Louis wiped away the sweat off of his face as he made his way to the diner still looking for a job, wondering if this time the couple would hire him after his friend Niall had recommended him. He had already filled out an application at the grocery store and the hardware store, starting to get desperate when his mother was starting to run out of money and had five mouths to feed including his own. He lowered his head in shame when at twenty he was still living with her, but what could he do when he didn't have a job or any other way of supporting himself much less live on his own.
When he finally made it to the diner he walked in sighing in relief as soon as the cool air hit him, relieving him of the hot and humid air outside. He smiled to the clients making his way to the counter where Niall was standing on the other side preparing the food since it was lunchtime, and Zayn was busy serving drinks at the same time he was trying to bring them their food. Niall took one look at him about to open his mouth when they heard the loud clattering of plates falling to the floor and Zayn lowly cursing.
"Louis, you're hired! Get to work, I need you to clean up those tables please." Zayn pointed to a row of tables at the very back, then went back to picking up the plates.
Louis smiled thanking whoever was up there and Zayn before putting on the apron Niall tossed at him, getting to work right away. When he was done and the tables were cleaner than ever he was put in charge of waiting the tables, getting a few tips that would definitely help him. He made sure not to mess up when he desperately needed the job until closing time was nearing and his feet hurt, but he wasn't complaining.
He had just cleaned up the last of the tables when the door opened and a man walked in, going straight to the counter asking for a sandwich and a coke. Louis ignored him in favor of continuing with his tasks which was sweeping the floor, he then stopped and looked up when he felt someone was watching him. He felt uncomfortable when he found the man staring at him with his green eyes, and more when he wasn't even trying to be subtle about it choosing to do it freely.
"Sir, your sandwich." Niall interrupted their little stare down, making Louis snap out of it as he rapidly blinked going back to what he had been doing. The shivers that ran down his spine didn't go unnoticed, feeling cold all of a sudden.
As soon as he was done sweeping he went straight to mopping, looking out the window where he could see his reflection seeing how bad he looked. His hair was disheveled looking like a bird's nest and he had dark circles and bags under his eyes. He was too skinny after months of eating less so his sisters and mother could have more, but he didn't mind. He abruptly stopped what he was doing when the lights flickered on and off, then a loud thunder shook the diner making Louis nervous; he hated thunderstorms.
"Do you by any chance know of any hotels around here...close to the diner?" The man asked out of nowhere, his deep voice sending shivers down Louis' spine once again.
"Uh...there's only one, this is a very small town and we don't get many visitors." Niall shrugged as he finished cleaning the small area where he prepared sandwiches, "It's a few blocks away from here, you won't miss it. It's not the best if I'm honest." Niall shrugged.
"That should be enough, I'm not picky." The man said, grabbing the half full glass of coke drinking until he finished it, "How much do I owe you?" He asked, taking out his wallet.
Louis' eyes widened when he saw the thick wad of cash he had on him that could feed his family for a whole two months. He quickly averted his gaze when the man looked at him from head to toe before he turned to look at Niall, making Louis feel small and insignificant in the old clothes he was wearing. His jeans were a little bit tight with holes at the knees and his light blue shirt had a hole by the collar. His shoes, he didn't even want to look at his tattered converse he had found at a secondhand store just like his clothes.
The man ended up leaving five minutes past closing time and as soon as Louis was done mopping the floors, he was called in into Zayn's office to discuss his wages. They agreed on starting with twelve dollars an hour which Louis was happy with since it was better than nothing and he needed the money. He thanked Zayn and his husband Liam before leaving, finding out that Niall had already left then made his way outside hating how dark it had gotten.
He still had a while to go but it felt like much more when his feet were hurting and he was so tired he could fall asleep right there. He walked faster when it started drizzling, scolding himself for not bringing a jacket but how could he have known if earlier that day had been the hottest of the year being it the middle of august. His hair was already wet and he was shivering when the headlights of a car illuminated his path, making him walk faster but it was to no use when the car slowed down right next to him.
"Do you want a ride?" The same deep voice from the diner asked, making Louis stop and try to look at him in the darkness.
"N- No, it's okay sir." Louis said, getting ready to start walking again.
The handsome man looked around before he looked at Louis again, showing nothing but kindness with his green eyes, "Come on, I'm not gonna hurt you. You're already soaking wet and shivering, you're going to get sick." He insisted, smiling when Louis sighed and opened the door getting in.
Louis shivered harder when he felt the heat in the car, making him want to put his hands in front of one of the vents. Instead, he buckled up then placed them under his thighs, ignoring how wet his jeans were. He looked around in the car, never having been in a car as fancy as the one he was in now. He looked at the man, taking in his short hair then his well defined jaw, and finally looked at his hands. They had a tight hold on the steering wheel, almost as if he was nervous. It made Louis want to get out of the car and run, but that was impossible when the car started moving.
The man cleared his throat and glanced at Louis before focusing his gaze back on the road, "Where to?"
"Go straight, then turn right on Willow Road." Louis answered, unable to stop looking at the man, "Thank you."
"No problem." The man said, "I'm Harry. What's your name?"
"L-Louis." The blue eyed boy answered, still unable to relax.
He started getting more nervous when the car swerved a little, knowing the road was dangerous when it rained. One wrong move and they would go straight into a ditch. He took his hands out from underneath his thighs and placed them on his lap, feeling the silence getting awkward.
"So..." The man started, "You've lived here all your life?" He asked.
"Yeah, my siblings and I were born here. Never been out of town either." Louis said, feeling his face heating up at the confession. He wondered what the man thought of him, what would he think when he sees his house.
It was a small two story house that used to be well kept when his father was still with them. His mother would keep the garden and make the house look beautiful, now it was almost falling apart and his mother no longer planted flowers. When his father left them, he had not only taken his belongings with him. He had taken his mother's happiness, the will to find the good in everything and everyone. Now his mother was just a shadow of what she used to be, and he had been left alone to pick up the pieces.
"That's nice. You must know everybody." Harry said, letting go of the steering wheel with one of his hands.
It made Louis nervous.
"You're new in town." Louis stated, "I heard you ask Niall for a hotel. That's how I know." He babbled, wanting to explain himself, already embarrassed.
"I'm here for a job." Harry told him, "It will only be for a few days."
"You turn right on the next street." Louis quickly said.
"That would have been quite the walk." Harry commented as he turned onto the street, the houses getting smaller as they drove further in.
"Not really, I'm used to walking everywhere." Louis shrugged, "That's the house." He pointed at his home, wondering what the man thought of it when he stopped in the driveway.
He unbuckled himself and opened the door, "Thanks for the ride." He thanked him, stepping out of the car when Harry spoke up, making him stop and look at the man.
"I'm staying at a hotel near here. If you want to I can give you a ride to work, I'm going there anyway. The food is delicious." He said, making eye contact with Louis thanks to the light in the car.
"Uhh, I don't want to be a bother and it's fine. I'm used to walking, but thank you." Louis declined his offer, wondering why someone like Harry would want to help someone like him.
"I insist. Just tell me what time you have to be there and I'll be here." Harry insisted, "I know it must be strange to you, but it's a long walk and I don't feel comfortable leaving you walking on your own. You never know what could happen."
"Nothing ever happens in this town." Louis said.
"You never know." Harry repeated, looking at Louis until the boy let out a loud sigh.
"I start at seven, but I have to be there by six thirty. It's too early for you." Louis fiddled with the hem of his shirt.
"I'll be here." Harry smiled.
Louis got lost in that smile when it brought comfort to him. When it made him feel like everything was going to be fine, that there was hope. That not everything was lost. That smile, for some unknown reason, was exactly what Louis needed when it was starting to get tougher and he couldn't keep going any longer. He found himself smiling back, looking away when the door to his house opened and his mother walked out.
"Thank you." Louis took a step back.
"No problem." Harry waved him off.
When Louis finally shut the door, Harry let out a loud sigh and looked at the top of his hands before looking up at the dark cloudy sky. All he was supposed to do was swerve the car and it would've been over by now but he didn't, all he had to do was set up a pattern and his job would be finished before fate could do their job. He looked at the clock that marked eleven pm, knowing the blue eyed boy could not make it past eleven a week from now.
"Forgive me, Father, for I have failed." Harry looked up at the sky again, a pained expression on his angelic face.
Thoughts? Should I continue it? :)
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