Reader's and Raven's Profiles
Male Red Hood Reader
Full Name: Y/N Todd
(Batman: Under the Red Hood suit)
(Justice League VS Teen Titans suit with letter R in the middle of Red Bat symbol)
Hero/Vigilante name: Red Hood
Aliases: 2nd Robin, Hood, Y/N,
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Gotham City
Catherine Todd[Mother, Deceased]
Willis Todd [Father]
Bruce Wayne [Adoptive Father]
Damian Wayne[Adoptive Younger Brother]
Dick Grayson [Adoptive Older Brother]
Start: Neutral
Later: Good
Affiliation: Teen Titans (later), Bat Family
Identity: Secret Identity
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Year of birth: 2000
11 years old (Prologue Batman under the red hood 2011)
14 years old (Batman under the red hood 2014)
15 years old (Justice league VS Teen titans 2015)
16 years old (Teen titans: The Judas Contract 2016)
18 years old (Prologue Justice league Dark Apokalips War 2018)
20 years old (Justice league Dark Apokalips War 2020)
170 cm, 5'6 f (Batman Under the red hood 2014)
174cm, 5'8 f (Justice league VS Teen titans 2015)
178 cm, 5'10 f (Teen titans:The Judas Contract 2016)
182 cm, 6 f (Justice league Dark Apokalips War 2020)
Hair: Short H/C
Eyes: E/C
Base of operations: Gotham City, Teen Titans Tower (later)
- Rachel "Raven" Roth [Love Intrest]
- Starfire (team leader)
- Beast Boy (teammate)
- Damian "3rd Robin or Robin" Wayne (teammate)
- Blue Beetle (teammate)
- Cyborg (teammate)
Lazarus Enhancement - Due to being immersed in the Lazarus Pit, Y/N possesses some magical abilities
Multilingualism - Can speak many languages like English, Portuguese, German, Serbian-Croatian, Russian and others
Martial arts - He traveled 3 years around the world learning diffrent ways of Martial arts, like Bruce did
Peak Human Condition
Stealth - Can sneak like Batman
Weaponry - Knows how to handle multiplied variations of guns
Swordsmanship - knows how to use swords and knifes, even can stand a fight with Best of League of Assasins members like Ra's Al Ghul or Deathstroke
Computer hacking
Genius Level Intellect - Maybe he's not great detective as Batman, but he has shown he can organize plans and action very greatly, even showing he can be a team leader
Red Hood Cowl - Y/N's Red Hood Costume is complete with a high amount of weapons in his arsenal. The helmet itself can be deotnated on command, the bikers jacket contains several of Y/N's weapons aswell as his boots and gloves.
Combat knife - Y/N uses a signature combat knife for various purpouses. It is made out of a powerful allow and is extremely sharp, able to cut Batman's near uncutable lines aswell as pierce kevlar netting.
Dual Pistols - Twin automatic pistols that Y/N uses in most of his battles. They also fire a quick rate due to Y/N's skill.
Pocket Explosives - Round devices that can be throw to stick to any surface and detonate on command.
Grappling Hook - An enhanced grappling hook used to swing and climb, which reaches over one hundred yards.
Smoke Grenade - A canister that releases a thick gray smoke after the pin is removed.
Shuriken - Star shaped weapons that are thrown at very quick speeds, most of Batman's weapons are moddled off Shuriken, making them perfect for Y/N.
Tazer - A high voltage tazer that is used at close range and can give a target a fatal shock.
If by any chances you don't know who is Jason "Red Hood" Todd or 2nd Robin in comic, watch this video, it doesn't goes through his history but it's very effective, in emotinal way:
Full Name: Rachel Roth
Hero/Vigilante name: Raven
Aliases: Rae, Raven
Species: Human-Demon Hybrid,
Place of Birth: Azarath [Alternate Dimension]
Arella Roth [Mother, Deceased]
Trigon [Father]
Alignment: Good
Affiliation: Teen Titans
Identity: Secret Identity
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White? (idk because Shes half demon)
Year of birth: 2001
14 years old (Justice league VS Teen titans 2015)
15 years old (Teen titans: The Judas Contract 2016)
17 years old (prologue Justice league Dark Apokalips War 2018)
19 years old (Justice league Dark Apokalips War 2020)
170 cm, 5'6 f (Justice league VS Teen titans 2015)
173 cm, 5'8 f (Teen titans: The Judas Contract 2016)
179 cm, 5'10 f (Justice league Dark Apokalips War 2020)
Hair: Short Black
Eyes: Blue-Violet
Base of operations: Teen Titans Tower
- Y/N "Red Hood" L/N [Love Intrest]
- Starfire (team leader)
- Beast Boy (teamate)
- Damian "3rd Robin or Robin" Wayne (teamate)
- Blue Beetle (teamate)
- Cyborg (teamate)
- Nightwing (former team leader, teammate)
Advanced Telekinesis
Telekinetic Construction
Spell Casting
Cambion Physiology
Astral Projection
Portal Physiology
Chakra Balancing
Power Absorption
Time Manipulation
Power Bestowal
White Raven
- For understanding her powers, I reccomened watching this video
Name of the video:
Raven - All Powers and Abilities from DC Animation
Red Hood's theme:
Raven's theme:
And question 1 for you readers: I know what cover I want for the book to be but I'll let you vote:
( made and edited by Rasaade)
(made and edited by me)
(made and edited by Rasaade)
Movies which they will apper in:
Batman: Under the Red Hood {Red Hood}
Justice League VS Teen titans {Red Hood, Raven}
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract {Red Hood, Raven}
Justice League Dark Apokolips War {Red Hood, Raven}
Question 2: Should I add an Female OC to be Love Intrest for Damian because most of you knows how Justice League Dark Apokolips War ends
Yes [ you can create an OC if you want and Send me her's bio and I will decided on it]
Thats for now, ZBOGOM.
You are here after you went on Google and translated the word: Zbogom
GOT YOU!!! (or not 😑)
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