Chapter 4
Batman: Under the Red Hood 2014
Chapter 4 - Revelation
"Sometimes even the devil on my shoulder asks: What the FUCK are you doing?" - UNKNOWN
Laser could be heared in the batcave as it fires or proccesing on the blood on the katana.
Bruce is sitting in the chair, his hands on bridge of his nose, as he is staring at the computer screen, which is displaying in big red letters 'ANALYZING' and 2 pictures above it.
On Bruce's left side is a picture of the Red Hood and on his right side, a picture of... Y/N Todd.
Then analysis is completed as the other big red letters show and read 'MATCH'.
Bruce moves his hands down as he looks up. Then he hears something fall on the floor. He turns to his right and see Alfred in shock as he has dropped another trey of tea down.
Alfred shocked face turns to sad one as he stares at the screen. Bruce turns back to the screen, with a determined and maybe angry look on his face.
It's night time again in Gotham, as we are back to Black Mask's tower. Currently, there's again another yelling, this time, in Mask's office.
B. Mask: "Son of a... Are you telling me that scumbag stole my guns again!?"
He yelled at his secretary and 4 man behind her, as one furthest on the Mask's left side gulps.
Secretary: "No, sir. He destoyed them. Blew up the truck, the drivers - -"
B. Mask: "Damn it. Of all the... Damn it!"
Mask yells as he slams his fists in the table as he stands up and secretary continues.
Secretary: "Previously, he was just enlisting anyone under our province to come work for him. Now he just seems to be killing them."
B. Mask: "Oh, so now we've got another Batman? One who doesn't mind the blood?"
Secretary: "No, sir, he's no Batman. He's still taking huge cuts from off the streets. But now he's eliminating the competition. He's coming after you."
She finnishs as Black Mask stands upright as he stares at his secretary. Then the one man in the middle of four man on coughs as Mask set his eyes on him for a second.
Then he growls as he manages to flip up a table infront of him and throw it to his right as he walks towards them.
B. Mask: "You wanna tell my why this guy ain't dead!?"
He yells to his secretary face as he passes her.
Secretary: "We're trying. We sent the Fearsome Hand of Four.
Black Mask then hits the man fuhterst on the right in face, knocking him to the ground.
B. Mask: "Four? Guess they're gonna need a New name."
He says as he walks to the man next to him and punches him in the stomach, as he too falls on the ground.
B. Mask: "Why hasn't Batman wiped this little smear off the face of the planet!?
He says throwing his hands in the air, looking at his secretary.
Secretary: "Maybe he doesn't want to. Perhaps he's letting you and the Red Hood War it out. He could be waiting - -"
B. Mask: "To take on the winner!?"
He finneshes her's senttence as he punches third guy in the face too and knocking him out, as the last one is looking at him in the corner of his eye, terrifed.
B. Mask: "What do you think this is!? A tennis tournament!?"
He says as he knocks last man on the ground, completing an hat-trick of fists hits in the head.
Secretary: "I'm just saying - -"
B. Mask: "You're an idiot! And you don't know Batman."
He says as he walks past her, going back where he was not long ago, before his outburst.
B. Mask: "He's not letting this lunatic just run wild. He can't catch him either."
He looks at his secretary over his shoulder before he turns his eyes in other direction, in thinking.
B. Mask: "Or it's something else. Can you feel it? We're stuck in the damn crossfire."
He says as he stares out of big windows, as secretary writes something down on her paper.
B. Mask stares at the city until he spots a red dot on his chin. He gasps as he looks at the the opposite buildings roof and there he sees the Red Hood, holding a rocket launcher, aim at him.
Red Hood ways his hand at Black Mask, in most friendliest way. Red dot moves now onto forehead of schocked Black Mask's face before his look turns to a neutral-annoyed look.
B. Mask: "Oh, hell."
He then turns and runs, knocking one man who has got up, to the side, as he runs towards the doors.
His secretary follows after him soon as she has too now seen Red Hood on the building.
Black Mask bursts through doors as 2 guards get confused why is their boss and his secretary, followed by 4 man, are running out.
Guard: "Sir?"
Red Hood: "Wow, he sure can move when he really wants to."
He says aa he takes aim and fires a rocket. The missile flies through window and crashes right onto table, creating a big explosion.
The explosion pushes first doors, then the exit door as it pushes 2 running guards on the ground. The door bounces of walks before heading towards Black Mask, who in the last second, ducks underneath it as door slams into a wall, fire burns on it.
Black Mask then stands up and turns as he stares at the bruning metal door, as he rubs his chin and his secretary walks down the stairs to him.
Secretary: "You okay, sir?"
B. Mask: "I'm not dead. So that's something."
He says as he looks at her, rubing his neck now.
B. Mask: "Okay. Time to change up the ground war.
Secretary: "How so, sir?"
B. Mask: "I'm being focred into negotiating with a psychotic."
Secretary: "That doesn't sound good."
B. Mask: "No. It's going to be a nightmare."
He finnishes as he stares... into a cealing? As fire's light shines on his face - - I mean mask.
>>watch from 3:23 to 4:34 Because I was not intrested to write that part, but it pays off too watch it, you'll see why XD<<
Back to Bruce, he is currently outside, near his Manour's or families cemetery as his is excavates a grave with a excavator as Alfred walks up, with a lantern in his hand.
But Bruce isn't just excavates any grave. He is excavates a grave of Y/N.
The crane moves as we can see a tombstone on which is writen:
Alfred walks up to Bruce who just finished with excavating as he takes a crowbar and slides down in the hole, in which is a coffin.
Alfred: "Do you need more light, sir?"
Bruce: "No. I can see fine."
Bruce stares at the coffin, thinking of what to find when he opens it. Then he slams the crowbar, trying to open a top of coffin as Alfred rises a lantern to have better view, while having an face of expections.
Bruce throws a crowbar on the ground as he grabs the top of coffin, now lifting it as he opens it and they both look what's inside.
In the coffin is Y/N's dead body, resting in piece, his arm crossed on his stomach.
Alfred: "Well, there you have it. He's still at rest."
Alfred sighs as he says it, believing what he sees right now, but Bruce doesn't.
Bruce: "No, he isn't."
He grabs the body by the colar and lifts it up.
Bruce: "That's not flesh."
He says as hair falls of bodies head, now revealing that it's a manikin, as Alfred puts his hand on his mouth, as he is now in doubled shock.
Bruce stares at manikin with a pissed and angry look, but that look is all the same with his normal one, as he drops the manikin on the ground and walks off.
Now he and Alfred and walking down back to the Batcave, as Bruce is stripping out of workers uniform.
Alfred: "Master Bruce, you can't blame yourself - -"
Alfred is trying to comfort Bruce as he's following behind.
Bruce: "It was stupid and careless. Body was made of high-end latex. If I'd bothered to look inside when I brought him home - - "
He says as he enters a room, doors closing behind him as Alfred walks up to them.
Alfred: "Sir, please, remember how distraught you were. Even I found it hard - -"
He is cut short as doors open, as Bruce is standing infront of them, now fully dressed in his batsuit.
Bruce: "Stupid and careless!"
He says as he puts his mask or cowl over his head and walks past Alfred.
Alfred: "Where are you going?"
Bruce: "To talk to the last alive person of the family who did this and knows about it."
He say in low and dark tone as he walks up to the Batwing (a plane, not that Batwing XD) and enters it.
Lights turn on as Batwing takes off, through the the tunnel and disappears into a night.
Titans Tower
Dick is currently in the Ops/Mission room, working on the computer and it's about Red Hood as he is checking every clip or picture of him, that snitches have sent him.
He moves in the chair to the other side, slowly because of bandage on his leg, as he picks up the piece of pizza and eats it. He's wearing all black clothes.
Then he gets a notification. He goes back where he was seconds before. He goes to open it, but he hears as doors behind open as he quickly and turns off everything. He turns in the chair as he looks at the doors.
There at the door are standing two femine figures. One of them is Kori, who's wearing human clothes and the other is now thirteen year old Raven, who's wearing her black cloak, but the hood is down, as they both enter the room and walk up to Dick.
Dick: "Um, hi...what you two doing here?"
Raven: "Expect we live here."
Raven mumbled as she roled her eyes.
Kori: "Team expect you would be at breakfast today with us. You haven't moved from this room since you came."
She said as she put her arms on her hips.
Dick: "I'm sorry, but I have a lot of work."
Kori: "May tells us which work that is?"
Dick: "Batman stuff. If you may exuse me, I have to get back t-ow!"
Dick has spin in his chair, but he moved his injured leg to fast as he winced in pain.
Kori: "Then may explain how you got injured?"
Dick: "Batman stu-ow!"
He winced again. Raven walks to him as she puts her hands on his injured leg. Her hands then glow white, as she heals his leg. After few second, she is done as she moves away.
Dick: "T-thanks."
Raven: "I reduced the injury to minor fracture, but you still gonna need that cast for 2-3 days."
Dick nods and moves his now less injured leg and smiles.
Raven: "Now, in return, you tell us this 'Batman stuff'."
Dick's smile disappears as looks up now see that both Kori and Raven are smirking. After couple of seconds thinking about it, he sighs.
Dick: "You may call others if you want to."
???: "I'm here!"
3 of them jump up as somebody has appeared behind them in less the second, in speed of light, as it said in female voice.
She has brown eyes and Ginger/Auburn hair. She is near Raven's height but she is smaller and she wears the red and gold suit. This is twelve year old Cayla West, younger sister of Wally West and she goes by the hero name Velocity.
>> This is a OC I was talking about adding in the story to also be Damian's love intrest, because, Raven is taken by Reader/Us/You. She doesnt belong to me. She belongs to Okami, he's a writer on the Quotev site/app and I ask him if can I add his Cayla from his also DCAMU Fanfic in which he added an OC who is younger twin brother of Damian and Cayla appeared in his now Justice League VS Teen Titans book, the 4th book of movies his OC appears in along with Damian of course. He allowed me to, but I have to give credits to him, so here is that. I'll publish her bio shortly after I post this chapter. <<
>> This is her<<
Kori: "Ok Cayla, you here... Were you listening to us from outside?"
3 of them look at Cayla who is scratching her neck as she laughs nervously.
Cayla: "Yeaaaa, Garfield and Jaime went golfing (get the reference, anyone) so I wonder around the tower and welllll..."
She said as she move her hands to the sides in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ way.
Dick: "Then it's only you three."
Dick turns to computer as he turns it on.
Dick: "This is the reason why I came back to Gotham."
He types on the keyboard as he opens the clip that he first time showed to Bruce, it's a video of Red Hood running on the rooftops of Gotham, as he zooms on him.
Dick: "I got this shot from a snitch. I been told that this guy's been making some serious moves. He's calling himself the Red Hood."
Kori: "Wait, the RED HOOD?"
Dick: "No, this is someone new."
Cayla: "Wait, what do you mean? You saying that more people use that persona?"
Dick: "Yes, one criminal of particular interest had use it too. He - -"
Dick stopped as he saw that Kori's and Raven's faces turned to sadness. Cayla sees this and remembers what they told her about.... Y/N, 2nd Robin.
Cayla: "Oh, him...I'm sorry, I didn't m - -"
Kori: "It's... fine... please continue."
Dick: "We went to check him first, but he doesn't even know or hands connected to the Red Hood. So we managed to cross paths with him when he tried to stole a helicopter pacage which was for Black Mask and well, I gotta say, he is very skilled."
Dick types on keyboard as he shows the footage that Bruce filmed from his mask. As they watch the chase, girls are impressed how the criminal is very good, even good as Batman and Nightwing.
Then they see how Red Hood cuts the Batman's grapling line.
Kori: "Wait, you told me nobody cuts 'Batman's grapling lines'?"
She asked as she made the gesture with her fingers.
Dick: "Whoever this guy is, he knows us very well, even he outsmarted us."
Dick continues the clip of Red Hood jumping to the train statition and bomb exploding which got Dick injured.
Raven: "So, you fell into a trap?"
Dick: "This guy knew we would come, so he prepared the escape plan. I still don't believe it that he got us like that."
Cayla: "Will Batman be able to catch him then?"
Dick chuckles.
Dick: "I know him very well, Batman will never stop until he puts him behind bars."
Dick then goes to check this notification he got earlier. He clicks on it as news appear on screen.
News Anchor: "Last time, there was an explosion in the Gotham. Report says there were no casulties with minimum injuries, but there still isn't any report on which says what may caused this explosion."
Dick widen his eyes. He then goes to check if any of snitches has send him anything on this. As he opens it, he founds one clip. He clicks on it as it opens.
The clip shows Gotham at night as camera is pointed towards the another roof, where the Red Hood is standing with a rocket Launcher.
The camera moves to the left as it zooms on the Black Mask in his office. The camera moves back to the Red Hood as he:
Cayla: "Is he... waving?"
Raven: "Obviously." - She said sarcastickly.
The snitch then takes out the mic on the stick as he moves it towards direction of Red Hood.
Red Hood: "Wow, he sure can move when he really wants to."
Then he fires the rocket and missile flies through window and crashes right onto table, creating a big explosion. And video ends.
Dick leans in the chair as he just stares the screen.
Dick: "You better catch him... (quitly) Bruce."
So, what do you think of Cayla so far? The ones who didn't watch the movie about this, What do you think of it? Please be sure to check out Okami's books on Quotev if you want. Here's are links of his books:
Sons of Batman:
Batman VS Robin:
Batman: Bad Blood
Justice League VS Teen Titans
By the way I also posted this book on Quotev and Deviant Art
By for now.
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