Chapter 15
"Did you hope to meet him here?"
The whisper carried a dark rage, unparalleled in its intensity. Aaya's heart thudded crazily in her chest, her blood frozen with primal fear with just his voice.
She still, shakily replied, "Were you not informed that I was asked to be here? In your house, I have no means of getting any information from the outside world. So how would I know anything about the prince? As for now, look around us, your men surround us still." She breathed unevenly, "Calm down General. This is just a coincidence."
"Just a coincidence." He echoed her words, the wind echoing the chill she felt. Hoseok leaned over her, closer still, "Is it? Just a coincidence?"
Aaya looked back to make sure the Prince would not discover them, thankful on seeing, that he had left too.
"Your eyes still search for him." Hoseok's coldly said as his fingers gently gripped her chin to turn her face back to him, "While I stand right before you."
"General, please do not be unreasonable-"
"Do you want to meet the person who calls himself your husband?" Hoseok's arms came around her, bringing her closer to him, his hands forceful. He bent down to directly whisper in her ears, "Do you crave to be his lost Princess?"
"General!" Ha-Ru called Hoseok from behind, but his glinting eyes never left Aaya, his hold kept tightening. "General! You are aware of what transpired tonight, all was conveyed to you. You are still under the influence of alcohol, please let My Lady go."
Hoseok lips turned up in a cruel smirk, "You have him worried too Aaya." He lightly told her, then partly turned back to Ha-Ru, "Have my horse brought. The Lady and me shall be departing."
"General please-"
"Do not DARE to speak to me about what I should do with my woman." Hoseok's barely controlled anger burst forth in those quiet words. Aaya looked at Ha-Ru who appeared to be preparing to argue, and gave a shake of her head.
Because no one knew just how angry Hoseok was. His grip on her waist was bruising, his heart thundering. If he was provoked in this state, death would definitely follow.
By then, his horse was brought forth by Hoon Chul, who glanced repeatedly at her, wanting to intervene but somehow held his tongue.
Hoseok wasted no time in hoisting her up on the horse and seated himself behind her. He made sure she fit snugly, his hard thighs bracketing her as he took the reigns. Behind them, Ha-Ru suddenly said, "The Prince is coming out! Quick-"
The rest of his words remained unheard as the General charged ahead the night, leaving the Inn behind in minutes. Aaya sat quietly, oddly distanced from the anger vibrating in the male body behind her. She knew what was to come, but most importantly, she knew what she had to do.
She knew, because she truly did recognise Hoseok's emotion more than he himself did.
"Aaya. . . . ." Hoseok kissed her ears softly, his warm lips lingering, "I don't like that name anymore." Another kiss followed even as he rode ahead, "That is the name of the Princess who died. The name of the bride who is still mourned by the Prince. The Prince you wanted to go back to."
"No. I-"
"Shhhhhh." Hoseok placed his palm on her mouth, gripping her firmly not allowing her to speak. He rubbed the side of his face to hers, "Shhhh." He urged the horse faster, his actions reflecting his furious state of mind while his whisper remained gentle, "You need to be reminded of your Promise gazelle, You need to be reminded that you agreed to be mine. Once mine," his voice turned sinister, "I. Don't. Share."
Aaya trembled a little, closing her eyes, she rested against his solid frame, knowing a little sad secret of the future morning. He held the reigns with one hand and kept the other over her mouth, his temper too spiked to notice the submission that she had already given.
She knew tonight broke the last shred of his sanity, it shattered completely. For a man who loved for the first time with the darkness in his heart, his need for her to belong to only him was not a desire, it was a need as important as his identity.
To have to be silent and accepting of seeing her name being not only linked, but claimed as the wife of another man to be remembered in history had to have been a wound to his soul. Even if he wanted, Hoseok could never claim the title of her husband, even if the Prince had lied, even if they were rightfully married. In the eyes of the world, she would only ever have belonged to the Prince, never to him.
That had cut him deeply. So deep, that the wound would fester, as there was no cure for it.
That feeling must have hollowed him out.
He had still tried his best to quieten the clamouring need to assert his claim over her, but seeing her so close to the man who still looked for her, seeing her looking at the man who had taken her identity associating it forever as his bride, must have broken him in his inebriated state.
It must have broken him completely.
And now, he was lashing out as an animal in pain and fear.
This was his biggest fear. Her wanting to leave him.
He believed himself to be unworthy of her, but in his eyes, a Prince giving up his future of marriage for the memory of a lie, just for love, was someone she could want to spend her life with.
Since the day of the court, Aaya knew that the General lived in the fear of her being moved by the Prince's genuine emotion of love. And tonight, even if his mind knew the coincidence of life, his fear jumped at him, making him deaf and blind to reason. All he could feel was the grip of his nightmare, its claws digging in.
As a result, Hoseok fought back. He fought back to establish a claim on her, a claim that could calm him down.
A claim, that would no doubt result in anguish of regret in the morning.
As the house loomed closer, Aaya relaxed further in his embrace, knowing this would be a difficult night for her.
Because it was also a claim, that she would not refuse.
Hoseok didn't stop the horse, nearly trampling the guard at the door. He urged his mount on until he reached her house. Without speaking, the General dismounted, taking her with him. He all but carried her in the house.
"LEAVE!" his command swept away any maids waiting for her. Hoseok closed the doors after leaving an instruction, "No one will be entering until the door is opened by me."
Aaya watched him stalk towards her then, his hands going to the tie of his outer robe, loosening it.
"Don't speak." He shrugged out of his robe which pooled to the ground, his hands then going to untie his upper hanbok, "Do you know? What it feels like loving someone near you yet feeling that they are far away?"
His upper garment fell away drawing Aaya's eyes to the tanned and firm chest, his abs hard. His untied hair framed his masculine frame making him look wild. Making him appear untamed.
On the side of his waist, a long slash dripped with blood.
"What happened to you?" Aaya involuntarily asked.
Hoseok kept walking closer, "You were not paying attention to some soldiers behind you when you were gazing at your Prince." He sneered.
Shocked, as Aaya had truly not felt any danger she exclaimed, "You stopped them? But you got hurt!"
Like a deadly predator on prowl, Hoseok stalked forward, unapologetically raw in his demand, "Does that matter?"
Aaya stood in her place, trying her best not to retreat as she wanted to, "Why do you think it would not matter?"
"Why were you seeing him?" he asked instead, his aggressive temper leaking out in his voice, "Tell me, which part of me is not enough for you Gazelle? I have better prestige, power than him. My wealth is at par-"
"Do you honestly believe I care for such things?"
"-or is it that you want to be a princess?" Hoseok stopped in front of her, his fingers tilting her chin upwards, "Then tell me. For you, I will overthrow the King. If you want to be a Princess, I will make you a Queen."
Aaya covered Hoseok's lips with her fingers. These were words that never should be spoken, even in closed rooms.
"Please." She beseeched "please calm down. Please. You know it that today was not the result of the fears you hold in your heart. Let this night pass, just please wait till the morning-"
"I am burning up for you." He spoke over her fingers. The tip of his warm tongue licked her digit, "I cant stop myself tonight. Don't expect me to."
Aaya hastily took away her finger, "Please don't General. Please don't. Not like this. Not when you are in this state of mind, not when you are angry."
"Why? Do you want the Prince instead?" his hands gripped her waist roughly, his hold painful. He bent his head and kissed her cheeks, "You wanted him to take you away from me?"
"You are touching me out of jealousy or fear General. Not out of your desire-"
Hoseok laughed loudly at that. His laugh was as savage as it was cruel. He grabbed Aaya's neck with one hand while the other wrapped around her waist, pulling her forward to press her completely over his naked chest.
In a low voice he spoke, "You know what every person can feel before they know it, then tell me, tell me! How did you not know that I would fall in love with you? How is it that you did not understand that I can bleed for you? Why are you so surprised that I am dying to touch you? Tell me! How am I supposed to stay away from you???"
The realization that he was caught strongly in his emotions that logic or reason would not be able to get through finally made Aaya lose the hope of stopping him. She wanted to stop him for his sake, but he was too tangled up in a vortex of churning confusion, not understanding or being clear on what he felt.
Hoseok tilted her head and planted scorching hot kisses down her neck, his lips hot on her skin. When he reached her pulse, he sucked strongly at her skin then bit her lightly. He licked away the discomfort but then bit her again. Hard.
Aaya whimpered.
"I wont." Hoseok spoke, his voice husky and thick, "I wont stay away. You need to remember Gazelle, you need to know. And I. . . . . . . I can no longer control myself."
In one move, Hoseok lifted her up, bodily taking her to the inner sanctum where her bed lay, dropping her on it, "Your name might not belong to me, but you do." He spoke while untying his breeches, "Marriage or not, you were born for me, as I was for you."
Completely naked, he bent down and slowly crawled towards her, "It may be a fact you can forget." He crouched over her body, pressing her down on the mattress, "But I will remind you of it, Every. Night. You are Mine Anya. And I will not let you forget it."
Aaya felt dizzy hearing that name which resonated within her.
Anya. That's the name we pick for you. Will you accept it?
So lost in the unfamiliar, yet dearly familiar male voice she heard, that she did not take notice of the agitated manner in which Hoseok started stripping her clothes from her body.
It was only when she felt cool air on her heated breasts, that she snapped to attention to find her upper body bared to the man above her.
Hoseok was captivated by her ethereal beauty, the pale mounds of her curves topped by soft pink nipples, the shadows cast by the curtains and the lamps mesmerising him further.
His hands traced her curves, barely touching them. Then he looked in her eyes, his reflecting an obsession, an insanity which scared her.
His jealousy or his anger had been tame in comparison to it.
That was when Aaya struggled, "General, stop for a moment. Please, just please wait for a bit."
Hoseok bent over her, his neck nuzzling in the crook of her fragrant neck, his hands boldly cupping her soft breast, learning their shape. He murmured over her skin, "You smell like cherry blossoms. . . ."
He licked her hotly on her neck as his hands became rougher, his grip painful, "Only I will know this secret."
Aaya cried out at the pain of his fingers digging in, leaving bruises on her breast. She struggled to shy away from the touch when Hoseok parted her legs to rest his hardness over her soft core, "He wont. No one will. Mine, Anya, you are mine."
His teeth dug in leaving his imprint over her neck, his hands gripping her harder, then learning every inch of her curves, every bit of her body. He did not let her keep any secrets.
As the night progressed, as the lamps extinguished on their own, Aaya's cries came over a painful tone, the aggressive sound of flesh yielding to flesh loud. Her skin became riddled with the marks of a passion that was interspersed with rage, her cries soon muffled under her own will.
The blood that trickled down her thighs to mark the bed of her virginity remained unnoticed by the warrior whose hunger for her made him blind to the heavy pain he inflected.
Her submission to his carnality not acknowledged during the time he sated his lust in her again and again. He took her repeatedly, her naked body spread below him, her long locks of hair spread out, her delicate wrists heavily bruised by the restraining hand, her soft lips crushed against his wild darkness.
The mellow, yellow lights of the lamps glowed over the raw brutal passion of the two bodies on the soft bed surrounded by huge cutains.
"Mine. . . ." he whispered even as he held her body closely to his own, even as he kept thrusting hard in her wilted frame. His hair hung as a curtain, shielding her from the outside moonlight, her eyes watery making the azure depths more beautiful, his own face inches apart from her.
Her body jerked against the intensity under the driving of the unapologetic hard male body, dominating her softness, covering her completely. Sweat shone from his tanned skin, as he leaned further down to capture her petal smooth lips kin a kiss filled with voracious hunger.
It seemed the more the Warrior took, the more obsessed he got, the kiss burnt like fire, consuming him and Aaya. Soon, the tang of rust filled their senses, blood trickling in, but it only inflamed Hoseok even more as his thrusts sped up, his fingers dug deeper, anchoring her to him.
Aaya tried to supress the pain in her body, feeling nothing related to pleasure. Since the start, her body had not been prepared, she had not been ready to be so roughly taken. But curiously, the sense of suffocation, the sense of wrong never touched her.
Curiously, even though his hunger left her wreaked, she could feel the not just the violence of his madness, she also felt his love.
In the way he never let her skin be parted from his, in the way he held her sweat slicked body intertwined with himself. In the way his kisses never stopped, in the way he got more desperate to get closer still. Hoseok's senses was flooded with only her, his love making expressing his fear of never letting her go.
As Aaya closed her eyes and panted when he finally lifted his lips from her, she oddly felt a deep sense of déjà vu. A nostalgia so unwavering, that his savage roughness made her feel the incident had taken place once before.
"Don't ever leave." Hoseok strained against her, reaching his completion again. He collapsed against her, crushing her body. He placed a small kiss on her lips, laying his head on her breast, his arms tight around her, "Don't leave me. Never leave me." He whispered.
With his hair covering her pale skin partially, the General lay in her arms and slipped away to an exhausted sleep. While Aaya's body throbbed with pain, her mind clouded with confusion.
Anya, she thought as she saw the dawn approaching, her hands soothing the back of the man sleeping soundly entwined with her, Anya. . . . I like the name. . . . .
By the time the morning rays dispersed the darkness of the night, it fell softly over the sleeping bodies of a man who held the woman in his sleep with a fear of her disappearing, both of them lost in their dreams yet their arms never let go of each other.
One experienced pain, the other pleasure.
One satiated his wild hunger, while the other accepted.
One took, while the other endlessly gave.
But unknown to them, both developed a bond, which the heaven's did not expect.
A bond, which they had thought would fail.
Of a love, that passed their test.
Heheheheh.... Sorry for not writing the scene in detail, it was obviously not a completely good scene. Not non consensual, but not completely consensual either, that is the complicated emotion I wanted to show.
But please don't worry, SOF will have detailed versions when it happens there. For these side stories, until absolutely necessary, I'll be vague as this.
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