I woke up at 6:30
I opened my trunk and picked out a black lace crop too and blue jeans. I went to the bathroom and changed. Then I put on black combat boots and my prefect pin. I put my hair into two braids.
I put on a cat eye and maroon lipstick.
I finished at about 7:00
So I grabbed my phone and walked to the dining hall.
I ate toast and eggs and a. Big cup of iced coffee.
Half way through my third cup I got a text from Malfoy.
You really like coffee don't you.
Shut up.
Toilet incoming.
I turned off my phone and looked up to see Toilet was in fact coming.
I looked at the Slytherin table and glared at Malfoy.
I chugged the rest of my coffee and got summoned some more.
Toilet sat next to me and I took a bite of my toast.
"Hello Harry." I dropped my voice. "Did you get a letter from Sirius."
He nodded.
"Nothing important though. Just that he thinks he's going got die in there."
I nodded.
I then looked at my schedule.
Defense Against The Dark Arts: 9:00
Potions 10:00
Muggle Studies 14;00
Transfiguration 15:00
"Put your wands away."
"We will not be using them this year."
"This. Is. A. Lie."
It was all a blur to me.
Toilet got detention.
"Today, we will be brewing Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what that is?"
I raised my hand.
"Miss Granger."
"It is the most powerful love potion in the world. Once given, the drinker will fell madly in love with the brewer. It smells like your true love and the potions effects can only be worn off by breazor or looking into the eyes of your true love."
"10 points Miss Granger." Severus smiles at me. "You will be put in groups of two. Groups are on the board." He flicked his wand.
I was with a Weasley.
"Which Weasley would I be paired with?" I asked.
"Ms. Weasley."
"Thank you."
I sat next to Weaslette.
I began brewing the potion. "How are you Gin?"
"Okay." She took a deep breath. "Your parents weren't actually imperiused. But Harry and Ron talked with Kingsley's and agreed that you were too distracted with them and they killed them. Me and Tonks tried to fight against them but they, my own mother, forced me to watch as a lesson."
She began to heavily sob.
I gasped.
"I didn't know they made you watch!"
She looked up at me confused.
"I've been staying in Malfoy Manor, Ginny. I found out that Is as adopted and that I'm really the daughter of Boldemort. I became a death eater. You can join us too!"
She smiled evilly and hugged me.
We then finished our potion and received an O.
I texted my dad.
Daddy! Can Ginny be a death eater?
She told me the truth about my 'parents' and wanted to stop it. They forced her to watch.
My god. And I'm the bad guy.
I know!
Yes honey.
I squealed and showed her.
I raised my hand.
"Professor. We finished."
"Wrote down what you smell."
I took out a piece of parchment paper.
I smell old scrolls like a library, I smell my father's cologne, I smell freshly cut grass like my old father always smelt of, and I smell green apples, which I do not understand.
I handed Severus my paper and we were dismissed.
I got a text from Malfoy.
I found a cool room yesterday when walking around. Wanna meet there before lunch?
Yeah. Bring Zabini because I'm brining Ginny.
I thought you hated her
She didn't want them to kill my adoptive parents and was forced to watch. Daddy said she could be a DE.
I know.
Shut up.
Where's the room?
Fourth floor. There is a purple tapestry right next to it. You have to walk back and forth in front of it three times and think about what you want to find in the room. I call it the Room of Requirment because it always provides what you require.
Cool. Syt.
Me and Ginny were waiting for the guys on a couch that was here we were talking about ha Manor and things like that when a second couch appeared.
"Hey boys!" I said happily.
"What's up?" Ginny said.
We got simple hi's.
They were sad about something.
"Let's play a game!" Ginny suggested.
"Truth or Dar Malfoy?" I asked, summoning Veratusum from the room.
I shoved him the potion.
He took a swig.
"What's your patronus?"
"A Fox."
I gasped. So was mine.
"You ask someone now."
"Kiss Zabini."
She did.
"Dare, I 'ain't no chicken."
"Show is your patronus."
I thought about when U hugged my dad for the first time.
"Expecto Patronum!"
A fox jumped out of my wand.
Draco summoned his Patronus and the two foxes danced.
With the strike of the the click they were gone.
Oh! It was lunch time!
I walked in and grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza and a cup of Diet Coke.
I finished quickly and took out my phone.
I played Little Alchemy until Lunch was over.
Then I had Muggke Studdies, when everyone else took flying.
"Today we will start a project on Muggle Songs. You have to fill out a form on your song. Lyrics, singer, album and such."
I was handed the parchment and I started to fill it out on Cowboy Casonova.
As I wrote, I began to hum the song.
It turns out, I started to sing it without realizing because when I was done everyone clapped.
I blushed but handed in my paper. She asked me to preform another song.
I choose Before He Cheats.
Right now, he's probably slow dancing
With a bleached-blond tramp
And she's probably getting frisky
Right now, he's probably buying
Her some fruity little drink
'Cause she can't shoot whiskey
Right now, he's probably up behind her
With a pool-stick
Showing her how to shoot a combo
And he don't know
I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
I slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
Right now, she's probably up singing some
White-trash version of Shania karaoke
Right now, she's probably saying "I'm drunk"
And he's a-thinking that he's gonna get lucky
Right now, he's probably
Dabbing on three dollars
Worth of that bathroom Polo
Oh, and he don't know
That I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
I slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
I might have saved a little trouble for the next girl
'Cause the next time that he cheats
Oh, you know it won't be on me!
No, not on me
'Cause I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
I slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
Oh, maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
Oh, before he cheats
Everyone clapped again and I went to my next class.
I got there like ten minutes early so I started reading about a new spell called revivesco that could heal those close to death.
I took notes and then, when Ginny pooped down next to me, I took out my textbook.
"Today we will be learning about a form of animagus . We will transform inanimate objects into animals."
We were each given a teacup which was supposed to become a salamander.
I got it on my first try.
"20 points Ms. Grnager. 20 points Mr. Malfoy." We both got it at the same time.
Then I started thinking about a black scaly snake with emerald green eyes.
Everyone gasped and I opened my eyes.
Everyone seemed to be speaking a different language.
I could only understand Toilet.
I quickly put it together I changed into a snake and changed back.
"500 points to Gryffindor. It normally takes at least threee month to become an Animagus.
I smiled and thought if Iw as just that snake or more.
I asked to go to the bathroom, conjured a note saying it was me once I got out, put it in my mouth and thought if Malfoy's owl.
I flew into the room, dropped the letter and flew out.
Then I changed and came back from the bathroom.
Malfoy looked at me and I smiled but he was sitting next to Toilet so, people probably thought I was smiling at him. Ew. No.
As the mail reigned in, Malfoy's owl came in with a letter.
I texted him.
Is that the plan?
F*** you. I wanna go!
Shut up.
I ate three pieces of cheesy garlic bread, spaghetti and meatballs, and then an ice cream sundae.
The. I went back to my dorm and read my dark magic book for a while.
I fell asleep in my clothes, book in hand.
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