Prologue (FIXED)
Breakfast at Wayne Manor was served at 6 am, and traditionally consisted of an egg-white omelet, a pot of black coffee, and a pair of mild painkillers served on a small silver dish to the side of the tray. Lately, Master Bruce had taken to leaving the omelet.
Today was no exception, Alfred noted, stepping out of his employer's bedroom, tray in hand. This was unlike Bruce Wayne, who would force down bloody slabs of meat when sick rather than risk loss of muscle mass.
Under the house of Bruce Wayne is the secret base. A Batcave. It belongs to no one other than Batman. I wonder who might be a Batman... really.
Alfred found Bruce in the Batcave, of course. Already suited, but is seen walking towards Batman who is unmasked... and It's Bruce Wayne!? Woah, I never knew!
Back to Alfred, he was carrying two cups of coffee.
Back to Alfred, he was caring 2 cups of coffee.
Bruce: "Okay, let's go. If you can't suit up quickly at home base I'm concerned how you would handle it in the field."
Bruce was yelling to someone to probably dress up quickly.
Alfred: "Perhaps he's primping. As I recall master Richard spent nearly half an hour admiring his reflection the first time he donned his cape."
Alfred said as Bruce grabbed one of cups into his hand.
Bruce: "Y/N! Get on out here or I'm going on patrol without you."
Then someone jumps behind them, on the big computer. He scares Alfred as he drops other cup on the floor while Bruce just drinks his coffee.
Y/N: "Gotcha!"
The person who jumped was small in size, wearing a red and yellow suit with black/yellow cape, a domino mask to hide his identity. With the letter R on his left side of the chest and he has H/C hair.
=Just replace his Black or Brown hair to your short H/C hair =
Bruce: "Would've if I hadn't seen you slip behind the computer banks three minutes ago."
Y/N: "No, I got you."
Y/N pointed his finger at Bruce smirking slightly while Bruce had a smile on his stone face that everybody rarely sees, but love him for.
Bruce: "How does it feel?"
Y/N then makes some invisible punches and kicks as Alfred picks up a cup on the floor.
Y/N: "It's feels awesome!"
Then he does more acrobatic moves he mastered in the place.
Y/N: "Check me out! I'm Robin, the Boy Wonder. Are you kidding me this rocks!"
He does more silly moves as Bruce just smiles and drinks his coffee. Then Y/N walks up to Bruce.
Y/N: "Come on old man, we've got bad guys who need chasing."
Y/N turns and runs up to the batmobile, stops, turns and does the backflip and lands on top of the car.
Y/N: "This is the best day of my life."
Month Later...
On a very dark night, the Bat symbol is shown as the duo in their suits stood on a building.
Those people are the standing bat and the crouching Robin. (Why do I feel like this is a 1970 Batman Robin pose?)
Batman fires his grappling hook while Robin jumps down, dragging himself on the rooftops as they both move towards a building that has a sing on where the written word "Museum". is labeled.
Inside Museum, a robbery is under process. The ones who are doing it is a man with to many questions who is also known as the Riddler and his goons.
2 of his goons are seen caring a big picture as Riddler is just standing there, observing his plan going as planed
Robin: "Whoo-hoo!"
Then a noise is heard as Robin breaks through the window into the museum from the rooftop.
Robin: "You guys having a party?"
He says as punch one goone on the floor then jumping off him and kicks with both of his legs 2 other goones square into their faces.
He then drops mini balls towards another goone who is holding a crossbow and he slips on them and falls on the floor.
Robin: "I guess our invite got lost."
Robin stops and turns to the Riddler as Batman jumps near him and elbows one goone square into face and goone falls on the floor.
Batman: "It's over, Riddler."
Riddler starts to go backwards. Then his turns and starts running to the stairs as goone with a crossbow fires arrows at the two.
Both Robin and Batman dodge the attack. Robin jumps on the goone's shoulders and pushes him down, as he lunch himself towards the riddler.
Another goone with a lasso tries to pull him with it. It nearly works, but Robin takes out his batarang and cuts the rope while he's in the air, shocking the goone who is soon taken out by Batman from behind.
Then when riddler is on top of the stairs, Robin jumps infront of him.
Robin: "Riddle me this. What's green and purple but covered in red and yellow?"
Riddler goes to hit him with his golden stick but Robin blocks it with his batarang and spins around and kicks the riddler in his gut as the jackpot sound can be heared.
The hit sends the Riddler rolling down the stairs.
Robin: "You."
Robin says that as he jumps on top of the Riddler, taking him out.
Robin: "When I land on your sorry butt."
3 months later...
Thug#1: "Don't move or I'll - -"
Robin: "You'll what? Shoot me?"
They are in the old house, on the stairs as Robin runs up the stairs and kicks the thug who smashess trough the door, warning his other thugs friends.
Robin runs in. Second thug takes 2 smgs and starts firing at Robin. Robin rolls down on the floor, dodging the bullets. Then he from the low jumps and kicks the thug in the face with his knee who falls on the table.
3rd thug shoots the shotgun at Robin but Robin dodges again and sends 2 batarangs at thug, which hit his hands, electrocuting them and kick the thug who hits the wall and falls down, unconsciousness.
Robin turns to the thug on the table as Batman comes in through the door. Robin grubs thug's jaw.
Robin: "20 rounds a second and you were still too slow."
Then Robin and Batman hear a gun begin prepared. They turn and saw another thug coming out of his cover which is a wall and aiming his pistol at Robin.
Thug#4: "I'm not slow, punk."
He shoots but Robin dodges the shot.
Robin: "Me neither."
He runs at the thug.
Batman: "I've got him."
He says as he trows a batarang at the thug. Batarang kicks out the pistol out of thugs hands after he fired another bullet. He turns just in time as Robin jumps and elbows him.
Thug falls on the ground and bone breaking is heard as thug screams in the pain.
Batman: "Robin!"
Now in the Batcave, Robin is leaning on the batmobile with crossed arms as Batman walks left and right infront of him. Both are now unmasked.
Y/N: "I had to take him down."
Bruce: "You shatterd his collar bone!"
Bruce says to Y/N angyly with a bit louder tone.
Y/N: "He's a drug-deallng pimp. I didn't think I had to prop up some pillows before I took him out!"
Y/N barks back at Bruce.
Bruce: "We needed him. He would've talked. But you put him into shock."
Bruce says to him with neutral voice. Y/N's face, from angry, turns to more soft face of thinking and realisation as he looks foward.
Y/N: "Sorry... that was stupid and careless..."
He says with lower tone and in embarrassment as he looks down with a little sad face.
Bruce's face soften at Y/N' s sad face, knowing that he just tried to do what he taught him for last 4 months. Bruce sighs.
Bruce: Alright, glad you understand your mistake...why don't we pay a visit?" - He smirks.
Y/N bring his head up with confused look.
Y/N: "To who?"
Bruce: "To your older brother."
Y/N eyes widen in realisation.
Added: 18.11.2020
So i kinda messed up timeline becuse I should have watched teen Titans The Judas contract becuse in it on the start of it, there is already teen Titans, with beast boy too, so now I'm trying to correct this plot hole soooo let's say beast boy was on the some kind of schooling becuse he, in this story got his powers when he was 9, not 11, becuse I put teen Titans The Judas contract prologue happeing in 2009, not 2011 so he can get educated.
So most of original members done the same thing like beast boy or left, that's why Nightwing, Starfire and Raven are only ones in the Tower, which is in 2010 as i put.
So beast boy returned year later in late 2011 or 2012 and blue beetle joined in 2013.
And an female OC, joins in 2014. I later reavail WHO is the OC
It's not the Best, but I fixed a plot hole i made, kinda.
Beast boy is same Age as reader in JL VS TT, which is 15
Blue Beetle is 16 in JL VS TT
And OC is 14, same as Raven
So this note was added when prologue was in the draft for sometime
In the distance, we can see a big tower at the construction building on the island near the Jump City. (It doesn't in what city is tower place but I presume it's Jump City)
= Under construction, couldn't fine any better (expect TTG one)=
Inside the tower, a small femine figure, wearing a black cloak, is seen walking down the hallway.
=Black cloak, not White cloak =
She walks ahead until she hears something near the boxes which are place in the hallway. She sees nothing.
Then somebody lands infront of her and screams:
???: "Gotca!"
She gets scared as she falls back on the floor.
???: "Oh my, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"
She looks up and sees the boy in red and yellow suit who is offering her the hand.
She slowly takes the hand and he helps her get up. She now sees that the boy has the domino mask covering his eyes, H/C and letter R on his chest.
???: " Sorry. You must be the new girl they been talking about?"
She nods.
???: "Then I'm new Robin or 2nd Robin, the Boy Wonder, but you can call me Y/N."
She just stares at Y/N.
Y/N: "You're shy person."
She widens her eyes but doesnt say anything as Y/N chuckles.
Y/N: "I'm good at reading people and I respect it you begin shy but can I know your name."
He said while removing his mask, reaviling his E/C eyes.
???: "R-Raven..."
Y/N: "Raven? You too have a name of a bird, like me and Dick. What is with us, kids, getting the - -"
Then they hear an elevator rising up the levels.
Y/N: "He's coming!"
Y/N then runs, probably to hide. Raven tries to catch where he went but she couldn't fond where he went so she walked into a main big room where should be their like living room in the future.
She sats at the round table. She can sence there are 2 people in the room too, but before she can check it, a man in the blue and black suit and a big blue bird symbol on his chest walks trough the doors. He was no other then vigilante known as Nightwing.
Nightwing: "Oh, you're here Raven. How was without me and Kori?"
Before she can answer, Y/N jumps from the celling down on the Nightwing.
Y/N: "Gotcha!"
Nightwing gets scared as he falls on his butt. He goes to defence stance, but when he looks up, he only sees Y/N laughing.
Y/N: "You should seen your face, Birdman! (laughs)"
Raven sligtly giggles at Nightwing begin named the birdman.
Nightwing: "Y/N! What are you doing here?"
Then the second person walks in the room. It was a female with green skin, long red hair in casual cloths. Her name is Starfire, but everyone calls her Kori. When she see Y/N, her mood lights up.
Kori: "Well if isn't the small friend Y/N."
She walks up to Y/N as she gives him a bear hug.
Y/N: "It's good to see you too, Kori!"
He says as he tries to breath. Nightwing just smirks as he gets up.
Nightwing: "But really, what are you doing here?"
???: "It's good to see you too, Dick."
A elder male voice is heared behind them, scaring all of them, even Raven, expect Y/N. They turn around and see Bruce, unmasked, leaning on the wall, drinking his coffee.
Nightwing, now named Dick, groans.
Dick: "Could you at least leave a message on the door when you come in?"
Y/N: "Nah, I don't think we will."
Dick stares at Y/N annoyed as Bruce has the smile on his face and Kori chuckles. She looks up and sees Raven sitting at the table.
Kori: "Oh, Y/N, have you met Raven?"
She points at Raven as she looks at the three.
Y/N: "Oh, I, em, yes I did." - He says as he scraches his neck remembering how he met her.
Dick: "You don't usually make visits, Bruce... unless... what did he do now?"
Y/N gets red on face as he looks and scratches his hand as Bruce and Raven walk to them. Raven thinks he looks cute.
Bruce: "Let's say yes, but he knows his mistake so instend of punishment, we came to help you move in becuse I saw there a still a lot of boxes in the storage."
Dick: "Of course you would now." - He turns to Y/N. - "Follow me."
Y/N: "Last to storage is the chicken!"
He says as he runs away, shocking Dick.
Dick: "Ok, It's on, birdboy!"
He says as he runs away for Y/N as Bruce and Kori laughs and Raven giggles.
Kori: "They'll never change."
Bruce: "That's why I loved them both."
Kori: "Come on, Raven, let's go help them out."
In the moutains in India, there a big palace can be found. It belongs to League of Assasins.
Inside one of it's room, we can see 2 People. One of them is the leader of League of Assasins, Ra's al Ghul and his servant. Currently Ra's is standing near the window, looking outside.
He then drops glass of wine on the floor.
Ra's al Ghul: "I should never have allied myself with a madman."
Now we can hear the noise of engine powering or speeding up. It's Batman on his batcycle driving on the snowy road towards the city of Sarajevo.
Ra's turns to his servant.
Ra's al Ghul: "Where are they?"
Servant: "In Sarajevo, sir." - He says as Ra's walks up to him. - "And... He has the boy."
Now, we see a big letter R, then Robin on his knees, groaning then somebody hit him in the face as Robin falls down the floor groaning and coughing even more.
Then somebody walks up to him.
???: "Wow, that looked like it really hurt."
Camera shows mysterious persons smile in the make up. It was the Joker.
Joker hits 3 times Robin with a crowbar before trowing him again while Robin groans in pain.
Joker: "Whoa, now, hang on. That looked like it hurt a lot more. So let's try and clear this up, okay, pumpkin?"
He says as he taps the crowbar in his hand.
Joker: "What's hurst more? A (hit and groan) or B.(hit and groan) Forehand (hit and groan) or backhand. (hit and groan)"
Joker laughs maniacly as Robin just can groan in the pain. Robin turns and mutters something. Joker get down as he grabs his head.
Joker: "(whispering) A little louder, lamb chop. "" I think you may have a collapsed lung. That always impedes the oratory."
Then Robin spits blood on Joker's face. For that, Joker hits his head into floor and gets up.
Joker: "Now, that was rude. The first boy blunder had some manners."
He says as he takes out the tissue and cleans the blood of his face. Robin turns and weakly smiles, blood can be seen on his teeth.
Joker: "I suppose I'm going to have to teach you a you can better follow in his footsteps."
Joker's looks up, thinking.
Joker: "Nah. No, I'm just gonna keep beating you with this crowbar."
He then press his leg on Robins back as he hits him with a crowbar, laughing evily.
Robin can just close his eye.
Back in the palace, Ra's in stand again infront of the window.
Ra's al Ghul: "Where is the detective?"
Servant: "He's on his way."
In streets of Sarajevo, Batman is driving his batcycle.
Servant: "But, sir, he won't make it there in time."
Ra's closes his eyes as he lower his head.
Batman jumps with his batcycle over the fence as he just keeps driving on.
Doors open as Joker leaves the now seen old warehouse.
Joker: "Okay, kiddo, I gotta go. It's been fun though, right?"
He turns around and looks at beaten Robin laying on the floor.
Joker: "Well, maybe a smidge more fun for me than you. I'm just guessing since you're being awful quiet."
He says as he puts his big jacket on.
Joker: "Anyway,be a good boy. Finish your homwork and be in bed by 9. And hey... please tell the big man I said, "Hello." "
He says the last part with a big evil grin as he puts hood on and laughs and closes the door.
As Joker's laughing can't be heared anymore, Robin open his eye. He moves on his back then lifts his legs up, freeing his hands begin tighten from behind, but now infront as he is on his knees and hands.
He slowly gets up, in the pain. He tries to move to the door, but when he makes the fist step, he falls on the ground. He is to weak to move.
But he doesn't give up. He looks at the door and starts crawling with his hands towards the door, greeting his teeth as he groans from the pain.
Batman is seen driving his batcycle. He looks at the radar and he sees that he is closing to the dot on the radar, which is Robin. He looks up and starts to drive to the warehouse on top of the small moutain.
Blood trail is seen as Robin makes to the door. He grabs to handle and tries to open the door but Joker lock it up.
He gives up. He turns around and leans on the door, still groaning. He hears something tiking. He looks to his left and sees a lot of explosives with a timer.
Timer is tiking 9...
As tiking continues, Robin face from shock one, turns into neutral and realisation one.
At that moment, Batman finally makes up to the top, jumping of his batcycle and starts running towards the warehouse, but then warehouse explodes, sending Batman back.
Flames are everywhere as still some parts are falling from the sky.
Batman moves a piece of metal off him. He then gets up and runs up to the small hole in the middle, where explosives were.
He looks around, his jaw open in desprate way. He sees something. He runs to it and stops. He moves planks of wood of it, before stoping.
Batman: "No."
He slowly picks up death body of... Robin. He can just look at it, his face showing it all.
Batman: "Y/N."
He closes his eyes and his head lowers down as he is holding him.
Robin or Y/N... was dead.
Next Day...
In now finnished Titans Tower, Dick Kori are having a breakfast while Raven is reading a book.
Kori: "So how is the rest of team holding up?"
Dick: "Garfield and Karen are still in school, while Roy is with Oliver and Wally is with his family."
Kori: "Will they come to make a visit?"
Dick: "Garfield, Karen and Wally could come next week or 2."
Kori: "Do you hears this, Raven, you won't be alone anymore for now when Dick and I leave for the town."
Raven looks up from her book and faces Kori.
Raven: "What about Y/N?"
Kori: "Okay, fair, but he is always with Batman."
Then an sound comes from the kitchen.
Kori: "That should be your tea begin finnished. ."
Raven nods as she gets up and walks to the kitchen. Then Dick gets a call... from Batman. He puts the call on the big screen as it turns on, revealing Bruce without a mask, but something wrong becuse he has the sad but neutral face.
Dick: "Oh, hey Bruce, what's up? Have you and Y/N dealt with Joker in Bosnia?"
Bruce doesn't saying anything, struggling to find the right words. Dick notices it.
Dick: "Bruce, is everything okay?"
That gets Kori now to look at Bruce too.
Bruce: "Dick... there's something I have to tell you..."
Dick looks at Bruce confused.
Bruce: "Y/N... Y/N died...He's death."
Dick's eyes widen as Kori gaps as Bruce tries to stay calm from crying.
Then they hear something falling on the ground and breaking. They look behind them and see that Raven was the one who made the noise, a cup of tea falled from her hands.
Raven: "No..."
Tears start to roll down her face when she falls on her knee but Kori catches her. Dick turns to Bruce who can't say anything. He looks at Dick.
Bruce: "Funeral will be the next week..."
With that, Bruce ends the call.
So here are votes for the questions I put to be voten on:
Question 1: Should I add an Female OC to be Love Intrest for Damian because most of you knows how Justice League Dark Apokolips War ends
NO 0
Question 2: Cover of the book
A) 0
B) 0
C) 7
So cover C won
Cover is gonna change shortly after.
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