Dedicated to DesignedUp for the amazing new cover!
“Hahahahah!” why is she laughing? “Oh my God! Woah! Now I remember why I took an instant liking to you! You’re hilarious! Super-” she bursts into laughter again like I’ve said the funniest thing in the world.
“Whoa, I really needed that, I suddenly feel so relaxed, thanks Gaby” She says still chuckling a little.
“I am serious Aunt M” I tell her trying to make sure I have the most serious expression on.
“Sure…” she drawls mocking me.
“Serious! I have no proof but I am telling you the truth, this is serious!” I stress out fixing my lips in a tight line.
“Pwoof of whoaf” Lena saunters in just then with her cheeks looking like a chipmunk’s and her ‘attempt’ to talk makes it look hilarious but I have to act ‘serious’ right now.
“The supernatural shit” I throw at her not really caring to reply properly.
“She won’t believe you, I tried telling her the morning before we were to meet Iris” she finally finishes chewing and takes a seat on the black couch across from Aunt Meg and I.
I look at Aunt Meg shocked, “really? I know it is hard to believe but still…”
“Look, you both sound serious and all, well as serious as Lena can get”
“Gee, thanks mum” she spits sarcastically with an eyeroll.
“But, how do you really expect me to believe that you both are supernatural, I mean doesn’t one of your parents have to be a supernatural for you to be one? Well hey! Jaxson wasn’t and I sure as hell am not so Lena can't be!” she starts to get up.
“That doesn’t me-“
“Look, if this is just to get permission to stay out late or miss some classes, you have it, but you coming up with this, this, nonsense! I’m going to bed” she wears her flip flops and moves to go upstairs. We could have stopped her but none of us makes a move to. At least we got permission, sort of.
Lena and I silently decide not to bother with it. We eat to our satisfaction and binge watch movies from our list of movies to watch till I feel myself dozing off.
“Haaaaaa” I stretch till I feel all my bones are in place. Sleeping on the couch has gradually become a habit for both of us since we came to live here.
I tap Lena till she gets up, I leave her to stretch as much as she wants while I head upstairs to take a shower. I check Aunt Meg’s room which was the first room on the left side of the staircase but she isn’t in and her bed is made. She obviously went to work early. I close the door behind me and head to my room which is just adjacent to Lena’s room.
I lazily grab a towel on my way to the bathroom. I poured some bath salt and bath soap into the white, marble tub and keep the overhead shower running to fill up the tub while I brush my teeth.
I finish brushing and step into the now bubble filled bath, I can never get tired of this. I slide in spreading my arms and stay that way for minutes. I wish I could live here. I sponge my body and unclog the plug to let the water out and turn on the shower to rinse my now soapy body.
I step out of the shower, one leg at a time and wrapped the towel which I placed on the hanger just few steps from the tub. I go out and walk into my walk in closet which is just on the left to my bathroom, take the first clothes my hands touch and heading back out to my room. I quickly put on the snake print, long sleeved crop top and a matching skirt paired with my black gladiators. Nothing can take its place in my heart.
I go to check myself out. I have a feeling today would be the start of something I hope I don’t regret. I walk down the stairs.
“Le you ready?” I yell already heading for the door. I walk to the garage, getting into the driver’s side of my baby. Hey don’t judge me till you get a lambo, I own a Porsche boxster too but naw.
I turn the key to start the car with my foot on the brakes and the car on R. I held the car to look behind me and reverse out of the garage, I whirl the car around and honk the horn, Lena gets out the house and into the car wearing a loose white top and some high waist jeans with a pair of white sneakers.
“The day I get dressed before you would be the day I die happy” Lena mumbles going for her seatbelt. Wise choice.
I let her do that and step on it immediately her hands drop.
“Oh my God! Please Lord not yet! She's the mad one. Take her and save me! “ she yells all through the ride to school.
“My God! remind me why I keep riding with you?” she grip on the dashboard loosens a bit.
“Because you know deep down that I am an amazing driver” I step out of the car, taking my books from the back seat and start down the path to the school’s wooden doors.
“Yeah right, keep telling ypurself that” she says as we head to our lockers.
“I would because it is true” I place my books in my locker taking only the ones I need for first period with me and slam it shut. I was already heading to BIO 101 which was one of our shared classes when I realize Lena isn’t by my side. I whirl around to see she is stuck on a spot staring at nothing.
“Lena?” I walk back to her but she doesn’t move nor answer me.
I snap my fingers close to her eyes and she snaps out of it.
“We have to go to the library” she utters those words sounding unsure.
“No we have to go to BIO before the bell goes off” and like the world hasn't confirmed it's hatred for me enough times, the warning bell goes off at that exact moment.
“I said we have to go to the library” she suddenly commands not budging and already walking down the hall in the direction of the library.
I guess the library it is. I run to catch up to her, I finally reach her breatheless.
“Lena what’s all this? We would definitely be late for class, I do not want a detention. I spend enough time in school already!” I yell still walking with her.
She just grabs my arm and keeps walking till we get to the library, she opens the door and there Iris is again smiling at us like she had been expecting us to walk through those doors.
I feel Lena suddenly relax as we head towards Iris, weird.
We go through the same process as the last time and we are at the fancy school again.
Iris struts ahead of us and I take this moment to admire her waist length blonde locks and her nude bodycon dress. She leads us to what looks to be an office.
“You would get your new schedule here, no need to attend the ormal classes, we have that handled, you both need to start your training without further delay, if you have any questions come to me” she says already walking away.
“Wait I have one” she whirls around and raises a brow at me.
“Go on”
“Earlier Lena kept insisting we go to the library and when we walked in you looked like you were expecting her. Did you? what I mean is, were you?” I ask scratching my neck.
“Was I what?”
“Were you doing the whole mind controlling thing Zeus was?”
“Oh that, no no I wasn’t, I don’t have the ability to, especially since she's not one of mine. She was probably compelled or under the control of her ancestor or Zeus”
“What do you mean one of yours? And who is her ancestor? She still hasn’t told me, earlier I tried asking her but she fainted just when she was about to tell me”
“One, She is not a traveller. Two, Artemis is because she is a werewolf”
“I am a what?!”
“Werewolf, how do you not know this and I do?” she queries.
“Maybe because she was compelled” I cut in.
“Zeus and Hades couldn’t have done it because they were quite bothered when they left must have been one of the nurses but Patricia was with me”
“I understand Andrea compelling her to come here but forgetting her talent? Not so sure why Andrea would do that” so that was the other scientist's name.
“Me neither” I am as confused as she is.
“Selena come closer for a minute” Lena walks to where she is, she flicks her fingers in Lena’s face and Lena looks like she just woke up from a daze.
“That bitch!” Lena spits venomously.
Iris chuckles “Just as I thought, still don’t get why she would do that though”
“Something stupid, she didn’t want me to tell Gaby that they wanted us there just to know what Gaby is. They already knew I was a werewolf because the bitch got my blood from my pyramid disaster, which she caused by the way”
“Sounds like Andrea” Iris and I both both utter at the same time.
“If that is all, I'd be leaving now, get to class” she said already walking away. She only gets a few steps away from us before she stops and swivels round.
“Oh and I almost forgot, you both would be staying in the hostels here starting tomorrow, tell Meghan”
Don't kill me! 🏃🏃🏃. What do you think about the pace of the story so far? Too fast or too slow??
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