Chapter 11
Batman: Bad Blood 2014
Chapther 11 - Saving the Family
"Just because the scars have healed, doesn't mean the pain has." - UNKNOWN
Next Day, Morning
Red Hood has just arrived infront of hotel where Kate or Batwoman lives. How's he knows where she lives? He is Ba- I mean Red Hood afterall, as he gets off his motorbike.
After last night, he wanted to get over with this because now Dick knows so he wants to see what Kate found on the hard drive.
He was walking up the stairs, when suddenly he heared gun firing. He quickly run up the stairs on the level where Kate's apartnent is. He runs down hall and stoping at the door he was looking for.
He prepared a batarang in his hand as he slowly opened the door. He peaked up and saw Kate hiding behind the kitchen table and other side was her father holding a pistol as he reloaded it.
This confused Hood, but knew something was wrong. Then Kate pushed the trolley as the trick and her father shoot at it. This gave Hood the opening as he throw the batarang at him, knocking the pistol out of his hand as he looked at Hood. This gave Kate chance to run at her father with a pan as she hit him in the head, knocking him out on the floor.
Kate sighs and breahts exhausted as she stares at her father as Hood walks over to her.
Red Hood: "You okay?"
He asks as she nods and looks at him.
Kate: "How did you know I live here?"
She asked him as Hood just shruged.
Red Hood: "Found anything on that drive?"
Kate: "I gave it to Luke."
Red Hood groans as he facepalms realising that Luke probably can use his father's tech.
Red Hood: "Tied up your father and call Dick. We meet on roof of Wayne Enterprises. I'll get Luke."
He said as Kate nods and he turns and runs towards the doors.
Damian and Dick were listening as Kate was informing about what happened with her father. Damian was sitting on one of pipes near them as Dick stood beside him as Kate was infront of them.
Kate: "Dad doesn't even remember doing it. He was programmed."
She stated as Dick and Damian glanced at each other.
Damian: "But why?
Kate: "Somehow, they knew I had that drive."
She says as something clicks in Dick's head.
Dick: "Like they knew about the vault at Wayne Enterprises. Bruce told them."
Dick concluded as Damian got taken away.
Damian: "Not my father."
He defended Bruce.
Kate: "Talia had him in there for weeks and he suddenly snaps out of it just because we showed up?"
Kate quizzes in suspicion as she snaps her fingers at the word "snaps".
Damian: "No, you're wrong. He's fine."
Damian says as he jumps down on his feet.
Dick: "He's not. He's not fine. She got to him."
He said as he looks at Damian as Damian looks up at him.
Damian: "She's not finnished, is she?"
He asks probably knowing the answer to that question.
Red Hood: "She's just getting started."
They hear a voice as they look up and see Luke in his suit caring Red Hood as he dropes Hood down and he lands next to him.
Awkward silence takes over as Dick and Damian look at Red Hood or Y/N, not knowing what to say. Y/N walks over to Dick as he takes of his helmet.
Y/N: "Look, we don't have time for explaning, so let's put this aside and focus on what Luke has to say."
Y/N responds to Dick who uneasyly nods. Y/N then notice that even Luke and Kate are looking dumb founded by this turn of events. He facepalms.
Y/N: "God, do you need megaphone or something or we gonna save the day!?"
He states loudly as Kate and Luke freezes off and regain their composure.
Luke: "F-Found this on the hard drive."
Luke informs as a hologram came up from his arm with name list.
Y/N: "Look familiar?"
Y/N asks as he turns to Dick.
Dick: "There are vice-presidents on this list. Millitary and corporate leaders."
Y/N: "The Vice-Chancellor of Germany."
Y/N finnished as they first two Robin's recognised a few names on the list.
Luke: "So, why would Talia have this?"
Dick: "What if Talia got to the men and women on that list, brainwashed them?"
Dick suggested as Luke turned off The hologram.
Luke: "Then that would place the League of Shadows' influence in every country."
Luke informed.
Y/N: "She'd control the world."
Y/N added, already knowing the full goal.
Kate: "My god, kid, your mom's got a game."
Kate stated looking at Damian as Damian norrowed his eyes at her.
Dick: "And all the leaders she would need are at the summit."
Dick realized.
Y/N: "Along with Bruce Wayne."
Y/N added.
Y/N: "Why does your mother have to be pain in the ass?"
Y/N joked as he look over at Damian, as he narrowed his eyes at Y/N. Dick for some reason, smirked.
Dick: "Haven't lost your humour, huh?"
Dick asked Y/N who chuckled and put his helmet on.
Y/N: "Not at all, Birdman."
Dick widen his eyes as Damian put a devilsh smirk on his face.
Damian: "Birdman? That's what he has called you?"
Dick looked at Damian annoyed, who had that devilshed smirk still on his face.
We were flying inside the Batwing, no not Luke, the acutal Batwing. I chuckle at this.
Y/N: "Hey, Batwing, need a ride in... Batwing."
I muse out as Luke is flying beside us.
Luke: "Very funny."
Luke says sarcastically as I smirk under my helmet.
Kate: "You sure they won't know we're coming?"
Kate asks.
Luke: "Not once we jam their radar and shut down the alarm system."
Luke replied.
Dick: "Good thing you got us those schematics."
Dick says as he pressed a button infront of him.
Luke: "Hope my dad understands when he finds out I hacked his computer."
Y/N: "It can't be worst then hacking into batcomputer."
I bluntly say, but can see that Damian had a smirk on his face in corner of my eyes.
Luke: "Got 'em."
Luke informed us and Dick let go off the wheel.
Dick: "Engaging auto-pilot."
Dick says as Damian, Kate, Dick and I all get up and make our way to the doors.
Kate: "Wait, how you gonna glide down?"
Kate ask me.
Y/N: "Like Dick."
Dick: "When did you installed web wings into your suit."
Y/N: "3 days ago?"
I say also don't knowing when. Then doors open as wind picks up, as Kate's and Damian's capes flapped widly in the wind.
Dick first jumps out, as then I followed and jumped second and Kate and Damian last.
We all are now diving down towards the floating building that Bruce and all others were in. I see up ahead that a doors open for us to land, probably Luke's work.
Kate was to open her cape to glide down with ease, then Damian did The same with his cape. Then Dick And I open our web wings as we all glide our way down to the open doors of the summit.
When we all land, Luke closes The doors behind us then we all run following Dick inside.
We sneak our way going our way in the flying building.
Dick opens a latch and we jump down.
Y/N: "We've got to find the dignitaries and evacuate them."
Damian: "What about father?"
Damian asks.
Dick: "Our first priority is getting those people out."
Dicks tells him, but Damian narrowed his eyes.
Damian: "Not mine."
He informed as I sigh at his stubborness.
Then suddenly, Firefly comes out of nowhere, soaring down as he then charged into Luke as he took him though wall outside. We all were a little taken away but this.
Y/N: "I think we gotta move fast."
???: "Or just stay here."
We hear a female voice.
We turn and now ahead of us was standing Talia, staring at us, with Tusk behind her.
Talia: "We don't have time for this, Damian. Join us or die."
Talia ask, talking to Damian in searious tone.
Y/N: "Mother of the goddamn year..."
Y/N sarcastically thought to himself.
Then Bruce, dressed in his Batman suit, walks calmly from behind of Talia to her side.
Damian: "Father."
Damian states as they got back up on their feet.
Then Batman jumps into the air towards Dick as Dick got ready to fight, but Batman just evaded Dick and kicked Kate.
Kate grunts as she stumbled back as, Tusk grabbed her from behind.
Y/N then runs towards Tusk and hit him, as Tusk realesed Kate down.
Then Damian quickly rans towards Tusk as he and Y/N grabbed Tusk's tusks and fall off the railling down below.
They fall then on the platform bellow, as Tusk and Y/N fall on it, while Damian nearly falls of it, but he cathes himself at the edge with one hand.
Y/N groans as he looks up. He sees Damian got up but Tusk is standing infront of him. Tusk grabs him and throws towards the wall but Damian manages to skillfully bounce of wall and land down.
Tusk runs at Damian, but Damian filps over him and then Y/N who has got up, kicks Tusk in the back, sending Tusk hitting the wall.
Tusk grunts as he looks back, but he's met by Damian kicking Tusk in the face with his foot.
Y/N goes to hit him, but Tusk grab his first and throws him towards Damian as they collide and role on the ground.
Tusk grabs Damian by his head and lifts him and smashed him into the ground. He picks Damian and pins him into wall and then again slaming him into ground. Damian manages to get on his feet, but he is punched hard by Tusk towards the edge of platform.
Tusk goes for another punch, but Y/N comes behind him and places a pocket explosive on his back, which explodes, sending Tusk foward as Damian flips over Tusk. Tusk turns towards them, but missteps as he goes to fall of platform.
Damian: "No!"
Damian shouts as he throws a hook which attaches around Tusk leg as he falls down. His weight pulls Damian, who slides over to the edge, holding the hook.
Damian: "Justice! Not vengeance."
Y/N widen his eyes for second from what he just heared as Damian starts to pull hook up.
Y/N: "Damian."
He says calmly as he walks over to Damian who pull and pulls, like it is easy. He pulls until he pulls the hook which was cuted in half.
Damian: "Damn."
He says as he gets up. Then a hand is places on his shoulder as he turns and sees Y/N next to him.
Damian looks over to rope before looking back at Y/N.
Damian: "You look calm... How do you not regret killing anyone?"
Y/N sighs.
Y/N: "I do regret killing anyone I did, but not when I just saved my bro - - Ally!"
Y/N stutters for second. Damian narrows his eyes at him, but before he can ask anything, they here Luke over the coms.
Luke: "Batwing to Robin and Red Hood. Em, got a situation here."
Luke says as he follows flying building which's one of engines was destroyed, as it now flies unstably over the city.
Luke: "I need you two to manually transfer power from the damaged thruster to the remaining two."
Damian and Y/N look at each other as they nod.
Y/N: "On it."
They run towards the the the room of damaged thruster.
Luke: "Oh, crap! Dad's gonna kill me."
He says as he sees the flying building is heading towards the Wayne Enterprises.
Y/N and Damian enter the room as they walk over to the board. Y/N pushes some buttons as Damian then pulls the lever, which turns controls to manually operating.
Watch 0:47 - 1:29 because this movie already gave me headaches of writing the scenes with details.
Luke: "Good job, you two."
He informs them as Y/N sighs as he and Damian head towards the door.
Damian: "Didn't know you know mechanics?"
Damian asks as Y/N chuckles.
Y/N: "I tried to steal batmobile tires once, you know."
Then they hear a loud kick from above, which didn't mean nothing good as they fire their grappling hooks and land on the platform from which they fall earlier.
Talia: "Well done, beloved. We will at least have this victory."
They hear Talia's voice as they turn around and see Dick who is pinned down by Bruce on the ground and Talia on the left as she throws the pistol who catches it.
Talia: "Finnish him."
She orders as Bruce aims the pistol at Dick's head.
Dick: "Bruce, don't."
Dick says grunting, pleading for Bruce to not fire the pistol.
Damian: "That's what it's all about in the end, isn't it, mother?"
Talia and Bruce turn around as they see Damian and Y/N at the entrence as they walk out from the dark.
Damian: "Not the vision of a better world my grandfather had. It's just about control."
Damian stated coldy towards his mother.
Talia: "Start with the bastard. We can always make more."
Talia ordered to Bruce who stands up and aims the gun at Damian who runs with Y/N towards Bruce, but stop when Dick talked.
Dick: "Bruce, you don't kill. You've never killed."
Dick says as Bruce just pushed Dick's baton at his face.
Dick: "Don't let her win. Don't let her take your soul."
Dick begged as he closes his eyes a little.
Talia: "If anything, I have cleansed it. I washed away his trauma. Finnished them."
Talia exolained before ordering Bruce once more to kill Damian and Y/N, but this gave an idea to Y/N.
Y/N: "Maybe not the certain one."
Then Y/N puts the hand infront of Damian as he walks infront of him as Damian gets suprised. Now Bruce had gun pointed at Y/N's helmet.
Y/N: "You brought us all together because you understood our pain, our loneliness better than anyone could. We needed family. We needed you."
Y/N spoke up he can see his words working as Bruce was struggling to aim the pistol at him.
Talia: "Shoot him!"
Talia who was suprised yelled to Bruce to kill Y/N.
Y/N: "You're not just a mask. You're a man. Just like..."
Y/N raised his hands towards his helmet as he takes it off.
Y/N: "Me."
Now his was face revealed to Bruce as Y/N can see that Bruce's pupils wide a little.
Y/N: "The best man I've ever known. And I'm proud that I called you dad."
Y/N says as just last word made Bruce aimed the pistol towards himself under his chin as he stumbles back as all of them watch with widen eyes, expect Y/N.
Damian: "No!"
Damian gasped out, still behind Y/N.
Bruce: "Can't fight it."
Bruce grunts out, fighting over control as Dick stood up and started at Bruce.
Dick: "Yes, you can, damn it! For the little boy who lost his world in that alley."
Y/N: "And for the man who in that same alley gained a son."
Y/N repled after Dick as Talia unsheathe her sword and is about to kill Dick.
Talia: "Enough!"
She yelled. Before she could strike Dick, a gunshot was heared, as her sword was knocked out of her hands.
Everyone looks over to Bruce who had shot the pistol at Talia to make her drop her sword.
Bruce then drops the pistol and falls on his knees as Dick and Y/N ran over to check on him as Dick got him by his right and Y/N by his left side as Damian runs infront of them.
Bruce looks up towards Damian.
Bruce: "I'm sorry."
Bruce lowers his head.
Bruce: "I'm so sorry."
He added as Damian gives him sympathetic look.
Damian: "It's all right, father."
Damian assured him.
Talia backs away and was about to rum away when suddenly Kate comes behind her and punches her in the face as Talia stumbles back.
Kate: "That's for what you did to my father, bitch!"
Kate yelled as Talia growled in annoyance. She tries to run off to the side, but Batwing was there. She tries again, but stoped as Dick, Damian, Y/N stood in her way, as Bruce walks over to them, back in control.
Damian: "It's over, mother."
Damian declared.
Bruce: "Your grand plan has ended."
Bruced said.
Talia: "How is it that I ever loved either of you?"
She asked Bruce and Damian.
Bruce: "I don't think you ever did."
Bruce spoked as Y/N snorted a little in amusement.
Talia: "Beloved, you have no idea. I have thought of little else for last 12 years. But nothing, not my passion, not the death of my father, not our child and not even bringing that bastard back to life could bring you to my side."
Talia explained, pointing with her hand towards Y/N when she said" bastard".
Talia: "I know now, I will never have you in this life. But perhaps, in death!"
Talia announced as she took out a grenade.
Kate: "Get her!"
Kate called out as Talia ran over to the windows. She thrown a grenade at it, as windows broke and she jumped through smoke od the grenade outside and was falling down.
But she didn't noticed that Y/N also jumped as he appeared from smoke as he aimed his grappling gun at her and shoot it, as hook grabs Talia by her leg.
Others watched as Y/N turned towards them and shoot second hook, which flies up and connects to the window near them, as Y/N now is hanging on while also holding Talia in the air.
Bruce walks over to the hook and starts pulling them up. But Talia takes out her gun and aims it Y/N who widen his eyes.
Talia shoots, but misses, second shoot flies past Bruce, which then Bruce dropes the rope which resulted Y/N and Talia going down how much they could and by the stop of impact in the stop, Y/N drops the hook that was holding Talia out his hand as Talia freefalls.
Then Talia has grabbed herself by the flying car as the car flies towards the ocean.
Dick: "She played us again."
Dick scoffs as they watch the car flying away.
But then suddenly, they see the car go down towards ocean and an explosion happened as they look towards it.
Bruce puts the hand on his son's shoulder as they stare towards the distance in silence.
That's until Dick decides to look down for Y/N, but when he looks down, Y/N was gone as just the rope fluterd in the wind.
Dick: "Where's Y/N?"
Dick asked as now everyone looked down. They look around until they spot a him in distance, flying away with his web wings.
Kate: "Why is he leaving?"
Luke: "He is the part of this family, right? "
Luke and Kate asked.
Bruce: "No."
Now everyone looks at Bruce confused, who didn't even move from looking foward
Bruce: "He doesn't consinder himself a part of it."
Bruce explains as they return to watch Y/N flying away.
He helped them to get back together in one piece. He gave them a piece of his soul, because as the broken one, he knows what it feels like being shattered into pieces.
There will be one more chapter which will be the end of Bad Blood ARC.
And for that last chapter, it Will have a vote now.
The vote is for suit you like to have im next ARC. I know in profile's There is already suit for it, but time has passed since then and I got few ideas already so here's a vote for which suit you want in next ARC:
A) Red Hood (with Robin symbol on his Bat symbol)
- This is original idea which makes sence with name of This book and R doesn't just stands for "Robin"
B) Red Robin (with modified New logo I made)
- Maybe he returns to his old gimmicks, but also keeps his bad part so now he has become his real self, he became his own thing (Maybe not)
But I made a 2 Symbols of which one Will be on that suit so, if you chose B, then vote also for a symbol:
B1) Same as from Batman: Death in the Family (2020)
B2) His Robin Symbol in His Red Bat symbol
- Perfect combination of His two identities
B3) Same as B2, But a diffrent R
(I just put the Symbols on him, I cant edit that well so I guess My friend Rasaade Will, if he wants to do it later, he can edit it in better. Just tell me and I will send you the pics.)
happens. The reason begin is I like to SEE of what you readers think your path Will BE.
1. Staying with current Identity and then change it after joing the titans
2. Chaging the Identity and then taking back th Identity of Red Hood after a year with titans
3. Staying the same because you moved foward from your mistakes as Red Hood and left them in the past and try to rebuild Red Hood name
4. Begin Red Robin as your own Identity which has also family connection all way to Apokolips War Arc
(Red Hood is acutally Joker's so you stole it and moving away from it is also moving away from what Joker did to you)
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