Chapter 2
Batman: Under the Red Hood 2014
Chapter 2 - The Run
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” - Unknown
It was night time, leaning on the rooftop of a building, I was listening to the conversation between Black Mask and his men on my walky-talky.
When I sneaked into his office, I put a bugging device last night. It was easy, maybe he should invest in better security...
Most of the time he was yelling like a wife constantly whining, definitely pissed off.
He even called me the Red Foot, HE CALLED ME THE RED FOOT...
Well alright, two can play this 'where's Waldo crap', you blackie.
Then there is that new guy who decided to spit what got my attention.
NG: "Yes, sir. It's 10 cases of assorted SMG's and PDWs... along with 5000 .45 caliber ACP rounds, your personal favorite... and two cases of RPGs.
I narrowed my eyes.
Y/N: "That sounds like a plan."
Later, I got on the rooftop where the helicopter should come.
I made all the guards sleep by 9 and tighten them up with ropes and then made them like they are standing.
The helicopter came and landed. I walk to it and open the door as one pilot says something to me.
Pilot: "Hey, protocol says I'm only supposed to be on the ground for six minutes!"
I turn to them and take out my pistol and pointed at them, pilots get shocked as I lower my hood.
Y/N: "It's okay. I won't be staying that long."
I kicked them out, they bump Into guards as they fall. I sit in at the controls and go flying away. But something hit the chopper, which sent electricity which deactivates and made the chopper unstable.
I turn to my right... and that's where I saw Batman and Nightwing, who held a rocket launcher.
Y/N: "And I almost thought he wouldn't show." I try to fly away, but controls are fried up. "You wanna dance? Let's dance!"
And so I improvised, by flying the helicopter into the full left, which makes the chopper going straight down to the street.
I jump out as I grab the edge of the building and push myself as I crouch on the roof. I watch as Batman saves the helicopter from hitting the ground and then Nightwing grabbing him while swinging with a grappling hook and they are going towards me.
Y/N: "Okay then. Nice night for a run."
I turn around and start to run.
The badass Red Hood jumps off the edge but with his strength endurance, he was capable to jump far towards a construction stands.
He goes the through one of wooden floor, smashing and creating a big hole, then he, with his back turn towards another wooden floor, creating pressure, breaking the one part which lowers the wooden floor down as Red Hood turns and regain composure and continue to ran as Batman and Nightwing just slide down a wooden plank and continue to chase him.
Red Hood looks behind him. He sees as Batman throws a Batarang at him. Red Hood dodge it, going into curtains.
The Red Hood smashed through a wooden wall. He sees a container of explosive gas and he picks it up. He jumps through the window. In falling, he turns and throws it towards Batman who stops in his tracks. Red Hood takes a pistol and fires, bullet hitting the container, which explodes as Batman gets back and takes the cover, Nightwing doing the same.
Batman and Nightwing then get up and jump through the broken window as they saw Red Hood going towards the building in construction.
Red Hood runs up on one of the metal platforms. He looks back as he jumps down, on another platform, then the next as Batman and Nightwing do the same.
It seems they got him, but Red Hood jumps off the edge then he lands on the building, doing a front roll on the roof and continues his run.
They chased him on the roofs until Red Hood takes a turn and jumps on the blimp which is flying by. He takes his position and aims his pistol, where then Batman comes from the corner and opens fire as Batman gets back behind the corner as Nightwing comes near him.
Nightwing: "He's good."
Batman: "Yes, he's putting on quite a show."
He says that as he turns on his like camera inside his mask. He sees Red Hood on the rooftop. He goes and jumps on the blimp and bounce off on the other rooftop, Nightwing doing the same.
Red Hood runs as Batman jumps behind him. Through Batman's mask, we see Red Hood taking cover in the corner as Batman does the same.
The good old Batman himself then tosses a rope at Red Hood as he was intending for his strong rope equipment to latch onto the ankles of Red Hood and pull him towards them, but shockingly, Red Hood takes out a sharp knife from his pocket on his belt and cut through the rope with ease.
Nightwing: "He's very good."
Then they see that Red Hood is stuck on the ledge.
Nightwing: "We got him."
But Red Hood jumps off and grab onto a wire and swing himself around before he let's go and crashes through a glass roof below him as Batman and Nightwing jump to the edge where Red Hood was seconds ago.
Nightwing: "That's impressive." He remarked
Batman: "Nothing we haven't seen before." He replied with a soulless voice.
Nightwing: "If you say so." He snorted.
He adds as they jump down. They go through the hole that Red Hood jumps in as they get into the train station. They look around but there's no sign of the Hood.
Nightwing: "Think we lost him?"
Then they suddenly hear a beeping noise as they look around and see the bombs.
Batman: "Move!"
He shouts as two of them ran off, but the bombs exploded, which sends them high in the air.
They are on the rail as they sit up. Nightwing injured his leg as he held it and groans in pain.
Then they hear the sound of a motorcycle, as Batman looks over and sees Red Hood staring at them on his vehicle.
Red Hood: "You haven't lost your touch - -"
He spoke, but they couldn't hear what he said as a train comes by and two of them leap back onto the platform.
Batman looks back at where Red Hood was, only to see he was gone as he narrows his eyes as Nightwing still groans, holding his injured leg.
Bruce was replaying the video he got of Red Hood while they were chasing him and Dick's leg was beign wrapped up by Alfred.
Dick: "He's got some moves, huh? And as much I hate to belabour a point - -"
Alfred: "And still that is often exactly what you do." - He cut Dick as he sassed.
Dick: "I'm chatty. It's part of my charm. I'm saying that our boy here has some skills. He's been trained and trained well. Like right there. That."
Dick pointed at the video paused, where Red Hood sliced through the cable that wrapped around his ankle.
Dick: "He sliced that cable off his ankle before it went taut. You don't just do that. That has to be practised. Learned."
He said as he leans back on the medical like bed.
Bruce: "And then there's the knife."
Bruce said as Dick got confused.
Dick: "What about it?"
Bruce turns to glance at Dick.
Bruce: "You know how many knives can cut my lines?"
Dick: "No. Not many."
Bruce: "Not many."
Bruce repeated as he looked back at the video.
Dick: "Well, look, we obviously have got ourselves a player, we-ow!"
Dick hisses as he tried to get up.
Bruce: "Alfred, take him home or to the Titan Tower."
Bruce stoically ordered, not taking the view of the computer.
Dick: "Bruce, I can still help." - He begged.
Bruce: "You already have. Thank you. Go rest up."
Bruce says turning to look at his first adoptive son then turns back to the Batcomputer.
Dick: "Okay. But you know where to find me if you need me."
Dick stated as Alfred came over to him with crutches.
Dick: "He did just thank me, right?"
Dick quizzes to Alfred.
Alfred: "Indeed he did, sir."
Dick: "Weird."
He mumbled as Alfred is helping him walk out of the Batcave.
Alfred: "Where to?"
Dick: "Titan Tower."
Back to Bruce, he pressed a button on the keyboard as it played the video of them with Red Hood at the train tracks.
Red Hood: "You haven't lost your touch - -"
Red Hood can be heared but was caught off by a train. Bruce then replays the video as he also puts up a voice wavelenght.
Red Hood: "You haven't lost your touch - -"
Red Hood says again but again, gets cut off by the train. Bruce then replaced the video as he also slowed down the voice of Red Hood.
Red Hood: "Your touch, Bru - -"
Bruce then spliced the video as he deletes the sound of the train where the part of the voice was hardly heared.
Red Hood: "You haven't lost your touch Bruce."
Then Bruce gets up from the chair as it falls down behind him, shocked with widen eyes as he stares at the video.
Then camera moves, showing the red and yellow suit with a black hood and red-yellow cape with a letter R on it chest as Bruce walks up to it, his reflection is seen on the glass viewing case, staring at the suit.
Then he gets flashbacks of a boy wearing the suit. The kid wearing it is Damian Wayne, his son, the 3rd Robin as the flashbacks of him goes through Bruce's mind.
Then Damian is replaced with a another boy, at same age as Damian, wearing a bit older version of the suit, without the hood.
This is Y/N Todd, the 2nd Robin... the one who Bruce... failed to he get his flashbacks.
Y/N: "Gotcha!"
Y/N: "Check me out! I'm Robin, the Boy Wonder."
Y/N: "You guys having a party?"
Y/N: "He's a drug-deallng pimp. I didn't think I had to prop up some pillows before I took him out!"
Y/N: "Last to the storage is the chicken!"
Then flashback ends. Bruce is looking to the side in the thoughts, then he glances at the suit for the last time before walking away from the suit as camera is looking at the suit before it is cut off.
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