(Call back to chap 10 I've decided they weren't safe)
After I finished with my workout I take a shower, blowout my hair and get changed.^ I run down to the dining room and grab a serving of pancakes and grab Cassie. "Hey Cass wanna go to Diagon Alley?" She looked up from her massive stack of pancakes to awnser with a "Sure just let me eat, shower, and get changed." I roll my eyes and head to the library where I read about more dark spells. Soon, Cass is standing in front of me.
"Ready." She says. I raise my wand and we both turn into our old selves. I also place heating charms on us both as neither of us were dressed for the snow gracing then ground. We go down to the living room floo, chatting about Ginny's crush on Luna. "Well ask her out!" I say as we reach the end of the stairs. "I don't know. Potter still thinks I'm into him and I don't even know if she's gay." She sighs. I smile and grab her hand, dragging her to the floo. "Repeat after me. I am Cassiopeia Narcissa Bella Andromeda Moni Stella Malfoy." She repeats. "I am a badass openly bisexual ball of temper that can take anyone I want down." She repeats. "I can so totally go up to my friend and ask her to go to Hogsmeade sometime." She repeats, smiling. I grab the floo powder and we step into the floo. "Diagon Alley." I say, making sure to speak clearly. We arrive and I take out my Gringotts card. "Ready? Set. Shop!" Cassie giggles as we run into the Quidditch store. I buy everyone's Christmas presents. I got Cassie a new broom, Toilet a book about Quidditch, Side a load of sweets, Narcissa a necklace, Snape a shampoo bottle, Lucius a Dark Arts book, getting a similar one for Dad. I got Bellatrix something muggle to ease her in, she was still not in love with the idea but I was convinced I'd get her there. I also got one other thing for me. Then, Cassie and I meet up after in Leaky Cauldron. We floo home and hide our presents in our rooms. Then I run down and grab some food then go and work out. I feel like I've been gaining weight so I've been working out a lot. But then suddenly I'm overcome with the urge to vomit. I remember the thing I bought for myself and rush to retrieve it. A few minutes later, I'm staring at the positive pregnancy test. "Cassie get your ass up here!" After a minute, my door swung open, Cassie on the other end. She saw what I was holding and her eyes went wide. "Mia?" she whispered. I looked up at her, my eyes filled with tears. "Cassie. What am I going to do?" She sat next to me and I buried my head into her shoulder, tears streaming down my face. "Hey, Mia?" Came a knock on my door frame. Draco. I wiped my tears away and hid the pregnancy test. I looked over at Cassie, her looking back questioning me with her eyes. I shake my head and she nods. "Come in Draco." He walked in, Blaise Zabini behind him. "Hey. Blaise is moving in because his mother is an abusive ass and I refuse to let him go back to that. Oh! Cass, I was going to find you next. I don't think you officially met Blaise yet." She stood and walked over to him. "Cassiopeia Malfoy. Formerly, Ginny Weasley. I've got the same temer though so don't try testing me you will lose a testicle." She smiled and went back to me. "Now, we're dealing with some woman things, if you would mind closing the door on your way out." She looked at me. "Send up Mom and Bella as well." She decided. She brought me over to the bed and transfigured a phone charger into a bucket when I hurled again. Cassie was rubbing my back in circles when Bella and Aunt Narcissa walked in. "What's happening?" Aunt Narcissa asked as she sat down next to me. "We have a slight situation." Cassie said. I pulled the pregnancy test from my pocket (cap on of course 🤢) and handed it to her. She gasped. "Oh my god! We can do something. We can abort it." "No. It's illegal in Wizard Europe." She started pacing. "No one has to know Mia we can fx this." "No!" I yelled. She stopped. "I will not get rid of this baby. I know I am young and I know I shouldn't with the oncoming war. But I refuse to just get rid of my baby. But.. I - I don't know." I started crying again. "Well, Irecommendd you make up your mind and maybe include Draco on the situation. I say, if you chose to keep it, tell him before Christmas." I groaned, shoving my head into a pillow. Then, I just cry. I cry until there are no tears left. I don't know when Narcissa and Bella left but it was just Cassie, rubbing my back. I sit up after a while. "I want food." She smiles, and goes downstairs. She soon returns with a big giant bowl of macaroni and cheese, my favorite. I thank her and dig in. By the time I've finished, I've made my decision. "I'm keeing it." I announce suddenly, shocking Cassie, as I hadn; spoken in a while. She smiles and hugs me. "Oh good. I was hoping you'd say that. Please don't be wallowing all through the week. Tomorow is the party after all."
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