Chapter 15
Justice League VS Teen Titans 2015
Chapter 15 - Broken Pasts
"I hate getting flashbacks from things I don't want to remember." - UNKNOWN
I was in my given room. It was roughly around the same size as my room at Wayne Manor, but it had big windows so room was bright as desert.
It also had some closets, a own bathroom king size bed and even damn big TV. To be honest, I never liked these kind of rooms.
I grow up on the streets most of my life and me to have this, is so damn lucky, unlike for thousands of kids who aren't so lucky.
I was unpacking my bag when I picked up a picture. It was picture of me and Bruce, the day I finnished training and became Robin. I almost forgot that Bruce acutaly has smiled in his life. Those days... those days were so much diffrent.
I hear then doors of my room open, which are automatic and Cayla aka Velocity walks in her bright yellow and red suit, but had her mask down, so I can see has brown eyes.
Appearently, she is younger sister of Wally West and she joined Titans because she couldn't control her powers as Wally or Flash could.
Cayla: "Hey, Y/N, Can I as - -"
She stops as she looks at me.
Cayla: "You have a white streak on your hair?"
She asked me as I wasn't wearing my helmet, which was on the bed, so I just had my domino masked on.
Y/N: "Yeah. I don't know how I got it either. I just know it started to appear after I was resurrected in Lazarus pit."
I told her as I placed the picture on the night stand.
Y/N: "Do you need anything?"
Cayla: "Uh, yes. Can I ask you something?"
Y/N: "Yes?"
Cayla: "How would you describe Damian?"
She asks me as I chuckle a bit.
Y/N: "Except him begin a brat, I never called him that. Begin raised by the league, It's very hard for him to open to others. So I have a rule: Either he gets used to you or you get used to him."
I told her as I can tell she was quite surprised.
Cayla: "Then we have a little problem."
She tells me as I raise an eyebrow.
Then she leads me to the training room as I follow her. When we came, I see Damian was fighting againts holograms I presume while other were near command panel looking at him, realising what was that "little problem".
We walk over to them as they turn to us, but when Raven looked at me, she just looked away towards Damian, droping her head a little to hide her face, even if she wears a hood/cloak.
Blue Beetle: "He hasn't stopped for an hour and a half."
He tells me as we glance back at Damian who just flipped ove holograms and sliced them with his katana.
Starfire: "Damian, it's time to let others have their turn."
Kori spoke out to him, but clearly I can see Damian getting annoyed.
Robin: "I'm not finished."
He growled as he sliced more holograms as Cayla leans to me.
Cayla: "Is Damian always like that?"
She whispers to me which made me snort.
Y/N: "Oh, this is nothing. We always trained 6 hours non-stop when we weren't going on patrols."
I told her as I grin lightly, but then I see Jaime smirk mischiefly as he walks over to command panel, realising what's he gonna do.
Y/N: "Uh, I wouldn't do that if I were - -"
I try to not to do it, but he ignores me as he turns off the holograms, which made Damian stop and turn over to look at Jaime.
Blue Beetle: "Ha! Gee, how'd that happen?"
Jaime, definetly not, "innocently asks. Damian narrows his eyes and then throws a batarang at him, who gasps, but his scarab quickly blasts it away, blocking it from hitting Jaime.
Blue Beetle: "What the hell?"
He exclaimes as Cayla stared wide eyed at Damian.
Y/N: "Oh, uh."
I stummer as Damian scoffs.
Robin: "I heard your tech was fast. I wanted to see how fast."
Damian spoke up, teasing Jaime, which I can see won't end well.
Blue Beetle: "Don't mess with us, little man."
Jaime warns as he walks over to Damian as he holds his katanac up with a glare, as they stare at each other, probably ready to fight, but I step between them.
Y/N: "OK! Not best first day by any means."
I say as I lower Damian's katana, but suddenly, I couldn't anymore because Damian was preventing it. Maybe I lowered katana low enough, but it was still in dangerous position for strike, knowing Damian wouldn't back down first.
Y/N: "Hey, Jaime. I know you have scarab, but I can suggest that you should first back off and calm - -
I try to covince Jaime to go away first but then he cuts me.
Blue Beetle: "Why are you with him? You're a damn killer!"
He yells at me, shocking me for a second. Damian again raises his katana, trying to "protect/support" me, as I can call it, but I lower it, while looking at Jaime.
Y/N: "A killer with standards. But how many did scarab kill already before getting to you?"
I say calmly to him, raising an eyebrow. Before tensions can rise any bigger, Kori lands on opposite of me.
Starfire: "All right. I can see we are getting off on the wrong foot."
She says, which still surprises me she didn't learn most of our language.
Starfire: "Damian, this is a team effort. We need to be willing to accommodate others."
She gently tells to Damian as she puts her hands behind her back.
Starfire: "I mean, Y/N seems to be doing just that."
She added gesturing at me.
Y/N: "Don't drag me any deeper."
I say as I sigh out.
Robin: "Nightwing said you were a princess. Exiled, no doubt."
Damian huffs as he puts his katana away, as I cringe at his hissing.
Starfire: "Technically, it was a coup. And like it or not, I am the leader of this group."
She states, very poorly if I can say, because Damian care who leader is, even if It's me or Bruce.
Robin: "As I see it, you're an alien with nowhere else to go."
Damian sassed which made me give him a glare, because his sentence also hurted me in a way, as he returns the "what-did-I-say" look towards me.
Raven: "Everyone needs a home, Damian. You and Y/N included."
Raven spoke up as she and Cayla walked over. She looked at me for a second when she said my name, but quickly looked back towards Damian.
Robin: "Thank you for chiming in, witch girl."
Damian probably sarcastically rolled his eyes under his domino mask as I gave him a scolding look, remembering how many times I wanted to punch him in the face, but now I just nudged him in the ribs, making him lightly grumble at me.
Starfire: "We are only here to help you realize your potential."
Kori tried to assured him, but I know she couldn't.
Robin: "You've been here long enough. When do you think you'll realize yours?"
Damian sassed as I groan and sigh at him as he starts walking away, but then he is stopped when Jaime places a hand on his shoulder.
Blue Beetle: "Dude, you need to show some respect."
Y/N: "You shouldn't have said that."
I say gulping, knowing that wasn't smart move by any means.
Cayla: "What?"
She whispers to me, but before I could reply, Damian then twisted Jaime's arm off his shoulder and throws him over his shoulder before kicking him away from him.
Raven: "Oh, no."
I hear Raven gasp, as Jaime' beetle armour shields his face and makes two sharp looking blades on his hands, like in Pacific Rim movie.
Robin: "Ready when you are."
Damian announced as he readies his katana as they both charged at each other.
Starfire: "No, stop this."
Y/N: "To late for that."
I say as we watched them clash with their weapons before coming into a clash lock.
Robin: "Who's fighting me, you or the bug?"
Blue Beetle: "You'd better hope it's me."
Jaime grunts as they continue to fight. Then scarab decided to interferes by attack Damian, but Damian dodges it by bending down.
Then he throws at Jaime some explosive batarangs, which made gasp in explosion as he is send flying back and crashing into a wall.
Jaimes struggles to get up from pain, as Damian walks over to him.
Robin: "That's the difference between you and me. You wear a weapon. I am a weapon."
Damian says, but I come running to him as I grab him by the arm in which he holds his katana, as I took it from him.
Y/N: "Damian, that's enough! You - -"
Before I can yell at him more, I hear something I hear something opening and charging. I look down and widen my eyes as Jaime's scarab opened a canon on his chest and was ready to fire at Damian.
I yell as I push Damian out of the way before my view turned black.
Y/N pushes Damian out of the way, but in doind that, he was one to get blasted in the face by the canon, as he was sent away on the floor as everyone was shocked.
Robin: "Y/N!"
Damian yells shocked as he stares at Y/N's body. Jaime stands up and was ready to shoot Damian, but Kori blasted a green bolt at Jaime, stopping him.
Starfire: "No! Enough!"
She yells as everyone runs over to Y/N.
Blue Beetle: "I tried to stop it."
He tries to explains himself as Kori turns over Y/N's body. She removes his domino mask.
He looked weak, his left side of his face was half burned and the scar he had before was now bigger and depper, nearly edging his eye.
Blue Beetle: "Dios mio. Is he dead?"
Starfire: "He's still alive. Barely."
BB: "This is going to be an awkward call to Batman."
Beast Boy announced, attempting to joke, but Damian wasn't in mood for jokes as he gave him stern and cold look, making flinch in from his stare.
Raven: "Everyone get back."
Raven spoke up as she walks over as everyone moves away. Cayla sped over to Damian and looked concerned for him, but he didn't look at her as his eyes were focused on his brother who was barely breathing.
Raven crouches as she places Y/N's on her lap then place her hands on his temples.
Raven: "By the powers of Azarath, I beseech you."
Raven spokes up as her hands start to lightly glow a dark blue.
Raven: "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos."
She chants out as Y/N burned face start to heal, but by doing that, she also enters into his head, going through his past.
"This is the best day of my life."
"What's hurst more? A (hit and groan) or B.(hit and groan) Forehand (hit and groan) or backhand. (hit and groan)"
"You wanna rule them by fear. But what do you do with ones who aren't afraid? I'm doing what you won't, I'm TAKING THEM OUT!"
"No. I'm just something you helped to make."
"Why? I'm not talking about killing Penguin or Scarecrow or Dent. I'm talking about him. Just him. And doing it because... because he took me away from you... You were only family I was left with."
"Maybe you won this battle, but you will never win the war! You hear me!? You hear me!?"
"You don't think I understand how it's to be like you, a kid trying to fit into a costume that don't quite suits us."
Suddenly Raven gaps as she opens her eyes, which glowed white as she then let's go of Y/N and starts to sway to the side, but Kori catches her.
Starfire: "We need to get her back to her room. Garfield?"
Kori stated before looking at Beast Boy who nods and morphs into a gorila as he picks up Raven.
BB: "I've got her."
Y/N groans as he turns around looking at Everyone with confusion.
Red Hood: "What... What happened?"
He asks as he groans out.
Starfire: "Raven healed you. We have to tend to her."
Kori shortly explained to him as everyone starts to walk out of the training room.
Blue Beetle: "Sorry..."
Jaime spoke to Y/N before following the others. Cayla glanced over to Damian, silently asking if he was going to follow them, but he just shakes his head as points at Y/N who still is laying on the floor.
She nods in understanding as she zooms off. Y/N moves so he can sit as he holds his head. He hears footsteps and someone crouching beside him. He turns and see Damian looking at him with corncern and regret, which was rare for him to show.
Robin: "Y/N, I - I..."
Damian tried to say something, but Y/N put a hand on his shoulder.
Red Hood: "Don't. You are bad at apologising as Bruce is... Are you - -"
Robin: "Hurt? No, but you're not okay!"
Damian raises his voice at him.
Red Hood: "Dami, I don't think I was okay in the long time."
He tells his calmly as Damian drops his frustated look.
Red Hood: "Help me to get to my room."
He asks him. Damian nods as he helps Y/N stand up and leads him to his room.
It was night time. Currently, Y/N was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the night time through window.
He was in his thoughts. When he blacked out, soon, he felt that Raven, as Kori told him that she heal him, was inside his head.
She went through his past, and past he didn't want to remember, but, while she was inside his head, he also was inside hers. And the things he saw were almost bad as his.
As Y/N was looking through window, he saw a little light moving in the forest. He gets up and walks closer. He looks down and sees Raven, caring a candle, as she walks deeper in the small forest.
Now, we see Raven sitting in meditation form as she was levitating as she glows dark blue and as candle was burning.
Raven: "By the powers of Azarath, I beseech you. Mother spirit of the nether realm, protect my brothers and sisters. And give me strength to face the dark force I fear is coming."
She chants out, Y/N finally walks out the bushes, as he sees her meditating. When he sees her, his heart skips a couple of beats but he sighs and walks over to her.
Red Hood: "Kori told me you healed me. I suppose I should thank you for that."
He says as he scratches his head as he stops infront of her.
Raven: "Um, you're welcome."
She says as she opens her eyes to look at him.
Red Hood: "It was strange having you in my head. I felt you prying into my entire life. I've never told anyone about most of those things."
Y/N tells her as he sits down on the ground, remembering the feeling of having someone in his head.
Raven: "I'm an empath, and if it makes you feel any better, I didn't see it as much as felt it. And I've been trying to shake it off ever since."
Raven explain to him as she continues to levitate.
Red Hood: "Then you know that I experience going to hell. Even facing that thing with red eyes."
He tells her as he recalls his encounter with the thing he never understood.
Raven: "I know all about it. I felt him. He was a demon. And believe me, I know my demons."
Red Hood: "Demon like what? Like "dark force" you were just talking about? "
He asks her because he heared her chanting while he was walking through the forest.
Raven: "It was nothing. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but would you mind
go away from me?"
She tells him, a little angry as she returns to continue meditating. Y/N senced she was hiding something as he gets up on his feet.
Red Hood: "You know, when you were in my head, I could see things about you, too, that you never told anyone."
Raven: "Like what?"
She asks as she looks up at him.
Red Hood: "It looked like a man.
But something more. Who... What was that thing?"
He says, trying to explain what he saw, was not an ordinary thing.
Raven: "It was nothing, a nightmare."
She tries to deny it as she looks down, but Y/N wasn't buying it.
Red Hood: "It wasn't. I know how nightmares look like. This was real, I could tell."
He tells her as he crosses his arms on his chest. Then Raven gets up.
Raven: "It's none of your business.
Who are you to judge my life?"
She goes to open the portal, but Y/N stops her.
Red Hood: "I wasn't judging you. If you think this is judging, you should know how it feels for me to be judged by entire world not just for I did as Red Hood, but also for when I was Robin. They're saying I wasn't good enough to one and... I guess they were right."
Raven widen her eyes as her heart skips the beat in shock, while Y/N's heart skips a beat in pain as he starts to walk away. She wants to say something to him, but she's unable to get courage to say anything as she's left there speechless.
In tower, Jaime, Cayla and Garfield were in kitchen. Jaime was on laptop while Cayla and Garfield were playing with jenga blocks. Currently, Cayla was watching Garfield take his turn as he morphs into a chameleon as he takes out a block.
BB: "Steady."
But tower trumbles down on Garfield.
BB: "Uh... Ahh!"
He screams as he is taken by the blocks on the floor as Cayla titls her head to see if he's okay.
Blue Beetle: "Can you please do that anywhere else?"
Jaime begged them when Damian walked in
Robin: "Jaime?"
Blue Beetle: "Yeah?"
Jaime replies with raised eyebrow.
Robin: "Perhaps it was a mistake to challenge you this morning without knowing the full capacity of your alien attachment. I promise you, it won't happen again."
Damian states in his way of "apologising" and then leaves through doors, leaving Jaime confused.
Blue Beetle: "Did he just say he's sorry?"
Jaime quizzes outloud as Garfield turns into his human form.
BB: "Aw, see. He likes you."
Cayla: "Knew it!"
Y/N was now walking the hallway as he returned from outside when he Kori shows up.
Starfire: "Oh, Y/N, how are you?"
Red Hood: "Uh, I'm fine, just I had a headache, that's all."
He tells her as he scrathes his neck as they walk together, when they came infront of Kori's room, but doors were open. They peek in and see Damian on her laptop.
Starfire: "What are you doing in my room?"
She asks Damian as she and Y/N walk in, as Kori walks over to Damian and closes her laptop.
Starfire: "We have rules, Damian. You never trespass another person's space."
She states as Damian turns to her.
Robin: "You have nothing on her.
No background, no history."
Damian started, which made Y/N tilt his head.
Red Hood: "On who?"
He asks as he walks closer to him.
Robin: "Raven. She's the leader of this group. She should know everything about her. It's called Wetting."
Damian tells to Y/N, which made Y/N surprised.
Starfire: "She's 14. No mother, no father. She grew up in a hostile realm, not unlike my own planet. And she escaped, like I did. We didn't know anything about Raven when we took her in except that she needed a home. A place to grow."
Kori explained to him as Y/N could feel pitty for Raven, even he heared about it already before.
Robin: "I was taught that knowledge was power and you knew nothing about her."
Damian scoffed at her as Kori crosses her hands.
Starfire: "How much do you have to know when people are in need? Garfield was 11 when his genetics kicked in and gave him green skin and powers. We still don't know the purpose of Jaime's alien armor or all of its abilities. And Cayla can't control her super speed all that well, hence why she isn't seen a lot in media. "
Kori told him about now Everyone's reasons why they are here.
Starfire:" We just knew they needed help. You have to have a little faith sometimes."
She added, but Damian rolled his eyes at her.
Robin:" Faith is belief based on an absence of data. It invites disaster."
Damian hissed as he walks away of room, leaving Y/N and Kori in the room.
Red Hood: "Kori, with all due respect, he's right."
He tells her as she gets surprised.
Starfire: "How?"
Red Hood: "I talk to Raven not to long ago and I think she hides something."
Starfire: "Y/N, how can you said that? You trusted us when you told US about your past."
Y/N sighs.
Red Hood: "Kori, that was then. I changed, so did everyone around, expect you and Alfred. I thought Raven would reveal more about herself because then I was just a kid, but I guess I was wrong."
He tells her and goes to walk out of the room, but Kori stopped him.
Starfire: "Y/N, I know you pushed Damian out of the way to protect him from the blast, but why would you save someone who acts... like that when you litearly was killing ones like that?"
She asks him as he turns to her.
Red Hood: "Because no matter what he did or who he is, he is my brother."
He tells her as he leaves the room.
So I managed to go around the hell, which is homework and wrote you this long Chapter.
Words: 3772
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