Christmas at the Drunken Sasquatch by @ConnieJJasperson
Christmas at the Drunken Sasquatch by ConnieJJasperson
Vampires have a sick sense of humor, especially Alfredo, although he pretends to be cultured. Just over a year ago he got me banned from here, by switching my orange juice for an orange soda... that dirty trick was more than embarrassing. Covering the cost of the damages to the scorched floor, replacing the furniture, and buying Sylvia Wannamaker a new coat ate into my hoard quite heavily.
Worst of all, I was banned from participating in November's pool tournament.
However, I'm a dragon. We like our revenge served up cold and well calculated.
The anniversary of my disgrace has passed, which would have been the obvious day for me to seek retribution. Most people have forgotten the whole incident.
But not me.
I know I look like any other old has-been, going on and on about the glory days. While that observation isn't real flattering, it's true. I drink more orange juice than is good for either of my livers, and I hang out here at the Drunken Sasquatch because I have nowhere else to go.
I don't discuss it for obvious reasons, but during my years in the Middle East, Dan Dragonsworthy was far more than just a flying battle wagon. I spent a lot of time on covert missions, and one thing I learned was how to be patient, and how to spot the chinks in your opponent's armor.
I've been watching Alfredo since New Year's Eve when Bloody Bill finally lifted my punishment. I don't intend to harm the old blood-sucker, but I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine. There are substances vampires shouldn't ingest, and Alfredo may have forgotten that.
A vampire tripping on chocolate is bad for everyone. I'd never do that, even to Alfredo. Fortunately, they don't like the flavor of it. However, they do have a passion for maraschino cherries, which can cause problems for the weaker willed vampire since those fruity morsels of goodness are frequently found wrapped in dark chocolate. With one exception, the smart ones don't succumb to temptation inside the Drunken Sasquatch, because Bloody Bill won't tolerate that sort of behavior.
Most importantly for my purposes, vampires can't tolerate coffee. On tiny amounts, they tend to pee themselves copiously, which the rest of us find hilarious. Vampires get quite huffy when their vampiric dignity is besmirched.
As if MY dignity meant nothing to me.
When you want to impress Alfredo, you buy him a jar of the special maraschino cherries from Italy, made with the best cherry liqueur. He can smell maraschino liqueur from anywhere in the room and, being a vampire, he lacks a conscience.
No maraschino is safe from Alfredo.
The annual Christmas party and the gift exchange drives him mad. Every witch, wizard, or elf has a recipe for that most wonderful of traditional holiday treats, maraschino chocolate cordials. These kind friends are always generous with their gifts to those of us who lack their magical culinary skills.
It's more than his old vampire heart can stand, and despite having received his own jars of cherries sans-chocolate, he takes incredible risks.
I'll give Alfredo credit—he's good. I've watched him sneak up behind Grandma and suck the cherries out of a box of cordials without getting his fangs dirty. She suspected it was him, but could never prove it. Fangs do leave holes, but it could have been any vampire.
It takes a brave (or desperate) vampire to mess with Grandma. I'd tell you to ask the Big Bad Wolf, but you can't.
She's wearing him.
So, anyway, last week, Grandma and I had a chat. I got on the internet and ordered the finest ingredients. They were delivered the day before yesterday, and she immediately got busy in the kitchen.
This year, one unattended box of cordials under the tree at the Drunken Sasquatch will have cherries in liqueur with unique centers. This particular batch will be vampire safe—no chance of accidental hallucinations here. Grandma created white chocolate shells filled with Cherry brandy, with a maraschino cherry floating in the middle. Each cherry is filled with a special coffee liqueur center.
It will be a joy to watch Alfredo try to deny his culpability in this year's draining of the maraschinos as the evidence spreads around his feet.
I hope vampire pee isn't too acidic, although I've heard the stench is an excellent Zombie repellent, and no matter how you scrub, it's impossible to get rid of the odor. Sylvia Wannamaker swears by it in a diluted form as a slug repellent in the garden, as using it there will turn your hydrangeas the brightest blue. They don't make good cut flowers though, as they smell too bad to keep in the house.
I'm sure a pool of vampire urine won't be as dangerous for the innocent bystanders as when he caused me to inadvertently belch fire in close quarters.
Come the day after this year's Christmas party at the Drunken Sasquatch (even though his cash outlay won't come near matching the damages I had to pay when he slipped me the Mickey) at least Alfredo will be out the cost of a new pair of boots. And if he can't find a good dry cleaner, he'll be out the cost of replacing that gaudy, lace-trimmed, purple velvet suit he thinks is so stylish.
Grandma and I are both looking forward to this year's party. Christmas could just become my favorite holiday.
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