“Girl what’s taking so long?”
Shuffling into the red silk bodycon one strap dress Maya lent me since we’re almost of the same stature, “I’m almost done!”
It’s a good thing I don’t do makeup, I refuse to be tortured with hours of feeling like a baked good.
Almost tripping over my own feet, I stumble out the dresser and into the dorm room I was expected to stay. I wasn’t letting myself get comfortable with these… ‘people’ just yet.
I’d head to Aunt Meg’s first thing tomorrow but for now I guess we’re really doing this, party with a bunch of supernaturals that could be thinking of doing just about anything to us. Breath Gaby
“About damn time” Picking up her phone since she had no purse and couldn’t push it by asking for a purse since we barely had any clothes and had to lend from our roommates’ throughout the week. I know, at least Maya has good hygiene, Andrea is still getting there.
We learnt earlier this week that we were at least allowed to visit Amadeus once in a while but are not allowed out unless during the weekends. Good thing my stomach was the only part of me that was hurt.
Strutting to the school doors trying to act normal in m- Andrea’s crop top and blue jeans
“Hey! Where are you heading to?” the bald skinny security guard headed towards me.
“Oh I’m heading home, lectures are done and I’m hungry so couldn’t wait for homeroom”
He lifted a brow, giving a missing middle tooth smile, “Oh really?”
I nod feeling creeped out already, all I ever had to do was explain, “And you don’t happen to know about N.S.N by chance do you?”
I remember those letter clearly, they got me in this mess I am in right now, a shiver runs through my bones just thinking back to how it all started, “No, am I supposed to?”
I am sure I sounded convincing enough but something in my voice must have given me away, maybe the shaky way I let out a breath after he smiles that same creepy smile or my twitching fingers or might have been my barely blinking eyes.
“Let’s not stress this out more than necessary, head back inside, you can go wherever you want during the weekends” How did he- forget that, It’s now or never. Sprinting as fast as my legs would carry me away from him with the school gate in my sight. Not looking back, the mercilessly bright sun beating down on me and blurring my vision. He was old but he knew I was one of them; I’m not taking any chances.
I felt like I was running to the light. I was just two steps away from the gate when I feel a pair of hands that felt stronger than that of an old man’s should, on my ankles.
Oof! It was just a minor sting till I feel the pain spread making me clutch my stomach.
“What the fuck man?!” I hiss, my face still in the sand making it sound like I was mumbling.
He scoffed lifting me up, “Get your grimy hands off me! Was that really needed?”
“Without manners too I see, kids these days. Now if you don’t mind, inside please”
“I can’t waste my manner on someone like you. This is going to leave a bruise! What if this pavement had already been worked on I would be in the hospital!”
“Good, that would remind you not to try running from Hermes especially when I didn’t try to hurt you and gave a simple doable instruction.” Her- no
“Gaby! I swear I would leave you”
“Huh? What?”
“You were gazing at the wall and just standing like… well, like that.” she says pointing to my still position.
“Oh sorry let’s go."
We walk down the stairs. I had found out earlier this week that the elevator isn’t bad but isn’t functioning for us the student because the stairs was extra training, then why fucking put one there?
Walking out the doors of Amadeus, I notice Hermes isn’t there like he was the other day just a middle aged man with too short shorts.
He let us out the gates without any questions whatsoever. We had to take a taxi since none of us had our cars. Even if we had any, we couldn’t bring it here because apparently, it would draw unwanted attention here if there were multiple cars without the owners picking them up till the weekends.
Argh nothing about a party is good, well except the free booze of course but asides that, nothing. Everything looks like a regular party would, had I been a stranger, I would have thought it was just that, a regular party. This particular party host though, is definitely not a human because Sebastian is rumoured to be a siren that hates humans, or rather can’t stand them.
Stepping into the massive house, I am immediately hit by the stench of alcohol and sex. The room was dimly lit making it difficult to see anything clearly. Jimena runs off somewhere and before I could even think to ask where she is going, Maya and Andrea leads us to a space with four couches joined together in the form of a square and I see Adonis already there with four other guys.
“Selena, Gabriella, meet Haman, Dante, Peter, Collins and Adonis” Andrea introduces us pointing to each one as she says their names, “That is Ramona and I’m sure you have met Harmonica,” she adds pointing to Harmonica and a red head clutching to the Dante guy’s ripped arm. I think its save to say that blood supply to that arm has been cut off.
Dante and the red head are sitting on the first couch to the left, Harmonica sitting on the edge of said couch. Adonis and Haman sitting on the one directed opposite us, Collins sitting on the one right in front and Peter on the couch to the right.
I sheepishly wave, barely meeting their gazes and avoiding looking at Adonis, “Hi, you can me Gaby though.”
Maya gives me a puzzled look but Andrea gives a knowing look, “Hey guys, so what we doing?” ever the extrovert. She drops herself on the couch with Adonis and Haman.
“Well we were playing beer pong, want in?” Adonis smirks at Lena and she whoops, “Of course”
“You know I’m in” Andrea dumps herself on one of the couch to the right and Peter moves to join Collins.
Maya pushes Andrea to move, “Scoot over”
I sit in the space she creates, “Alright you all know the rules yeah?”
“Who doesn’t?” Maya grunts.
Haman, a blonde boy with messy hair and pretty lanky, places an empty beer bottle in the middle and spins it. The butt lands on Maya and the head lands on Peter, a brunette with a quiff.
“Truth or dare” she asked in a bored tone.
“Chicken,” she scoffs, “Last time you made your friend happy by yourself”
“Five months ago”
“Wait the last time you made a friend of yours happy was five months ago?!” It starts slow but before I know it everyone at the table is laughing. I try not to be rude and laugh at Harmonica but I feel the tendrils of laughter bubble in my chest and I let it go, I wish I could have warned her.
“What’s so funny” she scrunches her thin nose that is kind of pointed towards the end.
“You are.” Peter hunches over with tears in the corner of his eyes.
The red head from earlier, sitting beside her on one of the couches, whispers in her ears what I can bet Lena’s life on, what his ‘friend’ is. Her eye widens and the laughter starts again.
“Oh Harmy, you never seize to amaze me” Her cheeks are tainted a vicious red.
“Just spin the bottle” she grumbles. The butt lands on Andrea and the head on the red head.
“Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” she smirks at Andrea.
“I dare you to kiss Adonis” she smiles and walks to where he’s seated. Pouting her lips, she inches closer to Adonis’s. My fingers grip the seat, trying not to say or do anything and too busy making sure my face remains expressionless. Her lips didn’t make contact with his lips though because he turns his face, her mouth meeting his cheek instead.
Andrea burst out laughing again and a part of me is just happy that didn’t happen. For some weird reason, I don’t want him kissing anyone or maybe I don’t just like her.
“I don’t kiss people I don’t have any feelings for, especially if they belong to my friend.” he says bluntly laying emphasis on friend.
She rolls her eyes, “no one asked. Your loss though.” Hmm so she was someone’s girl, probably the Dante guy.. With messy curls and thin lips, you’d think he would be just there but no, he just had to be well built as well with bulging biceps. I have had my fair share of guys and this was just a kiss right? He does have a girlfriend though. She did try to kiss Adonis in his presence so no biggie right? Exactly.
They don’t expect me to do it because they already hand me a beer bottle to empty.
Standing up, I walk towards the wide eyed light skinned boy, hazel eyes following my movement after the initial shock. I crouch to get to his level since he is sitting and I am standing, I don’t think just do. I kiss him, I meant for it to be a peck but as I’m about to rise up, he pulls me in deepening the kiss and shock would be an understatement. I remain still initially but eventually give in letting this absurd thing happen. His lips feel so soft and he tastes like lime with a hint of alcohol. People! Shit! I pull away before things gets too heated up, walking timidly to my seat. Everyone is quiet.
“That just happened” Maya breaks the silence smiling all of a sudden.
Dante blinks and spins the bottle with shaky hands.
“I want to dance!” Andrea whines.
“Why not? I’m tired of this, y’all are monsters.”
“It’s not our fault you chose not to hang out with chickens.”
Haman takes Andrea’s hand and they head to the dance floor, more like a living room double the size of a normal one but still.
The red head pulls Dante with her, Peter takes Harmonica, Collins takes Maya and a random guy asks Lena for a dance which she accepts. He sounded like he knew her though because he did call her name and she called his, Nicoli I think.
“Up for a dance?” Adonis asks not looking particularly happy which is… different.
“It is a party, of course.” I smile trying to lighten the mood. He just nods and pulls me up with the hand I offer him.
We head to the dance floor, a song I don’t quite remember is playing in the background, it’s quite slow but not waltz type of slow.
“Can you dance?” He turns to me and I could feel his cockiness again.
“Why don’t we find out?”
He places his hand on the small of my back and I’m immediately very aware of the heat that comes with that hand. With my back to him we sway from side to side, warming up to the song, my waist naturally doing its thing. The hook of the song comes on.
You bring out the, animal;
Oh I remember the song now, Animal by trey songz.
I thrust my hips forward letting it land back on his lower region, I hear his sharp intake of breath but he soon pays me back by thrusting to match my movements.
Girl you know I’m on my way now;
Girl you know I’m on my way my way to you;
I grind faster on him starting to feel the music, doing the waist breaking thing and his hands move to my sides controlling my waist.
Amma bring my anaconda;
Girl to get to to get to your forbidden fruit;
Turn the bed into a jungle;
Im tarzan you’d be my jane up in this room;
Girl you know I’m finahuncha;
You the one I’ve been praying on;
I play with my waist going lower then higher just grinding on him, my hand behind his neck, his on my waist.
I’m the boss I’m the boss I’m the leader of the pack;
Boomerang boomerang baby go on;
Now I’m feeling it, I start twerking on him, switching from the bicycle twerk to the basic twerk.
Do your thang do your thang;
Girl you dunno how to act;
I’m a dog I’m a dog amma eat that pussy cake;
I start grinding on him again feeling his excited dick on my butt making a part of me that I shall not mention excited.
I ain’t gonna but baby you get pretty wild;
Girl when you take it off, take it off;
When days turn to night, that’s when you show your other side;
With all those freaky thong, freaky thongs;
You bring out the, animal;
He flips me to face him and our gazes are locked on each other. His green eyes looking darker than usual, it might have been the darkness of the room or it could have been something else, I wouldn’t know.
I feel like all the air has been knocked out of me, our faces way too close but I don’t pull away, I don’t want to. I feel minty breathe on my nose and lips and I’m sure he can feel mine too. Green eyes meet my lips and I see the lust twirling in them, I can feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins, my mind telling me to move but my body wanting something else.
I shouldn’t be feeling like this or even be considering this, I just met him a week ago, and I barely know him. I don’t have to decide. He closes the distance between us and I close my eyes, holding my breath. I feel lips on my neck and a shiver runs through me but I don’t move, they continue to the edge of my shoulder, leaving fire in their wake. Just when I start to let myself enjoy it, he stops and creates a lot of space between us.
Shocked and suddenly feeling cold, “What?”
He chuckles but it sounds forced, “I said would you care for a drink?”
“Oh… s-sure.”
+ + + + + + +
Well that just happened...😛😛
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