Chapter 22
Present Day
Lady Areum placed a very old book on the table along with a few old papyrus in front of Suhan.
"These speak of the Legend."
Suhan indicated his cup for which the older woman nodded and went to the corner to brew some more tea while Suhan studied the books and drawings.
For sometime, no one spoke.
Comparing to the pictures, Suhan kept his thoughts to himself. He did not really believe in magical objects. Although calling it magical might have been a stretch.
According to the legend, the King had been in enormous stress and had one concern pressing him till it was all he could think about. His love made it difficult for him to think about anything else, which meant his every waking moment was spent being flooded in that heartbreaking hypothetical scenario. Having that concern, he had wandered away into the forest.
Then he had met a Goddess? And asked for not something along the lines of riches, or greater life, or way to vanquish his enemies, but the very specific thing that was troubling him?
And which Goddess could be approached by surpassing a barrier by being selfless?
Suhan scoffed.
It seemed like the King had hallucinated the encounter to pacify his heart and had taken back a Binyeo he must have already brought for the Queen otherwise, wouldn't a celestial Binyeo be a little. . . . . . . . . celestial?
This one looked like the best and the most unique craftsmanship of humans of that time.
"You do not believe in the legend." Lady Areum stated, eyeing the ample amount of old, carefully preserved documents that authenticated the legend.
Suhan gave a lazy shrug, "I believe the King believed it had happened." He carelessly flicked at the documents, "These are all written by humans who heard his tales, never knowing that with age these would become fancier. But the end of it, its simply the retelling of what the King said. Not evidence."
Lady Areum gripped the empty cup tighter, then said, "We have grown up not only believing in it but have also been tasked with something important. This truth that you are hearing revolves around our belief of the Binyeo you have. Generations for generations, we have protected this belief. Do not be so careless to disregard it."
Suhan smiled charmingly, "My not believing does not take away from your believes or the love and devotion of the General for risking his life to get it for the woman he loved."
Somewhat pleased by his answer, the old Lady still locked away the books back in the locker while Suhan merely watched "You are a man of science I suppose, someone who cannot believe in these things?"
Even before she completed voicing her sentiments, his merry laughter echoed in the small room. Watching Suhan laughing, the Lady shook her head, giving up on understanding the handsome young man before her.
"Oh Lady. . . ." Suhan chuckled a little, wiping a few tears from his eyes, "you have no idea what all I can believe in. If not, why else would I be here?"
Shaking his head, he became serious again, "According to your story, they have passed their six months. Have they not?"
Taking the pot from the small kitchenette, she poured two cups of tea and placed the pot in middle again. With a sad smile she nodded,
"Unknown to them, that was the last time they had made love. That was the last time, in that life that they held each other and slept with smiles in their faces and the quite peace of love in their hearts.
That was the last time, they would hold each other in their arms.
Because just the next day, Death waited to separate them."
He had tried to be detached to the story he was hearing, had tried to treat it just like a passing fairytale but that line pulled at his heartstrings, a small ache forming for the General and his love of the Past.
"When they reached the Capital, unexpectedly the General of the neighboring Kingdom had been spotted along with a few rebels. The celebratory banquet was supposed to be held in three days when all the vassals, ministers, officials and even other Royals who had the friendship treaty to the Kingdom were to take part. At such an important event, any danger to the guests or the internal Palace officials had to be swiftly eliminated.
The Crown Prince had asked Hoseok to verify the source of the rumors to be true. Finding them to have weight, the General had confirmed its authenticity. As many Kings and Queens had already reached the Capital and were staying in the Palace, this had to be taken care of quietly.
Hoseok and the 4th Prince were tasked to capture them, in the emergency, this was not anticipated, but had to be done nonetheless.
They left the next day."
"In the state that he was in?" Suhan asked. Lady Areum nodded.
Suhan looked at his silent phone, the urge to call a certain Python hybrid or a shrew of his sister was strong. He suddenly felt a great need to hear their voices, hear them complaining about small things.
He wanted to go back home.
Suhan played with his phone, rotating it between his finger and thumb, indifferently staring at the wall.
He recalled what Hoseok had said in the Auction. It was only now that he understood, that anger in his voice had been filled with helplessness, with pain of loss.
That. Is not. The whole truth.
Suhan still clearly remembered the way he had gritted it out. Somewhere inside of him, a part of him had been in pain for the lies he heard.
Inhaling deeply, he flicked a glance at a woman who could tell him the truth.
He. . . . . . . owed him that much.
Keeping his phone away, Suhan nodded, indicating the Lady to begin.
The tale of the way the lovers had been wrenched apart by death.
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