I almost lost
-Y/N's POV-
I was trying my best not to cry infront of him. Right now what I need to focus on is on getting his sanity back.
-Dark please...stop...You dont have to be jealous...Im not leavind you for anyone...not even for Link...
He smirked wide and gripped my wrists harder, I could already feel them snapping.
-I dont have to worry for him anymore my princess~
His words caught me by surprise. Then...I realised what he meant...
I felt sadness...
My legs shaked andI felt myself dizzy and lost balance.
-You didnt do it....Dark please tell me you didnt kill Link...
His smirked opened wide and he let out a demonic laugh.
What was left of my Dark?
-Dark....the promise....-I started crying- I...
- I didnt promise you anything dear~ you made the promise to the other Dark~~
The grip tighten and I let out a small scream of pain. I heard a cracking noise and saw little dots of blood coming out of my wrists
-What...what....other Dark..?
He let go of my wrists and found his way to my neck. He started to caress it slowly.
I dont like where this is going
-Oh my sweet Y/N~ You know nothing about us~
Who is us?
His other hand rubbed my neck slowly
-Have you ever heard about the dark side dear~?
His hands started to rub a bit more roughly my neck
I shook my head
I wanted to run away
Hide somewhere
But I couldnt
I musnt
-When someone has this evil desires he or she normally has two sides. A good and a bad. This is our bad side~
Does that mean..
The good Dark is trapped inside hymself..? Is it posible to even get him out...?
-Let him out please....
-Not likely to happen~
What can I do...?
Think Y/N...
What does your Dark like..
I bit my lip and closed my eyes...
I felt warmth around my neck...
His hands were closing around it
I didnt hesitate and got on my toes kissing him in his lips
His grasp loosend a little but then started to grip really right
I let go and tried to gasp for air
He was chocking me
He tossed me to the ground and gripped tighter
I started to loose conciousness and coughed violently
Little blood drops started to come out of my mouth while I coughed
-D.....D....Da....rk......- I felt like I was dying with every word. Well, I was going to die anyways.- D.....do....dont....f....o....rget....me...
But then something happened
His face changed and went from Eye twitching anger to unforgettable regret followed by sadness.
-Y/N....hear me please...Im so sorry....I....Im trying so hard to fight it back...
His hands were still gripping my neck but the were shaking
I slowly moved my hands to my neck trying to get them off
He closed his eyes and started crying
His tears fell on my cheeks and drew along my jawline
He gained control again and disappeared
My airways were clear and I slowly got on my knees and threw up right there. I cried and stood up shaking
I could not feel my wrists anymore. My hands were loose like puppets without strings
I reached Faron Woods and got under a tree
I cried
And cried
For hours
Was Link really dead?
Where did Dark go?
I wanted to move but my body wouldnt obey me
Was this the end?
Was I living a nightmare dressed as a dream all this time?
I felt weak
I wanted to die
But still
I need to find him
That Killer who I almost saw my death on his hands
Was still the love my life
Ill find you
And Ill help you fight away your fears
We both have the same fear
Loosing the love we loved the most
I almost lost
And it wont happen again
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