bothered you a lot for the last few months. I just can't........ she died in front of me!" Sonakshi said as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I know......it's okay. I am here..."
"I felt like I murdered her.....she.....she-"
"Shhhhh......Calm down...."
"It's still fresh in my mind Dev! It's so hard.... It's not easy." Sonakshi said as she wiped her tears away.
"I know.... I know that it isn't easy.......and I know that my Sona is a strong woman....probably the strongest person I have ever seen! You have really came out from those days Sona.....and trust me. You are really getting better now. I am seeing my old Sonakshi back. You are a real warrior" Dev said as he slowly kissed her.
He kissed her and the world fell apart. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never match. His hand rested below her ear while his thumb caressed her cheek and their breaths mingled. He slowly sucked her tongue in a sensual way, erupting a soft moan from her. After his fair share of pleasures, Dev released her lips and looked at her.
"I could kiss you forever....but I wouldn't want to wake up my munchkin. So.... I think we should go to bed now..." he said smirking at her and Sonakshi blushed.
Sonakshi walked towards the baby cot and placed a soft kiss on Daksh's cheeks.
"Everyone's saying that he looks exactly like his dad... and I am so jealous of you!" Sonakshi frowned, still scanning Daksh's features. "He looks like me also right....Dev?" she asked as Dev smiled and hugged her tightly, taking her by surprise.
"He may look like me.....but his behavior is exactly like you!" Dev said as Sonakshi's face brightened up immediately.
"How?" she asked as Dev pulled her closer and kissed her neck.
"He smiles exactly like you..."
"What else?" she beamed as Dev loosened her hairs and caressed her face softly.
"He hugs me and clings on me exactly like you!" Dev said as Sona's eyes widened.
"Seriously Dev? I was being serious...." She pouted and Dev chuckled looking at her cute antics.
"Awww baby.... I am sorry" Dev held his ears apologetically.
"You are so mean Dev! Your mum told me that Daksh looks like me a bit.....a little bit....a littttleee" she said trying to show him her fingers as Dev adored her expressions.
"Hmm its okay. I have a solution for your problem... I mean your jealousy problem"
"We can have one more baby...maybe a princess who looks exactly like you! In that case we will be equal you know? So what do you say?" Dev asked as he raised his eyebrows.
"Hawwww don't let your hopes fly too high Mr Dixit! I am on pills and your tricks won't work on me anymore. You are a father now..... Behave like one-ahhhh" she screamed as Dev pushed her on the bed and tickled her before she could finish her sentence.
"Come on! Pills are not a problem you know...... Practice makes perfect" he said as he continued her tortures.
"Oh god.....stoppp" she giggled as Dev attacked her sensitive spots.
"So, are you ready for a baby girl?" he asked as his face was inches away from hers.
"Devvvv.....we have so many guest here. And Jatin is just next door! You don't want to wake up everyone, do you?" she asked as she went breathless over his tortures.
"We can keep it silent?" he winked as she punched his stomach playfully.
"Stop it Dev..." she whispered shyly.
"Haww you are being a spoilsport now!" he said and kissed her temples before falling next to her in the bed.
"I love you sooooooo much Mr Dev Dixit!" she said pulling him closely.
"And I love you till infinity Mrs Sonakshi Dixit!!!"
"Love you infinity square!!"
***Interesting fact***
Post-traumatic stress (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that occurs after someone experiences or witnesses a trauma, usually involving injury or death, with the event causing an initial reaction of fear, helplessness or horror.
Later on, the person dwells on the scary occurrence to the point where they can't get it out of their mind, resulting in symptoms of numbness, avoidance and hyperawareness. It can even affect their daily lifestyle.
PTSD causes the person to re-experience the trauma in a variety of possible ways, such as flashbacks, bad dreams or hallucinations.
For people like Sonakshi who have witnessed real life murder will take a longer time to get out from the trauma. The better the environment, the faster the recovery! 😊
I am starting to write my new story called Broken Jewel! I will give the updates on the spoiler book :) Please support that book too. I miss Dark Passion and all the readers alottt!!! In fact I know every readers user names. Thanks for your support and love.
Okay this message on top was written on 21st Feb 2018. So Broken Jewel was my second book.
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