So...its been like years since I updated this story. I'm sorry! If anyone is still interested, I hope you like it!
The loud music bothered him to the point where he was getting headaches. He thought the music in the dingy club he was in was obscene and he wanted to get out of there. His shot of tequila was still full and he stared at the liquid until he lifted his head up to look at whoever had approached him and was now standing in front of him. She was tall and her blue eyes were big and innocent. He wondered why she was working there in the first place, but soon came to the conclusion that she needed the money. She placed another shot of tequila on his table, and before he could tell her that he didn't order anything, she was speaking.
"The man over there already paid for it." She said, then walked away before he could start arguing. She didn't want to be dealing with drunk stubborn men. She just wanted to finish her shift and go home to eat something and rest.
He looked to where she had pointed to and immediately rolled his eyes. Of course he would be there. He saw him get up and slowly make his way to him then sit in front of him.
"Michael!" Lucifer shouted over the music. "What a surprise to see you here, brother!"
"What are you doing here?" Michael asked him, knowing he could hear him over the loud music.
"What are you doing here?" Lucifer retorted, then smirked and looked at the waitress that had brought him the drink.
Michael frowned at his British accent.
"Pretty, right?" Lucifer asked. "I saw you eyeing her."
Michael shook his head and stood up. He grabbed his jacket and quickly left the club. It wouldn't be long now and soon he would be able to go home. He was sitting on the rooftop of a building a few blocks away from the club watching the drunk humans walk by on their way home or to spend the night somewhere else. He took a little plastic bag full of cocaine out of his pocket. He had promised him the drug and he could feel him getting closer, he could feel her getting closer.
It had taken him weeks to carefully change the patterns that would lead to this night and he prided himself at being the best of the best. He observed him walking behind her, getting startled when something hot wrapped around his right arm, burning the material down to his skin. He flinched when the fire of hell scorched his skin. It wasn't painful, nor was it going to damage his arm. It was just uncomfortable, like a pebble in your shoe. He turned to look at Lucifer, ignoring the humans he was supposed to be watching.
"Now what?" Michael snapped.
Lucifer smirked. "Nothing." He shrugged and just like that he was gone.
Michael thought he had seen the last of him until he saw the man walking after her. And right after him, Lucifer was slowly walking. They couldn't see him but Michael definitely could. He sat up straight when the man was quick to grab her, putting a hand over her mouth, wrapping his other arm around her waist. Her screams were muffled as he dragged her thrashing body into an alley. He almost got up to go to her when he saw him throw her down to the ground making her hit her head against the concrete.
"Father picked an easy one. No one will miss her when she has no one. Not even her own mother could love her." Lucifer said, standing right behind Michael."Can I have her soul after he strangles her? She'll make a perfect addition to my collection. She just... she smells pure. Innocent."
"Stay away." Michael warned him, but it was too late when Lucifer was gone once again.
He showed up down in the alley, and Michael watched him rip the man's head off just by pulling on it without much force. He looked up at the black cloudy sky and sighed, hearing her screams until they stopped. He slowly made his way to them and as soon as he saw them, he walked faster knowing very well what Lucifer was doing. Lucifer was crouching down in front of her and she had her knees against her chest, rocking herself back and forth as she stared at his bright green eyes. She couldn't hear or see anything or anyone else other than the devil himself in front of her. She nodded a few times as he altered reality for her, making her believe things that had never happened. Michael waited until Lucifer was standing up and attempting to leave.
"What did you do?" Michael asked him.
"You my brother, are a hero in her eyes. Men like you are hard to find these days." Lucifer patted his shoulder.
"What did you tell her?" Michael demanded to know, looking down at the woman for a few seconds then back at Lucifer.
"You saved her." Lucifer shrugged as he picked up the head and placed it on the man's chest, then walked around his body and grabbed him by the ankles.
"I didn't." The archangel denied.
"Yes you did." Lucifer started dragging the body away, letting out a whistle. "Take her home then leave her alone, Mikey."
Michael wrinkled his nose when a demon, a collector, showed up next to him and trapped the wandering soul of the man. He nodded once at Lucifer then disappeared, leaving a dark aura behind.
"Why her?" Michael asked.
"She has to live." Lucifer dumped the body in a trash can then lit it on fire, the flames illuminating his face revealing a small smile.
"What do you want with her? Is she for you?"
"I was feeling generous. It's like my good deed of the day." Lucifer sighed. It wasn't her who he wanted, it was what she could give him. "I'm going. June awaits my return. Tell my beloved brother I said hi." He waved at Michael then left.
Michael stared at the spot where Lucifer had disappeared then turned to look at the woman when he heard her whimpers.
"C'mon. You're safe with me, no one will hurt you." Michael helped her up, letting her take her time to stand up.
"Thank you." She whispered looking into his blue eyes. It was then that he finally noticed how sad her eyes were, how innocent and filled with grief they were.
He walked her home and stayed outside until she entered her small apartment and heard her locking her door. He looked round and sighed when that was no place for a woman to live. He looked around to make sure no one was lurking around then extended his wings and quickly flew up into the sky. He had some explaining to do.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" Louis asked Harry out of nowhere, making the green eyed man look at him.
They were in Harry's small apartment, eating lunch after the man had invited him.
"Never." Harry shrugged. "Have you?" He looked up at Louis, frowning when he saw him looking down but not before seeing a sad expression on his face.
"He doesn't count." He answered.
"Why not?"
"I was a bet to him. You know. Get the poor boy to fall for you, invite him to prom then ditch him like the trash he is." Louis looked at Harry. He was smiling, and Harry couldn't understand how or why. How was this boy capable of smiling when the only thing he had encountered that night was pure cruelty.
"He missed out on a great person." Harry admitted. He no longer had to pretend when he didn't want to keep pushing feelings and thoughts away that he never dared to touch before. It was wrong, but Harry found himself not caring at all.
Louis' cheeks turned red as he quickly took another bite out of the sandwich Harry had gotten him. He had insisted on paying it himself, but Harry hadn't let him. In the end, Harry had won and had smiled the entire time.
Louis wondered what kind of job Harry had when the last few days he hadn't gone to work at all. He would spend his days working around his house trying to fix the many things that needed a fixing they couldn't afford. The more he worked around his house and the more he helped his family out, the more he made room in Louis' heart all for himself. He loved to watch him interact with his family, especially his sisters who already loved Harry dearly.
"We should get going." Harry announced as soon as he was done consuming the nutrients he didn't need. "I promised Jay I would take a look at that leaking sink in the kitchen."
"It probably needs a new piece." Louis said, wondering if he had enough to buy it.
"We'll see." Harry got up to throw away his and Louis' trash.
"Can I start your car?" Louis asked, already reaching for the car keys.
"Of course. I'll bet there in a minute." Harry looked up at him with a smile on his face, one that made Louis' tummy feel funny.
Louis grabbed the keys and headed for the door, but abruptly stopped when the front door opened and a man identical to Harry walked in as if he lived there. Louis would have thought he was hallucinating another Harry, except that the man standing in front of him was wearing an expensive suit and his hair was longer. His expression was nothing like Harry's. This man's expression was cold and unforgiving, enough to send chills down Louis' back.
"Lu-" Harry gasped, but was quickly interrupted by his brother.
"Luke." Lucifer gave Louis his most charming smile, knowing it had worked when Louis relaxed and reached out to shake his awaiting hand. "Harry's brother. Nice to meet you."
"Louis. Nice to meet you too." Louis gave him an awkward smile then glanced at Harry. "Harry didn't tell me he has a brother."
"He always does that. For some reason my baby brother doesn't find it necessary to mention his only family left in this world." Lucifer finally let go of Louis' hand and smirked at Harry, daring him to do or say something.
"Louis, why don't you go start the car." Harry said without looking at him when his gaze was locked with Lucifer's.
Louis nodded then looked at Harry's brother one more time. "It was nice meeting you."
"Likewise." The man gave him a charming smile and Louis couldn't help but stare at both brothers to try and find differences. The only thing he found different was the hair and the clothes, but other than that, they were identical.
As soon as Louis was gone, Harry glared at his brother and waited for an explanation.
"You didn't tell him about me." Lucifer placed his hand on his chest, acting as if he was actually offended.
"Why did you do that?" Harry ignored him.
Lucifer dropped the act and stared at his twin with a cold bored expression. "I wanted to meet him, see what's so special about him."
"Well you did. Now leave." Harry walked towards the door. "When I come back I want you to be gone. Don't you have a home to go to?" He asked, stopping in his tracks just as he was about to touch the door handle when a glass shattered on the wall right next to him.
"You would call that home, brother. Try spending a few days there then tell me if it feels like home." Lucifer's voice was deeper, and when Harry turned around, he wasn't supposed to see his brother's face was completely disfigured. But it was, and it only happened when he was really angry.
"I'm sorry." Harry apologized. It seemed like he was always apologizing.
"Take him home." Lucifer ignored his apology as he walked towards the bed and his face slowly morphed into his true one. The one that made him look like an angel just like Harry. "He's special."
"Father picked him for a reason." Harry told him.
Lucifer smirked then schooled his features before turning around so his brother could see him. "Of course. But did he tell you that reason?"
"His child. He– "
"His child will do wonders in this world therefore can't be born." Lucifer repeated what he had heard many times. "Or conceived. They would be like the next baby Jesus, but I've always wondered how a mere human was going to change the world. Make it a better place."
"I don't know. Father is the only one that knows." Harry observed his brother carefully, from his green eyes to his lips, trying to figure out what he was getting at. "And we don't question him."
"I've always said this and I'm gonna say it again, brother. All we need to do is get rid of capitalism and ta-da! Problem solved." He smiled like a kid at the fair, but then his expression saddened as he got comfortable on the bed. "Humans are greedy, and every day that passes it gets worse. Eternal damnation is not enough of a punishment anymore for some. Do you want to know a secret?"
"What is it?" Harry asked intrigued. Could his brother finally be opening up to him.
"Some humans, they do abhorrent unforgivable things and they...they scare me, brother." Lucifer confessed. "I'm not an innocent when I've done things too. But some of these...God's children truly terrify me."
"They scare me too." Harry confessed.
"At least we agree on something." Lucifer gave him a smile, one that had Harry smiling too until he remembered Louis was waiting outside for him.
"I have to take Louis home." Harry headed towards the door and opened it before he paused. "You can stay. I was just upset and I didn't mean it when I told you to leave."
"Oh I know." Lucifer smirked as he watched Harry leave.
When he was gone, Lucifer let out a loud sigh, putting his hands under his head. He had only seen blue eyes as beautiful as Louis' once a long time ago.
"Do you want something to drink?" Louis asked Harry as he watched him try to fix the sink.
"Water would be nice, please." Harry told him.
Louis quickly grabbed a glass, filled it with ice and water then gave it to Harry. When the man was done drinking, Louis placed it on the counter next to the sink and stared outside. He focused on the clouds then the trees until something caught his eye. He looked down at Harry then made his way outside where he went straight for the brown feather stuck on a shrub. It looked too big to be from an eagle's wings and it looked damaged, bent at the tip where it had broken off.
"Is there something wrong?"
Louis startled, letting out a scream. "Jesus Harry! You scared me." He put his hand over his heart, feeling the organ beating fast.
"I'm sorry. It's just that you didn't tell me you were leaving and I kept talking. I figured something must have been wrong." Harry explained.
"No...nothing is wrong." Louis said, then showed him the damaged feather he was holding. "I found a feather. I have never seen anything like it before."
Harry took it and inspected it. "Looks like an eagle's wing." He said, then looked around in search of the bird.
"No, it's too big." Louis took it back then smiled. "I'm keeping it." He bit his bottom lip as he looked at the vane part of the feather, running his finger though the damaged barbs. He worried that whatever had lost it was probably sick and in a lot of pain when the feather looked unhealthy.
When he looked up he blushed as soon as he realized Harry had been watching him that whole time. Louis started leaning in, and just as his lips were about to touch Harry's, he startled when another feather landed right between them. He grabbed it and saw it was just as damaged as the first one, then he looked around in search of the bird.
"Whatever it is, it's sick." Louis sadly informed Harry.
Harry said nothing, and when Louis looked him in the eyes, they looked fearful.
"And we should go inside before it attacks us and infects us with whatever it has." Harry grabbed Louis' hand and pulled him inside the house.
"I wish I could help it. Poor thing, it must be suffering." Louis sighed as he made his way to the sink where he placed the feathers on the countertop to keep them safe.
"Sometimes we just can't help." Harry told him as he checked that everything under the sink was working like it was supposed to.
"Still..." Louis trailed off when Harry's shirt rode up and he could see his toned back. He quickly looked away as he felt his face getting hot, telling himself that he shouldn't be doing that. "Is it working?" He asked instead and right when Harry leaned back then got up.
He dusted his hands and gave Louis a proud smile. "All done. It only needed that small part." He informed him.
"How much was it?" Louis chewed on his bottom lip, wondering how much money he had in his bank account.
"I am not going to make you pay for it. It wasn't expensive at all." Harry quickly said when he knew what Louis was thinking.
Harry..." Louis took a step closer, standing right in front of him. "You can't pay for every single repair in this house. It's not your responsibility."
"But I want to." Harry slowly but surely took Louis' hands in his.
He could feel Louis' calloused palms on his soft skin then traced his finger over the small healed rough parts. He looked up when Louis tried to pull them away and he let him, not wanting to upset Louis.
"Sorry." Louis apologized as he looked down at his hands then finally at Harry who was closer than he had been.
"Don't be ashamed of not having soft hands." Harry grabbed his hands again and kissed them. Harry no longer had control and he did not care.
It confused Louis. The way Harry danced around him when he would get too close then pull back as if being too close to him burned him. He never said anything when he was afraid of Harry leaving and not coming back if he ever called him out. So he stayed quiet and accepted his lingering kisses without any questions. He knew he should stop them, but he found himself not wanting to. Harry made him feel safe and he craved the attention the older man gave him. Louis looked him in the eyes then kissed him, taking Harry by surprise. He could feel how stiff he was until he relaxed and kissed Louis just as fervently.
Louis' family was supposed to get there in a few more hours so it didn't worry Louis that they were going to walk in on them at any moment. He expected Harry to pull away and it surprised him when he continued kissing him then walking, making Louis walk backwards until his lower back touched the countertop. He knew it was all over when Harry finally pulled away and looked at him. His eyes were dark and held something that Louis had never seen before, but what surprised him is that it didn't scare him. His lips were red and pretty and he wondered how many others had kissed them.
He decided not to think about it when Harry kissed him again, his hands trailing down then his arms wrapped around his waist. The kiss was clumsy, but Louis didn't expect more when he hadn't kissed that many boys, always too busy working to take care of his family. His eyes opened and widened when he felt Harry's hands on his ass. He should have stopped and pushed Harry away when things started getting too heated, but he didn't and instead let Harry pick him up and sit him down on the countertop.
It was all a blur from there after Louis finally pulled away then grabbed Harry's hand and took him to his bedroom. All Harry could see and feel was Louis naked underneath him. His senses dulled and the rational part of his brain completely abandoned him. He let himself go to the pleasure, knowing Louis felt the same whenever he would ask for more. All rational thinking left Louis' brain the moment he felt Harry coming in him and did nothing to stop it.
He closed his eyes tight and let Harry kiss him and move inside him, failing to see the large wings sprouting out of Harry's back. The once white soft feathers slowly turned a gray color before Harry quickly retracted them back into his back. He looked at Louis with wide eyes wondering if he had seen them and once he realized he didn't, he let out a sigh of relief.
"Can you..?" Louis trailed off, his hands lightly pushing at Harry's shoulders.
"I'm sorry." Harry slowly pulled out then got up as fast as he could. "I didn't even ask if it was okay. I'm sorry!" He started freaking out when the reality of what he had done hit him. He was in trouble.
Before Louis could open his mouth to tell him it had been a hundred percent consensual, Harry put on his briefs, grabbed his clothes and shoes then ran out of there. He tried to go after him but by the time he managed to put his own briefs on, Harry was already gone. He walked back inside his house already planning to call him later just as he heard someone trying to unlock the front door. He ran back upstairs to his bedroom and quickly got in the shower, not coming out until he felt relaxed and warm again.
When he finally made it downstairs, he found his twin sisters outside watering the plants and the other two nowhere to be seen. He stared at his mother who was looking at the feathers, before she turned around to look at him giving him a questioning look.
"I found them outside. Must be from a sick eagle or something." Louis shrugged as he walked to the fridge to look for something to eat.
"I hope you didn't touch the actual eagle or got too close to it." She said.
"I didn't even see it." He reassured her. "What are we making for dinner tonight?"
"Spaghetti. I want something easy and fast to make because I have a lot of clothes to fix. A few look expensive and i need to be really careful." Jay explained as she got the ingredients.
"I can make it then." Louis offered. "You focus on the clothes and I'll focus on dinner."
"Oh sweetheart." She kissed his forehead. "Thank you, baby. I don't know what I would do without you, my little blessing."
"You'll always have me, mom." Louis returned the kiss, then let her go so he could get started on dinner.
All throughout the process he couldn't stop thinking about Harry, wondering how and what he was doing. Part of him feared that Harry was regretting what had happened, but the other would tell himself to just give him time. He paused in the middle of adding the tomato sauce to the pasta when he realized they hadn't even used a condom. The pill was out of this world when Louis couldn't even afford that. He tried not to panic when he realized he was going to have to buy the morning after pill. He pushed the thought to the back on his mind as he waited for the food to be done so they could eat.
When Harry got home that evening he ran straight to his bed, falling right beside it. He tried to even out his breath after what had happened. The worst part was that he didn't regret it at all. He looked around for signs of Lucifer when he needed help. The confusion and fear was running deep inside him, but his brother wasn't there to comfort him in his own twisted way.
He slowly got up after almost an hour of sitting there then went to take a shower. He slowly removed his clothes then rubbed his back on his way to the shower. He had never felt pain around his wings like he was doing now. Once he was in the shower, he let the hot water relax his muscles then ended up showering as fast as he could when the water started turning cold. When he got out of the bathroom, Lucifer was nowhere to be seen, something he found to be completely weird when his brother was always finding ways to show up unannounced to startle him.
He ended up falling asleep in order to forget how he was going to explain what had happened. He didn't wake up until six in the morning the next day, then laid on his bed waiting for something to happen. Anything.
While Harry waited, Louis found himself in the pharmacy as he looked for the pill. But when he couldn't find it he realized he was probably going to have to ask the lady for it at the front of the store. He took a deep breath and made his way over there, seeing the young woman standing there. He started getting nervous when he saw two older ladies standing by the counter looking at the magazines.
"Hi, can I help you?" The woman, Stacy, asked him.
"I...I need plan b." Louis told her as quiet as he could, immediately hearing the whispers around him. He hated living in such a conservative place where people couldn't even decide over their own body.
"Sure! Which one do you want? We have a generic and non generic version. Generic is cheaper but it works the same as the non generic." She explained, side eyeing the women who were clearly talking about Louis.
Louis heard the automatic door to the pharmacy open just as he heard the word whore come out of one of the woman's mouth, making shame run through him. He felt someone stand behind him then the whispers get louder until a deep voice behind him startled him.
"How about you wretched witches mind your own damn business!"
Louis turned around thinking it was Harry, but he should have known it wasn't him when the voice was deeper and Harry would never talk to someone like that.
"It's two thousand eighteen, move along." He snapped his fingers at them, staring them down until they walked away. "You okay?" He asked Louis.
"I'm fine. Thank you." Louis wrapped his arms around himself and looked down at his feet.
"Did you get what you came here for?" He asked again, making Louis blush a deep red.
"I..." Louis bit on his bottom lip, then looked at the cashier. "I'll take the generic one, please." He said.
The cashier rang up his item, gave him the total then his bag after Louis had paid for the single pill. When he was done, he looked at Harry's brother and gave him a shy smile.
"It was nice to see you again." He told him
"You too!" He gave him a charming smile before his attention was on the cashier who was staring straight at him. "I don't need anything else. Thank you, darling."
"Yes, sir." She answered and went back to work.
He walked away and out of the pharmacy with a smirk on his face.
As soon as Louis was out of the pharmacy, Louis didn't waste time trying to open the box. He groaned when he realized he was going to need scissors and didn't have time to go back home for a pair. Instead, he put the box in his bag and started making his way to his job at the diner. On his way there he wouldn't stop thinking about Harry and how he was going to call him the night before but had fallen asleep. He had also getting distracted when he had to help his younger sisters with their homework. He would definitely call him on his break.
When he walked into the diner he greeted Niall then went straight to clock in then to Zayn's office to ask for some scissors. The man was crouched down on his desk going over orders, too busy to notice until the blue eyed man knocked.
"Oh!." Zayn jumped up. "Hi, Louis." He smiled.
"Hi, sorry I scared you."
"No big deal. Do you need something?" He asked.
"Can I use your scissors to cut a box?"
"Of course! Here you go." Zayn smiled at him and gave him the scissors before going back to his work.
Louis was relieved when he didn't ask any questions and instead went back to work while he went to his locker to try and open the box. It took him longer than usual and when he finally did, he was quick to take it and throw away the box before he covered it up with a few pieces of paper so no one would see it. He didn't need anybody else talking about him. He gave the scissors back to Zayn and got to work.
Halfway through his shift he didn't expect to see Harry walking through the door and sit down on his usual table. He hurried over to him before the other waitress could get to him first.
"Hi." Louis shyly greeted him, feeling nervous out of nowhere.
"Hi." Harry said, just as nervous as Louis was. "About yesterday," Harry started, wanting to apologize but Louis interrupted him.
"Don't- Don't apologize. I wanted to or else it wouldn't' have happened." He quietly told him when it seemed like the whole place had gone silent as soon as they had started talking.
"Are you sure?" Harry asked him, going for the salt shaker then the pepper one to play with it. A nervous habit he had developed.
"I am. A hundred percent." Louis nodded.
"Okay. I'm glad to know that. I wouldn't want to ruin what we have...or what we could have." Harry decided to test the waters. Louis was like a drug. Harry had gotten a taste and now he wanted more, he needed more.
"Yeah, you don't have to worry about that." Louis smiled, then looked down at his notepad. "Do you want the usual?"
"How about you pick something for me. Surprise me." Harry said, trusting that whatever Louis was going to choose, it was going to be good.
"Okay. I'll be right back with your glass of water." Louis told him then walked away.
Harry watched him walk away with a smile on his face then looked out the window when Louis disappeared into the kitchen. He slightly flinched when he felt a sharp pain on his back, quickly reaching to rub on the tender spot. He hadn't used his wings for quite a while and thought that maybe it was time to use them and let them stretch. He would have to wait until night time, but that was alright with him. He could wait and handle the pain that would come and go at random times.
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