Chapter 17
Justice League VS Teen Titans 2015
Chapther 17 - Titans VS The League
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." - WARtime
Portal appears on distant planet with destroyed moon as everybody is now standing, surrounded by broken and old looking ruins and pillars standing or crumbled on the ground
BB: "Safe to say we're not in Kansas anymore."
Gar tried to make a joke as everybody looked around.
Starfire: "It's no star field I recognize. Where are we?"
Kori asked as everyone now focused on Raven.
Raven: "Somewhere my father can't see us."
Raven states as she turns to them.
Robin: "All right, let's hear it."
Raven: "There's so much... I guess it starts with my mom.
She was young, rebellious and gullible. Of course she wound up in a cult. Anyway, they decided to do the classic bride of Satan rite. And guess who go! to be the lucky bride? I doubt anyone expected it to work, but the ancient ceremony turned out to be the real thing. So, Mom, with her great powers of judgment, didn't hesitate to hook up with the guy who emerged from the smoke.
BB: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. So, your mom did it with Satan?"
Gar interupted her as Y/N got the confused look on his face before remembering he's atheist and shurgs.
Raven: "His name is Trigon, but basically, yes."
BB: "But they totally did it."
Gar says as Y/N slaps him (the bitch) in the head.
Red Hood: "That was very inappropriate.
Starfire: "Go on."
Raven: "It gets weirder.
Mom fled the cult and was on the run with nowhere to go, when she gets saved by these people from another dimension. The people of Azarath. A realm of beauty, peace and tranquility where, needless to say, I did not fit in. And I must have inherited my mom's terrible judgment because I thought if I found out more about the monster who made me, I'll be able to make sense of myself."
Raven: "Poor Mother, poor Azarath. I became its Trojan horse. He took me to his hellish universe. I could hardly bear the horrors I saw there."
Starfire: "Why did Trigon want you?"
Kori asks as Raven turned to them.
Raven: "He wanted Earth. He's a conqueror of worlds. But he needs a powerful conduit to open Earth to his control."
Robin: "And you're half human. His way in."
Damian states as they now know why they wanted her at first place.
Raven: "But my magic was stronger than he realized. Before he could use me, I was able to trap him inside a crystal. It should've held him. Perhaps if I had stayed there, it would have. But I wanted a home."
Raven says sadly as she looks down, but then felts a hand on her shoulder. She looks up and sees it was Y/N who put a hand on her shoulder, because like her, he also never had a true home.
Velocity: "Why didn't you go back to Azarath?"
Cayla asks as Raven turned to others.
Raven: "This is Azarath."
She states as look of realization hits everyone as they look around, at destryoed ruins, which was Azarath.
Portal opens infront of Titans tower as they exited it.
Raven: "Don't worry, I'm not staying.
I've got to keep moving to keep Trigon off my path."
She says as she backs away from the group.
Blue Beetle: "Where will you go?"
Raven: "It's better you not know. He's going to try to use you but don't worry, I put a protective spell on you, just in case."
She tells which suprised Y/N because he didn't felt anything, but before He can came to realization, he's interputed yet again by Gar.
BB: "And I thought I had a bad burrito."
Beetle&Velocity: "Dude!"
Raven: "Guess I should've gotten your permission or what ever. But I couldn't stand for him to corrupt you.
You're the only friends I've ever really had. I'll miss you."
She says as she looks up at Kori and then turns and starts to walk away. But before she can open a portal, Y/N steps foward.
Red Hood: "Wait! Leave now and you'll always be running."
He tells her as Raven looks him over her shoulder.
Raven: "You have no idea what he's like, Y/N. You've never met a monster like Trigon."
Velocity: "You beat him once."
Cayla says as Y/N aporouches Raven who turns to look at him.
Raven: "I was lucky."
Red Hood: "I don't believe in luck. I believe in skill. But now you'll be six times as lucky."
Y/N tells her as he pointed at his symbol(s) on his chest before gesturing at others as Damian walks up next to him.
Robin: "If we can't save one of our own, who can we save?"
Blue Beetle: "I thought you hated us."
Jaime asked him to which Damian smirked.
Robin: "I'm not wishing you dead anymore."
Damian replied as Kori aslo walked up to them.
Starfire: "Robin and Hood are right, we are your best hope."
She says, but then they hear a boom tube sound as they turn around and see a portal open behind them as 4 Justice League members Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Flash walked from it.
Red Hood: "Oh, great..."
Y/N mumbled underneath his helmet.
Blue Beetle: "Down, boy."
Jaime tells to scarab which has pointed a mounted canon on his shoulder.
Batman: "We heard about the attack. Was she at the center?"
Batman interogated as he always would.
Starfire: "Her father is an inter-dimensional demon. He was after her."
Batman: "She's coming with us."
He says firmly as he steps foward.
Red Hood: "No, we can handle this."
Y/N step foward as he protected his teammates and Raven.
Batman: "If she's part of this, we need to know. You should know that more then anyone, Y/N."
Red Hood: "I do, but not every action needs League's help. We can protect her."
Y/N states standing his ground againts batman orders which not just surprises Titans, but also League members as Batman gives him a bat glare.
WW: "I'm sorry, Raven. We've had two magic attack and Superman is still missing."
Raven: "No."
Raven holds her head as heated tension now turns to her.
Starfire: "What's the matter?"
Raven: "He knows they're here, he wants them here."
He states shocked as she looks at the League.
Batman: "Who?" (WHO? XD you sure you arent with the court?)
Raven: "If they stay, everything will be lost."
Robin: "This is our job, Father, you have to leave."
Damian states to Batman, but a important word sliped out of his mouth.
Beetle, BB&Velocity: "Father!?"
Three of them says in unision in shock, suprised that legendary Batman acutaly has a blood son.
Batman: "She's coming with us."
Red Hood: "She stays here."
Y/N states as he puts his hands on his pistols, ready to draw them as other stand in their positions, ready to fight if neccesary.
Starfire: "Maybe we should all take a breath."
Raven: "Too late, they're here."
Then 4 shadows appear out of darkest corners and started to infect 4 League members to everyones shock.
WW: "Great Hera!"
Batman: "We're being compromised."
Batman then takes out a syringe.
Robin: "Father!"
Damian yells as he runs towards Batman but Y/N pulls him back.
Batman: "Get back."
He then injected himself with it as He then falls on the floor.
Blue Beetle: "What the hell?"
Robin: "It's a nerve toxin."
Red Hood: "For Bane."
They explained as Batman manages to fought out the shadow out of himself as it disappears in the sky, but also taking him out of battle as other 3 managed to injected 3 others as they now 4 red eyes on their faces.
CWW: "The Kryptonian has unearthed the infernal shrine, Raven."
Velocity: "The who did the what?"
Raven: "An ancient shrine built by Satanists. It has magical properties."
CFlash: "You are the shrine's final piece."
Corrupted Flash said but Y/N takes out his two pistols.
Red Hood: "She stays here."
CWW: "You dare challange us? Unfortuntly, you will have your own fun to deal with."
She said which confused Y/N until he was hit by red lighting and was pushed away from the group.
Robin: "Todd!"
Y/N stands up and sees he has been hit by Alpha.
Alpha: "What did I say last time? Now, it's right place at right time!"
He declared as he shot another lighting at Y/N who barely managed to roll out of it's way.
But then he felts something wraping around his leg and sees that Alpha has made a rope out of his lighting.
Red Hood: "This is gonna be baaaaaaad!"
He screams as he pulled by the rope and came crushing through the wall.
He tries to get up but lighting rope now cathes around his neck and pulls him straight into Alpha as he cathes Hood by his throat.
Alpha: "What's the mater, lost your touch?"
Y/N goes to stab him with one of eletric batarangs but Alpha notices this and grabs him by the hand, twisting it.
Red Hood: "Ahhrg!"
Hood screams as he dropes the batarang which Alpha cathes into his own hand. Then he notices Robin and Velicity fighting Corrupted Flash.
Alpha: "Let's see if you friend can dodge it."
He then perfectly throws the batarang which hits Velocity while in running in super speed.
Velocity: "Ahh!"
She screams as she is hit with electrity as she comes fallinh down on the ground.
Robin: "Velocity!"
Damian goes to help her but he is sent flying by Flash into ruble. Before he can get up, Flash comes and pins him down, as he then makes his hand going super fast as he pushes into Damians body and cathes his heart.
Damian: "Ahh!"
In same time Kori is punched through the tower as she falls to the ground. She tries to get up, but WW lands on her then wraps her lasso around her neck in chocking positions as Raven runs but stops.
CWW: "I will break her, Raven."
She says as she adds more pressure on the chocking.
Robin: "Ahh!"
CFlash: "I stop my hand for an instant and this one dies, too."
Flash also threatens as then Alpha also joins in it as he pins Y/N on the ground as he has now half of his helmet destroyed so his face is visible as Alpha holds the lighting spear near Y/N's head.
Alpha: "I'll send him back where he belongs, six feet under."
He says as Raven looks at Y/N.
Raven:" Wait! I'll go. As the daughter of your Lord Trigon, I order you to release these feeble humans."
Raven orders as she lowers her hood and her skin changes into demonic as 4 red eyes appear on her face.
Alpha and Corrupted League comply by realsing the Titans as they walk over to Raven who opens a portal.
Raven turns around to get last glance on her friends regroup near Kori who look at her.
Raven: "Goodbye."
She says as she puts her hood on and walks into portal. Before they can escape, Jaime suits an EMP dart into Cyborg head which sends shadow out of his body as he falls on the ground as portal closes.
They walk over to Cyborg as they look at him.
Starfire: "Get him inside."
Cyborg finally starts to wake up as everyone is in the room, minus Y/N, who is in his room, working on something.
Blue Beetle: "Think he's back online."
Cyborg: "Holy crap!"
Cyborg wakes up shouting.
BB: "Did that sound demonic to anyone else?
Velocity: "A little."
Cyborg: "The things it made me see."
He says as he sits as Kori puts a hand on his shoulder.
Starfire: "Cyborg, how do we save Raven?"
Cyborg: "Inn-I don't think you can.
He says but sees on other couch Batman lies unconscious with an oxygen breathing mask.
Cyborg: "Oh, no. How bad is he?"
Robin: "He's been out for 24 hours. He sacrificed himself, risked death
to give us a fighting chance at life. Which is more than I can say for the rest of the League."
Damian responds with his usual attitude.
Starfire: "Damian, this isn't the time to squabble. We have to get Raven back."
Blue Beetle: "We don't even know where she is."
He says as Damian pulls out a mini Tracer pad.
Robin: "She's in the Middle East, 60 miles north of Kahndaq City."
BB: "How do you - -"
Robin: "I put a tracer on her."
Velocity: "When?"
Robin: "About 30 seconds after we met. Same time I put one on each of you. Even on Y/N when I first met him."
He replies as he crosses his arms as everyone looks at him.
Robin: "What?"
He asks as Kori turns to Cyborg.
Starfire: "Cyborg, you have the ability
to manifest boom tubes, do you not?"
Cyborg: "Yeah, I can boom us there. But you guys barely held your own against Flash and Wonder Woman, and that's without Superman being on deck."
Robin: "He shouldn't be a problem."
He says as start to walk out of the room.
BB: "Yeah, right, like you got a way to take out Superman."
Damian stops. He turns to him and gives him a bat grin.
BB: "Oh, my God, I think he does."
Damian turns but he's met with Y/N standing infront of him as everyone gets surprised by his presence.
Red Hood: "Already four steps ahead of you, Dami."
He smirks as Damian looks at him annoyed.
Velocity: "Where did you come from?"
Red Hood: "It's called stealth, it's common thing for us."
Starfire: "What do you mean by four steps ahead?"
Red Hood: "Well..."
He takes at Damian who grunts, knowing what Y/N gonna says.
Red Hood: "... Damian and I are asking you, as a leader, for permission."
Everybody looks at each other.
Starfire: "Which is?"
Y/N then takes out a kryptonite in shape of mini spear or arrow.
Red Hood: "We gotta somehow bring the charging bull down, no?
Cyborg just opened the boom tube in which everyone go through, expect Y/N and Cayla who wait for Cyborg to open them a 2nd portal.
Velocity: "You sure this gonna work?"
Red Hood: "I managed to make Black Mask do get Joker out of Arkham and then I was just fourteen years old."
He tells her bluntly as their portal opens as they walk through it and see everyone in a hole that Superman made when he falled down.
Superman: "Starfire. You okayed this?"
He asks as Cayla and Y/N slide down to them.
Starfire: "Yes."
Superman: "Good call."
He says as he makes a smile. Kori also smiles a little before looks at spot in which he got stabbed while Damian and Y/N give a low five to each other without anyone noticing it.
Superman: "It's okay, it's healing."
He assures her as then everyone heard Raven scraming in pain as she was like powering the ring.
Superman used his super vision as he sees Flash making his way towards them.
Superman: "I've got Flash, the rest of you get Raven off that thing."
He orders as he goes to deal with Flash, others go towards Raven. Cyborg, Starfire and Beetle fly up, Beast boy turns into an horse as Robin gets on his back as Velocity grabs Hood and transfer him in seconds as they are now under Raven who just started to fall down, but Starfire catches her as she lowers her down as other finnaly made came.
BB: "You can get off my back now, Boy Bony-ass."
Raven tries to get up as Y/N helps her.
Red Hood: "You all right?"
Then ground starts to shake as Raven leabs and holds onto Y/N.
Raven: "Nothing is right."
Then ground starts to fall.
Starfire: "Run! Everyone, run!"
She shouts but Velocity then quickly moves everyone away of platform as Trigon rises from it.
Velocity: "Well, this sucks."
Then Trigon steps out out and starts heading towards the city.
Raven: "He'll bring hell on Earth."
Cyborg: "How do we stop him?"
Raven: "There's only one way."
Red Hood: "You're going to put him back in the crystal."
Raven: "In the unlikely event that I can make it there."
Y/N turns to others as everyone look at each other before noding.
Red Hood: "Then we are going there."
Raven looks up at Y/N for second before noding as she starts to open a portal.
On other side, 3 League members watch as Trigon heads for the city as Cyborg calls them over the coms
Cyborg: "Superman, Raven has a plan. The Titans need my help."
He pauses as he turns as Raven opens the portal.
Cyborg: "I'm going to hell."
Sorry for not Very detailed Part of near end of chapther, their aint any clips i could find of it😕🙄
So I REACHED 500 followers and I promised face reveal so here it is
Ta da!!!!
(Definetly you can see my mobile reflection in my glasses bruh)
Bye for now.
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