Chapter 22
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract 2016
Chapter 22 - No Trust at all
"The worst thing about betrayal is it never comes from the enemy." - Godfather
In her room, Raven was still sleeping peacefully in her bed. A plate with breakfast was silently placed on her night stand. The person who placed it was Y/N.
He got up out the bed 1 hour after she fell asleep and went on the night patrol, but this time alone because he didn't know where Damian was, weird, it was first time they didn't patrol together over a year begin with Titans.
He left the room and went ahead towards the ops room. When he arrived, he immediately set in "Dick's favourite chair", knowing that it will piss Dick if he ever found out, but it wasn't like first time he did it and turned on the computer.
Y/N: "Computer, show me the current location of Robin."
He said as he leaned in the chair as computer searched the Damian's location.
Computer: "Location not found."
Now that caught Y/N off guard, he knows that every Robin suit had a tracker in them, because Bruce was worried that they won't do anything stupid, especially after Y/N's death, he couldn't take any risks anymore.
Y/N: "Computer, track Damian Wayne's phone."
Computer: "Subject undiscovered."
Now Y/N was starting to get worried and suspicious. Damian would never do this, well he would, but that was before he met Y/N.
Damian would always told Y/N first of what he was planning or where he was going and Y/N would always taged along.
One time, Damian convinced Y/N to go with him to the animals shelter in Jump City to donate food for the animals, in their suits...
Y/N cringed at the memory as he typed on the keyboard.
Y/N: "Computer, show the recent footage of Robin in the tower.
Computer: "Search complete, Robin detected."
Computer then showed on the screen one of the cameras. On the screen, Y/N could see Damian leaving the tower, dressed in his Robin suit.
He noticed that Damian was always hiding behind walls and looking around so nobody would spot him.
Y/N: "Why trying to hide in your home, that doesn't make any sence, it's not like he loves to play hide and seek."
Then Y/N caught something, the time of the footage, it was recorded at 11 pm, just 30 minutes after their meet up with Dick. And he also realised another thing.
Y/N: "What is he doing in the hall where there are the rooms of Garfield, Jaime and...Terra."
Y/N quickly typed on the keyboard as he rewinded the footage by couple of seconds and stoped it when he saw something moving.
He played the footage and now saw Terra walking out of her room and he noticed that she was headed towards the exit.
Y/N was always suspicious of her, but now, he knew something was up and he was going to found out.
He left the ops and headed towards the main room or living room or the center ro - - every room in this tower has more names for it then every batarang in his jacket.
When he enters, he sees everyone sitting around the table, quite in a happy mood for some reason, even Raven. But one or well two or technically four people were missing around the table.
Dick and Kory started moving into their new apartman in the city and well, Damian was M.I.A. and person for who he was looking wasn't here.
He was brought back to reality by Garfield who quickly spawned infront of him, offering him... Gar's breakfast...
Gar: "For today's breakfast, we have one of best breakfasts in the world: Tofu Scramble!"
Cayla: "You wish!"
The speedster exclaimed as Gar turned with a mood of Gordon Ramsey.
Gar: "Shut up meat lover!"
He fired back. Even if they are besties, they always argue about that one thing: food.
Y/N: "Uh, thanks, but I already had breakfast."
Gar: "What!? Wh - - Of course you would, the guy who doesn't know what sleep is."
Gar scoffed as Y/N moved past him as he walked towards the table. He saw Jaime putting salt on his breakfast... a lot of salt, as he has taken the seat next to Raven.
Raven: "Thank you for the breakfast."
She whispered to Y/N with a small smile on her face, because he saved her from this green breakfast, at which Y/N chuckled.
Y/N: "No problem."
He answered back with a small smile of his as he then looked at everyone.
Y/N: "Emm, guys, I noticed that your mood meter is high this morning. So what has you talking?"
Jaime: "Oh, well, with what happened yesterday with Terra, Raven proposed that we surprise her with a party of Terra's one year anniversary as an Titan."
Jaime said as he was adding more salt on the t - - one year what now!?
Y/N: "Wait, what now? Was that even a thing in here, because what about me and Damian then?
Cayla: "Yeah, new idea, probably will be just for Terra though."
Y/N: "And Raven came with it?"
He asked as he looked at Raven who turned red a little.
Jaime&Cayla: "Basically."
Gar: "It's a great idea! What do you think about it, Y/N?"
He didn't expect this at all. His teammates are blind on one eye all this time about Terra, they trust here that easily, hell, did they even notice Damian was gone?
Before he could let a word out of his mouth, that one person who was the main talk came through the doors.
Everyone but Y/N quickly changed their moods, which was cringly because some of them don't know how to do it properly.
Terra: "Morning. Is that Tofu?"
Gar: "Y-yes it is..."
Terra: "I love Tofu."
She said. Everyone's face froze, even Gar's. As she took one bit, she humed in delight at the taste. Then she saw their dumbfounded reactions.
Terra: "What?"
Gar send a smirk towards Cayla who annoyingly roled her eyes.
Y/N noticed that Terra was acting off. He has to play this carefully then.
Y/N: "As a "not much of sleeper" person, has anyone saw Damian this morning?"
While he was asking, he was looking side eyed at Terra and notice her froze when he said "Damian".
Cayla: "We were sleeping, so no, we haven't see him or before you came, why? Don't you two always patrol together."
Y/N: "We do, but, for first time over a year, I done it alone."
While grabbing a glass with juice, he noticed Terra this time quietly do a something like a curse under her breath.
Y/N: "What about you, Terra, did you see him?"
He noticed her flinch. He got her.
Terra: "Uh, no, no, I didn't see him."
She would have convinced him that she was telling the truth, but he knew that was maybe half of the truth.
Y/N: "Really? Because security camera's caught both of you going out of the tower... in the middle of the night."
Tension in a room definetly rised by a lot, celsius or fahrenheit, neither don't matter. Terra scoffed at his response.
Terra: "I went out to clear my head, why do you have to always sniff my every move. Im a Titan, why don't you trust me?"
Y/N: "Why you have to be so untrustworthy?"
Terra: "Why you have to be such a dick?"
Even through it wasn't the time, Cayla still snickered.
Y/N: "I get that a lot, but look where that took me."
Terra: "Oh, yes, it took you to your death."
Everyone was taken back by this. Nobody ever went that far to talk like that to him. Y/N thought it would be easy, making her spill the beans, but his anger was his biggest issue and now, he was pissed. He quickly stood up from his chair, knocking it over.
He shouted. It was first time that they heared him shout like that. For him to lose control.
Before he could do anything both Cayla and Gar grabbed him by his shoulders, holding him from possibly flipping the table on Terra. Terra just scoffed.
Terra: "Look who's talking, murderer."
With that she got up from her sit and walked out of the room. He wanted to go after her, but he was still hold by the two.
Gar: "Chill dude."
Cayla: "What's goten int - -"
Y/N: "Get off me!"
He managed to get their hands off him.
Y/N: "That... That..."
Raven: "Y/N, calm down. "
Jaime: "What happened? Why did you went out on her?"
Y/N looked at him with annoyed glare.
Y/N: "Why!? She's obviously hiding something from us, hell, cameras here don't lie."
Gar: "Why you always have to be so negative of her! She doesn't hide anything fr - -"
Y/N: "She nearly killed you yesterday, how can you forget that?"
Once a calm morning now it turned into a argument.
Gar: "It was my mistake, I went to far."
Y/N: "Like wise. Only reason you would say that because you have crush on her."
He said it in a highly sarcastic way, which angred Gar to say something what Y/N would never expect.
Gar: "You know what!? Maybe we don't know much about Terra, but we definetly don't know anything about your past! That's why we trust her more then we trust you!"
Those last words made Y/N speechless as he was blankly looking at Gar in shock.
Y/N: "What?"
Gar: "You heard me. WE DON'T TRUST YOU!"
After Gar shouted again, everyone stayed in the silence until Jaime responded.
Jaime: "It's true."
Y/N turned to Cayla.
Cayla: "He's not wrong."
She said as she felt it was wrong for her to say it. Both three said there judgements, but one didn't yet say anything.
He then turned to her. Maybe he didn't show it, she could felt that he was looking at her with painful glance.
Y/N: "You too?..."
When he asked, she couldn't let anyword leave her mouth. But when she did, only word she could say was...
Raven: "I..."
She looked down with guilt. She couldn't look at him anymore, look at his pain.
He glanced at her with disbelief. The person that he opened the most, the person he let in, the person he trusted. With her lowering her head down, he knew what the answer was.
Y/N: "I'm done with this shit."
He started to walk away. He was near the exit when Raven grabbed him by his arm.
Raven: "Y/N, wai - -"
She tried to talk to him, but he wasn't having it, as he then pulled his arm put of her hold.
Y/N: "Don't touch me!"
He shouted out her, which scared her, as he then turned to rest of them.
Y/N: "I tried to be part of this team, tried to be a nice guy for once in my life, but I guess that was never meant to work."
He told them. He knew that some of them wouldn't buy it. He didn't care.
Y/N: "I rather be six feet under then with you assholes. You rather trust someone who you don't know anything about, then someone, who isn't supposed to be even standing here, but he has help you to save the world from going to hell. Risking his life, knowing he could have die. Again."
With that, he left the room, leaving the others. Did he care how would they feel now? No. He didn't care at all.
Dick and Kory were currently moving in their new home.
Dick: "I didn't see you bringing quite so many weapons to our new place."
Dick said as there were a lot of weapons akready on the wall.
Kory: "If you don't like them - - "
Dick: "No, no. They're great."
He then leaned them on the wall while turning his head towards Kory, but he noticed she was kind of sad.
Dick: "Is something up?"
Kory stoped picking up books from the box as she stood straight and sighed.
Kory: "After the incident at the training field you met with members of the team without me. "
Dick: "Yeah, we talked. But it wasn't a meeting. Kory, you know I'd never undermine you, right?"
He assured her, but that wasn't what bothered her.
Kory: "They went to you. You were... are a great leader. So, they instinctively look to you, now that you're back."
She stoped as she looked down.
Kory:" After all, I'm not even from your world."
Dick: "Hey. Stop."
Dick wall up to her and grabed her by her hands, turning her towards him.
Dick: "You were chosen by the team to lead them. And have I told you how glad I am that you've chosen to move in with me?"
Kory: "At least I was your first choice for that."
Dick: "Yeah. Well, gar's got his house and Jaime couldn't afford the rent."
He joked which lighten up Kory's mood.
Kory: "You brat."
She pushed him on the sofa, so she was on top of him. Just as they were going to kiss, Dick's phone ringed about an incoming message. Dick took put the phone out of his pocket.
Dick: "Damian! Of course. Perfect timing."
Both of them saw that the message was "flying solo".
Kory: "Solo?"
She asked confused. She also noticed that Damian was always patroling with Y/N, but Dick wasn't there as much time to noticed it.
Dick: "He's working on something. Have I mentioned he approves of us?"
He told her as he put the phone back into his pocket.
Kory: "So do I."
While two love birds were making out, also in the city, Y/N was driving on his motorcycle in his Red Hood suit.
He was driving until he took a turn and drove into an ally. In this ally was a little safehouse where he would come to park his motorcycle or make repairs on his gadgets before every with patrol with Damian.
He stoped and slamed the lever down with his leg. He took off his red helmet and got off the bike.
Then he felt something hit him in the neck as fell on the knee. He groaned while with his arm he checked the area where he was hit. With the touch, he felt that he was hit by some kind of needle. He grab it and bring to the view. It was a red dart. And worse, he started to get dizzy.
???: "Nice place. I dig it. But I think you would love this more."
He heard the voice. He knew who it belong to. He turned to the left and saw Ronin standing there, but before he could react, Ronin hit him in the face with a crowbar, knocking him on the ground.
Last thing Y/N saw before passing out was blurry view of Ronin walking infront of him.
The door of Terra's room open as Raven was standing outside of the room.
Terra: "Yeah? Problem?"
Raven: "Not yet."
Terra: "Nice visit."
Before doors can close, Raven puts her hand, preventing them from closing and pushes it so it's open again.
Raven: "I know I'm not easy to get close to. We have that in common, I think.
Raven says as she looks down for a second, before looking up.
Raven: "But I could teach you some meditation techniques. It might help you stay in control."
She offers her proposal as Terra stays quiet before responding.
Terra: "Maybe. Maybe so."
Raven: "The other reason I'm here is to tell you the team's assembling in the common room."
Terra: "I need a minute. You go on ahead."
She tells her, as then Raven turns and walks away. When she turns a corner, Terra goes back into her room.
Terra: "They know about Robin. Y/N fricking Todd has convinced about it definitily."
She speaks to Slade on the coms.
Deathstroke: << "They don't." >>
Terra: "Raven, being nice? And there's nothing scheduled. They know I'm working with you."
Terra tells to him as she walks up to the mirrow
Deathstroke: << "If they knew, she wouldn't have come alone." >>
Terra: "Unless they wanted to get my guard down, Y/N probably suggested it. I don't think I can take them all if they're ready."
She says because she's very spectical about this "meeting".
Deathstroke: << "Calm yourself. The fools trust you. Use that. Besides, we already taken care off of 2 most suspicious people." >>
Slade assures on the coms she will be fine. Terra sighs and then walks out of her room.
She walks down the dark halls before coming to the living/common room. Doors opens as she walks in. Room was also in the dark.
Everyone: "Surprise!"
Then lights came on as Terra gets scared as she makes 2 stone pillats from the ground, but stops when she sees everyone infront of her, as Kory and and Jaime were levitating in the sir holding a banner which said "Happy one year anniversary Terra".
Terra: "Shit! You guys scared me."
She retracks the pillars to the ground as she relax that her thought on getting wasn't true.
Kory: "We can see that."
Terra: "Are those for me?"
Terra asks as she walks closer to them, as she notices Gar, Raven, Cayla and Dick holding the gifts in their hands.
Gar: "They sure are. For your one year anniversary as a member of the titans. It was all raven's idea."
Terra: "I... No one has ever done anything like this for me. Thanks. Thanks a lot."
Terra thanked them as she started to actually tear up.
Then Gar comes to her and puts one arm around her, bringing her into a selfie.
Gar: "Dry those tears and let's get this party started, mama!"
He yells as soon after they started to party up. Not aware what really is happening in other parts of the city.
Doors opened as Slade walked into the room where Damian was held in, looking at Damian's phone.
Deathstroke: "Beast boy's sending you pictures of Terra's party. Shame you're missing it."
Robin: "You should go. Playing with teenagers is about your speed."
Damian just might roasted Slade badly.
Deathstroke: "I'm not gonna let you bait me, kid."
He says, but thinks for a second as he changes his mind.
Deathstroke: "Oh, what the hell."
Slade slaps Damian over the face as Damian groans. Damian spits blood out of his mouth as he turns to Slade.
Robin: "Big Man. Why not get me out of here so I can defend myself properly? Unless, you're afraid."
Damian smuggling smiles.
Deathstroke: "Really? You're down to hoping I'm gonna act like the biggest stooge in a b-movie?"
Slade asks him as he crosses his arms.
Robin: "Your outfit said "give it a shot"."
Damian responded which made Slade so pissed that Slade then hit Damian painfully in the stomach as Damian yelled in pain.
Deathstroke:" Grandson of the demon's head, you are not. You're an entitled brat. I rose from nothing while you had everything handed to you. You cost me my rightful place."
Robin: "And the family you betrayed."
Deathstroke: "They turned on me by choosing you. You took my old family, Damian."
Slade turned his back to him as he steped few steps away before stoping.
Deathstroke: "So I'll take your new one."
Then he hears a beep coming from Damian's phone which he goes to check.
Deathstroke: "I should reply. "I am well and will see you soon"."
Slade stares at Damian before rethinking what he should sent.
Deathstroke: "You're more of a dick. "Undercover. Don't bother me"."
Slade walks back infront of Damian as he puts the phone away.
Deathstroke: "Shame I don't have more time to break you down. Inside a month, I'd have you bringing me my pipe and calling me papa."
Slade stares at Damian at the close range when Terra appears on the comms.
Terra: "Slade? Get your head out of your ass."
She says which gets Slade attention.
Terra: "You seeing this?"
On the ops room, Kory and Dick were breifing the team on the next mission.
Kory: "And if we do find the scientist, we want him alive at all cost. We leave in five minutes."
Everyone leaves the room but Terra.
Deathstroke: "Be a good boy."
Slade tells Damian before he turns and goes out of the room. After doors closes behind him, Damian lowers his head down, not able to do anything.
I finally started to get my consciousness back. But now I was feeling a lot of pain. Not just from the area where I was hit with a crowbar, but my hole chest too.
When blur ended, I could see the reason of my pain. I was tied to a chair in a sharp wire, which stabs me when I try to move.
I then look up as I see I'm in somewhat small room, light on the ceiling wasn't that light.
Ronin: "I would stay asleep if I were you."
I already knew it was him. I turned to the left and saw him leaning on the wall in the dark so only his down part of his body were visible. Well his suit really helps him to become invisible in the dark.
Ronin: "But that's just common sense. If you ask me for my opinion, you should have stayed dead."
He then stood straight and walked out on the light, holding my helmet in his hands.
Y/N: "I'm sorry to dissapoint, failing is something that I'm very good at."
I joked, but he ignore it as he asked me the next question.
Ronin: "Intresting choice for your new identity, the identity of your killer. Not many dare to do that."
He layed the mask on table which I just noticed and next to the helmet on the table I also saw my gear and my domino mask.
Because of all the pain I didn't felt that domino mask wasn't on me, but it didn't matter. It seems he knows a lot about me.
All of my inner thoughts were disturbed when he chuckled as he was looking at me.
Ronin: "I know what you're thinking kid."
I raise a eyebrow towards him.
Y/N: "Oh really? What's that?"
He walks a little further away and then stops.
Ronin: "(chuckle) You're thinking...who the hell I am?"
He turns as he raises his arms out, as he takes the steps towards me, never leaving the sight off me.
Y/N: "No. I'm thinking how to get out of here and then punching you into your jaw."
Then I noticed something was odd.
Y/N: "Why am I still alive? Don't you want to kill me?"
Ronin sighs as he walks to the table.
Ronin: "And I thought you were the smartest Robin. Did you already forgot what I told to you on the truck?"
He then stop as he leans on the table, grabbing something.
Ronin: "I want you dead, but I won't be the one who's gonna kill you and me..."
He then turns, now visible what he was holding in hand, which gave me chills. A crowbar.
Ronin: "I'm the one who's going to make you suffer first."
If you think I was scared, that would be a understatement, I was teriffied. Every step he took towards me, I felt more nervous. I felt my nightmares coming back.
I want to get out of here, far far away from this. I don't want to go through it again.
Fortunately, to my luck, I heard a buzz suddenly, probably coming from his com piece in his ear because he stopped and put a finger on his ear.
Ronin: "What!? Now!?"
He yelled as he received some news, not good for him probably.
Ronin: "... Fine...See you there."
He lowered his arm as I heared him cursed silently.
Ronin: "I guess you're luckly again."
He then goes to the door and opens it, but before he leaves, he turns towards me.
Ronin: "But next time we meet, we are going straight to the point. No more games. So prepare you speech before your death."
He then closes the door, leaving me in the room alone.
Titans just came to the location. Kory flies out of the darkness as others follow her behind.
Starfire: "Careful. Watch your spacing."
She warns them as they came to the stop where the entrance was, as they leaned on the wall.
Kory pics head out as she sees the Scientist and Ronin standing next to the computer, as scientists was typing on the keyboard.
BB: "Any idea what that gizmo is?"
Gar asks as he was morphed into a little mouse/rat on Dick's shoulder.
Nightwing: "Nothing good."
Then scientist typed something on the keyboard which activated the file to start deleting.
Raven: "They are deleting. I vote we stop that."
Velocity: "Right with you."
Beetle: "That makes three of us."
Jaime's scarab then beeps.
Beetle: "Okay, four."
As scientists and Ronin were about preparing to leave, Kory shoots a starbolt near them, which alerts them of the Titans in the warehouse.
Starfire: "Step away from the computer. You won't be hurt."
Scientist the slams a button which makes alarms go off as countless drones come out and start attacking the Titans.
Scientist runs up to the table as he then pushes the files and pictures into a suitcase. He then press a yes on the computer which self-destruct it.
While Titans right the drones, Kory cathes the glimpses of Ronin and the scientists escaping.
Starfire: "Go after them. I'll cover you."
She tells Raven. Raven complies as she starts following them, as Kory destroys 3 drones behind her.
While Terra, Gar and Dick were fighting in one part of the warehouse, Cayla was speeding away as multiplie drones were chasing her.
She runs between the stocks of platforms, which causes drones to crash into and get destroyed.
But when last one explodes, it sents Cayla stumbling off her balance.
Velocity: "Woah!"
She then crashes through the doors as she falls on the floor, groaning in pain.
Velocity: "Auch!"
Red Hood: "Vel?"
She then looks up as she sees Y/N tied in the chair, bruised a little.
Velocity: "Y/N!?"
She shouts in confusion and surprise as she gets up and goes over to Y/N.
Velocity: "What happen!? How - -"
Red Hood: "Not important now. Can you get me out?"
He asks her as he looks at the wire which is holding him tied up.
Velocity: "Oh my. Okay, em, hold still."
Y/N realising what shes gonna do, he tries to stop her.
Red Hood: "Vel, wa - -"
But Cayla already used her speed to quickly remove the wire, but, because it was a wire, still it make removing them off him hurt Y/N, who groaned loudly.
Velocity: "Sorry!"
Cayla apologiezes as she helps him get up.
Outside of the warehouse, Jaime with help of the scarab just destroyed last of the drones, as others walk up to him.
Terra: "That's it? Lame."
Then they turn foward as they see Raven floating in the air as she leads Ronin and the scientists towards them, as she has a spell thrown at their necks.
Raven: "What do you want to ask them first?"
Just then, Cayla comes in the blud next to them, as she helps Y/N to stand, having one of his arms over her shoulder. Titans get surprised by his presence here.
Nightiwng: "Y/N!"
Dick immediately approached Y/N and helps him stand up by placing his arm around his shoulder.
But then pushes Dick away and he walks straight towards Ronin and sucker punches him into his jaw, which makes Ronin fall on the ground, as others gasp at his sudden reaction.
Red Hood: "That's for the crowbar, bitch!"
He picks Ronin by his collar, as the spell has disappeared off his neck.
Red Hood: "Who are y - -"
Y/N pulls the hood and masks off his head and he gets shocked when he sees the person behind the Ronin persona.
Red Hood: "... Rip?"
The person under the mask was an african-american man who we now know as "Rip".
Ronin: "I'm sorry kid... This was for your own good."
Then, he and scientist both get shot with a laser through their hearts by a drone gun that was still working.
Jaime immediately reacts as he shoots the last drone, destroying it, but it was to late.
Y/N still shocked, slowly dropes not the dead body of Ronin on the ground.
Beetle: "Bad luck for them. At least it wasn't one of us."
Kory lowers down towards the ground and picks one of the pictures
Starfire: "Yes, bad luck. That we couldn't speak with them about these.".
She says as the pictures that were on the ground were the pictures of all of them.
BB: "Maybe they were a fans?"
Raven, who just flied diwn, turns to look at the Y/N when she notices he's about to fall.
Raven: "Y/N!"
She yells as she and cayla both quickly cathes him before he hit the ground. He has passed out
Raven after quick glance at Y/N, turns to Dick and Kory.
Raven: "He's hurts. We must bring him to the tower."
After Y/N was put in the med bay, others went to the living room whole Kory and Dick went to what looks like a special room when guest came.
Kory: "Is it really a surprise they would study us?"
Kory said as they were going the pictures of them they got their hands on not to long ago.
Kory: "We've been defeating them for months. And you were after them even before that."
Dick: "But this stuff is so in-depth. Things on genetic makeup. Theories on raven's power. Beast boy's too. And beetle's suit. Weird they didn't wrote anything on Y/N's resurrection... What's it for?"
Kory: "Y/N got attacked. That's why we need to get Robin back here."
Kory told Dick, which he knew would be diffcult.
Dick: "You know how stubborn he can be."
Kory: "He's a titan. He needs to be here."
With others, some of them were sitting at the table, eating the cake. Well, trying to eat it.
Raven: "Nothing like laser-spewing H.I.V.E drones to take you out of a party mood."
Raven said as she put the plate with a piece of cake on the table and pushed it aside and then crosses her hands.
Cayla: "Agree."
Jaime: "I'm beat and I'm making lunch at the center tomorrow."
Jaime said as he too couldn't eat the cake.
Gar: "In more exciting news, I've been invited to be on Kevin Smith's podcast at Metrocon tomorrow."
Gar said as he read it on his phone. Before Raven and Jaime could go away, Dick came at the entrance.
Dick: "Hold up, Starfire's got something to say."
He said as he leaned on edge the of the entrance as Kory walked in the room right after.
Kory: "With Y/N getting attacked and what we discovered tonight, we all need to be extra vigilant and not take any chances."
Gar: "Are you kidding me? It's Kevin Smith."
Gar said as he stood up from his chair.
Kory: "I didn't say don't do what you have planned. But keep your eyes and comm lines open at all times. I have a feeling whatever blood is planning tonight is just a prelude."
Y/N slowly starts to open his eyes, sun rays shining into his face. When Y/N opens his eyes, he sees his in some room. Looking around, he reconises that he's in a med bay.
He slowly starts to wake up, but winces in pain. He looks down and sees he's covered in bandages over his chest and few on his arms.
He sighs as he remembered how last night went. How Ronin was Rip. The person he knows. If you ask him how, he would just say he just knows.
He rips the blood bag attached to him and gets up, slowly taking the steps out of the room.
With each step, he feels that he would fall, but he doesn't. He walks the halls and comes to the common room. Surprisingly, no one was in the room.
He can see cake on the table, piece of opened gifts and the banner...
He groans as remembers what they talked the previous morning. Then he hears footsteps behind him. He turns and sees Cayla and Raven walking in the room, who get shocked seeing him standing on his feet already.
Cayla: "Y/N? What you're doing here?"
Raven: "You should be resting."
Both of them say worringly as they walk up to him.
Y/N: "I'm fine."
He tries to push them away, but they aren't buying it.
Raven: "No you're not. You were attacked and - -"
Y/N: "I'm fine."
Raven: "- - tortured. We even don't how long you hav - -"
Y/N: "I'm fine..."
Raven: "- - e been hold there. And those injuries aren't gonna h - -"
Y/N: "I'M FINE!"
Y/N yells as he slams his hand on table, scaring both of the girls by his reaction. He looks at Raven.
Y/N: "I'm fine. I don't need your help... I don't trust you."
Raven silently gulps. Y/N maybe doesn't know, but those words hurt her. After few seconds she looks up at him.
Raven: "'re such an asshole anyway."
Y/N surprised this. He never expected, of all people, to hear her say it. He felt guilty for yelling at her.
Y/N: "Rae..."
Before he can say anything to her, she turns and goes walking out of the room.
Y/N groans in frustration. He felt such a idiot for saying that to her. He looks at Cayla For second, who didn't say a word while this happened.
Y/N: "I'm sorry... for yesterday events.".
He tells her as he looks down, closing his eyes. He expect to be angry at him too. But instead. He felts a arm on his shoulder. He opens his eyes and turns to Cayla. Instead of begin angry, she was looking at him with simpatic look.
Cayla: "I know. We should be one's apologizing to you...Maybe I don't trust you because of your methods, but I understand you... Don't ever apologize for being broken."
Cayla finishes as Y/N stares at her.
Y/N: "I'm not... Thanks Vel."
Y/N gives her a small smile, which she returns with a big one.
Cayla: "Well, every group of friends have that one hot headed type, but we have two so it - -"
Before she can say any word further, a dart hits her in the neck. Y/N's eyes widen in shock.
Cayla takes the dart out off her neck.
Cayla: "I feel sleepy..."
Then she starts to fall foward but Y/N catches her. He lays her slowly on the floor and sees she is passed out.
Y/N: "Shit."
???: "I think it's worse then shit."
When Y/N hears the voice, he gets up and goes for his gun, but bag holders on his legs were empty. He didn't pay attention that they May have remove the guns off him, hell even they removed his jacket when they brought him to the med bay. Y/N had no weapons.
???: "Good, because you won't need it."
Y/N looks foward... and frozes. The guy who was standing infront of him...
was Ronin.
Ronin: "You are looking at me like you saw a ghost? I bet they said same about you."
Y/N was speechless. He saw him die. He saw Rip die... it was a set up.
Ronin: "My condolences. Rip was an honest and honorable person."
Y/N clenches his hands into fists.
Y/N: "What did you do to him!?
Ronin: "I told him the truth. You killed me."
Y/N: "I killed many people already. What makes you special?"
Y/N scoffs, but still confused. If he killed him, how is he still alive. It's not like the pit is free to everyone.
Ronin: "Me? I bet you have great memories of Prague..."
Y/N felt like he was hit when he heard this. His last and biggest thing he ever done before going back to Gotham. And he knew exactly who he has killed in Prague.
Ronin movies his hand towards his head, grabbing it and pulling it off. Y/N never has imagined of this coming to bite him, but actions have consequences.
The person behind Ronin mask was old white man with grey hair and blue eyes and was about 6'2 feet tall.
Currently he was Ronin but Y/N knew him by his real name.
Y/N: "David Cain. The Orphan."
Y/N clenches his teeth as David chuckles.
Y/N: "If you are after me, leave my friends out of this."
Y/N said as he movies away from passed out Cayla as Cain follow him, but kept the same distance.
David Cain: "Agree, but I'm not the one who goes after them."
Then, tower suddenly shakes, as soon it shakes even more. Y/N realises that only two other people in the tower in are Raven and... Terra.
David Cain: "I told you that you were right about her. Now she and Deathstroke will capture all the Titans for blood."
Slade is alive? Y/N isn't surprised. If David can't stay dead. Neither can't Slade. But Raven is under attack, probably caught off guard. He needs to help her, but he needs to take down David first.
Y/N: "You won't kill me. You said it yourself."
David Cain: "You're right. I won't. But that's why I planned this, so she can."
Y/N raises an eyebrow in confusion, when someone walks in the room behind Cain.
David Cain: "I want you to meet New Orphan. My daughter. My weapon."
The femine figure next to Cain wore a simular ninja costume as Cain, but it had some gold parts on it and her face was fully covered by her mask.
Y/N gets angry at him, but also himself.
Y/N: "Another child solider you trained! How sick are you!? That's why I had killed you!"
David Cain: "Oh tempting. After all, you were the one to use my daughter as cofirmation to get me right into a kill box, but you also by doing that, risked killing her too."
Y/N was shocked and shocked even more as news came out. He looked at the girl, who just also removed her masked and Y/N broke down inside.
The girl was asain by appearance. She had short black hair and green Eyes. She looked younger then Y/NN, but still older then Damian and was about Cayla's height. Y/N immidently remembered her. She was one of his biggest regrets.
David Cain: "She, like any children, I had train to be my soliders, but her, I trained to be my greatest weapon. And that's why, she will be the one to kill you.
Before Y/N can react, Orphan dashed foward at him, already reading him, his lethal spots visible to her.
Her speed was beyond any normal human being although not enhanced. Sliding on the ground at the last second, she spinned on her hand, swinging her legs down and tripping Y/N to the ground rather easily.
Y/N was surprise by her speed, never seeing someone that fast. Y/N's back met the ground and he used this small momentu to roll back up, getting o to his feet.
But he was then hit by Orphan into his cheek. She then swung her foot towards his head, kicking his face. It was not most powerfull kick, but enough thaf made Y/N stumble back.
Orphan was coming at him with powerfull hits. To the chin. To the cheek. To the chest. But Y/N managed to block direct hits that would be lethal on him.
After a lot of blocking, Y/N finally managed to take a fair distance from her. He was begin beaten by a little girl... but very skilled one.
Y/N saw that she managed to predict his every move, punch, kick in advance. Like she was reading him. Y/N realised he had to change his approach.
He decided to stike back first. He ran towards her and firstly opted For an uppercut to the jaw. As he predicted, he already has read him, as she has prepared to block his punch.
So, he purpisely avoided his punch to her jaw in the last second, instead elbowing to her side. This sudden changed caught Orphan off guard and she barely dodged his second attempt at elbowing her by ducking down.
Now underneath him, he started to block series of punches to his stomach. Then Y/N grabbed her by her shoulders to hold o to her while he flipped over her to land behind her in a reckless maneuver.
Orphan has nearly drained herself out and when he put his weight on her shoulders which made her stumble foward, almost made her fall on her knees. She shouldn't had went at him that fast. But that didn't stop her.
Only person who was watching this was David. He could see such fast strikes from his daughter. But such recklessness from Y/N.
Orphan delivered most of the blows as she was faster, more agilier and smaller then Y/N. These were to her advantage since she has almost easily avoided most of Y/N's blows.
But what gave her hard time was Y/N's constant change of strategy, fighting style, to make her reading ability more difficult on him.
She hit more often, but he hit harder.
Y/N then suddenly rushed at her, using his enormous strengh to pin her on the ground, holding her hands and legs as he towered over her.
She still had that suched bored and focused ecpression on her face, while Y/N had one of a guilt. He never intendent that his past actions will lead them to this.
Y/N: "Stay down."
He begged her, but she didn't act like she heared him. She firstly headbutted him hard followed by two strong knees kicks to the stomach.
He grunted, losening his grip a little on her wrists, enough For her to free one of them. Then, she swung her elbow across his face hard, followed by her second freed hand.
Still begin knocked out a little, she slipped under him, sliding down and then jumping on his back.
She wrapped her legs around his head and then did an scissor takedown on him as she throwed him on the floor. Y/N tried to get uo, but he was drained out, as he fell back on the floor.
David clapped at his daughter's victory as she stood up next to laying teen. She just defeated the Red Hood.
David Cain: "You done well, Cassandra."
Cassandra, that was her name. But Y/N swears she looked familar, like someone he knew.
David looked at Y/N for second before turning to Cassandra and noded. She obliged as she lowered down and grabed Y/N by his neck, as he groaned and picked him up that he was on his knees.
David Cain: "I guess this is your end, Red Hood. Do it."
He told Cassandra who raised her hand and prepare it for finnishing move. But as she still looked at his face with her unemotional one, she read him that he started at back at her with guilty one.
For some reason, this made her hesitate her from doing last deadly move, which not just David noticed, but and Y/N too.
David Cain: "What are you waiting for? Do it!"
He angrly commanded. In the end, Cassandra broke from her hesitation and sended her hand towards Y/N.
But before her hand reach him, a rock came out of no where, in fast speed and hit Y/N, sending him away and realising him from Cassandra's hold on him and he crashed through the window.
David Cain: "No!"
David ran to the hole of broken window. He looked out and saw Red Hood's body fall into sea and then his body slowly sink into it.
He angrly turned around and saw the one responsible for this. Terra stood there as she had brought knocked out body of Raven with her.
Terra: "That will shit him forever."
David marched towards her, very pissed.
David Cain: "You fucking witch! This was my part! Not yours! And you took my chance!!!"
He yelled at her, but she wasn't intimated as she scoffed at him.
Terra: "You could have do it anytime and you choose to waste your time."
She said to him, which pissed him even more. Before he could do anything, Slade called on the comms.
Deathstroke: << "Is it done?" >>
David slowly reached his ear piece. He didn't get his part, but Red Hood was dead and they've captured the Titans.
David Cain: "Yeah... we're good."
Unnoticed to them, while Y/N' was sinking into dephts of the sea, a hand came reaching towards him and grabed him. He couldn't see who grabed him, but it started pulling him towards the shore before he passed out.
???: "Y/N... Y/N!"
I started to hear a noise, which got louder and louder until I could understand it.
I slowly opened my eyes, first sun hitting me in the face. After few seconds, I see a blurry imagine of someone over me. When I fully opened my eyes and adjusted to the light, I saw Dick kneeling next to me.
Y/N: "Dick?"
Dick: "Thank god, I thought I lost you."
I slowly nove into a sitting position as Dick helps me because my body was sore.
Dick: "What happened?"
I cough a little before answering.
Y/N: "We were atracked by Ronin and Terra. Terra was a mole all along."
I tell him, but he doesn't seem surprised by this.
Dick: "I can tell. Tower is in terrible condition. Others as well as I were attacked too by Deathstroke."
Y/N: "We are only one's left then?"
Dick: "I guess we are."
I sigh before I decide to get up. Dick offers me a hand which I accept as he pulls me up.
Dick: "You sure you can fight?"
Y/N: "Sure as "falling from ten-story tower" sure. By the way, thanks for getting me out of the water. "
Dick: "I didn't do that. When I came, I saw you laying on the beach of the island."
I looked at him confused. If he wasn't the one, who was?
Y/N: "No matter. We need to somehiw find where did they go."
I stay in silence before a thought pop up in my head.
Y/N: "Terra's phone."
Dick, realising on what I'm up to, takes out his phone out of his pocket.
Dick: "Computer, track Terra Markov's phone."
Computer: "Discovered, subject is moving."
On the screen on his phone, we are able to see a dot, which is Terra, moving towards an island, not to far outside of Jump City's bay.
Dick: "I'll bet she is."
Dick puts away his phone as he looks at me.
Dick: "I guess Nigthwing and Red Hood are saving the day again."
He tells me playfully as I smirk.
Y/N: "Let's get these sons of bitches."
I'm back with my longest chapter ever! Its good to be back. Yes, I have said I had started writing the chapter last weekend/9 days ago, but I didn't realise It would take me that Long. I guess I'm again adapting to writing these long chapters.
Recovery from covid was hard one. Physically I am still recovering. For the first time in a gym class, the pain from the leg leaves went to my ass so I couldn't sit up straight all week, and mentally, three weeks ago it was awful, but I'm better now.
Soooooo, Let's talk about Ronin, yes?
When I first introduced him and until now, nobody, who has commented here or on discord, never had a thought it could be David Cain.
Most popular theories were:
- Damian from the future
- Darko, my OC XD
- He-Man really!?
- Tim Drake... Jesus chirst, i teased that his name started with Da
Only Reason why one's who are on Discord server, got to finally also put David as suspect was because I fricking bomb shell it. But they still weren't convinced it was him
That shows how good I kept it a secret. But why I didn't introduce him as Orphan (canon in 2011-Present timeline)? Well, now we go on second teased character
Orphan aka Cassandra Cain
I fricking teased her as a weapon. Which she is, a living weapon.
Atleast you got this somewhat... somebody said she would be if Ronin was Darko, that she's his wife and... uhhh yeah... that theory went to far quite a bit.
Anyway, I'm back (in Black) and next chapter is finale of Teen Titans The judas contract arc.
After that we are moving into arc which Will be about Y/N's past. And I can finally tell you which name I have chosen for it
(before this name wasnt the original name, but then i realised that this was infront of my nose the hole time and it was better and quite a call back.)
I present you:
Red Hood:
The Lost Days
Comics lovers can already guess from where the name comes from
Poster still has to be made and I reveal it when I start that arc.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and For now, see ya.
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