Chapter 25
Red Hood: The Lost Days
Chapter 25 - Rebirth of Y/N Todd
"I met evil when I only was a child" - Unknown
Third POV
May 2011
Settlements and villages surrounding Nanda Parbat
India, one of the largest countries in the world and the second most populous country.
Once part of the British Empire, after gaining independence in 1947, it could have become one of the strongest countries in the world, but due to many problems during the Cold War and population growth, this ancient country today is not only facing economic and population problems, but also its corrupted by secret organizations.
But one of those organizations is not like that, at the time being. The League of Assassins is just as the name suggests, the League of Assassins, which is as old as the ancinet civilization of India itself.
The leader of this organization is called the so-called "head of a demon" because their leader has lived for nine centuries.
Its longevity was made possible by the Lazarus Pit, which has magical properties to cure the old age of any mortal.
Not everyone may agree with his plans for a better world, but even that has good consequences for the settlements and villages in the lower heights of the Himalayas where Nanda Parbat is located.
All these settlements and villages do not suffer as much as other places in India, but the economy and culture remains the same.
People walk through the streets of this small settlement which is fortunately located by the river, so the arrival of fresh water is not a problem for them. Buses transports people from one part to another, people work at stalls while others go to pray in Buddhist and Hindu temples.
But those people are not as important as one woman in that crowd. She is a 5'8" tall, slender beautiful woman who looked quite young.
She had short raven-colored hair and light brown eyes. She also had a noticeable large bust and a pale complexion.
She wore a red uniform that covered most of her upper body and had a window in the middle.
She would often take small walks in the streets to clear her mind. She is one of the higher ranking members of the League of Assassins. Those who knew her would be willing to show their respect towards her.
These small walks were common thing for her. She has never collided with someone while walking or someone tried to challenge her to a duel because she would easily win.
That is, until now.
A woman of Asian descent feels someone collide with her, which throws her off balance a bit. She looked at who had rammed it into her, but found only how people passing by.
She looked through the crowd and saw a boy who was different.
How different are you wondering?
Well, the boy had pure white skin texture, and he held a wallet in his hand.
The woman's eyes widened. She went to look in her little purse and felt that her wallet was missing.
It happened for the first time that someone has robbed her. She cursed in Arabic under her breath.
She looked back at the boy and began to follow him as she made her way through the crowd.
She sees the boy turn into a small ally. When she gets to that ally, she peeks around the corner.
She can see the boy who stole her wallet.
Just as she was going to confront him, the boy quickly climbed to the roof of the house in a second.
The woman is surprised by how the boy with ease, a boy who should be just a regular child from the streets, climbed the wall 4 times his height.
She does the same as the boy, climbs on the roof, but at a much faster speed than the boy.
She turns to the left and saw the boy parkouring on the roofs of buildings at impressive speeds which confuses her even more.
The boy jumps off the roof and landed on a garbage container from which he pushed himself into the air and landed on the ground.
Then he sighs, thinking that he had made enough run so that who ever he stole from then that person would already given up going after him from whom he had taken their wallet.
The boy also wore clothes he stole from the hangers as they dried because when he woke up on the river bank, he was covered in swet bandages around his entire body.
He doesn't know why or why he's here at all, but he knows he needs somehow contact Batm - -
???: "Stealing can get you in real touble if you rob the wrong person."
The boy quickly looks up and sees a woman wearing a red uniform standing on the roof from which he had jumped off.
The boy gulps when the woman jumps off the roof and stands in front of him. He can see that she has a sword in her scabbard. Before she could say anything, the boy held out his wallet to her.
??2: "Here, take it back. Just dont stab me!"
The boy said as he closes his eyes he turned his head to the side. The woman looked at him amused.
The boy opened one of his eyes and saw that she had not yet attacked him with a sword or taken her wallet back.
??2: "You will stab me, right?"
Woman now looks at him confused.
??1: "I don't hurt children, unless its in training because its part of becoming a warrior."
She saids which makes the boy now look at her confused.
??2: "You are a teacher? Master?"
??1: "Yes, I am. And by the moves you did, you are trained well. Too well. It reminds me of someone I used to train with. Tell me boy, who trained you?"
The woman explains to him while she takes her wallet gently back.
??2: "I...I cant tell you that exactly..."
She narrows her eyes at him.
??1: "Also, you're an American by your accent, but you are so far from home? What are you doing here?"
The boy scatches his neck nervously.
??2: "I actually don't know. Last thing I know that I was supposed to be in Sarajevo."
Her eyes widen in shock. She had just realised who this boy was.
??1: "Yo-You're Robin. You are Robin."
The boy gets surprised when she saids that
??2: "H-How did yo - -"
??1: "I know you"re him, because head of a demon told me what happent to you in Sarajevo. You...You died..."
The boy, whom we now know as Robin, looks at her in the eyes even more confused.
Robin: "No. No, that's not right. You're probably bluffing. See, I'm still alive. Right in front of you."
He tells her, definetly not believing her.
??1: "You were dead, but Ras Al Ghul brought you back via Lazarus pit. He said that you - -"
Robin: "No. No. No. Im alive. Last thing when I remember when I was with Batman on a mission in Bosnia where...wh-wh... wh-wh..."
Robin starts stuttering on the last word. She can see how his attitude and posture has changed. She can see the tears begin to accumulate in his eyes which makes her worried.
Robin: "I...I...the Joker..."
??1: "Robin, are you ok - -"
Suddenly, Robin threw himself into her and hugged her, catching the woman unprepared for his touch.
He finally shed tears down his face as he rammed his face into her uniform as he began to cry.
Robin: "He...H-He wouldn't s-stop...H-He didn't stop...He j-just continued t-to...t-to beat me w-w-with that...t-that crowbar... He..."
Robin stuttered on his words as he sobbed. The woman, insecure at first, slowly began to pat him on the back, moving her hand from his neck down his spine, trying to calm him down.
??1. It's okay. It's okay. Let it all out...I'm here... It's okay."
2 weeks later
It turned out that this woman was Sanda Wu-San or better known as Lady Shiva, the best hand-to-hand fighter in the world, because no one could defeat her.
She decides to take Robin, or as he told her his name is Y/N Todd, to her residence, which is the big palace, where the League of Assassins is located.
Shiva only informed Talia Al Ghul of her discovery. Talia told her not to say anything to her father and told Shiva to train the young boy.
Shiva resisted at the idea at first, but did not say no to the daughter of the demon's head.
But she doesn't trust Talia, because she knows that woman is full of tricks and she knows she would use the boy for her romantic ideas with Batman himself.
Y/N will spent these two weeks watching Shiva train students and ninjas in her special area, and you can't say he didn't even become at slightes interested in Shiva training.
But the only thing on his mind was to go back to Gotham. Go back to Bruce, tell him he's fine, which in he reality wasn't.
Shiva noticed that when she talked to him about his death, Y/N couldn't sleep at night.
He would shout out loud in his sleep, which is probably a nightmare. Shiva assumed that the boy was suffering from newly acquired PTSD, reliving how the Joker beats him with the crowbar constantly.
So she no longer has mentioned anything to him about his death.
Hell, she didn't dare tell him his murderer was still alive because she didn't want to know how he would react on that news.
But you cant keep the secrets forever.
Y/N has just finished the training that Shiva taught him. Shiva decided to teachs him a few new moves four days ago, to somehow try to distract him from thinking of returning to his home.
Y/N headed to the Shiva tent, where he spents most of the day with Shiva.
That's how she has found out that Y/N likes to read books, so they talked about Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen.
Entering the tent, he meets the now familiar room. On the left is a table for three, on the right is where Shiva and Y/N meditate or drink tea, and next to it is a nightstand, where there is a picture on it.
The picture shows Shiva when she was younger, one woman and one man, but the man's face was cut off from the picture.
Both people were on both sides of her in an embrace. He didn't ask Shiva who these people were, but he assumed they were close to her, once point in time.
Shiva was currently not in the tent so he decided to wait for her to come in the tent.
Just as he was going to sit on his place where he was meditating, something caught his eye.
Paper. Paper of newspaper on was placed on the table.
Having not heard anything about the outside world for some time, Y/N decides to take a look.
Y/N approaches the table. The newspaper was already opened.
The open pages talked about the new smartphone model. He takes the newspaper in his hands and turns it to the front page.
But when he did, he wished he hadn't.
Outside, Shiva was just coming back after another training session with her students.
Along with her was her entourage, Rip.
He is an expert on everything that has wheels, propellers on the wings - - in combat situations. He is also one of the few people Shiva trusts.
Rip: "You sure you don't want him tell the truth?"
Rip asks Shiva while they walk towards her tent.
Shiva: "I already told you an answer to that quest - -"
Shiva cuts off Rip.
Rip: "No, no. I didn't meant that one. I meant the other, other one."
Shiva didn't answer to his question, on which he already knew what the answer was going to be.
Rip: "You think he's not ready?... Or you ar - -"
The Rip was suddenly stopped by a loud noise. It was as if something had been broken.
The noise came from the Shiva tent. Both people ran towards the tent.
When they finally arrive, Shiva orders Rip to stay outside of the entrance. Shiva then entered the tent.
And the first thing she hears is a soft sob. Then she saw the reason for the sobbing.
She may see that the things in her tent are scattered and destroyed, but her gaze looks back at Y/N, who was lying on the floor, bent into a ball, while holding his legs against his chest, crying softly.
Shiva immediately became worried and ran to him.
She threw herself on her knees and hugged him, which Y/N immediately returned back.
Shiva: "Shhh, shhh. It's okay. It's okay. What happent? Another PTSD attack?"
Shiva asks as she calms him down as best she can.
Y/N: "H-He left h-h-him live. He let h-him live..."
Y/N tells her softly, keeping his head burried in her shoulder.
This confuses Shiva, but she soon finds out what he was talking about. In front of her was a torn piece of newspaper she had been reading today.
That part had the title "BATMAN RETURNS JOKER TO POLICE CUSTODY". He has just found out the truth she didn't want him to know.
Y/N: "I...I thought...he cared...about me..."
The Shiva hug becomes even stronger around Y/N.
Shiva: "I'm sorry Y/N...I really am."
Present time
May 2016, 3 hours away from Jump City
David and his daughter have just arrived at the spot where a helicopter is waiting to pick them up.
They got out of the jeep and headed for the helicopter. David opened the door and went inside, his daughter following right behind and closing the door.
David: "Fly this thing up!"
David told to the pilots, to which one nodded. The pilot then lifted the helicopter into the air.
David isn't just angry only because he didn't manage to kill the Red Hood, but also because he didn't get his money in the end from Brother Blood.
The money transfer was cleared shortly after he was already on land.
That happent because of Nightwing's and Red hood's surprised return from the dead.
Pilot: "You failed to kill him."
The pilot says to alerted David.
David: "What?"
David says annoyed to the pilot.
Pilot: "You failed to kill him. Now, he's coming after you, David."
This confuses David even more when suddenly the same pilot turns around and shoots the dart at him.
Cass goes to attack the pilot, but the pilot shoots two darts at her, causing her to fall back into her seat, unconscious.
David groans as he pulls out the dart that hit him in the neck. His gaze begins to become blurry as he looks back at the pilot
The pilot slowly gets up from their seat, already placing the helicopter on the auto-pilot.
The other pilot next to them is seen to be actually dead, while his blood is dripping on the floor.
David tries to get a good look at the pilot, who approaches Cassandra and takes her up into their arms.
Then the pilot turns to David and takes off their helmet. David's eyes widened in shock.
That pilot is Lady Shiva, his wife, but she would beg to differ.
David: "S-Susan..."
David spoke weakly as Shiva sent him a stern stare. She moves back to the front and palces Cassandra to the co-pilot's seat.
She then opens the door and threw the dead body of the second pilot out of the helicopter. She turned and walked over to the palalized David.
She puts the parachute on his back and moved him over to the open door.
Then she puts the parachute hook/opener in his hand.
Shiva: "Don't come after me or my daughter or Y/N. Because you will get yourself only kiled in blindness of your revenge. Consider this mercy."
Then Shiva throws him out of the helicopter and closes the door. She returs to the driver's seat and turned to face her daughter.
Shiva: You'll be alright, my dear. You'll be alright."
Hoped you enjoyed the chapter. This is how events of Lost Days started/happened in this universe.
I'm curious how many of you were surprised to see Shiva in this arc. Instead of Talia in comics, I went with Shiva. And no, Y/N won't SLEEP with Shiva, that in comic digusted me.
Also, you may remember Rip, he was fake Ronin. F in chat for him, because he will be one of people training Y/N in this arc.
Also, you could see what is happening in present in this chapter, so not only Shiva is introduced in the past, but also in present timeline.
I don't know if this chapter was emotional as last one, but poor Y/N, he gets PTSD and founds out the clown is still alive :(. I wonder if readers again voted to kill him in this book XD.
Anyway, That's for this chapter.
Second thing, I want to tell you that I released my 2 new books set in MCU. Even crazier, they are set in same universe.
They are called ARROW and TASKED TO KILL. So, you are intrested, go check them out.
Next chapter I will write is first chapter of Tasked to Kill.
So now, see ya later, bye.
(WORDS: 2965)
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