▪️◾️Meeting his shadow◾️▪️
~My POV~
I exited my house in the forest, since my parents died murdered I have been living alone and taking care of myself. I think I was six years old when it happened...I don't remember much, I just remember big red eyes looking at me and telling me
'don't worry baby, you'll see mommy and daddy soon'
That is all I remember. I still keep the house and the sad thing is that is full of pictures and photos of my family...I swear, if I find that guy one day...
The forest today was looking good, it helped the fact that it was sunny and it was summer. I brought a bottle of lemonade to my daily walk with me...ah...I love lemonade. Anyways, today I was happy because I found a set for drawing in the basement, I didn't know I still had those. And I love drawing, now that the house is only mine I get to draw whatever I want in the walls. Ten years and still there are white spaces in some walls...gee I need a life. I was wearing my favourite light blue dress with my blue hairband...I-I actually felt pretty wearing that outfit...I went to school for some time but then I didn't have enough money to pay it, but I am a close friend of princess Zelda, so I have particular classes from Lady Impa. When I thought about Zelda I couldn't help but get jealous...not because she is a princess but because she is godamm beautiful! I don't know how many boys have come to her, trying to win her heart but she knows what's good and bad, so she has denied every single man. The only decent boy that I know that hasn't say anything to Zelda is Link, for my opinion, he is kind of handsome, but not my type. Since I met Zelda and Link saved Hyrule several times we have been hanging out several times, I seriously think that they would make a really cute couple but they don't think that. I just wished I was as lucky and pretty as Zelda, a lot of really cute boys have asked for her hand and she has politely denied. She just keeps telling me that she doesn't want a boy in her life for now, she keeps asking me if I like someone, and I don't. The only time that I confessed my feelings to a guy it went...wrong. I left a note in his mailbox, days later I found the note that I wrote. I-It had written ugly and my name over and over, all over the page. I just burnt the note and ran. I didn't get out my house for a month so Link and Zelda ended up breaking in my house. I was really sad and broken, that same moment I decided that my feelings and emotions wouldn't take over me again. Since then, I haven't known what been in love is. I got that thoughts out of my head and got back to my happy mood. I went walking down the segment of Zora's River that went through Faron Woods. I couldn't help but sing, I looked around to see if there was someone, I really hated to sing but that day? I couldn't help it.
There is a place, that I know
It's not pretty there and few have ever gone
If I show to you know, will it make you run away?
Or will you stay?
Even if it hurts?
Even if I try to push you out, will you return?
And remind me who I really am...
Please remind me who I really am
~Dark's POV~
I got out of the Lost Woods after looking for Mr. Hero...pfff...stupid green bean. Seriously, Link is one of the most annoying person's in all Hyrule. Yeah, I might get on his way when he is on a quest but I just do it for fun. Before I did it cause Ganondorf was telling me to, but one day I escaped from him and never returned. I might be Link's dark side, but I don't get beaten by that fairy boy. Since I met him that time on the Water Temple when he was doing his "Hero of Time" quest I started to hate him, he is pathetic. I walked down Faron Woods and although I'm a well known heartless killer I admire the beauty of nature. I always go to the forest to rest and think about my next victim. And I'm also a prince, the prince of darkness. I'm immortal unless Link is the one that kills me. But my castle is kind of lonely since everybody is scared of me and no one will work for me...at least I know how to cook... I was walking along the entrance if the Sacred Grove when I heard someone sing, I stopped and listened closely and smirked...another person to kill. I listened to the voice closely.
Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody is a picture perfect
But we are worth it
You know that we are worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?
I didn't move. It was like if...that song was made for me...but I didn't care, I liked to kill and I wouldn't hesitate. The fact of imagining blood made me smirk. I could tell by the voice it was a girl, perfect. Girls just scream and cry, that makes it more fun. I have tried to kill that stupid Zelda princess but Mr. Hero is always in my way. I hided behind the trees and walked towards the voice, Hylian people have great hearing so It was easy to follow the voice.
Don't run away, don't run away
Promise me you will stay...
Don't run away...
Promise you'll stay..
I had to admit that she had a pretty voice, still, I felt like killing. I finally heard the voice clear and close.
~My POV~
I kept singing, I don't know why but I felt like someone was following me. I looked around but saw nothing. I shrugged and kept walking, ignoring that weird feeling. I took a drink from my lemonade bottle and decided to rest. I sat down on a rock and got my feet inside the nice and refreshing water. I sang again.
I got my ticket for the long way round
Too many wisky for the way
I'm sure I'll find some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow what do you say?
When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You are gonna miss me when I'm gone
You are going to miss me by my walk
You are gonna miss me by talk oh
You are gonna miss me when I'm gone
I heard a noise behind the bushes and my Hylian ear twitched.
-Who's there?- I called out -Show yourself!- I heard a small chuckle and someone came out.
-What a shame, you caught me~- a guy said with a big smirk, he reminded me of Link but his hair was black, same as his groves. His skin was pale and his eyes crimson red. His smirk showed his fangs. I wasn't scared because I knew how to fight with a sword thanks to Link and Impa. Zelda showed me a spell to spawn a sword so I made the spell and a sword appeared on my hand.
~Dark's POV~
When the girl called out and I came out she looked at me with a frown...that was weird, normally what they do is scream and call for help...wait...did she just spawned a sword with magic?! Was she going to try and fight?!
-Looks like someone got mad and wants a battle~- I purred, she glared at me.
-Who are you and what do you want?! Answer me!- I rolled my eyes and walked towards her.
-My name dear, is Dark Link, and I'm here to kill you~- She just laughed- what!?
-I know who you are, you killed a lot of people, but I'm not scared of you- I had to say, she had courage to even dare to talk to me like that, that made me smirk more.
-Aww~ You know me~ How sweet~- I coded, she raised an eyebrow and attacked. She was fast and she knew what she was doing, I easily dodged but she made an unexpected move and I almost fell to the ground. She kept attacking until we where both out of breath and sweating. Her moves where similar to Links but faster.
-Who...who are you girl?- she growled and stretched
-My name is (y/n)- (y/n)? That's an unusual name... I smirked again
-Who tough you how to fight?- she narrowed her eyes
-I think you know who already...- I made a fast attack, throwing her sword far away. She gasped and looked at me. I easily pinned her against a tree.
-It's a shame that I have to kill you~ You are pretty good fighter~ And you are kinda cute~- She blushed a little and struggled to get off my grip. She looked at me angrily.
-Why do you want to kill me? I don't even know you- I rolled my eyes again
-I get easily bored- she sighed and started crying, finally, I got her.
-Kill me- I blinked surprised
-W-what?- she looked at me with tears
-KILL ME ALREADY!!!- she cried harder- my life sucks anyways...- I couldn't help but feel concerned about her...I might like to kill but...she was different, she wasn't scared. I let go of my grip and she instantly covered her face. She glanced at me
-What are you looking at!!??...I'm crying...what about it...- Woah...she had some guts...
-Can-can I ask why?- she turned away
-I didn't care of you killing me because...I could finally reunite with my family. - I dropped the sword...her family was also gone? I actually knew how she felt like...similar happened to me... I walked next to her while she shivered because of the crying, I put my hand on her shoulder.
~My POV~
I felt something on my shoulder, I looked up and to my surprise I saw Dark Link looking at me and....he looked...concerned... Nah...probably I was imagining things.
-I-I know how you feel...my family was also killed...- I tilted my head, he just looked away and looked to the ground -my brother...he was jealous of me and he...he went crazy, he killed my little sister, my dad and my mom...I was able to escape and haven't known about him since then...- I put both of my hands on my chest, poor guy...by his own brother. I noticed he was shaking...he was crying...I felt so bad with myself...I felt guilty for no reason. Dark Link might be a killer...but he is a nice guy... I just got closer to him and hugged him.
-I'm so sorry...I wish I could have done something...you have probably suffered a lot...- I rubbed his back.
~Dark's POV~
I felt warmth and saw (y/n) hugging me. I tried to kill her and now she was...hugging me? She was definitely different from other girls. She said really comforting words, I didn't want to kill her anymore...I just couldn't. I hugged her back. After some time she pulled away and looked to the sky.
-I should be heading back home...it's late- she wiped her eyes and packed her staff. I watched her...she was really pretty. Dark Link! Get that thoughts out of your head! She then finished and started walking down the river. I grabbed her wrist.
-I'll go with you, there are monsters this late at night- she sighed
We walked in an awkward silence until she opened her mouth.
-You know Link right?- I nodded, she then looked at me...oh wow...she had really pretty brown eyes... -Why are you guys always fighting? Like I understand you are opposites but seriously? You actually hate each other?- I sighed
-Yeah, he and I don't get on really well with each other...but it's not a problem to me, it's always fun to battle against him, he was the one that tough you how to fight right?- she nodded and smiled
-Since I met Zelda, she then introduced me to Link...he is nice and after he got out of the Kokiri forest he showed me to fight...he is like a big brother to me- she then looked infront and smiled- that's my house, I guess I'll have to say you goodbye Dark Link
-You can just call me Dark- she giggled...cute- but we can hang out sometime if you want- she nodded
-I'd love to!
-R-really?!- she smiled
-I don't mind you been a killer, you are a nice guy- I smiled
-Well thank you- I grabbed her hand and kissed it- till another time (y/n)...- I snapped my fingers and disappeared.
Yay! First chapter published! Do you know this times when you are laying on your bed, thinking of what to do with your life when suddenly...POOF! Your brains explodes and a fanfiction is created out of nowhere, especially if you are listening to your song (mine is probably 'This little girl' *shrugs*
Anyways thanks for reading! If you wouldn't mind...could you vote? *puppy eyes*
Dark: Yeah! *pulls out sword* you better like her story (y/n)!
Me: *pushes him away* please forgive him...*sighs* he had TOO many bottles of Lon Lon milk...
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