At the end of all this starless night
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Mm, mm
Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm
Slowly, why's the morning come so slowly
When I got no one to hold me through the dark?
Patient, they tell me that love is patient
But it never wants to wait on my drunk heart
So I'll take all of my, all of my, all of my wasted love
And turn it into wine, into wine, into wine in my cup, whoa
Dear August, tell me that there's light
At the end of all this starless night
Dear August, please don't let me fall
'Cause I don't know where this road is headed anymore
Fading, now the summer heat is fading
I spend every evening praying for the dawn
Save me, looking for someone to save me
Give me everything you gave me, but you're scorned
So I'll take all of my, all of my, all of my wasted love
And turn it into wine, into wine, into wine in my cup, woah
Dear August, tell me that there's light
At the end of all this starless night (oh)
Dear August, please don't let me fall
'Cause I don't know where this road is headed anymore, oh
Oh, dear August (ooh)
Oh-oh-oh-oh, August
Oh, no, no, no, dear August (ooh)
Oh-oh-oh-oh, August
Ah, ah, ah
Dear August, tell me that there's light
At the end of all this starless night
Dear August, please don't let me fall
'Cause I don't know where this road is headed anymore
Wylan wanted to be brave, but he was surrounded by the bravest people he knew and all of them seemed badly shaken.
"The Grisha_" Nina had attempted.
But Kaz had cut her off quickly. "They're either safe or beyond our help."
They'll knew just how much trouble they were in. Aeolian's movements were tentative, she was bleeding under the wool coat of Kaz's. Kaz had swept his coat across her shoulder, even though it was dusty and stained, Aeolian had worn it gladly. Wylan looped his arm through hers. She gave him a small smile, he smiled back. The night had gone to ruins—but at least Aeolian was alive, even though bleeding.
Pekka Rollins was working with Jan Van Eck. Between them they had to own half the city. They moved in fits and starts, passing along alleys. It was as if Kaz had a secret map to Ketterdam that showed the city's forgotten spaces.
Would Jesper be waiting when they finally got wherever they were going? Or was he lying wounded and bleeding on the floor of the tomb? Wylan shook that ugly though away.
Wylan worked at the chemical factory, after his escape. That's when he met the sharpshooter, Wylan's first thought was that this boy had the most perfectly shaped lips he'd ever seen. His second was that his father had sent someone new to kill him.
The sharpshooter handed Wylan a folded piece of paper. "Come to this address when you get off work tonight. We might have a job for you."
Wylan had been embarrassed by his rumpled clothes, but they were the only ones he owned, and then there was that paralyzing fear that this was a trap. In a dark alley, he met Kaz Brekker. He told him they needed flash bombs and maybe something with a little more kick, he'd make more money than he made at the tannery. Wylan had heard Brekker's name, he was the infamous Dirtyhands, Bastard of the Barrel. And Wylan didn't want to do anything with him: he was cold and scary.
Then Aeolian appeared out of the dark, she was there all along, but she only made herself seen when she wanted to. She was nothing like Dirtyhands, her voice so soothing and hypnotic, and the energy that she radiated; Wylan felt welcomed. And because of her, he'd agreed to be a part of them.
His first letter arrived at the Chemical factory, after he started working for the Dregs. The letters from his father continued to arrive. But the more time that passed and the more he worked for Kaz, the less scared he felt. He'd make his money, get out of town, and never speak the name Van Eck again. He would sell himself in the pleasure houses of West Stave before he'd ask for his father's mercy.
Wylan hadn't realized it then, but Kaz had known his true identity all along. Dirtyhands kept tabs on anyone who took up residence in the Barrel, and he'd placed Wylan under Dregs protection, certain that one day a rich mercher's son would come in handy.
He had no illusions about why Kaz had looked out for him, but he also knew he never would have survived this long without his help. And Kaz didn't care if he could read. Kaz and the others teased him, but they'd given him a chance to prove himself. They valued the things he could do instead of punishing him for the things he couldn't.
Wylan had believed that Kaz could get revenge for what had been done to his mother. He'd believed that despite his father's wealth and influence, this crew— his crew—was a match for Jan Van Eck.
(Hotel Geldrenner)
Kaz led them through an alley to the back of a large building, they entered the iron lift gate and rode it fifteen stories up, to the building's top floor.
They knocked on a pair of wide white double doors. Colm Fahey answered. They were at the Geldrenner.
When Matthias saw Nina, he leapt from his seat and clasped her in his arms. Then they were all hugging, and Wylan was horrified to find his eyes filling with tears. The last thing he needed was for Jesper to see him cry again.
Jesper had lifted Aeolian up, twirling her around, as Colm's eyes tracked them. Kuwei was beaming, and to the crew surprise, the Shu boy rubbed Aeolian's back and murmured to her in Shu.
Until this moment, Wylan hadn't quite understood how much they meant to him. But they were his first friends, his only friends, and Wylan knew that even if he'd had his pick of a thousand companions, these would have been the people he chose.
Only Kaz stood apart, staring silently out the window to the dark streets below.
"Kaz," said Nina. "You may not be glad we're alive, but we're glad you're alive. Come here!"
Kaz response was a dark glance.
"Saints!" Jesper examined Aeolian closely. "You're bleeding."
Aeolian nodded as Nina took her into the bathroom to see to her wounds. Colm ordered coffee, waffles, and a bottle of brandy. As soon as their orders arrived, Jesper and Wylan reached for the food.
"What is this place, anyway?" Wylan asked, looking around the vast room decorated almost entirely in purple.
"The Ketterdam Suite," said Colm.
Nina and Aeolian emerged from the bathroom. Aeolian was all cleaned up, wearing a white vest. Strips of towel were tied at her shoulder, both of her forearms, her right thigh and her left shin. Her hair still a bit wet, from washing as she let it air dry. She was holding the black coat of Kaz's, she'd seen to the stains.
Kaz walked out of the other bathroom, all freshen up. He put his coat back on.
Nina heaped a plate with food and plunked down beside Matthias on the couch.
"I'm sorry, Matthias," she said with her mouth full. "I've decided to run off with Jesper's father. He keeps me in the deliciousness to which I have become accustomed."
"What exactly happened to you?" Jesper asked Aeolian as she sat besides him with a cup of black coffee. Everyone of them was in the suite's sitting room, in a circle. Kaz remained by the window, looking out through the glass. Colm had taken a seat in the dinning room, away from the rowdy teenagers.
"I've made a new friend," she sipped her drink.
"So," Jesper said, putting an arm around Aeolian. "Other than our girl making a new pal, what the hell happened out there?"
"We put a serious hole in my father's dining room ceiling," Wylan said.
"Doll fell twenty stories." Nina offered.
All eyes were on Aeolian, she shrugged. "Nin's can raise the dead."
Matthias' cup clattered against his saucer. It looked ridiculous in his huge hand.
"I can't raise them. I mean, they get up, but it's not like they come back to life." Nina said.
"Are you serious?" said Jesper.
Aeolian nodded. "I can't explain it, but I saw it."
Jesper turned to Nina. "Back at the lake house, you chocked a guard with dust."
"There's a family graveyard next to the lake house," said Wylan. "What if the dust was bones? People's remains?"
Nina set down her plate. "That's almost enough to make me lose my appetite." She picked it up again. "Almost."
Aeolian asked Kuwei. "Can parem change a Grisha's power?"
"I don't know. She survived the withdrawal. She's a rarity." Kuwei said.
"This is bad." Nina chewed louder. "To quote a certain big blond lump of muscle, it's not natural." She just looked sad.
"Maybe it is," said Matthias. "Corporalki are known as the Order of the Living and the Dead, this isn't how Grisha power is supposed to work."
Aeolian shot Matthias an unpleasant look, the message had been clear—stop talking or I'll make you. Matthias looked quite intimidated, even though she was not even half his size.
"Nin's," Aeolian said gently. "Parem took you to the brink of death. Maybe you brought something back with you."
Nina gave her a sad smile.
"Or perhaps Djel extinguished one light and lit another," said Matthias as he reached out and took Nina's hand, his eyes trained on Aeolian hoping he was doing this right. "I am grateful you're alive," he said slowly. "I am grateful you're beside me. I am grateful that you're eating."
Nina rested her head on his shoulder. "You're better than waffles, Matthias Helvar."
A small smile curled Matthias lips. "Let's not say things we don't mean, my love."
Matthias had never called her any sweet names until now. The only names that had come out of his mouth were witch or other terrible names. He was not a person who gives nicknames, but being around the Shu girl and Brekker made him realise that it's the little things that matter. Wylan looked uncomfortable, Kuwei unbothered but Jesper and Aeolian were beaming at the happy couple.
There was a light tapping at the door. Immediately, all of them were on their feet. Kaz moved silently toward the door. He peered through the peephole.
"It's Specht," he said. They all relaxed, and Kaz opened the door. Kaz and Specht exchanged harried whispers; then Specht nodded and disappeared.
Without a word, Kaz was gone. Aeolian put her cup down and followed Kaz as the others trailed behind her. None of them dared to follow Kaz just like that, but the Shu girl knew when to follow him and when not to. It's like that had an unspoken conversation, that only they could understand.
One by one, they climbed a twisting iron staircase to the clock tower. Its four faces looked out over Ketterdam
Kaz said. "They're sealing the city. No one will be able to get in or out."
Jesper shook his head. "Even if they put every stadwatch grunt on the street, they don't have the manpower to lock up the city and search for us."
"Don't they?" said Kaz. "Look again."
They walked to the window where Kaz was standing. A crowd was moving east from the Barrel. As the throng drew closer, they heard singing, chanting, drums. It sounded like a parade. They made their way to the square that fronted the Exchange. Pekka Rollins' gang was leading the parade.
"Razorgulls," Aeolian said, pointing behind the Dime Lions. "And there are the Liddies."
"Harley's Pointers," Jesper said. "The Black Tips."
"It's all of them," said Kaz.
Each member of the mob below wore a strip of purple around his upper left arm.
"They've been deputized," said Aeolian sourly.
"The good news is they want us alive now. The bad news is they've added bounties for the Shu twins," Kaz said.
"And your Merchant Council is just sanctioning this?" said Matthias. "What if they start looting or there's a riot?"
"They won't. If the stadwatch had tried to lock down the Barrel, the gangs would have turned on them." Kaz explained. "Now they're on the right side of the law, and Van Eck has two armies."
Aeolian drew a sharp breath.
The last group in the parade had come into view. The Dregs, Kaz's gang. They had turned on him.
Jesper slammed his fist against the wall. "Those ungrateful skivs."
Kaz said nothing, just watched the crowd flow past the front of the hotel below.
"What will happen now?" asked Kuwei.
"We'll be hunted by every stadwatch grunt and Barrel thug in the city," said Kaz. "There's no way out of Ketterdam now."
"No," said Kuwei abruptly. "Give me to Van Eck."
"Absolutely not," said Nina in disbelief.
"All of this was for nothing?" Wylan asked, his anger rising. "The risks we took? Everything Lin and Nina suffered to get us out?"
"If I give myself up, the rest of you can go free," insisted Kuwei as he glanced at Aeolian. Aeolian just shook her head, as a no. Kuwei moaned and looked at Nina. "You should have killed me at the Ice Court."
Aeolian raised a brow. "You were planning to kill him?"
"I was..." Nina shuddered. "But then Kaz would have killed me and Matthias would have killed Kaz and you'd have killed Matthias."
Aeolian didn't respond, instead she looked disappointed. Nina knew that Aeolian would be disappointed if she found out that Nina and Matthias had made a plan back then, to kill Kuwei but they didn't. There was more, in the fight of the jurda parem—Nina had blurted a secret to Kaz. Now she couldn't take it back, and she didn't know how to even come clean to Aeolian about it.
"I can't believe we broke out of the Ice Court but we're trapped in our own town," Wylan said.
"I can get the stadwatch to stand down." Kaz said. "I'll give myself up."
"No!" said Aeolian.
"But Kuwei_" said Nina.
"The stadwatch don't know about Kuwei. They think they're looking for Wylan. So I'll tell them I killed him." Kaz explained.
"Are you out of your mind?" said Jesper unable to belief what Kaz Brekker was saying, this was so unlike him. "They'll send you to the gallows."
"They'll have to give me a trial first." Kaz huffed.
"You'll rot in prison before that happens," said Matthias. "Van Eck will never give you a chance to speak in a courtroom."
"You really think they've built a cell that can hold me?" Kaz asked.
"Van Eck knows just how good you are with locks." Aeolian said angrily. "You'll die before you ever reach the jailhouse."
"I'm doing this for you," Kaz gazed at her, "for all of you." He said quietly.
Jesper didn't know if he should marvel that Kaz was ready to give up everything he'd ever built in a breath for Aeolian or consider this the most stupid decision of Kaz.
Aeolian bite down her anger, no matter how pissed she gets with him. In front of the crew, she never showed her temper. Kaz was a gang leader after all, and even though she didn't give a darn about it. She couldn't hurt his pride.
"You're not taking the fall for us." Jesper said. "We'll split up, hide out somewhere in the countryside."
"This is my city," said Kaz. "I'm not leaving it with my tail between my legs."
Jesper released a growl of frustration. "If this is your city, what's left of it? You gave up your shares in the Crow Club and Fifth Harbor. You don't have a gang anymore. You can't fight them all."
"Watch me." Kaz turned to Jesper. "You're the one getting ready to bolt. You just want me to run with you so you don't have to feel so bad about it. Have you told your father you're the reason he's going to lose his farm? Have you told Lin you're the reason she almost died at the end of Oomen's knife? That we all almost died?"
Aeolian's eyes trailed from Jesper to Kaz, and that very moment she realised why Kaz had turned bitterly cold towards Jesper.
Jesper's shoulders bunched. "I made a mistake, but for Saints' sake, boss, how long are you going to make me pay for a little forgiveness?"
"What do you think my forgiveness looks like, Jordie?" Kaz asked.
"Who the hell is Jordie?" Jesper asked
For the briefest moment, Kaz's face went slack, confused. "What do you want?" Kaz snarled, his expression just as closed, just as cruel as ever. "My trust? You had it and you shot it to pieces because you couldn't keep your mouth shut."
"One time." Jesper glanced at Aeolian briefly. Then back at Kaz. "How many times have I had your back in a fight? How many times have I gotten it right? Doesn't that count for anything?" Jesper threw up his hands. "I can't win with you. No one can."
"That's right. You can't win." Kaz muttered. "You think you're a gambler, but you're just a born loser. Fights. Cards. Boys. Girls. You'll keep playing until you lose, so for once in your life, just walk away."
Jesper's eyes met Aeolian's briefly and she knew, what was about to happen. Before she could even blink. Jesper swung first. Kaz dodged right and then they were grappling. They slammed into the wall, knocked heads, drew apart in a flurry of punches and grabs. It wasn't a fight, it was a brawl—graceless, a tangle of elbows and fists.
"Ghezen, someone stop them!" Wylan said desperately. Aeolian stood there with her arms crossed, Nina and Matthias' we're holding hands. Only Kuwei showed some kind of distress.
"You think they can't kill each other with their bare hands?" Wylan looked at Aeolian. Among the crew only the Shu girl had to power to stop them, because in a way the brawl had started because Kaz still hadn't let go of the fact that Jesper was the reason why Aeolian was stabbed at the first place.
They were both bleeding—Jesper from a cut on his lip and Kaz from somewhere near his brow. Jesper's shirt was halfway over his head and Kaz's sleeve was tearing at the seam.
"Jesper Llewellyn Fahey, that is enough !" Colm roared.
Jesper and Kaz both startled, they stepped away from each other, looking guilty.
"I thought you were friends." Colm said. "I have been very patient with all of this, but I am at my limit."
Colm's vanished back down the stairs.
Nina giggled. "You are in so much trouble."
Jesper scowled. "Matthias, Nina let Cornelis Smeet grope her bottom."
Matthias jaws dropped.
Nina stopped laughing and threatened Jesper. "I am going to turn your teeth inside out."
"Kaz?" Aeolian called.
But Kaz was staring into the middle distance, with his scheming face.
"I know how to do it," Kaz said slowly. "How to get Kuwei out, get the Grisha out, get our money, beat Van Eck, and give that son of a bitch Pekka Rollins everything he has coming to him."
"Is that all?" Nina asked.
"How?" Aeolian raised a perfect brow.
"This whole time, we've been playing Van Eck's game. But now we're going to stage a little auction. Right out in the open." He turned to face them, and his eyes gleamed flat and black as a shark's. "And since Kuwei is so eager to sacrifice himself, he's going to be the prize."
Jesper whirled. Aeolian was right behind him. He didn't hear her approach, but that was no surprise. She was very quiet, like a ghost; no wonder, they call her 'the ghost' of Ketterdam.
"Have you told Lin you're the reason she almost died at the end of Oomen's knife?" These words have stung Jesper's heart, the others knew what Jesper did. But Aeolian didn't, when Kaz had confronted him about it, she was taken aback. And ever since her return Jesper wanted to, he tried to, a thousand times—to tell her the truth, but everytime he sees the lovesome Shu girl, his courage wobbles.
"I'm sorry," he apologised looking down on his shoes. "I was in deep with Rollins, so I told them I was leaving town and coming in with a big score. That's it, I swear!"
"But it was enough for him to put the puzzle together, and prepare an ambush." Aeolian sighed. "And Kaz has been punishing you ever since."
"Maybe I deserve it." Jesper shrugged. "I hurt you...and by hurting you, I hurt Kaz."
"I hurt her, I hurt Brekker!" Aeolian could still hear Van Eck's voice echoing in her head. She shoved the thought away. "There's a congregation of Shu's that believes in karma, my father was one of them, and my mother put his believes and values in me while I was growing up. So, when we make mistakes we promise to make amends."
Jesper finally met her gaze. "I will make it upto you."
"Jes, there's a wound in you, and the tables, the dice, the cards—they feel like medicine. But they're poison. You have to find some other way to heal that part of yourself." She laid her hand on his chest. "If you see the wound is real, then you can heal it."
He shuddered. For all his trouble at the tables and away from them, Jesper had always thought of himself as the kind of guy people wanted around. But Aeolian had seen something in Jesper that he didn't understand.
"I'll try." He took her hand in his, pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
"Just tell your father the the truth, Jes." She told him.
He hesitated. "Would you tell your parents the truth? Would you tell them everything you've done?"
Aeolian took a deep breath. "I'd give anything to have the choice."
Not until that moment, Jesper had realised what the Shu girl really meant. He pulled her in a warm embrace, he didn't have the right words to say to comfort her—because there was no words to say to someone; who'd lost both of her parents at such an early age. With the sorrow he felt for Aeolian, he felt lucky as well, he has a father to turn to and he could make this right.
Jesper found his father in the purple sitting room. "Sit down, Jes."
Jesper didn't want to sit. All he wanted was throw himself down in the first gambling parlor he could find. If he hadn't thought he'd be arrested or shot before he got halfway there, he just might have.
His father leaned back, watching him. Jesper could see every line and freckle on his face in the clear morning light. "There was no swindle, was there? That Shu boy lied for you. They all did."
Jesper gave a nod.
"The loan I gave you for your studies?" Colm asked.
"I got in deep with the wrong people." Jesper said.
"Why didn't you just stop?" Colm said.
Jesper wanted to laugh. He had pleaded with himself, screamed at himself to stop. But he couldn't. Aeolian was right about him, his eyes searched for the Shu girl even though he knew she wasn't there.
"I never should have let you leave home." Colm exhaled. "I knew the farm wasn't for you. I wanted you to have something better."
When Jesper was ten he had asked his father. "Am I Grisha?"
"Don't say those words in this house. Not ever." His fathers voice was fierce. "That's what killed your mother. That's what took her from us. I won't let it take you too."
Now he rose from his chair, unable to sit still any longer. He was ashamed of the mess he'd made, of the trouble he'd brought to his father's door. But he was mad too. And how could he be angry at his father? The person who loved him most in the world, the person he'd take a bullet for any day of the week?
"I didn't raise you to be a gambler. I certainly didn't raise you to be a criminal." Colm said.
Jesper muttered. "I love you, Da. I love you with all my lying, thieving, worthless heart, but yes, you did." He looked at Colm. "You taught me to lie. I had a gift. You should have let me use it."
Colm banged his fist against the table. "It's not a gift. It's a curse. It would have killed you the same way it killed your mother."
So much for the truth. Jesper strode to the door. "I'm dying anyway, Da. I'm just doing it slow."
Jesper strode down the hall. He remembered what Kuwei had said about Grisha who didn't use their power being tired and sickly. He wasn't physically sick, but what if Matthias was right and Jesper had a different kind of sickness?
Where the hell was Aeolian he thought? He needed to see the Shu girl right away and tell her what the hell happened between him and Colm. Maybe, then he'll get a little bit of relief.
He saw Wylan sitting at a piano in the corner, playing one solitary note. Jesper leaned on the piano. "Wanna get out of here?"
Wylan looked up at him, held his gaze. The air in the room seemed to change, as the merchling rose up and took a step toward Jesper. Jesper missed Wylan's old features, but Jesper could admit he liked this one plenty.
Jesper had wanted distraction, and here it was. Wylan's grin broadened. His brow lifted. If that wasn't an invitation? Than what was? Jesper closed the distance between them and took Wylan's face in his hands. He moved slowly, deliberately, kept the kiss quiet, Wylan drew closer.
He slid his hand to the back of Wylan's neck, tilting his head back, asking for more. He felt greedy for something. He'd wanted to kiss Wylan since he'd first seen him stirring chemicals in that tannery.
So where was that feeling now? Disappointment flooded through him. Jesper thought. He pushed closer, letting the kiss deepen. Something is definitely wrong.
He pulled back, dropped his hands, feeling unspeakably awkward. What did you say after a terrible kiss? He'd never had cause to wonder.
That was when he saw Kuwei standing in the doorway, mouth open, eyes wide and shocked.
"What?" Jesper asked. "Do the Shu not kiss before noon?"
"I wouldn't know," Kuwei said sourly.
That wasn't Kuwei in the doorway. It was Wylan Van Eck, and that meant he'd just kissed Kuwei Yul-Bo.
The real Kuwei grinned shamelessly up at him through thick black lashes.
"Kaz wants us in the sitting room." Wylan disappeared.
How could he have made a mistake like that? Wylan was taller than Kuwei; his face was narrower too. If Jesper hadn't been so riled up and jittery after the fight with Kaz, his talk with Aeolian and the argument with his father, he would never have confused them. And now he'd ruined everything.
Jesper jabbed an accusing finger at Kuwei. "You!"
Kuwei beamed, looking entirely too pleased with himself. "You were very brave on Black Veil. And a very good kisser."
"Damn it," Jesper cursed, stalking towards the door. "Talking about brave, you should've pulled this trick on Kaz instead." Jesper turned, "and see how it suits your interests."
The brooding smile on Kuwei's face disappeared, as Jesper left the room.
They assembled once again in the suite's sitting room. There was another order of stack of waffles and a bowl of strawberries and cream.
Jesper was seated on the carpet, casting furtive glances at Wylan, who was ignoring him. Kuwei had one of his notebooks open beside him, Kaz sat in a high-backed purple chair. Aeolian sat effortlessly on its armrest, it made her appear weightless. In that high chair Kaz looked no less than the king of the barrel and besides him, his queen.
When Nina was requesting Colm to order another round of food, Matthias had looked outside and saw the demjin and the Shu girl in the balcony, as she sew the torn sleeve of his shirt precisely. Kaz looked almost gleeful. In a fight, they're lethal. Around each other, they melt. Matthias had always thought ill of Brekker, but the longer he's around him; the more he'd realised. He's not that bad after all. And maybe, after all these is over—even he'll get his happy ending, because he deserves it.
Nina was curled up next to Matthias on the couch, her head resting on his shoulder. He felt strange sitting this way. In Fjerda, even a husband and his wife showed little affection in public. But he liked it, and though he could not quite relax, he couldn't bear the thought of her moving away from him.
It was Colm's presence that transformed the images in the room. He made them seem less dangerous, only a bunch of children worn out after a particularly brutal birthday party.
Nina was licking strawberry juice from her fingers in a way that thoroughly defeated Matthias' ability to form a rational thought. "When you say an auction, you don't actually mean_" Nina said.
"Kuwei is going to sell himself." Kaz said. "Any Kerch citizen and any free citizen who travels to Kerch has the right to sell his own indenture. Kuwei Yul-Bo has the sacred right—as sanctioned by Ghezen, to submit his life to the will of the market. He can offer his service at auction."
"The Kerch's," Aeolian huffed a breath of disbelief and said . "You want him to sell himself to the highest bidder?"
"To our highest bidder." Kaz replied. "Once Kuwei declares his contract open, no one can stop the auction until bidding has closed."
Nina shook her head. "If we announce an auction, everyone will know where to find him."
"This is Kerch." Kaz said. "Trade is sacred, protected by law. The Merchant Council, the stadwatch, the Council of Tides—all are required to protect Kuwei."
"The Shu may still have parem and Fabrikators," said Jesper. "they can make all the gold they want. There would be no way to outbid them."
"Let me worry about the Shu," said Kaz. "I can control the bidding. But we'll need to make contact with the Ravkans again."
"I can get through to the embassy," said Aeolian. "By the rooftops."
"Doll," said Nina. "Don't you think you should tell them about her?"
"Yeah," Jesper nodded. "Your new pal who poked a bunch of holes in you?"
Aeolian said. "She's a mercenary hired by Pekka Rollins."
"You were defeated in single combat?" Matthias asked in disbelief. He had seen her fight. Her skills were extraordinary.
Aeolian reached into her pocket and let a pile of small silver suns clatter onto the table. "Her name is Dunyasha, she's the White Blade herself."
Nina looked at Aeolian her expression heavy, if someone from the operation is after her, even the Empress will know and that means; the Empress had given, her permission, to kill Aeolian. Her grandmother wants her dead. Nina thought sadly.
"How good?" Kaz leaned forward and picked one up.
"She's the best from The Desert Blade," Aeolian said. "She's better than me."
"I've heard of her," said Matthias. "And you as well."
A small smirk passed Aeolian's face. "Hope I didn't disappoint?"
Matthias didn't respond, the Shu girl was way too playful. If he had to spend an entire day with her, Nina and Jesper, he might go mad. Nina released a hoot of laughter, Jesper giggled staring at Matthias' odd expression.
As the room was flooded with laughters Matthias studied Kaz, who had the same cold expression on his face as always but behind that face; Matthias could see—Kaz fears for her. He could sympathize with the demjin.
"There's another problem," said Nina. "Ravka can't win the auction. We're broke."
"Ravka's financial woes are no secret. And the new king has borrowed heavily from the Kerch banks." Kaz shifted his bad leg. "That's why the Kerch Merchant Council is going to bankroll them."
"The Council are responsible for running the auction." Wylan said. "They can't interfere with its outcome."
"Of course not," said Kaz. "And they know it. Kuwei and his father approached them looking for aid, but they refused to act. Van Eck saw an opportunity, and he's been operating behind their backs ever since." Kaz settled more deeply in his chair. "Van Eck has been buying up jurda farms so that when the secret of parem is unleashed, he'll control the jurda supply. He wins no matter who has Kuwei. When the auction is announced, the Council will know the secret of parem could become public at any time. They'll finally be free to act and they'll be looking for opportunities to secure their fortunes and Kerch's position in the world economy. They can't involve themselves in the auction, but they can guarantee they make a lot of money whatever the outcome."
"By buying up jurda," said Wylan.
"Exactly. We set up a jurda consortium, we bring the Council an opportunity and funnel the money to Ravka so they can afford to bid on Kuwei." Kaz explained, "and we take a little percentage."
"But who's going to shill?" Jesper said.
Aeolian knew the plan already, when Kaz had told her his plan, she wasn't surprised but she didn't like it either. But the layout of the plan made logical sense and if they wanted to get what they deserve; she knew, this was the only way.
"How about a jurda farmer who's been holed up in the most expensive suite in Ketterdam?" Kaz said.
"Absolutely not!" Jesper protested. "You are not bringing my father into this."
"He's already in it. You brought him into it when you had him mortgage his farm to pay for your degree in wasting money." Kaz muttered.
Jesper's jaws ticked.
Kaz continued. "I've registered him under the name Johannus Rietveld, a farmer from a town near Lij. His family's been there for years. He has holdings in Kerch and in Novyi Zem."
"Who is he?" Asked Nina.
"That doesn't matter. Think of him as a figment of the Merchant Council's imagination, a wonderful dream come to life to help them scrape some profit from the disaster of parem." Kaz said.
Colm put his cup down. "I'll do it."
"This is insanity," Jesper puffed. "They'll never fall for it."
"We don't ask much from any of them," said Kaz. "We set a low floor to enter the fund. And then we let them wait. The Shu are here. The Fjerdans. The Ravkans. The Council will start to panic."
Matthias frowned. "Even with all the stadwatch and the presence of the Council of Tides, can we really guarantee Kuwei's safety?"
"Unless you have a unicorn for him to ride away on, there is no scenario that guarantees Kuwei's safety." Kaz said.
Nina said. "When have the Council of Tides ever even appeared in public?"
"Twenty-five years ago," said Kaz.
Aeolian exasperated. "None of us were born that time, expect for Mister Fahey." She turned to Kuwei. "We can't send Kuwei into a public auction alone."
"Kuwei won't be alone. Helvar and I will be with him." Kaz looked at her. "The Merchant Council are considered his representatives. But Kuwei has the right to choose his own protection for the auction. We'll be up there on the stage with him."
Nina shook her head. "Half the Fjerdan delegation will recognize Matthias, and Kaz you're the most wanted man in Ketterdam. You'll both be arrested."
"They can't touch us until after the auction." Kaz said. "And then there's going to be one hell of a distraction."
"What if we tried making a deal with Rollins?" Jesper said.
"I never should have gone to Rollins in the first place." Kaz said. His eyes slid to Aeolian. "We needed capital, and I'm not sorry for it, but it wasn't the right move."
"If we're going up against everyone," said Nina. "We're going to need help."
Kaz straighten his sleeves. "That's why I'm going to the Slat."
Jesper stopped moving. Aeolian shook her head. She poured herself a glass of brandy. She cannot tolerate this degree of stupidity on a clear head.
They all stared at Kaz.
"There's a price on your head." Nina said in disbelief.
"I know," said Kaz. "But we need a bigger crew for this job."
"Demjin, this is not a risk worth taking," said Matthias, surprised to find he actually meant it.
"When this is all over, these will still be my streets. I can't live in a city where I can't hold up my head." Kaz said.
"If you have a head to hold up," said Jesper.
"I've taken knives, bullets, and too many punches to count, all for a little piece of this town," said Kaz. "This is the city I bled for. And if Ketterdam has taught me anything, it's that you can always bleed a little more."
The others gazed at Aeolian, thinking she'll have something to say. But she was unresponsive, sipping her drink in silence.
Nina reached for Matthias' hand. "The Grisha are still stuck at the embassy, Kaz. I know you don't give a damn, but we have to get them out of the city. And Jesper's father. All of us. No matter who wins the auction."
Kaz rose, leaning on his crow's head cane. "But I know the one thing this city is more frightened of than the Shu, the Fjerdans, and all the gangs of the Barrel put together. And Nina, you're going to give it to them."
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