A tour (Noon)
Shortly after everyone had finished eating, everyone except Zero and Shadow Kirby split up, going and doing there seperate things. Shadow Kirby looked around aimlessly, wondering what to do and where to go. Zero floated up to the boy.
Zero: "Shadow Kirby? If that's what your called."
Shadow gasped a little as Zero was right behind him.
Shadow: "Y-yes?"
Zero: "I've been noticing you don't know your way around this place. So why not give you a tour?"
Shadow: "R-really?! That will be a big help, thank you! But....why are you being so nice to me?"
Zero puts a......nothing on Shadow's non-existent shoulder, walking him down.
Zero: "You see your other worldly counterpart that we know hasn't really been a nusince to us, nor have you been as we've just met you. So we don't treat you like one, as there's nothing to really hate you for."
Shadow: "O-ok. Thanks"
Zero: "Your welcome child"
Zero: "Now, on with the tour. This is the kitchen and dining area. Where we eat and cook. Next to that across the room we have our living room. Where we do.....what ever normal Popstarien people do in these things"
Shadow: "Ok, what's over there?" He points a stub at the hallway.
Zero: "Let's get onto that. This first room is the room of Gooey and Dark Cloud. The next room being Nebula's then Eden's....."
Soon Shadow got a tour of the entirety of Dark Castle.
Zero: "And that should be it child"
Shadow: "Thank you Mr. Zero"
Zero: "Your welcome"
Dark Nebula, Dark Cloud, Gooey and Eden then came flying over to the duo.
Dark Neb: "Hey! Guys! We've got an idea!"
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