Who in their right mind would make biochemistry the first period of the day? I mean come on! Is it not enough that I have to be here in the first place?!
He starts walking around to call an unfortunate soul to answer one of his ridiculous questions.
Please don’t be me, please don’t be me. I’d give money to the homeless, the crippled, anyone.
“Miss Gabriella, would you be so kind as to give a few details on xylitol and disease it could be used to treat?”
Of course! I forgot, the universe fucking hates me. Fuck your universe! I lied about all going to do those things anyways!
It’s not like I don’t know the answer, I do actually but like I said before, I hate being the center of attention, especially in class.
“It’s a polyhydric alcohol. A low alternative to table sugar occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables like berries, oats, you get what I mean. Roughly as sweet as sucrose and can be used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease” I hear someone spit all of that out from behind me.
I turn around to see Xavier wearing an expression that shows no interest in the topic until he catches my eyes. He smirks at me and the expression is back.
“Thank you Miss Gabriella” Mr. Johnson, the lecturer says adding more stress to ‘Miss Gabriella’ while directing a pointed look at Xavier.
I chuckle and he turns his glare my way, then, walks towards my direction and I immediately shut it.
He walks passed me and I release a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. How can a human being always be this serious with his job? I know they aren't paying him enough to be a good teacher.
The bell rings just then, I check my watch, a little earlier than usual but I don’t question it and I don’t waste any more time either, I hightail the fuck out of there before they realize their mistake.
I head straight to the library and oh shocker! Guess who the librarian is? Yes, fucking Iris. Lena walks through the door with searching eyes just as I start heading towards the ‘librarian’s’ desk.
“Le! Over here!” I whisper yell to her.
“Oh hey you, really don’t like Mr. Johnson do you?” I give her a deadpan look and just keep walking;
Like she doesn’t know the answer to that one.
“Morning Blaire” Lena greets with a smile like she’s talking to just anyone.
“Morning” I mumble.
“Oh hey, follow me” she says walking towards the back of the library. She pulls a book from the last shelf and the wall opens up, we walk in and it closes behind us.
We’re faced with another door but this one has a device of some sort on it.
Iris or Blaire, whatever, places her eye close to it and her eye flashes blue. The door beeps and opens up and oh my God! This is freaking amazing!
We’re currently in what looks to be another school? City? Town? I don’t know alright! I am overwhelmed right now.
Iris keeps walking and we walk past a lot of teenagers before getting to a large double door. She does the eye scan stuff again and the doors open up to reveal the most impressive looking school hall I’ve ever seen.
The walls are neutrally painted, I see paintings at every corner. There’s a fucking chandelier hanging down the center of the hall and the receptionist’s desk is made of the finest wood I’ve ever seen, I feel like it was waxed too.
Iris nods at her and we do the same, we keep walking down the hall and I fall more in love with this place.
We get to the end of the hall and Iris knocks and tell us to go in. We do and sit on the two chairs we see in the cleaner-than-spongebob's house room.
“Zeus and Hades would be with you soon” Before I can ask why, the door is shut.
“I don’t feel so good anymore” Lena says from beside me looking worried.
“Me neither” Shit! I forgot to ask how long this was going to take. I hope we get this over with on time before someone notices we’re gone or before the last period is over, don't want Aunt Meg getting worried.
I look around and see we’re in a lab of some sort. The floors are made of marble and there seems to be another door to my left. A glass wall separates us from what I feel could be the test room and a glass table was right in front of it. The table held gloves, masks, surgical equipment, and other test equipment that I have no idea what their names are.
We sit there for about fifteen minutes before Zeus walks in with Hades and two ladies on lab coats.
“A’ight let’s get this over with” he says like he is the only one who has somewhere else to be.
“Miss Selena, please come with me” one of them, a slim brunette with really long hair says.
Lena follows her through the door on my left.
“And then there were three” Hades snickers and Zeus just rolls his eyes and goes to rest on the wall.
“Okay, we can begin” the other lady, a red-haired woman with the warmest brown eyes says.
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