I wake up with a weight on my chest. I look to see what is weighing me down and discover that it's just Selena cuddling up to me and it's morning already. I sigh; at least she's getting some well-deserved sleep.
After a few minutes, I decide to make something for both of us before she wakes up. Placing her arm back on her chest and sliding off the bed, I walk downstairs and decided to make some spaghetti bolognese or maybe just spaghetti and meatballs, much easier to make.
Just a few minutes into making the meal, Lena walks into the kitchen yawning like she had been asleep for at least a day. I smile at her from my position in the kitchen, you know, that smile that asks 'are you okay?', She smiles back, a sign that she's feeling much better.
After about forty-five minutes, I am done with lunch, and Lena has already set the dining table. A few minutes later we are done stuffing our faces and go to the living room. Feels really good to have some company in this unnecessarily big house, it's like a breath of fresh air.
"Okay, go on say it," Lena frowns turning to face me on the red couch we're currently seated on.
"Say what?" I try feigning innocence but fail miserably as she sees right through me because she gives me the look that says 'you're fooling no one'.
"Fine, I don't think running away for the rest of your life is the answer but I don't think it is safe for you and your mom here anymore" I blurt out.
"Okay?... what do you suggest?" she asks sounding apprehensive.
"I think we should move, like far far away,"
"We?" she asks with her signature one eyebrow raise.
"Yes! Think about it, it gets you really far away from your stepdad plus, not to sound selfish or anything but it helps me get away too. I'm sick of this environment Le, especially this house!" I add getting up from the couch, "It's a constant reminder that my family is actually dead and I'm all alone in this world, no offense." I quickly add after my speech and take a deep breath, sitting back down.
She says nothing for a while.
"But I thought you didn't want to be away from their items?" She looks at me, sounding skeptical.
"I know but a larger part of me needs to let go, this is killing me! I can't do this anymore, I feel like I would lose it anytime now." I run my fingers through my hair trying to calm myself down.
"Gaby this isn't something you should rush into!" She goes to get up from the couch but I hold her hand and sit her down.
"You know I'm not the type to rush into anything, I've been thinking about his for a while. I can barely breathe here, I need to at least try to feel better." I have to convince her, I'm desperate.
"There are other ways! You don't have to leave the country because you want to move on, you see a therapist, you try something new, you go out! When was the last time you went out just to have fun?! Look at what you've turned into!" She yells in my face getting off the couch.
Okay, ouch.
"I'm sorry I can't just move on barely a year after my 'entire' family dies, leaving me in this pathetic world alone. I'm sorry I am tired of constantly being choked to madness by this house! I am most especially sorry for thinking you would ever understand!" I spit, walking away from her and rushing to my room, locking the door before hitting the bed. I do what I am best at these days, I cry.
"Gaby! Gaby open up, I'm really sorry," I can hear her yell from the other side of the door. I just let the tears flow, I really don't want her saying things I've been trying to shut out of my mind since it happened.
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." I hear her whisper.
I stand up to unlock the door and without looking or opening the door, I walk back to my bed and curl into a ball.
"Gaby," the only acknowledgement I give her is a sniffle.
"Gaby please talk to me, I am very sorry, I take it all back." she lifts me up with my arm and hugs me to herself.
I finally let go.
"I don't do it deliberately, you know? I can't just help it," I sob into her shoulder.
"I know babe, I know." She moves away a bit to look at me,"You know I love you, right?"
"I know." I whisper. We stay this way for awhile till I feel myself dozing off.
"And your pointed nose, and your blue? grey? whatever eyes" I chuckle then. I love this girl.
"Bluish grey idiot," I pause hesitating for a while "So, we can go?" I have to ask.
"Yeah, if you're sure it would help you get better, I have no problem. We do have to ask my mom though." I hear her say before I finally let myself drift off to sleep.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Damn! I really needed that nap. I go downstairs to see Lena doing the dishes
"See why I love you," I say making cooing noises.
She snickers,"Go take a bath Romeo"
"Do I have to? We can just go now." I try to convince her to leave my hygiene be.
"Yes you do and we'd go after, now shuu," she says gesturing with her hands. I'm not a dog!
I run back to take a shower upstairs. Whilst I was in the shower, Lena asks to lend some clothes from the other side of the door, as she has been in her current clothes for a more than a day. I lend her my black plaid skirt and a white tank top and she decides to just wear her pink sneakers over the tank. I wear a yellow sundress with a deep V-neck, pair it with brown sandals and follow her to her blue Ferrari.
I get in the passenger seat and she follows suite, "Seatbelt missy," I roll my eyes, safety is an illusion.
I barely have my seatbelt on when the car jerks forward and I look to her with the fiercest glare I could muster. Giving me a cheeky smile and a 'sorry', she revs the engine again and pulls out of the driveway. She drives like the maniac she is to her house. We are on our way to her house to tell her mum about our plans to move to another continent. Literally.
We finally get to her estate and drive to the garage. We both are impatient so we get off almost immediately. We basically run to the front door and don't bother ringing the bell because Aunt Meghan is home most of the time, she often works from home.
"Mom!" she yells.
"Study!" Aunt Meghan yells back. We walk excitedly towards her mom's study.
"Hey aunt M," I greet as I walk into the study after Lena.
"Mom we just came up with the best plan ever! actually Gaby did, but same thing," I hope she isn't about to start rambling like she does when she's excited. She had chosen UK when we were getting dressed and I had to atleast give her that, hence her excitement.
Her mom looks up, smiles at me and faces Lena,"What's that dear?" she asks with her soothing voice.
"Emm...where do I start? You know how we got that em... text from Samuel? And we all know what that means, so, I and Gabi thought maybe we should move to another continent maybe the UK, I've always wanted to go there," she starts babbling.
"Le, you know that's not possible, I have work to do and I can't just abandon my work here just to move literally across the world to escape a man that would not stop trying to mess with our lives no matter where we go." She says going back to what she was doing on her MacBook before we arrived.
"Aunt M think about it this way, we could stay here and risk this man coming back for you guys and by then it'll probably be too late to move to wherever because he's bound to find out quicker than he would if we left now," I say in one sentence and take a deep, well-deserved breath.
She stops what she is doing and has that frown she usually gives when she's thinking, meaning she is considering this.
"Okay, but what about you Gaby? We can't just pull you with us," she finally looks at me.
"It was actually my idea. I need a change of environment and I feel this is best for Lena so it's a win-win." I explain slowly.
She's quiet and leaves me anxious as fuck.
"I'll think about it." She finally breathes, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.
Lena and I do the secret fist bump because we know 'I'll think about it' is Aunt Meghan's way of saying 'fine you win'.
We immediately leave her study to Lena's room to waste the day because she doesn't have school tomorrow. I had requested for a break from school for about a year earlier this year after the incident. Family name really does a lot.
We watch this new Tv show, Good trouble for a while before deciding it would be more fun to make plans for the exact place we want to move to, places we would visit before we resume school. Oh and let's not forget our school transfer choice.
I didn't exactly finish my last year as a senior due to my personal year break and Lena has a few months left but with the Woodville wealth and connection, we could work something out and just continue from college. I would need Aunt Meg's help a lot too. Shit! I'm so psyched.
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